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triangular tuft of scales beneath towards apex, terminal joint as long as second, stout, strongly reflexed. Thorax smooth. Forewings somewhat oblong, broad, apex obtusely rounded, hindmargin perpendicular, rounded beneath. Hindwings as broad as forewings, broadly ovate, apex and hindmargin evenly rounded, cilia ⅙. Abdomen moderate. Middle tibiæ roughly haired beneath; posterior tibiæ clothed with rather short rough hairs. Forewings with vein 7 to apex, 2 from distinctly before angle of cell. Hindwings with vein 5 bent and approximated to 4 at base. This and the next genus are very closely allied, differing mainly in the structure of the palpi. Both are confined to New Zealand, but remote in character from the other New Zealand genera of the family, closely approaching the Australian Hoplitica, from which they are distinguished by the very short ciliations of the antennæ. Both must be regarded as descendants of a common ancestor, very nearly resembling Hoplitica, and doubtless an immigrant from Australia. 1. Nymph. galactina, Feld. (Cryptolechia galactina, Feld., Reis. Nov., Pl. CXL., 34; (Nymphostola) Meyr., Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 1882, 492). Media, alis ant. niveis, puncto disci postico nigro, venis omnibus punctis minimis griseis notatis; post. niveis. Male, female.—23–26 mm. Head, palpi, antennæ, thorax, abdomen, and legs snow-white. Forewings broad, costa strongly arched, apex obtuse, hindmargin straight, not oblique; white, with a faint greenish tinge between the veins; all the veins are marked at regular intervals with faint minute dark grey dots; a more conspicuous dark grey dot in disc beyond middle; a very slender indistinct dark grey hindmarginal line: cilia white. Hindwings and cilia white. A very delicate and conspicuously distinct species. Stated by Professor Hutton to have been bred from a green pupa found on Myrtus bullata. Hamilton, Dunedin, and Otira Gorge, in January; probably widely distributed in forest regions. 2. Proteodes, Meyr. Head with appressed scales, sidetufts large, spreading. Antennæ in male moderate, somewhat serrate towards apex, very shortly ciliated (⅓), basal joint moderate, without pecten. Palpi moderately long, second joint reaching base of antennæ, thickened with appressed scales, rather rough beneath, terminal joint much shorter than second, rather stout, slightly rough anteriorly. Thorax smooth. Forewings somewhat oblong, moderately broad, apex obtusely rounded, hindmargin not oblique. Hindwings as broad as forewings, ovate, rounded, cilia ⅕. Abdomen moderate.