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— M. Fraser People and Places

National Publicity Studios North-South Match The annual rugby match between Northern and Southern Maoris for the Prince of Wales Cup resulted in a 17-all draw, which retained the cup for the Northern Maoris. Following the match the cup was presented to the Northern captain, Sid Going (left) of North Auckland, who received the congratulations of the Southern captain, George Mahupuku (right), of Wairarapa. Listening to the conversation is Mr George Marsden, Maori Rugby Advisory Board member for Poverty Bay and the East Coast. Among the two teams were seven former pupils of Mr Marsden, who has taught at Te Aute College, St Stephen's School, and is now on the staff of Gisborne Boys' High School

Apprentice Carver Pictured with his mother and little sister is Korako Arahanga of Ngai Tahu, one of the apprentice carvers at the Rotorua Arts and Crafts Carving School.