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and cilia grey, somewhat reddish-tinged, lower margin of third segment fringed with coarse black scales on basal half, a patch beyond middle, and a small spot at apex. Nearly allied to P. haasti, but larger, and readily separated by the reddish-fuseous ground-colour, white costal spot beyond the dark triangular blotch, and abundant black scales of the cilia of hindwings. Otira River, Christchurch, Dunedin, and Invercargill; common from December to March, amongst bush. 12. Platypt. heliastis, n. sp Male.—19 mm. Head, palpi, antennæ, thorax, abdomen and legs reddish-fuscous, somewhat mixed with whitish, posterior tarsi white. Forewings light brownish-ochreous, suffused with reddish-fuscous towards base and inner margin, and less strongly on hindmargin, and slightly strewn with whitish in disc; costa suffusedly ochreous-whitish towards ¾, towards base suffused with dark fuscous and obscurely spotted with whitish; a dark fuscous dot before and below cleft: cilia dark reddish-fuscous, on costa whitish-ochreous. Hindwings and cilia light grey, slightly reddish-tinged, lower margin of third segment fringed with coarse black scales from base to ¾. Immediately recognized by the entire absence of the dark fuscous costal triangle, and other markings. Castle Hill; one specimen received from Mr. J. D. Enys. Hydrocampidæ Maxillary palpi resting on labial, rarely dilated. Abdomen in male with uncus well-developed. Forewings with vein 7 separate from 9 (rarely stalked with 10). Hindwings with lower median vein naked; vein 7 from angle of cell. Represented in New Zealand by a single species only, which cannot be regarded as belonging to the endemic fauna; it occurs commonly in South-east Australia, and has probably migrated thence in comparatively recent times. 6. Hygraula, n. g Face tolerably vertical. Ocelli absent. Tongue moderate. Antennæ ½ of forewings, in male filiform, shortly pubescent-ciliated. Labial palpi moderate, 1 ¼, nearly straight, porrected, second joint with short rough scales, terminal joint moderate, obtuse. Maxillary palpi moderate, porrected, slightly dilated with scales, truncate. Posterior tibiæ with outer spurs half inner. Abdomen rather elongate, in male with large broad exserted valves, and long curved uncus. Forewings with veins 4 and 5 closely approximated at base, 10 rising out of stalk of 8 and 9. Hindwings as broad as forewings, veins 4 and 5 from a point 6 and 7 stalked, 8 anastomosing with 7 from before origin of 6 to ¾.