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After the official welcome, the League's Patroness, Dame Te Atairangikaahu, chats with Mrs Rose Pere. President of the Hamilton branch. measure. What are we going to do about them? They demand an active response—now not tomorrow. They demand a personal response—a group response—a community response. We must review first, our own attitudes—mine, yours, each one of us—and only then, that of the group and of the community in which each of us is working. If we don't, if we do not respond to them, then the future of the League will be that of a beautiful myth—kua pakiwaitaratia!!!

What Are We Doing Today and What Are Our Priorities? ‘This review, together with a preliminary sorting out of priorities in the two reports from the executive and the president, which I also prepared for this conference, as well as the financial submissions forwarded to the Minister of Maori Affairs last year, are but an attempt at guidelines. You, the Dominion Council, must ever be the director. ‘These priorities were also requested and presented to the Minister last year, and may I venture to say that our Auckland Regional Council top priority—youth needs and trade training—is included in the Maori Affairs Bill placed before Parliament this month by the Minister, as one of the functions of his department. Dame Te Atairangikaahu with the League's first president, Mrs Whina Cooper.