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Representatives of Cook Islanders resident in New Zealand are escorted by marae wardens as they enter the marae to be welcomed to the celebrations Coronation Hui Thousands again thronged Turangawaewae Marae for the celebrations marking the third anniversary of the coronation of Queen Te Atairangikaahu. Guests of Honour were King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV and Queen Halaevalu Mata'ahu of Tonga and members of their family, a son and daughter and two nieces. There was great excitement inside and outside the pa, and children watching outside could hardly believe the length of the tapa cloth carried by some of the 60 Tongans waiting to accompany their king onto the marae. After the church service, the guests were welcomed and gifts were exchanged. During his reply, King Taufa'ahau spoke of Mrs Waki Kino waiting outside the marae entrance to escort the guest of honour, the King of Tonga Also awaiting the arrival of their King are Tongans, bearing a length of tapa cloth to be presented to Queen Te Atairangikaahu