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‘Tranquility’, D. N. Carr's Prizewinning portrait in the ‘Polynesian Head’ competition photograph by Bill Beavis Visitors discussing the photographs, carvings and paintings in the Department of Education's display Porirua East children ready to sing to Toh Puan Raha. The carpet on which they are sitting was commissioned especially for the festival National Publicity Studios a garage in one corner of the large display area. While a model kitchen built by second-year carpenters and expert plastering done by a first-year plastering apprentice were also shown. The highlight for many visitors was watching Mr John Taiapa and two apprentices who had come for three days from the Rotorua carving school, and Mr Charlie Tuarau who continued the demonstrations for the remainder of the week. Displays by the New Zealand Army, the Arts and Crafts branch of the Education Department, the Justice Department (examples of Maori craft work done by prisoners during their hobby periods), and excellent collection of native plants, and an exhibition of the work of Maori artists (featured in our last issue)