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AUCKLAND DISTRICT Executive. May 50th. The District President, Mrs. F. W. Mountjoy, was in the chair, and Devotions were led by Mrs. It. Anstice. A vote of sympathy was passed "itli Mrs. W illiams, in the death of her sister, it was reported that the Jumble Sale recently held had resulted in the raising of £l6 18s. (•wards the painting of the Maori Girls Hostel. A second one i> hem* arranged. Heljers were requested for the Crippled Children Street Appeal. Mrs. Holmes reported a tin- recently held Sch'Hil of Methods led by Mrs. H. Kasper. Mrs. Mount joy : ejKirted "(i (he annual meeting of the N.C.W. and congratulated bv the meeting on having been elected to the Dominion Executive of tlir National Council. Fon»onby. May 19th. The president, Mrs. R- A. Joiner, presided, and m the absence the secretary, Mrs. It. (Tiristopher, also hd Devotions. Miss Kunriman gave the Teinj •erance Fact and acted as secretary, lister Jessie was the s|»eaker and gave an interesting talk on her work among the Mauri girts and bovs of the Hostels in Auckland. Pledge ami Ben-diction. Titirangi. Mrs. Holt, vice-president, in the •hair, and led Devotions. Prayer led by Mrs. •’rat. Mrs. Holt read a letter written thirty ago by her husband at University, on Physiology and Alcohol, which was very in-

teresting and provided Temperance Facts. The re|»ort of Miss (. McLay, Jknninion President, was read fi >m the “ White Ribbon ’ by the vice president. S|>eaker. Mrs. I>mg, who gave a most comprehensive report of her work at the Maori Girls’ Hostel. Prayer to close. Warkworth. June ‘>th. Mrs. K. Moore presided over a good attendance. Roll < all answered by thoughts on “ Mother. .Mrs. Hope gave Tenqierance Fact and thought for the month. Mrs. Nelson led Devotions. “ White Ribbon ” banner won by Warkworth Union on display. Social prayers for “ White Ribbon ” editor and all who influence others by the |*-n. Letter of thanks for gifts of vegetables from Mrs. Ding. Rejnitt re Mr. McKinney of Alliance provoked a sincere discussion as to how the Temperance cause could l>e further hrli>ed. One new member initiated. Mount Eden. June Ist. Mrs. kasiwr presided and gave an address on Temperance work in other lands. Two new members were enrolled. Mrs. Aston appointed Evangelical superintendent, and Mrs. Skillen secretary Temiierauce Fact. A verv bright meeting. Kohi-St. Hetier*. Mav 19th. At Mrs. 1.. Kady’s home. Mrs. Kasi>er in the chair, and M is Pederson led Devotions. Report on Mother’s Day gathering by Mrs. Kasjier. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Letliard; illustrated by

