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CROSSWORD PUZZLE NO. 25 ACROSS 1. Fairy; spirit 11. A gorge; put together 12. Hunger 13. Sinew; muscle 14. Annoy; fuss 16. Slave; to seek 18. Look 19. Gleam; shine 23. Murmur (as wind) 24. Lead; conduct 27. Adorn by sticking in feathers 28. Bust 29. Verbal particle for completed action 30. Blow gently 31. Bosom; chest 33. Floor mat 37. Used sometimes for raua 38. Former times 40. Seat; stool 41. Shrink; recoil 42. Sand 43. The 44. Key 45. Land 47. Shake; earthquake 48. Avenged; paid for 49. Drive; urge 50. Day following; day before Solution to Crossword Puzzle No. 24 DOWN 1. Root of tree 2. Tomorrow 3. Cabbage tree 4. Payment; revenge 5. Beg 6. Nose 7. Trouble; accident 8. Ribbed; furrowed 9. To carry; show gladness 10. Interjection used in poetry 15. George 17. Embrace 18. Charles 20. Don't know 21. Way; path 22. Year 25. Warm; comfortable 26. Peaceful; beautiful 27. Wound 28. Stomach 29. Sledge 30. Chick 32. Dawn 34. Fault 35. Pity; compassion 36. In full supply 39. As if; as it were 43. Cook in an oven 46. Rain The new powers of school committees for Maori schools were called ‘a very good move’ by Mr W. S. Bestic of Rotokawa, chairman of the Maori schools' committee of the New Zealand Educational Institute. He made this statement during a recent visit to Auckland when he made representations on behalf of the teachers in Maori schools. Among the things the teachers want is official recognition of the Maori language as a school subject in Forms I and II. The committee wants the language taught in Maori schools wherever there is a competent teacher. * * * Development of a historic block of Maori land known as Pukerewa (Waikaretu, Waikato) has begun recently. By next March the Department of Maori Affairs expects to have 1500 acres out of a total 2700 in grass.