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on and then turned back half a turn. 6. Place the bottles on a rack in the copper or in a water bath (a kerosene tin cut in half lengthwise, with the sharp edges turned down, and a good strong handle attached makes a satisfactory water bath). The water should cover the jars, and it should be hot when they are put in. Bring the water up to boiling point as quickly as possible, and then keep it just bubbling for fifteen minutes. Lift the jars carefully out of the water bath after some of the water has been ladled out. Stand them on a table or bench away from cool draughts, which might make the bottles break. The next day remove the outer lids and very gently test the seals. Any jars that have not sealed should be reboiled with new inner seals. The water bath method can be used for all fruit, although cooking times will vary. The preserved apple can be used either hot or cold, without any further cooking. Apple Betty— 6 medium-sized cooking apples; 1 ½ cups moist breadcrumbs; ¼ cup sugar; 1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon; 1 ½ tablespoons butter; 2 tablespoons grated lemon rind; 1/3 cup water (2 ½ fluid oz.). Peel and slice the apples, place half in a baking dish. Mix the breadcrumbs, sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle half of this mixture over the apples. Put small dots of butter (about the size of a threepenny bit) over the top and then put the remaining apple slices in the dish. Cover these with the rest of the breadcrumbs, sugar and cinnamon mixture, and dot on the rest of the butter. Sprinkle the water on top of the pudding and bake it in a moderately hot oven (375 deg. F) for three quarters of an hour.

A Quiet Week-end In March of this year, the Women's Christian Temperance Union held its 68th Annual Convention. Delegates from Whangarei, in the north, to the Bluff in the south, were gathered together in the lovely city of Invercargill, where the convention was held. To ensure that proceedings were kept on a high spiritual tone, morning and afternoon sessions were begun with devotional services, the first morning being taken by the Dominion President. Mrs. C. Toomer, of Nelson, who read the story of the Good Samaritan. A very interesting talk, by Rev. L. Clements, Chaplain of the Boys' Borstal at Invercargill, gave us new insight into some of the causes of juvenile delinquency and pointed out that though so many err they are still God's children, made in His image. The Maori Union delegates had visited and interviewed the Maori boys at Borstal and were struck by the youth of some. On the social side, we had a civic reception and social evening and an afternoon bus drive round the Riverton district. The convention received a great deal of publicity in local papers, some writers going into verse. Quoting one writer: “Invercargill had its quietest week-end in a long time, due mainly. I think, to two circumstances—the tremendous exodus to the cricket match in Dunedin, and to the presence in the city of the W.C.T.U. Convention. For who could be rowdy when there was such a powerful concentration of temperance or total abstinence in the city? Perhaps it is as well that the holding of the Convention in this city has never coincided with a Rugby invasion for the Ranfurly Shield. Present indications are that such a combination of circumstances is not likely to occur within the predictable future.” Convention next year will be held at Tauranga, and so the work is onward for “God, for Home and Humanity,” as the motto says.

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