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instances. The number of specimens examined is indicated in each instance after the description, but, in the case of the commoner species, these are really a selection from a much larger number not retained. I have examined also a small collection from the Otago Museum, forwarded to me by Professor Parker. The following is a tabulation of the five families represented; under the head of each family is given a tabulation of the genera comprised in it. 1a. Hindwings with 7 veins 5. Ennomidæ. 1b. " " 8 " 2a. Vein 8 of hindwings connected with 7 near transverse vein 2. Larentidæ. 2b. " free, or very shortly anastomosing with 7 near base. 3a. Vein 11 of forewings separate 3. Boletobidæ. 3b. " not separate. 4a. Areole double 4. Lyrceidæ. 4b. " single 1. Acidalidæ. 1. Acidalidæ. Antennæ of male not pectinated. Forewings with vein 11 rising out of 10, areole simple, 12 free. Hindwings with 8 veins, 8 free or touching 7 near base only. Hardly represented in New Zealand; of the two species found, one is very abundant in Australia, whence it has doubtless immigrated, the other is not yet known from elsewhere. 1a. Veins 6 and 7 of hindwings separate 2. Acidalia. 1b. " from a point or stalked 1. Theoxena. 1. Theoxena, n. g. Palpi moderate, triangularly scaled, porrected. Antennæ in male biciliated with long tufts of cilia (5). Forewings with vein 6 from below 9, 7 from angle of areole, 10 out of 9 above 7, 11 anastomosing shortly with 9, 12 free, closely approximated to 11 on areole. Hindwings with veins 6 and 7 from a point or short-stalked, 8 free, closely approximated to 7 from base to near transverse vein. 1. Theox. scissaria, Gn. (Panagra scissaria, Gn., E.M.M., v., 43.) Male.—23–25 mm. Forewings narrow, hindmargin rather strongly sinuate; dull white, slightly sprinkled with dark fuscous; a curved dark fuscous median streak from inner margin near base almost to apex, sharply defined above, suffused beneath; a black dot in disc, and a row of dots on hindmargin. Hindwings elongate, narrow, apex broadly projecting; white; a blackish dot in disc, and a row on hindmargin. Constant, and very different from anything else. Christchurch, and towards foot of Mount Hutt (Mr. R. W. Fereday); a plain-frequenting species, occurring in January; ten specimens.