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Northland District Executive Quartcrl] meet ins it Dai -• wi<h representatives from le Kopuru. I Whangarci. Wellsford Mn S. Green presided. Devotions bj Mrs Bickers, I'la-is for District Con v. at Dargavillc. Itaminion nominations discussed ami decided upon. Splendid report bv Mrs Lawrence. Union! arranging Poll work. Public tneetini after lunch addressed by Mi-s Laii on rx|«-nr!icrv a-, a missionary with the LLI.S. in Afi which all wrrr inspired .iu<l challenged b) the pom through prayer and consecrated ~,■; \ i

Auckland District Executive, September meeting presided '. Mrs A I Richards, ami devotion* taken bj Mrs 11. Christopher, Members reminded Health Stamp sales and Street A| , srhich helpers art- needed. Dist I guest speakers to be Major E. Ilrigf Ml \ \ ds. Unions asked to support the appeal for thi h: l G '•' orial Fund, sin I W. Moui : l>orted on the N'.C.W monthly meeting and tin Maoi Girls' Host

Remuera, Augssst. Mrs Kelsej presided. Devetitm taken bj Mis Y d members engaged in prayer. Donations handed in lot the Alliance tor Poll Campaign work K- i : | erj interesting talk and wai given flowci . Due "i "in faithful members, Mis fbbetson Highei Service and members stood in silent

Takapuna, August. Mis K Prussiaf presided and Mis. Cußen and Mrs 1 etchell conducted devotions Guest ir> was Majoi Montgomery pi the S.A., who, in discussing the is aspects ~i the bcjuoi question, said there could I>. rmpromise. The changed life by the | God is the only teal cure l<>r the Alcoholic. A special effort, realising IS, is to 1* sent t" the N.Z. Alliance.

Otabuhu, \ugust. in Mis Jamieson'i absence through tickn< rs presided and t(M/k devotions. \ I solo was siitiK l>v Mrs Captain Nicholson Mrs Richardson welcomed and given ciett> bunch violets ami After routine business, an interesting talk given by her on the Alliance .md W.C.T.U. « rk. Two new membi red.

Tauranga. September meeting addressed b> Mrs Stenhouse (in tlie sui. Women's Franchise, and hou it in England and in New Zesiand. A graphic and most intet address. Bu thdav Party, District Convention and Youth Rally arrange recnti all finalised. N.c.w. report given, and opinions expressed on important matters. Wry wet dav. fair attendant

Te Kuiti (Pakeha). Alter 16 months m recess, ..ur Union esumed with a new President and v Mrs Hudson and Mrs Brown respectively, Both attended the Dist. Executive meeting in Hamilton in July. < »ur August meeting bj Sistei < Clement, who gave us ■ comprehensive account "t Irs Toomer's meeting at the Maori Centre. She urged n> If alwa. ir White Ribbon b..w and SO adopt • ilieertul attitude and ad time in pia\er fot our Cause. We hope lo spud some delegates to hist. Convention at Hamilton. Mis Hudson hopes to stait a Hand of Ho|«e or an L.T.L. shortly and this is good news. Though but a small band of women, wt art financial members and bv God's help and power we hope to augment our activities, (ft is good to hear troin vou. Tt Kuiti.) »

Napier, August Vei ible meeting with a large Dumber of members and visitors attending and a Ip appeal was generously responded to for the N.Z. Alliance funds. Mrs llartle presided and Mrs IVarce gave an abridged rrjHiit "t the Alliance meeting which she had attended recently. The Methodist Ladies' Guild Choir singing was much enjoyed and appreciated, and also elocutionary items i>\ M, s Hosken. The most pleasing] part of the afternoon was thai eight new members were initiated. Afternoon tea and a chat with our visitors ami embers closed a happ) function.

Levin. The president, Mrs Kenm ley. I resided over a fairly large attendance, including several Maori friends, as thcte ; ecial guest Speaker for the observance- of M One new member enrolled and another welcomed Ofl •ranster. Final arrangements made tot conducting Temper a nee Quit. Memberi thanked foi conducting the Cake Stall at the Salvation Army Pair, A soft toy competition being ! eld in \t in-.nth. tovs then M go to Austrian Refugee Children. Two meiiil>ers have been farewrlled and thanked finable work. An increase in W.R. subscribers and in R. membership, and also m Union membership. A good deal of interest bring taken in the branch of the Young Abstainers League, we hope to fostei. Wellington District Executive, August. Miss J at ojened with prayer, and Mrs Mitchell took devotions. Pledge repeated. More pure grape juice to be obtained. An invitation to attend a luncheon received * r( ->m the R C women's group. Noontide hour observed. A.ternoon session. Brigadier Marshall opened with prayer. I'nion reports given. Letters to kg sent to members in hospitals. Major Fletcher reported

.i li- .ml Miss Jackson gave an account of the Alliance Annual meeting. Districi Convention to be held it Brooklyn Methodist Chutch on October Mth.

