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Patula ida, Gray (ide). Pl. ix., fig. U. Animal with the body rather short and narrow; mantle sub-central, rather anterior, slightly reflected over the peristome of the shell; foot narrow, extending behind the shell, the tail truncated and furnished with a mucous gland: no locomotive disc. Eye-peduncles very long, cylindrical, approximated at their bases; tentacles long. Colour pale olive-brown spotted with dark brown; a longitudinal dark brown line runs round the side of the foot, below which it is edged with alternate, transverse, bars of brown and pale olive-brown. Jaw, with about 30 flat ribs, each transversely striated. Dentition, 22–1–22. Laterals about 8. Central tooth rectangular, longer than broad; the reflexed portion tricuspid, extending over a third of the base, the median cusp long and straight, but not reaching the posterior margin, the cutting point rather large, projecting beyond the margin; the side-cusps constricted on the outer side. Laterals like the central, but rather oblique, the outer side-cusps being larger than the inner. Inner marginals with a single bidentate cutting point; outer marginals broader than long, with several cutting points. Hab. Greymouth (R. Helms). Patula corniculum, Reeve (= eta, Pf.). Pl. ix., fig. F. Animal like coma, but the eye-peduncles smaller and not clavate. White, slightly speckled with grey above; peduncles purplish. Jaw finely striated. Dentition, 14–1–14. Laterals 4 or 5. Central tooth rectangular, longer than broad; the reflexed portion about half the length of the base, tricuspid, the middle cusp long, extending to the posterior margin and armed with a small point. Laterals like the central tooth, but the middle cusp more clavate. Inner marginals with one, and outer with three acute points. Hab. Eyreton, North Canterbury (C. Chilton). In the shell the interstices between the ribs are finely reticulated. Patula infecta, Reeve (= zeta, Pf.). Pl. ix., fig. H. Animal like coma. White, eye-peduncles and a stripe on each side of the head greyish. Jaw finely striated. Dentition, 15–1–15. Laterals 3. Central tooth rectangular, broader than long; the reflexed portion tricuspid; the side-cusps constricted on the outer side; middle cusp reaching to the posterior margin and the cutting point projecting beyond. First lateral like the central; the others smaller, bicuspid, the inner cusp small, the outer long, narrow, and with a small point. Marginals tridentate, the denticles nearly equal in size.