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When he thought that she was far enough away, he began to gather up her flaxen cloaks, her cloaks of dogs' fur, her cloaks of red feathers, and her taiaha. He thought to himself, ‘How magnificent I shall look when the feathers on these cloaks are stirred by the wind.’ And he brandished the taiaha, and attacked the lizards; soon they were all killed. Then he struck at the perch where the little pet birds sat, and he killed them all but one. One little bird escaped, and flew away to fetch back Kurangaituku. And as the little bird flew along he sang, ‘Kurangaituku, our home is ruined, our things are all destroyed’; he kept singing this and flew on and on. At last Kurangaituku heard him, and said, ‘By whom is all this done?’ And the little bird answered. ‘By Hatupatu—everything is gone.’ Then Kurangaituku hurried back to her home, and as she went she kept calling out, ‘Step along, stretch along, step along, stretch along. There you are Hatupatu, not far from me now. She had made only three strides when she reached the cave, and found nobody there. But the little bird showed her where Hatupatu had gone, and she ran on, still calling out, ‘Step along, stretch along, step along, stretch along. There you are Hatupatu, not far from me now.’ Hatupatu heard her behind him, and he thought, ‘I'm done for now.’ So he repeated a magic charm he knew; ‘O rock, open for me, open.’ Then the rock opened, and he hid inside it. Kurangaituku came running past the rock, but she could not see him, and she ran on, still calling out, ‘There you are Hatupatu, not far from me now.’ After her voice had died away in the distance, Hatupatu came out of the rock and ran on again. When he came to Rotorua, Kurangaituku saw him once more and pursued him, throwing stones at him as she went. But then Hatupatu came to the boiling springs at Whakarewarewa. He jumped over the springs, but Kurungaituku tried to wade through them, and so she was burnt to death. Then Hatupatu came to the shores of Lake Rotorua. His home was on Mokoia Island in the middle of the lake. He dived in and swam under the water to the island, and there he was united with his parents, who had thought for a long time that he was dead.