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Guests at the opening ceremony included Mrs A. Grey, Officers from the Department of Maori Affairs, and Play Centre Officials. There was great admiration for the Play Centre building with its new lino and its business-like arrangements of toys and books. Perhaps the most outstanding feature is a ‘slide-through from one room to another, a special delight for the children. A real electric stove, although no longer functional, is the joy of the girls. Otaua parents watch their children at play. The ladies say they have learnt a great deal about motherhood from their association with the play centre and feel that they understand their children much better. The children too are developing a pleasing air of confidnce as they learn to mix and play together. The school, which together with the marae has been the centre of the community, now shares pride of place with the Play Centre. IN ISSUE 55, it was incorrectly stated that the Maori Education Foundation could, through the Play Centre Federation, make grants available to enable Maori parents to attend Play Centre Training Courses. Grants are available, but are made by the Department of Maori Affairs, not the Maori Education Foundation.

POEM by L. S. W. Duncan Soon between the wind flaunted mountains and mangrove harbour the cicada chuckle and chatter of kids at play will re-echo metal graunched by raucous spades the surf and clatter of trundled concrete poured— a basis for the weft and warp of a plaited culture. Nail fixed tin weatherboards reverberate intermittent hammering transposed to stomp rhythms of steel guitars in wild cavorting at the local dance. The juxtaposition of old women weaving kits — intricate patterned forecasts the intertwining of a flax tradition and steel technology tools of leadership inculcated between wind flaunted mountains and mangrove harbour under a mackerel sky. written after a week spent working at the Herekino Play Centre.