North Canterbury District Executive, August. Mrs K. R. Clarke presided, and Mis Kwart Smith conducted devotions. Members discussed resolutions to come before the Ihstr t Convention being held at Waimate on October Nth and ingemcnts made foi the Convention, •

Cbristchurch Central, August. Mis i Wilson in the leading d< md reading an extract from "Streams in the Destrt". Salvation Army invitation accepted and dames Graj and Harding to attend. Mrs I. 1). Gray read an article, "Alcoholism, an unusual Disease from Methodist Times. A by an alcoholic, cured through Alcoholics Anonymous, read bj Mrs H a Hunt. Mrs Griffiths was nominated fot h it. President again \>'l<<. itei I District Convention are Mesdames Angus, H. (i. Brown. J. MrGrxgcr and H. A. Hun'. Atternon tea dispensed bv Mesdames McG ' Lennon and helpet s.

Riccarton, Auirutt. Mis A. | New ih presided and tioiis taken b) Misi L Hughes \'. / Alliance, hist 1lal rei«>rts presented. Literatii" distribution given out Members asked to attend any of Alcoholics Anonymous of which thev knew. Mi> l». Bugg) dek Waimate Convention. 'I en mem promised to attend Women's meetiug to heat Majoi Smith Mist I Gainsford gave an address on Council of lan Education, and was heartily thanked b) Mn Matthew-. Tt.ixei tor I

New Brighton, August. Mrs Wnghton in the chair and M's I conducted devotions. Mental Hospital patients had been visited bv Mesdames Wrighton and Edmond. An sting address vs is given by Miss K. Gainsford on Christian Education in schools. Mis Wnghton appointed te to Waimate l>ist. Convention.

Balcluth.i, August Devotions and routine business. Mr< .1 visitOl from Wellington, welcomed A poem. "It [esus • \ our home", was read bj Mis Oil' Williamson read a summary of an address on "Alcoholic Addiction .md Problem Drinking" hv the Bishop of Nelsqn, F. 0, fiulme-Moir, reported in the newapgpt

Wellsford. Annual meeting held in evening presided over b\ Mis Singleton. Annual Rej >its and Balance Sheet presentedj Ko.l Call from I The s. Discussion of work. ISA articles n irso. Gift parcel to ('. Brett lighthouse, clothing to Maori workers, donations to U.C.1.1'. Seamen's Rests, etc. reported. Rev. 1). Stubbs conducted devotions. Election of officers: Pres.. Mis C. Phillips, Sec. Mr~ Singleton, \ Pres., Mrs A. Gubb, C.R., Mesdames A. Powell and W. Cullcn, Devotions, Mis T. Bamlord, W.R.. Mis a. Mrs Gubb, Pianiste, Mrs Busbndge, H M H N-al.

Auckland District Executive, October, with Mis A. T Richards presiding and taken bv Mrs B. Chi Rin. ts received lot hist. Convention. Mesdames Richards and Glaist 'resent W.C.T.U. at an "At Home" at the Y.W.CA. in honour of Hon. Isabel CattO Richards reported entering 30 children trom 1.T.1.. lot Temperance Quil 3 had gamed 100 \kt cent, and 8 First Class t'tizes. Mrs Mountjoy reported on N.C.W and Maori Girls' Hostel. November meeting continued business; arrangements t. assist with Combined Orphanages' Street Apj»eal Da) >n l>th. The President apj*>inted Fxec. delegate to Dominican Convention. Agreed to hold the Annual Christmas Party in hecember instead of usual Executive meeting. As Mrs Prussiug was unable to take the office of Recording If \ Sherman was appointed. Mrs Mountjoy, reported on the Maori Girls' Host 1.

vVarkworth, September. Devotions led bv Mis Nelson, nig briefly on Courage. Annual meeting and election of officers. All ofbeers re-el- ;t for Mis Moore, who became Vice-Presidknl and Mrs Nelson apjH.inted president, and Mrs Langndge replaces Mrs I'epnerell as C.R. Supt.. as the latter has left the district. Mrs Richards gave a very helpful and inspirational address. Meeting concluded with afternoon tea.

