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guests, then more speeches and presentations followed. A waiata was performed after each speech according to tradition. The Revd Taepa carried out his ‘Master of Ceremonies’ duties to perfection. Rangimahora presented Geordie with the traditional three tiny baskets. The perfect workmanship caused much admiring comment by the public. Two other baskets, one feathered, the other made simply, with the finest talented work and material gave joy to the guests. In return the members of the Raukawa tribe were honoured to accept a gift—a banner with the personal crest of the Fergusson family stamped on royal blue velvet. It was an afternoon of friendship and good fellowship between our two races. The Mayor of Otaki said that the example of the Governor-General in interesting himself in the customs and language of the Maori people, was something that would never be forgotten. Geordie and his father read their speeches in reply in Maori. The people were delighted and ended the day with many songs and haka dances. Eve Magee Geordie makes his reply in Maori. ‘Dominion’ photographs Geordie receives a Maori Bible from Te Oenuku Rene and Hepa Taepa.