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nganui force suffered 14 killed and about 30 wounded. One unusual incident of the engagement reported at the time was the use of chloroform by a doctor of the 57th Regiment, during an operation to amputate the badly wounded leg of the Whanganui man of rank, Tamehana. But perhaps the most amazing features of the clash were that it lasted only 15 minutes, and that when rank met opposing rank the riflemen shot at targets only inches away from them. After the battle the women in the Whanganui district raised funds from which were purchased materials to make the flag, and clothing, and food. The flag was later presented to the survivors of the Whanganui force, and a distribution of the clothing and food was made to the families of all who participated in the action. Independent and individual gifts were made by residents of the town to their Maori friends. Presents of tobacco seemed to be among those most readily acceptable. In addition, a memorial was built by public subscription to commemorate the battle, and the column, with its superlative inscription, rears high and proud in Moutoa Gardens, adjacent to the city's courts of justice. The flag is made of white silk and oversewn with a Union Jack in the upper left canton and a gold crown in the centre, while underneath are displayed a European and a Maori hand clasped in friendship. ‘Moutoa’ was presented to the museum authorities 40 years after it was made and given, with full honours and ceremony, tribute and gratitude, to those who had defended with their lives the struggling river settlement. For many years it was in the safekeeping of the Mete Kingi family, and from them it passed into public possession. The flag has been used on various occasions and flown in Moutoa Gardens, and it has paid its own silent tribute to Major Kemp and other notable Whanganui chieftains as it lay draped over their funeral caskets. In this article an attempt has been made to outline the story of an historic flag and the event it commemorates. Elsewhere in New Zealand flags are known to exist with equally important historical backgrounds. Before it is too late, before history itself perishes with these tribal and other emblems, could the author, through Te Ao Hou, make a plea that further flag histories be gathered and recorded with appropriate diagram, description and story?

Smoked by the vast majority GREYS IS GREAT