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Crossword Puzzle 41 Solution to No. 40 ACROSS 1. Treaty. 7. Meaning; plan. 13. Apostle. 15. Paper mulberry. 16. Dog. 17. Nose. 19. Unlucky; trouble; accident. 22. Six. 24. Dolphin; driftwood. 25. Time. 27. Four. 29. Rain. 30. Worry; anxiety. 31. Rock oyster. 34. Fish. 35. To fish. 36. Gathering; meeting. 37. Raise the eyebrows. 40. Drag. 41. Come down here? No! A large species of shark. 42. Tuesday. 43. There! 44. Law. 45. Pattern. 48. Withered; dried up; wrinkled. 49. Afternoon; evening. 50. Grumble. 53. Avenged; paid for. 54. Get in; food for journey; of. 55. Stare wildly; contort the face. DOWN 1. Space; interval; district. 2. Calabash; cloud. 3. Brains. 4. Small; little. 5. Your. 6. Hang. 8. He; she. 9. Verbal particle for completed action. 10. Drive away. 11. Toy dart of fern frond. 12. How great. 14. Wake up. 18. Double canoe. 20. Cramp; stiffness. 21. Explanation. 23. Sideboards of an canoe. 26. Angel. 27. Ditch. 28. Lo! Behold! 31. Cabbage tree. 32. To give a sudden start. 33. Victoria. 35. Of course; breath. 37. Ancestor; first parent; Northern tribe. 38. Rocky coast. 39. Calm. 40. Knee; deaf. 42. Weak in the knees. 46. To face in a certain direction. 47. Good; like. 51. White. 52. Yes; agree.