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MAORI ARTISTS IN BUILDING OLD AND NEW The ancient Maori was famous for his splendid carvings. In these buildings, the carving, the decorations and the proportions showed considerable artistry. What has happened to these talents since the coming of the European. In this issue, we are presenting two articles to answer this question. First, we show that the Maori carving tradition is still alive, although the need for carved houses is not as great as it was some time ago. Considering the long life of modern buildings, and the changes in Maori life, work on traditional carved houses is likely to be in limited supply. But there is a future for Maori carvers in other fields. The second article shows a quite different outlet for those who have inherited the sense of proportion and decoration of the ancient craftsmen. Architecture is a worthwhile profession, open to all talent. Yet only one Maori is practising as an architect today. We have described the work he is doing which is striking by any standards. Will other young Maoris seek to emulate him?