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suffused with dark fuscous, in female hardly perceptibly, the lines forming its posterior edge bent in middle into a rather strong indented projection; in male an indistinct dark fuscous subterminal suffusion; an indistinct dark fuscous discal dot. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin rounded, dentate; ochreous-whitish; some irregular incomplete dark fuscous lines towards inner margin; a dark fuscous hindmarginal line. Probably variable in colour and suffusion. Castle Hill (2,500 feet) and Dunedin; three specimens in Mr. Fereday's collection, received from Mr. J. D. Enys and Capt. Hutton. 19. Cidaria Tr. Face with a more or less developed cone of scales. Palpi moderate or short, roughly triangular-scaled, porrected. Antennæ in male stout, serrate, shortly ciliated (¼–½). Thorax sometimes crested posteriorly. Forewings with vein 6 rising out of 9, 7 almost from angle of areole, 10 anastomosing moderately with 9, 11 anastomosing moderately with 10, 12 free. Hindwings normal. An extensive genus, probably of universal distribution. 1a. Posterior edge of central band very acutely indented below angulation 29. rixata. 1b. Posterior edge of central band not acutely indented. 2a. Forewings green. 3a. Median band purplish 30. purpurifera. 3b. " " green 4a. Hindwings grey-whitish 32. callichlora. 4b. " more or less tinged with reddish-ochreous 31. similata. 2b. Forewings not green 3a. Lines dentate 33. chaotica. 3b. " not dentate 28. triphragma. 28. Cid. triphragma, n. sp. Male.—26–27 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin strongly sinuate; pale dull greyish-purple; a very small darker basal patch, outer edge strongly convex, margined by a dark fuscous fascia, posteriorly whitish-edged; a dark fuscous fascia before ⅓, irregularly outwards-curved, posteriorly suffused, anteriorly sharply defined and whitish-edged; a minute blackish discal dot; a dark fuscous fascia beyond middle, forming a strong angle in middle, upper and lower halves both inwards-curved, anteriorly suffused, posteriorly sharply defined and whitish-edged. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin somewhat irregular, projecting in middle; whitish-ochreous mixed with pale purplish; an angulated darker band before middle. A very distinct species, probably not variable. Blenheim; two specimens received by Mr. Fereday from Mr. Skellon.