Epsom-Green Lane, September, \i. itial Meeting. Mis Eccersall presided and presented comprehensive report, showing the Union's work to be in good heart. Thanks to Mesdames Kasper and Knauf and Pastor U Campbell t helpful talks. Two members recently called to "Higher Officers all re-elected with the exception of Mrs ( Blackburn, who was elected Secretary.

Remuera, September. Annual meeting held, when Mrs Kelresided. Devotions taken by Mrs Mackev and members i prayer. Delegates appointed to District Convention. Officers were elected as follows: Tres., Mrs A. L. KeNe\. Rec. Secretary, Miss Tozer, Vice Pres., and Corres landing Secretary, Mrs G. Robinson, Treasurer, Mr. Arnold, W.R., Miss Harlow, Devotional, Mrs Mackev. Kohi-St. Heliers, met at Mrs Phillips 1 home, S f p t . 26th. Devotions led by Mrs Pearson who spoke on "Women who have served God". The Annual* Meeting and Mrs I'hillips ■ited Balance Sheet. £2 to go to N.Z. Alliance for Poll

r\pciisc*. Election of officcri <>nlv new change Citizenship, a* Mrs ( artxrntrr was not available. Two urv> W.R. subscriber*. :5 on Cradle Roll. L.T.L. has letejed. Mrs IVarson, V. President, thMkcd all for thnr work. A of thanks petted to hn for hrr help during jrear it .-dtstic S hi»t Temperance Fact by Macky. October meeting opened w-td devotions end me from Mrs K.i-jrr. Alliance d indkerchiefs to Mn Cnerneade foi posting to L.W.N. ic>r Christmas. Tempera given l>> Mn Phillips. MiKat|>ei k.iv*- a of District Convention end >*l s " ot her visit ti> Perth Conference. It »a> decided to 11■»t«-—t t<. oai M.l'., Mr Heltteed, against the Parliementei mittee on Liquor. Takapuna, October, with the Preeident, Prustinf tiding. Devotion! taken by Mitt CttOen. Miss Leeoan .in interesting talk from the pertonal experienci Mt«.h<ilic, whom Alcoholic* Anonymous had heltx-d I come a changed man. He now i:i\es his tunc heli'ini: unforttmatet srno have fatter victims. One startling fact he gives, is that every drinker is a i«>tfntial alcoholic. I. ture for distribution supplied to membcre. A rote ol tl accorded t > Mi-s Laman.

Taurant;a, October. Meeting took the form of a Birthda> Party celebrating the- 35th anniversary of t! tnisation of thr Union, wheh hail functioned for fourteen years •ush. Brief report of District Convention given 03 delegate, Mrs Match. Short address on tl - for the continued and activi existence of the W.C.T.U. Mis Christian, and musical itmiv by Mesdames <i. and N. Decks. Competition won by Mn Woolford. Beautiful made bj Mis Kelly an- 1 iced l>> Captain Mark, was cut bj Mrs Fairbrother, caadlei lit bj Mn tinguished by Mis Christian. Acting President, Mrs Wil liamson, gave amusing itnns from hfargeret Baker's Entertainment l*>ok. n.i> of Prayer kept in conjunction srit Home LeagtM neeting on the same stay, Feildinf. Cradle Roll Afternoon was held 111 AtJgSJSt, when the little folk were entertained with names and tJ pert) tea, while adults enjoyed B 'ravel talk by Mrs A. Hunt oi Pahnerston North. September, 1 talk h> Mrs Johnson, with her husband, was for two refers station,-d at R' ' Island, Salvation Army Home tor fnebnaf. New Brighton. Se[>temr>rr. Annual Meeting. All ected, Mr< Griffiths presided for election. Sympath] a spray sent t<> Mrs Ellis in the loss of her husband. Mental hospital patients had been visit-d. October, S\m i-athy expressed to Mis McLeod 111 the kk>S of her busl and with Mrs Mitchell in her illness. A good report ol District Convention at Waimate, rn by Mis Un«ht on.

Papanui. 14 preeesl with Mrs Griffith, Ihst. President, in chair. Annual rejxirt showed 10 meetings held. C.R. membei ship 08 with 14 new. II subscribers to W.R. 1 new member asm 1 paeeed OB), 2 children entered for <Jui/, <>n«- tnst uri/c gained. Description of Dist. Presidents' meeting in Wellington riven by Mrs Griffiths. Officers elected: President, Mis Coley, V. Pres., Mesdames Clarke. Elliott and Seville. Sec, Mrs Hodder, I re;.surer. Mrs Shnn.