a chart showing lack of vitamins in beer. President sjxike on subjects studied at School ot Methods. Extract on I’emjierance work read. One new member. Many subjects discussed. Benediction ami tea. 1 hanks t<> the Hostess ami hel|>ers. Takapuna. June Ist. Mrs. .Morgan Richards presided. Devotions, Miss Cullen. Re|*>rts on May Day of Prayer ami District Executive were given. Minutes of Educational Temj»erance Group in connection with Alliance showed great activity. letters of sympathy to mem oers absent through illness. Auckland. June 14th. Pay-up Social held. Good attendance of members and friends. Mrs. Ixmg presided and si>oke of encouraging signs of interest among other organisations in our Teni|>eiance work. She also s|mke of the influences at work among the Maoris. An enjoyable musical programme was presented. Very pleasant time of social chat over afternoon tea. Onehunga. May 12th. Much general business settled. Decided to purchase 25 Scientific Tein|ierance Manuals for distribution to the different Sunday Schools; and also to get 100 copies of the leaflets "Charge your glasses in fruit drinks.” Visit of World President mentioned; Y.M.C.A. ami W.C.T.U. Mother’s Day gathering in Town Hall, N.Z. Alliance, and Council of Teni|>eraiice Education all reported on; and a lengthy discussion on W.C.T.U. work followed. May 26th. Home meeting held at Mrs. Cullen’s home was very interesting. An excellent paper written by Mrs. I’irrett, comjietitions, ami mention of various ex|**riences by those present, were fully appreciated and made up a pleasing programme. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Cambridge. May 22nd. Fair attendance. Mrs. Keinsley presided. Devotions, Mrs. Moore, who gave a brief talk on “ I lie True Vine and its jlrattches.” Extract from newvpajier read re|iortnig evidence given that, since change in law re Maoris, boys and girls aged 15 years had In-en seen the worse for drink. Articles from the "White Ribbon ’’ ami Five-Year Plan were rear! and discussed. Prayers offered for Peace. < Mie new men 1 ■ r initiated. Afternoon tea. Te Kuiti (European). May. Mrs. Stratford presided. Devotions, Mrs. Mercer. Roll Call answered by Scripture text. Scientific Fact. Two tiew members and one received by transfer and one transferred to Ma-terton. Two new " W.R.’' subscribers. Agreed that deputation wait on manager of picture theatre re suitable pictures for children’s matinee. Decided to study Five N ear Plan. Literature and “ W.R.” being sent to Re-t Room, Library and Hospital, and to Mental Hospitals and backblocks. Bring and Buy arranged for our Birthday Meeting in July. Maori Union to be invited. Reported that Band of Hope has started for the season. Donation of £1 received from Mrs. Christensen for N.Z. Alliance. Te Kuiti (Maori). Anio.-o *-tmg. Mis. A. Joseph presided. Devotions, So ter Ntcholls, who read and explained Devotional column in “W.R.” Mrs. (j. McNaught, * ice-president, was welcomed ami gave a Temperance Facth*r ex|<eriences, a» a Welfare Officer, of the effects of alcohol on the home and the children. Several rejxirts given. Di; .ussion on coming 1 >istrict Convention. All officers re-elected. Mrs. E. Korohike. a new member, ap]minted acting-secretary during absence of Mrs. R. Ewan. Otorohanga. May 27th. Mrs. Kenny presided. Good attendance. Very interesting address by a visitor, Miss Alderson, on the “ Life of Mis., Frances Willard ” and of “ Lady Henry Somerset,” both of whom Miss Alderson bad had the pleasure of meeting. Mrs. Alexander, president of Te Awamutu, was welcomed. Parcel of books sent to the Sailors’ Rest. Social arranged for July. Hamilton. June • <L Thirty present. Mrs. Moore, president, occupied the chair, Mrs. J. Robinson leading Devotions. Mrs. Moore welcomed our guests from Cambridge and Fencourt Unions. Mr. J. Ringer, ol the North-west Frontier Mission, gave an excellent address. Mrs. Moore thanked hint, and Mrs. Bradley handed him a gift for Baby Ringer. Two Tem|K*rance Facts were read. Hymn and prayer brought the meeting to a rinse. Tauranga. June 7th. Mrs. W itHanisou prraiding. Devotions led by Mr». Hensley. "W.R.’’ day observed by the reading of a pa|>er by Mrs. Clarkson, acting secretary. The Rev. A. MacMillan gave most interesting

