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foundation garment, platignum pen, note book, lingerie, etc., etc. She meets many League members, who all discuss conference. Some are going as observers for the first time. ‘Do you know,’ says one, ‘I tramped all over town for a coat to suit me?’ ‘Goodness Riki! You don't need one at this time of the year.’ ‘Oh my old man said I must have one, and I've bought three frocks, and as for nylons, I'll be broke before I finish.’ ‘But my dear Riki’ says Rangi, ‘it's a Conference not a dress parade.’ ‘Well my old man, he wants me to look nice.’ And so the time for leaving comes, and there are women and more women, all well groomed and looking prosperous, boarding the train at all stations, and the greetings—the chatter and laughter. Then on arrival at the city, all are taken to their various places of board, and the ‘old hands’ take over the ‘new hands’, and show them the ropes. It's a great experience! The ‘new hands’ invariably say, ‘I'm coming again next year.’ It is there that we see the other side of the question, a side we had not perhaps, dreamed of. It's good to see so many fine thinking women, and mingle one with another, and many are the little incidents that dwell in your memory long after. And how refreshing to meet someone else just as' country bumpkinish’ as yourself! Someone just as unused to living in an hotel, riding in lifts, changing every evening, and being waited upon. Then there is the getting tangled in all the cutlery at dinner, and looking at the menu as if it were a crossword puzzle, to say nothing of those traffic lights, and taxi drivers who say,’ where to Ma'am?’ when you don't know yourself, and were just on the verge of asking. How we can bolster one another's courage, and laugh at all the little nothings, such as helping one another across the street as if it was the jungle full of tigers ‘n things, wishing we could look like some of our more experienced sisters, full of poise, and self assurance. Ah, yes! It's grand to be going to Conference; and when it's all over, it's grand to get back to the kids and the cows and old hubby, who doesn't expect too much of you.

TRY THIS DELIGHTFUL NEW RECIPE This is a particularly good recipe. confidently recommended by T. J. Edmonds, Ltd.

FRUIT BOMBE 2 eggs 1 dessertspoon (rounded) gelatine 1 tablespoon Edmonds Cornflour 1 tablespoon sugar 1 pint milk Vanilla Essence 1 packet Edmonds Jelly Crystals (Red) 2 cups (breakfast) hot water 1 extra tablespoon sugar Berries and bananas for garnishing Separate whites and yolks of eggs. Soften gelatine in 3 tablespoons of boiling water. Combine cornflour, sugar and egg yolks and blend smoothly with ½ breakfastcup of milk. Heat remainder of milk and pour on to blended ingredients. Return to saucepan and stir until mixture thickens, cook a few minutes longer. Cool, then stir in gelatine. Add egg whites stiffly beaten with extra tablespoon of sugar, flavour with vanilla. Pour into a wet mould. Dissolve jelly crystals in the hot water, and when mould is quite set. pour the hot jelly down the sides of the mould and leave to set. Turn out and garnish with berries in season and slices of banana dipped in lemon juice. This recipe calls for the use of Edmonds pure maize cornflour, and Edmonds jelly crystals. We cannot guarantee results unless these are used.