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it cost us so little to add such value! …“We did just what so many other young couples are doing today; bought a not-so-modern house priced well within our means and then called WINSTONE LIMITED to quote for renovating the interior. The result? Well, we've added considerable value to our home — lots more charm too — at what can only be described as an astonishingly small cost!” GIBRALTAR BOARD Manufactured in New Zealand by N.Z. Wallboards Ltd., Auckland Fire-resistant Wallboard that renovates and modernizes at low cost. WINSTONE LIMITED Head Office: 69–77 Queen St., Auckland. Ph. 34–200. Gibraltar Board is supplied throughout New Zealand. The Supply-Fix-Stopping Service is available in the Auckland area, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch. “When Winstone Limited's Supply Fix and Stop Service first started on this lounge I just couldn't see how anybody could do anything for it!” “In next to no time the transformation had begun! No fuss — no bother — no mess either”. “Incredible isn't it! Now every room is so freshly restored that it's hard — even so soon after — to recall them in their original shabby state!” LOWER THE COST OF “LIVENING IT UP”! CALL ON WINSTONE LIMITED'S “SUPPLY, FIX AND STOP SERVICE”. Winstone Limited's representative will call, measure up your rooms, supply quotes and arrange for a team of experts to fix and stop the Gibraltar Board required, leaving a smooth, flush surface ready for any decor scheme you desire. Winstone Limited Contracting Department Box 395 Auckland. I would like your representative to call, measure up my home and quote without obligation to buy and/or please forward full information. NAME_________________________ ADDRESS _____________________ WG1.3