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unfortunately by mistake placed in the hold, so that about a fortnight elapsed after starting before any observation could be taken. It was also impracticable, through stress of weather, to take observations for several consecutive days, during which the southern dip had increased from 35° to 56°.” Observations of The Dip of The Magnetic Needle, Taken During Voyage From England to New Zealand. North Lat. Long. Dip. South Lat. Long. Dip. South Lat. Long. E. Dip. 30. 19′ 19. 41′ W. 63. 30′ 21. 55′ 30. 21′ 19. 44. 26′ 52. 30′ 69. 27 15 21 30 62 30 26 24 32 38 20 44 16 54 02 69 23 50 60 30 30 35 31 34 23 44 25 57 23 70 20 46 23 56 57 00 33 32 27 55 30 44 22 63 25 70 18 46 25 32 55 00 34 28 22 46 31 44 23 68 30 70 15 33 25 43 51 00 34 37 20 22 34 44 20 74 07 70 14 50 25 48 49 30 36 22 16 22 35 43 58 79 17 69 10 42 25 00 32 0 39 24 0 28 W. 56 45 03 84 15 72 8 08 23 14 26 0 39 35 2 05 E. 55 44 18 107 40 80 6 15 40″ 21 59 22 30 39 49 6 20 55 45 22 117 59 79 4 19 19 18 21 0 40 37 8 05 56 46 19 124 30 81 2 52 19 34 10 0 41 16 12 06 57 46 43 130 18 82 0 35 20 45 8 0 42 12 17 30 56 47 09 137 00 83 2 21 S. 22 47 6 0 42 26 22 30 58 46 52 143 30 82 6 02 24 58 2 N. 42 31 27 00 58 46 56 150 30 78 8 30 25 30 Nil 42 48 31 27 62 46 28 155 39 75 9 46 25 47 1 S. 43 48 36 41 64 45 17 158 48 72 13 13 27 33 5 0 42 50 39 03 69 45 10 160 30 73 15 10 27 46 9 0 41 48 40 36 66 47 12 164 12 77 16 16 27 42 10 0 42 29 44 18 68 48 30 167 30 80 18 22 28 19 17 0 43 00 48 00 68 2. “Notes on the Life History of Charagia virescens,” by the Rev. C. H. Gossett; communicated by Prof. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 347.) 3. “Description of a new Species of Coprosma,” by D. Petrie, M.A. (Transactions, p. 426.) 4. “List of the New Zealand Cirripedia in the Otago Museum,” by Prof. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 328.) 5. “Notes on some New Zealand Echinodermata, with Descriptions of new Species,” by Prof. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 305.) 6. “On a new Infusorian parasitic on Patella argentea,” by Prof. Hutton. (Transactions, p. 330.)

Eleventh Meeting. 22nd October, 1878. W. Arthur, Vicepresident, in the chair.

The Hon. Robert Stout, M.H.R., was chosen to vote in the election of the Board of Governors for the ensuing year in accordance with clause 7 of “The New Zealand Institute Act.”