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Bealey, 3.790 inches of rain fell in 24 hours (on 11th), and on 20th, 2.010. Aurora observed on 12th, in South. March.—Fine steady weather during the month, except on the South and West Coasts, where N.W. storms occurred in the first week. Brilliant Aurora was generally observed on the evenings of the 12th, 18th, and 22nd. Very severe gale at Southland on 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, with heavy rain, hail, thunder, and lightning. April.—Severe weather for the season, especially in the southern parts of the Islands, where the rainfall was in excess of the usual average. Electrical storms were general in the early part of the month, and from 5th to 7th brilliant Auroras were observed. Snow fell at Christchurch on 27th, and hail on 1st, 4th, 26th, and 27th, and snow at Bealey on 1st, 4th, and 25th. At Hokitika, severe gale on 10th, with thunder and lightning; 5.59 inches of rain in 24 hours. Snow also at Dunedin on 25th and 26th, and hail on 1st, 2nd, and 26th. May.—Stormy weather generally during the month. The rainfall has been above the average. Active eruption of Tongariro, with lava, during this month. Severe storm at Auckland on 8th and 9th from N.E., with slight rain; on the 8th the horizontal movement of wind for 24 hours previously was 1070 miles. At Nelson, 3.45 inches of rain recorded on 9th, during a storm from same quarter. At Bealey, thunder on 3rd, 15th, 16th and 28th, and 2.720 inches of rain registered on 16th; snow fell at that station on 2nd, 3rd, and 23rd. In Southland, on 15th, barometer fell from 29.9 to 28.9, followed by a heavy rainfall from S.E., causing flood. June.—The weather during the month throughout the colony was generally wet and disagreeable, and in the South Island the rainfall was excessive; the winds were, on the whole, moderate; severe thunder storms occurred. On 15th, at Wellington, there occurred a severe hail, rain, and thunder storm— very large hail stones, loud thunder, and vivid lightning, with bitterly cold S.E. wind. Heavy rain on 25th at Bealey (2.360 inches in 24 hours), and snow on 15th and 23rd. Very heavy rain at Hokitika, especially on 25th, when 3.25 inches fell in 24 hours. Mild weather, but wet, in the extreme South, for the time of year. July.—The weather was generally wet, stormy, and severe; frequent storms, with thunder, hail, and heavy rain, occurred; on 7th and 8th an earthquake was felt at several of the stations. Tongariro reported active. Strong gale in North from S.W., on 1st, with thunder, hail, and rain; also on 3rd to 10th very stormy from same quarter, with thunder and hail. Stormy weather at Bealey from 2nd to 4th, from S.W., also strong winds, with thunder and heavy rain, at Hokitika, on same dates. August.—This month remarkable for the stormy weather and excessive rainfall in the northern part of the colony; while in the South and West