address on the liquor question in India, shaking iruin jiersonal knowledge and exl*erience. Very gm.*] attendance. Bring and Buy lor “White Kibbon ” iunds. MANAWATU DISTRICT Feilding. June 2nd. Mrs. bjieuce presided. Devotions, Mrs. Taylor, who sjKike on “ \N ith God all things are j»ossiLle.” Agreed to send lor sample of literature, suitable for Poll distribution. For White Ribbon Day Mrs. Spence gave re|K>rt of “ White Ribbon given at Dominion Convention. Members voiced their ap|iteciation of the “ W lute Ribbon ” and reported that the Supplement is eagerly looked forward to by the Hand cf Hope children. Donation of 14/6 for “ W hite Kibtxni ” Fund. Levin. May 18th. Fair attendance. President in the chair. Devotions led by Miss Simson. Welcomes to Mrs. Major Simson, a visitor from Christchurch, and to Mrs. and Miss Bishop. I’eace Day observed by the rtadiug of Peace articles by Mrs. I rotman. Dec.ded to purchase literature, and discussed the best way of its distribution. Letters of loving greeting were sent to two members in the tlliicsof loved ones, lea hostesses, Mrs. Poston and Miss Blackwood. Benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT Brooklyn. May 31st. Mrs. Sawden presided and led Devotions. Sympathy expressed to Mrs. Greenwood in death of a sister and brother-m-law. Tenqwrance Fact by Mrs. Gillings. Rejiort on recent District Executive. Next Executive in Wesley Hall on 23rd June, Central Branch entertaining; Bring and Buy for Hi adquarters Fund to be held then. Interesting readings about our work in other lands —“ In America,” read by Mrs. Pearce, and “ In Japan,” read by Mrs. Brewer. Meeting closed with Sigil Prayer and Benediction. Wellington. At our April meeting we had a delightful visit from Mrs. Snlerhu, a member of Durban Union, who gave a most interesting account of work in South Africa. May meeting w-e held a Ditty Bag afternoon, when work among seamen was discussed. A number of bags, books, etc., were brought and will be sent to the Rests. A do/eu knitted singlets have been knitted and sent to children overseas. During the month a home meeting was held at Mrs. Hamer’s home. Unfortunately a very wet day interfered with the attendance of friends but a very enjoyable hour of Christian fellowship was sjieiit, music, prayer and testimony drawing ail together. June. “ White Ribbon ” Day. Mrs. Grigg gave us a most helpful talk, giving an outline of cur district and saying just how much definite teaching on the evils oi alcohol is being given. NELSON DISTRICT Motueka. The Union met the S.A. Home League at the Army Hall on May 31st. and held a Uniteu Meeting, which was delightful. Captain Mansoti sjtoke on Mrs. Booth, the mother of the Salvation Army, in a very inspiring and helpful manner. Two new members initiated. Nelson. May 10th. Mrs. loonier presided. Devotions, Miss Cooke. Some time was spent discussing the F'ive-Year Plan. It was decided to make a sjiecial effort to enrol new members and, where jieople are interested but unable to attend meetings, to enlist them as honorary members. It was also decided to send for new literature in preparation for the Poll. Birthday posies were picsented. Tea hostesses, Mesdames Buchanan and Peace Jnr. Jlenediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Blenheim. June Pth. Mrs. N. Forbe- presided, Devotions being led by Mrs. Harris. Two sick members written to. A “ Film Fund " box on the table as authorized by District Executive. Temjierance F'act given by Mrs. Lane. “ White Ribbon ” Day observed by members reading short extractfrom “ W.R.” President rejnirted on “Aid for Britain ” meeting. Closing prayer by Mrs. Christian. Springlands. May 17th. Theme of Devotions “ Peace,” taken from the “ White Ribbon.” Two visitors welcomed. Roll Call rescinded to with very good verges. Miss O’Brien, of Picton, gave splendid talk on her travels in America and England, stressing the contribution towards jieace living made by W.C.T.U. Groups. Vote of thanks accorded. TA9ANAKI DISTRICT Hawera. May olst. Mrs. W. Page presided, and led DoyoPons. Report of District Executive given by delegate. Appeal for used

