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Left: Mr Te Kani Te Ua ceremonially greeting the Minister of Maori Affairs. Centre: Mrs Whina Cooper, president of the Maori Women's Welfare League. Right: The Hon. E. B. Corbettt, Minister of Maori Affairs, entering the conference hall accompanied by Mrs S. Te Tai, of Auckland. A MEMORABLE CONFERENCE of the MAORI WOMEN'S WELFARE LEAGUE The Auckland conference of the Maori Women's Welfare League, 1–3 April, has shown more clearly than ever what functions the League is to fulfil. The achievements of the Conference in the enormous field it covered have been remarkable. It appeared that the women of the League are concentrating on two aims, namely, first to do a wide variety of Maori social work and second, to stimulate the Maori arts and crafts, especially haka and weaving. Most of the conference was given to planning the huge social work programme the women have set themselves. Five fields were selected for special attention by sub-committees and for addresses by outside speakers, namely housing, child welfare, health, education and employment. In each of these fields penetrating discussion led to the passing of thoroughly practical and worthwhile remits, giving members a programme of social work that will keep them more than busy. Many of the remits, too, were resolutions calling upon the various departments of State to help. It is wholesome that the voice of Maori womanhood can now be heard to so much effect. Samples of Maori crafts exhibition shown during the conference. Both Pakeha and traditional Maori types of handicraft are encouraged by the League. (Continued on Page 55; part of this article also appears in the Maori language.)