Spreydon, September. Mrs P. H. Woodcock presided. Mrs len read a very good re|>ort of year's work. Mis •is took the chair for the election of off Cei ofhcers elected for anotner year's wmk, and Mrs Griffith's offered prayer for guidance for coming year. Mrs IP appointed delegate to Dist. Convention at Waimate.

Linwood, Christchurch, September. Annual Meeting with . attendance. Mrs Maior Simpson took devotions. Prom--1 P. \ passed round and eacli member read the Scripture verse. Mrs (\ Fiancis appointed delegate to Dist. Convention, Wrumate. All rei*>rts from the different departments showed successful year's wotk. Election of ofhcers: President. Mrs VV. Hrowne, Secretarv, Mrs J. S»okes, Treasurer, Mrs B. McMillan. Ricrarton, Septeml>er. Annual meeting with the President, Mrs Griffiths presiding. All previous officers reelected witi. addition of Mrs d. Smith as z V. Pres., and Mrs Newman in charge of llirthday League. Invitations accepted to attend St. N'mean's Presby. P.W.M.I'. Social afternoon and League of Mothers' afternoon. Riccarton will combine with other Unions in packing for Corso. Reports and Balance 5 adopted. Mis Buggy to be delegate to Dist. Convention. Mrs Griffiths reported on the recent meetings with Dominion rs by Presidents for one day and closed our meet ins with short reading, "Faith Works''. October, wiC Mrs Griffiths in chair and Mi-s L. Hughes taking devotions on the theme "Sincerity". Executive report discussed. The British Sailors' Committee would be grateful if members could collect on street in Lvttelton for the society. Members to sell Health Stamps. Literature taken for distribution. Mrs Buggy reported on recent Waimate Convention and Mrs Griffiths gave some highlights. Christchurch Central, September. Annual Meeting, when reports were received from secretary, treasurer and superintendents. Members had worked for Torso, Red I

Crippled (Children's So I Orphanages. Election o( V. Presidents. Mesdames 11. (',. Brown, H Lennon, I McGregor and Neutse. Pne number, Miss M. M. I homs Mm IP A Hunt. Treasurer, Mi> C Angus, LAN.R s, Mr- Harding, W.R. M C Angus, N.C.A.. Mr, Angus, r*ea H Mesdames I M ind (.11 Ie:

October meeting. Devotions taken b] Mis H G also icad from Sistei Rite Snowden'i Im•• >k. "No room in the Inn." Mis I McGregor gav< mention, tl donated b] Mrs Lennon to W K il fund. Dunedin Central. A the meeting, Mrs |,,dd. V President, led, and truest speaker, the Rev, Mil. Olds, s ec. Dunedin area N.Z. Alliance, who s|«>ke with admiration of "Alcoholics Anonymous." Devotions taken I>\ Mis, Armit. and as the was snortl) leaving to live ie land, occasion was taki >w out appreciation of her in our Union.

Mi : delegates to Dist. 1 )in ention. M Mar reported 1 Memorial to Lite Dr. Doris Gord Dunedin South. Officers elected it 1 il meetiag is follows, Pies., Miv M Dee, \'. Presidents, Met nr\ and Johnson, 9ei Mrs I erer, MiGraham, C.R. Sunt., Mis R. Dewar, W.R., Mis J. Pen/. Devotions, Miss K. Moreton, and M;s Johnson, rfosti Mr, Graham ami Mrs p Clayton. Members, st,.o<i in aileace as a mark of sympath) with the passing of a member, Miss K. Bruce, and the passing of an e\ member and one time President, Mrs Donaldson Balcluiha, September meeting. After devotions, annual ie i>orts and Balance Sheet read. The following officers eh Pres.. Mi s Gill, Y Pres Mrs Thorsa. Mr- Kane, Mis, Thomson, rreas., Mrs Walker, W.R. Agent Mi Williamson. Il'.e Re\. 1 I Gerdinei addressed us, showing !>\ statistic, an<l examf4es these critical tune, in retetin to the liquor traffic. Many people hitherto unsvmpathetii io problems connected with liquor, wen nou becoming iware of its dangers and si annul at its results shown when increased facilities for drinking were made avail r

October meeting with Mis Gill presiding, (hie new mem welcomed. Several interesting facts re the liu read from the "Challenge", and "The Vf'ai * Hvmn and benediction Closed meeting.

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White Ribbon, Volume 29, Issue 6, 1 December 1957, Page 10

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UNION NEWS White Ribbon, Volume 29, Issue 6, 1 December 1957, Page 10

UNION NEWS White Ribbon, Volume 29, Issue 6, 1 December 1957, Page 10

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