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CROSSWORD PUZZLE 52 Solution to No. 51 WHAKARARO 1 Give a formal speech. 2 Where the canoes came from 3 Vine. 4 How great. 5 Unoccupied space. 6 Beer. 7 Officer. 8 Forearm. 9 For, since, inasmuch as. 10 Only. 11 Chopping, to chop. 14 Sawdust; green, uncooked. 18 Satisfied with food; well-being. 21 Ragged. 22 Stage. 23 Bark of a dog. 28 Isaac. 29 Swim. 32 Last night. 35 He, she. 37 Way, path. 38 Sea egg. 41 What? 42 Misfortune, accident. 45 Bore, poke; quiver. 46 A god. 48 The parson bird. 51 Bosom, chest. 52 Gourd. 54 Bee. 55 Tar; stamp, print; Sir WHAKARUNGA 1 Utter, disclose, reveal. 10 Morning. 12 Feast. 13 Beg, cadge. 15 Dawn. 16 Bodies of enemies slain in war. 18 Wake up. 19 Upwards, from below; very. 20 See, find. 22 Canoe of Rotorua people. 25 Dagger, butcher knife. 26 Shore; to load. 27 Assembly, meeting. 29 Digging stick. 30 Taken, acquired; gone. 31 Wish, desire. 33 Oven. 34 Roof. 36 Forest tree with red flower. 38 Fill, say. 39 Garment; large bird. 40 Life, health. 41 Obstacle, screen. 43 Father. 44 Loved. 47 Your (pl). 49 Those. 50 We, us. 53 Rain. 54 Gun. 55 Finished, completed. 57 Food to take on a journey. 58 Chairman. 59 Yes.