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33. Detunda, Walk. Face roughly haired. Palpi moderate, second joint ascending, densely rough-haired beneath, terminal joint slender, clavate, porrected. Antennæ in male bipectinated (4–5), in female also shortly bipectinated (1 ½). Forewings with rough scales. Forewings with vein 6 from a point with or out of 9, 7 from below angle of areole, 10 from areole or out of 9, anastomosing shortly with 9, 11 separate, 12 free. Hindwings normal, 3 and 4 separate. Femora densely hairy beneath. This and the two following genera are sometimes mistaken for Noctuæ; the neuration shows that there is no real connection. The peculiar palpi are also noteworthy, being alike in all three genera. D. egregia has vein 6 of the forewings rising out of 9, 10 also out of 9, and veins 6 and 7 of the hindwings extremely closely approximated at base; in D. atronivea these points do not occur. 79. Det. atronivea, Walk. (Detunda atronivea, Walk., Suppl., ii., 619; Chlenias (?) manxifera, Fereday, Trans. N.Z. Inst., xii. (1879), 268, pl. ix., 1.) Male, female.—43–52 mm. Forewings elongate-triangular, costa almost straight, slightly sinuate, hindmargin rounded, crenate; white; costa marked with small quadrate black spots, inner margin with irregular transverse black marks, hindmargin with elongate semi-oval black spots; a black basal spot beneath costa, with a strong posterior projection, and a shorter one beneath; a brown black-margined fascia near base, twice strongly angulated; an irregular black fascia from before middle of costa to beyond middle of inner margin, interrupted above middle; an irregular brown black-margined fascia from middle of costa to anal angle, anterior edge with irregular projections above and below middle, posterior edge emitting an irregular branch to costa before apex, black margin strong and partially broken beneath into disconnected spots. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin rounded, crenate; grey, darker posteriorly; a faint darker median shade; a fine well-marked irregular dark grey line towards hindmargin, with a sharply angulated median projection. A most striking and conspicuous species; the markings vary somewhat in detail. Wellington and Napier; five specimens received by Mr. Fereday from correspondents. 80. Det. egregia, Feld. (Chlenias egregia, Feld., cxxxi., 24; Fereday, Trans. N.Z. Inst., xii., 268, pl. ix., 2.) Male, female.—43–47 mm. Forewings elongate-triangular, costa almost straight, slightly sinuate, apex somewhat projecting, hindmargin otherwise rounded, crenate; white; inner and hindmargins somewhat suffused with