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generally darker, especially towards anal angle; subterminal line very obscure, whitish, touching second line, not interrupted: cilia whitish, with a grey line. Hindwings 1 ¾, whitish-grey, postmedian line obscurely darker, hindmargin suffused with darker grey; cilia as in forewings. Easily known by the narrow forewings, very oblique first line, and usually distinct blackish dot-like claviform. Hamilton, Napier, Masterton, and Christchurch, in sandy grassy places or at lamps, from January to March, tolerably common. 43. Scop. psammitis, n. sp Male, female.—21–27 mm. Quite similar to S. leptalea, but antennæ of male slender, filiform, ciliations 1; orbicular tolerably distinct, partially outlined with blackish. This species so closely resembles S. leptalea, except in the considerably larger size, that it would probably pass for a local variety, but the structural difference in the antennæ of the male must be taken to warrant specific separation. The forewings are perhaps even somewhat narrower proportionately, and the claviform usually more conspicuous. Arthur's Pass, on grassy slopes at 4,500 feet, in January; three specimens (2 male, 1 female). A more ochreous-tinged female from near Dunedin is probably also referable to this species. 44. Scop. epicomia, n. sp Male, female.—18–19 mm. Head, palpi, antennæ, and thorax reddish-ochreous-brown; palpi 4, towards base white beneath. Antennal ciliations ½. Abdomen ochreous-whitish, tinged with grey. Legs white, tarsi and anterior tibiæ banded with dark fuscous. Forewings triangular, narrow at base, costa almost straight, posteriorly moderately arched, apex rounded, hindmargin slightly sinuate, oblique; light ochreous-grey; basal third reddish-ochreous-brown, terminated by first line; first line straight, slender, white, not oblique, followed by a narrow dark reddish-brown fascia edged with black posteriorly and suffused with black on inner margin; median space irrorated with white, wholly suffused with white posteriorly; reniform small, linear, transverse, reddish-ochreous; a small triangular reddish-ochreous black-margined spot on costa beyond middle; second line slender, whitish, anteriorly dark-margined; terminal space greyish-ochreous, irrorated with blackish, subterminal line obscure, whitish, suffused into hindmargin: cilia ochreous-whitish, with an interrupted dark fuscous line. Hindwings 1 ¼, pale whitish-grey; lunule, postmedian line, and hindmarginal band light grey; cilia grey-whitish, with dark grey dots on veins. Conspicuously distinct, and of doubtful affinity, but perhaps allied to S. feredayi; the straight perpendicular dark reddish-brown fascia beyond first line is a peculiar feature.