clothing for Maoris by Sister I. Hobbs of Ratana Pa. Members asked to bring soap or tins of food to next meeting for parcel for Britain. Address by Rev. Rex Goldsmith, Baptist Minister, who took for his subject—- “ lie not drunk with wine, hut be filled w h the Spirit.” Afternoon tea disjiensed by Mesdatnes Page and Burton. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hasting*- April 28th. Mrs. Smith j/icoidtd. Fair attendance. Scientific Fao read. Rv|Kirt by Mrs. Grainger on wmg of the IS’.Z. Alliance and Band of Ho;>e. Birthday sprays tiresenfed to Miss Mildenhall and Mrs. Osmriie. T his was “ Members Afternoon ” and the number taking part was very gratifying, some young women speaking in public for the first time. Subjects covered a wide range. Mrs. Turner, " (iod is all sufficient for all our need and at all times.” Mrs. Palmer, “ The Referendum.” Mrs. Schofield, “ Thc gain we receive through having Christ as Ma ster of our lives.” M rs. Kemp on " Books.” Mrs. Lloyd, “ Christian women and then service for others.” Mrs. H. Smith, “ Labour for Christ the profit is beyond our thought.” Mrs. Grainger, “ Highlights of her trip to Sydney.” NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Christchurch, lit) 12th. Peace Day. R jort given of well-organised Temjierance evening at North Brighton. To celebrate Peace Day our President gave a talk an " The Atlantic Pact ” and the present struggle in China. Members read quotations on Peace. May 25th. Miss C. Hcuderson jiresided. To celebrate our 63rd Anniversary, a Gift Afternoon was held, when a large assortment of tinned food was received, to be forwarded through the Red Cross to Great Britain. Member.- of suburban Unions were invited. Mrs. O’Dell gave a most stimulating and interesting address on her reminiscences of four year-’ service as a Deaconess in East End slums of iaindon, organised by a Methodist Mission. f'apanui. May 2f>th. Mrs. Tillman presiding. Devotions, Mrs. Klhott. Tein|>erance Fact, Mrs. Hampton. Pledge -ejieated. Roll Call, a text. Invitations to birthday parties at l hristchurch. Woolston, New hnghtnn and Kiccarton. Successful C.R. j arty on May 18th. The Rev. R. W. May sot i gave a very lucid address on Peace, esjiecially the attitude of Amsterdam Conference in relation to that of W.C.T.U. Riccarton. May ll)th. Mrs. Griffith presided. Devotions. Miss Hughes. 18 present. Agreed to donate £1 Is. towards the fund for a memorial window in the Selwyr. St. Methodist Church in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Tribute paid to the work of Mr. T. K. Taylor. Mrs. Newth gave a most interesting talk on “ Peace— How Leagues and Pacts failed when nations and jieojdes were not united and God not at the head.” l*-ual Copper I'rail for Mental Hospital. Visitors, Mrs. Gainsford and Mrs. Griffiths. Spreydon. May. Mrs. Nisbet presided. Devotions, Miss Brown. Mrs. Mackie gave an address on “ Peace.’’ Ihe sjn-aker recommended as a study the Life of the late Mahatma Gat.dhi. F.mphr.sis was laid on the necessity of fostering the Peace sjurit in the home, in the neighbourhood, in the Church, aim in communities, and so widening out to embrace all jwoples. Mrs. Sun gave the rejnirt of the visiting at the Mental Hospital, and Mrs. Nisbet, District Executive Report. Letters of ap|>reciation were received front sick and absent members. New Brighton. 38th birthday i>arty held recently. Visitors were welcomed by Mrs. Edmund, president. Mrs. Middleton’s jiarty presented an enjoyable programme, consisting of a duet, songs, sketches and a monologue. Afternoon tea brought an enjoyable meeting to a close. Sydenham. June 2nd. Mrs. Seivers presided in unavoidable absence of president. Nine present. Pledge and Tentjserance Fact followed Devotions. “White Ribbon” Day was marked by members contributing to the programme, which included a piano solo and reading. Mrs. Morrison selected extracts from letters written by her daughter. Miss Pat Morrison, describing her travels in Italy and Switzerland. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Waimate. May 11th. Well attended meeting, Mrs. Duckett presided and led Devotions. Peace Day. Sjveaker, Captain Ojala of the Salvation Army. His address was most helpful and encouraging, reminding us that if this w’orld would known j*ace it must begin in our hearts and lives. The Captain closed the meeting with prayer.

OTAGO DISTRICT Dunedin Central. May 3rd. Mrs. Him presided and conducted Devotions. Sjiecul prayer for the jn-ople of China. Reporting for Good Citizenship Department. Mrs. Dick, on behalf of jiatients in Seacliff Mental Hospital, said “ Thank you ” to members foi gift* oi card-, magazines, pictures, etc. Coloured wools, embroidery cottons and jiattern books would be most welcome. An inspiring address on China was given by Miss Cook, retired missionary.

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White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 6, 1 July 1949, Page 9

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BULLETIN OF UNION NEWS White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 6, 1 July 1949, Page 9

BULLETIN OF UNION NEWS White Ribbon, Volume 21, Issue 6, 1 July 1949, Page 9

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