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18. Asth. pulchraria, Dbld. (Acidalia pulchraria, Dbld., Dieff. N.Z., ii., 286; Chlorochroma plurilineata, Walk., 563, 676; Asthena ondinata, Gn., ix., 438, pl. xix., 4, Butl. Cat., pl. iii., 20; Cidaria ondinata, Feld., cxxviii., 17.) Male, female.—24–26 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin more or less rounded; greenish-whitish; numerous light bluish-green slightly curved dentate striæ; a darker green discal dot; costa narrowly fuscous. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin somewhat projecting in middle; colour, striæ, and discal dot as in forewings, but striæ absent towards base. Variable in form of wing, principally in convexity of hindmargin; occasionally the fuscous suffusion of the costa is very slight. From Tasmania I have a form which is brighter and yellower green, with the lines and hindmargin straighter. Hawke's Bay, Wellington, Arthur's Pass (2,600 feet), and Dunedin, amongst bush, in January; also from Tasmania and South-east Australia ten specimens. 19. Asth. schistaria, Walk. (Acidalia schistaria, Walk., 782; Asthena subpurpureata, Walk., 1588; Acidalia tuhuata, Feld., cxxviii., 5.) Male, female.—23–26 mm. Forewings moderate, hindmargin rounded or faintly sinuate; grey-whitish; numerous purplish-grey slightly curved dentate striæ; a dark fuscous discal dot; a stria before middle and another beyond middle generally darker or partially blackish, sometimes broadly suffused on lower half; a hindmarginal row of very numerous dark fuscous dots. Hindwings moderate, hindmargin in male rounded, in female projecting in middle; colour and markings as in forewings. Variable in intensity of colouring and in the presence of the median suffusion. Wellington, Christchurch, Akaroa, Dunedin, especially frequenting Leptospermum, from January to March; twenty-one specimens. I do not know that this species is found in Australia, but should think it very probable. It only differs from the preceding in colour, but I have seen no approach to any connecting forms. 16. Scotosia, Stph. Face with more or less projecting scales. Palpi moderate, roughly triangular-scaled, porrected. Antennæ in male stout, serrate, shortly ciliated (½). Thorax slightly crested. Forewings with vein 6 from a point with or below 9, 7 from angle of areole, 10 anastomosing moderately with 9, 11 anastomosing rather strongly with 10, 12 free. Hindwings normal. 1a. Anterior lines of forewings more oblique than hindmargin 20. gobiata. 1b. " less " 21. deltoidata.