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New Zealand Maori Council ‘Meets the People’ at Omahu Representatives of the eight District Councils of the New Zealand Maori Council met at Omahu, Hawke's Bay, from 7–9 April for the annual ‘meet the people’ hui. Reports of council activities in the eight districts were given, and discussions followed on many aspects of these reports. Problems varied in each area; from a major drift to the towns from one area, to large-scale arrivals in another area. Mr Graham Butterworth and Mr Dennis Rose addressed the meeting on ‘The Maori in the New Zealand Economy’. These two men were largely responsible for the recently published report on the same topic—the result of research following a request made by the Council to the Department of Industries and Commerce in 1964. During the weekend, Mr Alex Kirkpatrick spoke on ‘The Maori in Industry’, and Mr N. P. K. Puriri, Assistant Controller of Maori Welfare spoke on ‘Some Welfare Problems of the Maori’. His main point was that ‘We must start to help ourselves, and not sit back and ask others to help us’. He said that some Maori people, over-sensitive about racial relations with Pakehas, were themselves ‘pretty hard’ on their cousins, who were coming from the Islands of the Pacific to find work in New Zealand. He also urged those present to encourage their young people to know their family and tribal history—‘The boys who are getting into trouble are the ones who don't know where they are, because they don't know who they are,’ he said. Brief reports were given by three women: Mrs Kaipara of the Women's Health League, who stressed parents' responsibility in their children's education, even though they may have had little education themselves—going to headmasters to discuss courses available to their children; Mrs Sage of the Maori Women's Welfare League, who requested that men help the women in their work with young people in penal and psychiatric institutions; and Mrs Harlen who told of her work with young Maori men in a penal institution—work which had a small beginning but was now almost a full-time job, with the boys learning carving, various crafts, their own language, and taking up courses of study. Highlight of the weekend was the arrival Adelaide Hakiwhai presents Lady Fergusson with a bouquet photograph by Martial Georges