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Karaka, Auckland, A.T.U. Salticus tabinus, sp. nov. Pl. xi., fig. 18. Length of a mature female 5 mm. The cephalothorax is somewhat quadrilateral, rounded posteriorly; it is thickly clothed with short fulvous and brown hair, forming a tabby pattern; the profile line rises rather abruptly from the base of the cephalothorax, then runs with a very slight curve to the ocular area, which projects over the falces; the clypeus in height equals the diameter of a fore-lateral eye, and is thickly furnished with light hairs. Eyes normal. Legs moderate, 4, 1, 2, 3, they do not differ much in length; pale stone-colour, hyaline, with dark grey and brown annulations; the armature consists of strong spines, hairs, and a few bristles; the tarsi are provided with the normal claws and scopula. The palpi resemble the legs in colour, but are devoid of annuli. The falces are short, broad at the base, vertical, divergent, black. Maxillæ broad, and rounded at the extremity, divergent. Lahium oval, these parts are brownish yellow. Sternum oval, convex, glossy, brownish yellow, few light hairs. Abdomen oval, slightly pointed posteriorly, resembles the cephalothorax in colour and clothing; the ventral surface has a yellowish-brown hue. The vulva is formed by a narrow, somewhat angular membraneous hood; the central parts are somewhat convex, with two dark foveæ. Scoria walls, North Shore, Auckland, A.T.U. Salticus curvus, sp. n. Pl. xi., fig. 14. Length of an adult male 5 mm. The cephalothorax is nearly quadrilateral, rounded posteriorly; it is of a glossy brown black, finely rugulose, with a few light hairs about the margins, which are abrupt, medial indentation T-shaped; the profile line ascends with a moderate curve from the thoracic junction, is horizontal as far as the hind-lateral eyes, then slopes off to the anterior extremity of the caput, which projects over the falces; the clypeus is sparingly furnished with long light hairs, and in height nearly equals the diameter of one of the fore-lateral eyes. The fore- and hind-lateral eyes form a square, the intermediate laterals are equidistant between them; the anterior row are prominent. The legs are moderate, and do not vary much in strength or length, 4, 3, 2, 1, the two hind and two fore pairs are about equal; in colour they are a dark brownish black, lightest at the extremities; the armature consists of a few brownish hairs and long strong spines; each tarsus terminates with two strongly-toothed claws, beneath which there is the usual scopula.