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of this disc, which features Miss Tatana with the Concert Party, a most delightful listening experience. In a splendid acoustic setting they sing ‘Waiata Poi’ and ‘Hine e Hine’. Their version of ‘Waiata Poi’ is easily the best recording yet of this often-abused song. There is an ethereal effect in their singing of ‘Hine e Hine’. The sound seems to float gently and then dissolve quietly. Side two features the Concert Party alone. It is more earthy but pleasant enough for all that. The girls give the pop song ‘Tiaho Po’ a touch of the dramatic. Their version of ‘Au e Ihu’ is well sung, but for a Maori hymn it is sung a little too fast for my liking. It is almost as if they were rushing to finish the record!

The Nuns' Chorus — Kiri te Kanawa Kiwi EA-112 7in. 45 EP. This is not a recording of Maori music but it features a Maori who is one of the brightest stars on the New Zealand musical scene. Kiri Te Kanawa has just finished a year of contest triumphs in New Zealand and Australia and there is little doubt that she has no reached her peak as yet. One side one of this record is the Nuns' Chorus from Strauss's ‘Casanova’. Miss Te Kanawa sings it with the St Mary's Choral Group. Side two has ‘Let the Bright Seraphim’ from Handel's ‘Sampson and Delilah’. Unfortunately, this is something less than it might have been for this critic. Leonora Owsley does not use the organ to reproduce the glorious trumpet obligatto which has usually been a notable accompaniment to this aria. I wonder if perhaps she does this to allow the solo to have full prominence. However ‘Let the Bright Seraphim’ is truly a duet of singer and trumpet, and this version does not exploit the aria's full potential.

Maori adults furthering their education by attending special night classes have been given an added incentive. The Education Department has changed its regulations to allow adults to sit one or more subjects for a certificate of education. Papers will be the same as those for school certificate, and the certificate will be awarded for a 50 per cent pass.

NEW KIWI RECORDS OF INTEREST KIRI TE KANAWA EA-112 The Nuns' Chorus and Let the Bright Seraphim 7 inch E.P. 13s 6d E-117 My Lady Greensleeves English Folk Songs 7 inch E.P. 13s 6d 1 RNZIR CONCERT PARTY LC-26 Soldiers Abroad Recorded in Malaysia, this programme by the 1 RNZIR Concert Party contains dynamic performances of Action Songs, Hakas, Games, Pois. A striking cover depicts Battalion insignia and soldiers in battledress and traditional Maori fighting dress. 12 inch L.P. 39s 6d INIA TE WIATA EA-120 The Maori Flute Inia tells the legend of Hinemoa and Tutanekai and sings two songs on the same theme. A record to treasure. 7 inch E.P. 13s 6d COMBINED CHOIRS of ST JOSEPH'S MAORI GIRLS' COLLEGE and HATO PAORA MAORI BOYS' COLLEGE LC-27 Songs of Maori Youth (mono) (stereo SLC.002) A fascinating collection of songs performed by the choirs of two famous Catholic Maori colleges. Disciplined, fresh, and vibrant singing of both Maori and sacred items. Available in mono or stereo. 12 inch L.P. 39s 6d KIWI RECORDS—The Music and the Voices of New Zealand—the finest range of music by Maori artists on record.