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CROSSWORD PUZZLE Although one solution has been received for the Crossword puzzle in last issue, it seems better not to award the prize, but rather to publish the omitted clues now and set September 15 as a new deadline for the puzzle. The omission is greatly regretted. A new puzzle is also presented and solutions are invited before September 15. A guinea prize will be awarded for each of the puzzles and if more than one correct solution is received for either puzzle, the winners will be determined by lot. Address solutions to The Editor, Te Ao Hou, P.O. Box 2390, Wellington. The clues omitted for No. 7 puzzle in the last issue are: DOWN—32 Price; 33 Where Wairangi composed his famous haka; 35 I (Wanganui dialect); 36 William (abbreviated); 37 Wind.

No. 8 CLUES (All answers are Maori words) ACROSS 1. Handkerchief. 7 Moonlight. 13 War dance to make a show of force before attacking. 14 Synod. 15 An Arawa who was offered Maori Kingship. 16 Here. 17 Open (dialectal). 18 Sweep. 20 Morning. 22 Madam (two words). 23 Four. 25 Difficult. 26 To Net (fish). 27 Evening. 30 Supplejack. 34 Message. 35 Tukutuku Pattern. 36 Ask. 37 Backbone. 38 Life. 39 Same as 36. 40 Paid. 41 Pre-European Spade. 43 Lit. 45 Ask. 47 Pray 49 Flower. DOWN 1 Embrace. 2 Awe. 3 Lightning. 4 Was Here (two words). 5 Shirt. 6 Veil (beyond the) 7 I (dialectal). 8 Son. 9 Vain Desire (two words). 10 Register. 11 River. 12 Showery. 18 To Scoop. 19 What? 21 Shouting. 23 Throw. 24 First Light (two words). 27 Mine (plural). 28 Greedy. 29 Wash. 31 To Omit Details of a Speech. 32 Day (abbreviated). 33 Shake. 42 To Land. 44 Cave or Yes. 46 World. 48 He (pronoun).