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of anterior tarsi longer than those of the two posterior pairs: middle and posterior pairs, femora four-angled, narrow above broad and flat below with spines on all four edges; of the middle pair the femora and tibiæ are of equal length, 7 lines long, with an elevated spine on the outer edge of the tibiæ at the upper end: posterior pair, femora and tibiæ also of equal length, 8 lines long. Hab. Seventy-mile Bush, near Norsewood, County Waipawa; 1883: W.C. Obs. I may also note that this specimen had lost its anterior left leg, and that a new one was growing to replace it. This new leg is very small and slim, less than 1 inch in total length, but agreeing in all minute particulars with the right one, save that its more salient points were not fully developed. I suspect this loss of limb is a matter of rather common occurrence among the Bacilli,—from the great length of their slender legs, their habitat among the green leaves of trees in the exposed windy branchlets, and their known fighting and cannibal propensities. I have already noticed an instance of similar mutilation, in my description of B. sylvaticus (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. xiv., p. 278). Section Saltatoria. Family Locustidæ. Genus Deinacrida Deinacrida armiger, sp. nov. Male: Whole insect smooth and shining and variously coloured. Head large, oblique, broadly ovate, 1 inch long, rather wider than prothorax, bright dark red-brown, vertex much convex; eyes prominent sub-pyriform; antennæ setaceous, 3 ¾ inches long, light brown, finely and densely pubescent; a lighter-coloured ridge between eyes and antennæ with a linear oval centre; clypeus black with a narrow white lower margin bearing two dark longitudinal streaks; genæ rugose, protuberant, black; labrum large, emarginate, brown; palpi light tawny, largely clavate, tips sub-globular, whitish, pubescent; mandibles large, black and toothed, sub-rugulose, the left mandible larger and overlapping. Thorax: pro-thorax 4 lines wide, concave, sub-rugulose, whitish with a slightly reddish tinge, and blackish markings resembling a shield and its two supporters, and with narrow black anterior and posterior margins, side-margins slightly reflexed; mesothorax 2 lines wide, reddish-brown, with two minute black markings and a black dot on each side; metathorax 1 line wide, of a similar colour and two black dots; sternum of thorax, coxæ, and femora below, light fulvous-red. Abdomen thick, convex, compressed, 13 lines long, much arched at second and third segments, light reddish-brown, irrorated, with blackish bands on lower margins, of segments, and a reddish-pink hue on the lighter-coloured parts; anal appendages greyish, pubescent, Legs: