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Bulletin of Union News

AUCKLAND DISTRICT Executive Meeting, Monday, August 4th: District President, Mrs. F. W. Mountjoy, occupied the chair. Good attendance. Mrs. Beaumont led Devotions, and a Teiiqieraiice Fact was given by Mrs. Anstice. During the month a letter of welcome had been sent to Field-Marshal Lord Montgomery ancf a reply was received from him which stated that he was very happy to be in New Zealand. Mrs. Long gave a most encouraging rejiort of the work of the Maori Girls’ Hostel. Miss A. M. McLay rejwrted very interestingly on her work in the Northland, es|>ecially in the Wellsford district, where a new Union had been formed, consisting of 12 members. Mrs. Mountjoy reported on the annual meeting of the New Zealand Alliance held in July at Wellington, to which she and Mrs. Long had been api>ointed as delegates from Auckland. Mrs. Mountjoy also reported on the monthly meeting of the N.C.W. and brought forward some remits for a ruling at the next N.C.W. meeting. Further arrangements were made for holding the District Convention in September. Takapuna. August: Fair attendance, Mrs. Morgan Richards presiding. Devotions led by Mrs. Gilmour in the absence of our faithful Miss Cullen through illness. Correspondence from executive re increased price of “W.R.” and letter expressing disappointment regarding the Masterton position was approved. Nominations for Dominion officers discussed. All subscriptions paid. Reading by Mrs. Ro|»er brought meeting to a close. Tea and Benediction.

Mount Albert, July meeting: Held at the Maori Girls’ Hostel. Mrs. Long, matron, was the sjieaker and gave a very interesting and encouraging talk on the work at the Hostel, making us feel that it was very well worth while. After tea was served, members were shown all over the house and all felt that we owe much to Mr. and Mrs. Long for all they have done to improve the hostel inside and outside, and for their continual interest in the spiritual welfare of the girls. Onehunga, June 12th: “W.R.” Day observed. Letter from Australia asking for Maori j>enfnend for an Aboriginal girl. This to be arranged; also for two other girls. Mrs. Ashby read leading article- from ‘W.R.,’’ urging efforts for the increased sale of our pa;>er. Mrs. Mountjoy followed, speaking on the subject of “Corporate Control.” June 2oth: Home meeting at residence of Mrs. Ballard. Devotional i>eriod and discussion on lilting of Liquor Advertisement restrictions. “Sing, say, or pay” i>eriod much enjoyed, esjiecially “whistling" solos by Mrs. Perrett. Tea and chat closed a pleasant afternoon

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Executive Meeting, August Ist Held at Cambridge at tie home of Mrs. Lewis, district secretary, Mrs. Christian presiding. Devotions, Mesdaries Christian and Kemsley. Discussion on organising work done by Miss Catherine McLay, and proposed to be done by Miss A. McLay. District Convention arrangements finalised for September 17 and 18; invitation to attend Tauranga's "Silver Jubilee” celebration being also considered. Circular to be sent to all Unions in district, and special welcome to newly formed and reorganised Unions. Finance discussed and plans made for “Bring and Buy” at Convention. Meeting closed by President with prayer. Thames, July 2nd: Good attendance of members to hear Major Moore speak of some aspects of rescue work done by the Salvation Army, which is made very difficult by the temptation of the open bar. He also spoke of the recent “Commando” Raid in Auckland and illustrated its success. Mrs. Whiteside was welcomed as Treasurer in place of Mrs. Scown who has left the district. August (*th: The newly ap|>ointed Methodist Minister, the Rev. Mr. Rowe, talked to a fair gathering of the entrenched evils of the Liquor Traffic, esj>ecially amongst servicemen, as he saw the results in his overseas service. He stressed the importance of Youth Education. A ]>etition urging the prohibition of liquor advertisement by screen, radio, poster, or

writing, to be sent to Parliament via our M.P. The meeting empowered the president to confer with the secretary of the local branch of the Alliance as to a joint scheme of advertising Temi>erance Slogans on the cinema screen. CR. afternoon arranged for September. Te Kuiti: Union reorganised by Miss MeLay held its first meeting in July, Miss McLa> giving an address on "Reconstruction.” Officers apjiointed were: President, Mrs. Christensen; Mesdames Stratford and Patch* ett, Vice-Presidents; Secretary, Mrs. G. F.lliott. Mrs. Stratford also appointed "W.R.” agent. Enquiries to be made regarding “Y.P.” Supplements for distribution, also hymnals. An address was given by Mrs. Christensen, entitled "Go Forward." Another member enrolled. Tea and prayer closed meeting.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Executive Meeting, July AOth: Held at New Plymouth. Representatives from Hawera, Eltham, Inglewood and New Plymouth. Morning tea prepared by Mrs. Loveridge. Mrs. Hurle, District President, warmly welcomed all. l>evotions led by Mesdames Wells and Stewart. Great regret expressed at the resignation of Mrs. Tarrant, for many years District Secretary ; and a record of her service to be placed in the minutes. Mrs. Cox appointed in her place. Meeting arranged for Stratford in August. Sorrow expressed at the death of Mrs. Aitken, former Eltham Secictary. Miss Drew spoke about the Masterton “Tru-t” and advised members to learn all they could about it. Next Executive meeting to hi* held at Klham. Prayer by Mrs. Arthur closed the meeting. WANGANUI DISTRICT Executive Meeting, July 18th: Good attendance, Mrs. Chesswas presiding. Mrs. Reed, ot Wellington, who had been doing organising work for the previous fortnight in the district, was present. The Unions reported great pleasure regarding Mrs. Reed’s visit, as a result of which new- members are added to the Unions, and Cradle Roll numbers have been increased.

Mrs. Dux field was appointed delegate to the N'.Z. Alliance annual meeting to l*e held in Wellington. Dominion Corresjionding Secretary’s letter read, and all urged to think prayerfully about nominations for Dominion Offices. Mrs. Goodey spoke most inspirmgly in thanking the members for sympathy and flowers at the tune of her bereavement. Plans for District Convention to lx- made at next meeting.

MANAW \TU DISTRICT Levin, July 11th: After reading the article on Gambling, the President urged all members to do their utmost to stop the ravages of this evil among the young. Scientific Fact and Pledge at both meetings. Letter o* thanks for greetings and flowers sent to her while in hospital was received from Mrs. Andricksen. Roll Call answered by text or verse, containing the word “Rest.” Memorial Day observed by suitable readings given by Mrs. Kennerley. A jumbled names competition was won by Mrs. Siinson, a visitor from Christchurch. One new member received and welcomed. Rand of Hope meetings to be started. Tea hostesses, Mesdames Rose and Henskie August Bth: Pad weather affected attendance. Mrs, Andricksen welcomed back after her illness. District Executive rejiort given by Mrs. Kennerley. Letter of love and sympathy to be sent to Mrs. Tomlinson who iill. Poster and essay competitions discussed. Mesdames Tomlinson and Plaster thanked fo»the afternoon tea, the hostesses also for serving same. Mrs. Kennerley presided at both meetings and Captain Williamson led Devotions. Palmerston North; August meeting an afternoon for mothers of Cradle Roll children. Devotions led by Mrs. Hodder. Members stood in siler.ce as a token of respect to the memory of Mrs. Doreen and Mrs. J. H. Griffiths. Decided to write to Mr. O. Wilson, local M.P., asking if cost of postage on food parcels could be eliminated or decreased. Several items were given, followed by a helpful address by Mrs. Adjutant Simpson (S.A.).

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Dannevi'ke, July meeting: Mrs. Major (aid cott, president, in the chatr. Devotions, Captain Mour.sey (S.A.). Memorial Day observed, Messrs. T. E. Taylor, L. M. Isitt, Rev. J. Dawson, Dr. Bedford. Mrs. Don, Mrs. Atkinson, Mary Clement Leavitt, and Frances Willard all remembered with honour. Paper on

"Thomas Chiniquy” from '‘W.R.” read. Fact taken from “W.R.” editorial on “The Child."

Napier: Visitors from Hastings Union added interest to meeting for July. Mrs. Lewis, president, welcomed all, after which the meeting was carried on by the visitors, Mrs. Hickmott taking the chair. Mrs. Thorp led Devotions. Pledge repeated. Temperance facts given by Mrs. Granger. Solos contributed by Mesdames Martin and Thorp. Mrs. Burton was the sjieaker, giving a stirring address on "Women, Christian, Temperance, Union.” M rs. Ryan, on behalf of Napier Union, thanked the Hastings ladies for their visit, which, it was hoped, would be reepated. Tea and prayer by Mrs. Hickmott. Gisborne, May 27th: Mrs. V. Clement presided. and Mrs. E. Hampton led Devotions. Mrs. Clement reported on the recent visit of Miss C. M. McLay, speaking of Miss MeLay’s enthusiasm regarding temperance prosl>ects m Gisborne. The recent radio talk of the president of the Invercargill Licensing Trust. A remit on this matter is to go forward to Dominion Convention. (See “Flashlights.”) Mrs. Morris spoke on "How we got the Franchise,” and referring to the successful work in the U.S.A. resulting in voluntary return to Prohibition in many States.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT Petone, July. Second meeting of revived Union. Nine present. Inspiring and encouraging address by Mrs. Paterson on the dangers of alcohol at social functions, urging us always to use our influence against its use, esjiecially at weddings. Salvation Army ladies, hostesses. Benediction. Lower Hutt, June 25th: Cery fine meeting, though smaller than usual. Mrs. Sj>encer in chair. We remembered White Ribbon Day in our collection. The L.T.L. and the "Y” work w-as reported upon and pleasure expressed about formation of a new "Y” branch at Brooklyn. Rev. A. Browne was our guest speaker. He decided against a temperance address, although he did comment on the encouraging growth of Prohibition in the States. His message was based upon Heb. 12: 1 and 2. Truly one of great inspiration to those present. We could only regret the absence of those who rarelv stay away. Meeting closed with prayer and benediction.

Brooklyn, June 22nd: One of our oldest members, Mrs. Pearson, was hostess at her home, Mrs. Brewer presiding. Mrs. Mardon brought greetings from the president and other officers from different Unions in Sydney. Mrs. Mardon’s mother was one of our pioneer temperance women in Wellington. Reports on hospital visiting. “Y.P.” Supplements to be sent to various local Sunday schools. Extracts from "W.R.” were read. Temperance Fact. More discussion on the Royal Commission’s findings. Benediction. Sales table did good business under Mrs. Pearson.

July: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. Brewer presiding. Devotions led by Mrs. Greenwood. "Y.P.” Supplements to be supplied to Brooklyn Sunday Schools. Donations received tow-ards cost oi Temperance text books supplied to Education Board by District Executive, and to Convention funds. Letter read from Dominion Corresponding Secretary. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Gillings. Mrs. Pearce congratulated on getting 20 new "W.R." subscribers. President reported on recent N.Z.A. Conference, referring to N.S.W. victory re six o’clock closing. Report on District Executive given by Mrs. Pearce, who was thanked for delicious afternoon tea she had provided. Sigil Prayer and Benediction.

NELSON DISTRICT Motueka, July 30th: Miss Cresswell presided over good attendance of friends and members. S.A. members led devotions. Mrs. Toomer, District President, visited and addressed the meeting, her topic being “Christian Service.” Inspiring and helpful.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Executive Meeting: August meeting presided over by Mrs. Clark, District President. Devotions led by Mrs. Ancell; Temperance Fact given by Miss Gainsford. Delegates to N.Z. Alliance appointed, Mesdames Ramsay, Pugh and Campbell. A remit sent to tne local branch of the N.C.W., “That we are not in favour of any political party representation in the N.C.W.” Report of concert held at the Women’s Reformatory sponsored by the "\”s” w>as given by the Secretary. Superintendent’s reports, "W.R.” given by Mrs. McLean; Literature, Mrs. Ramsay, who reported having ordered more leaflets and

Handbooks; Peace, Mrs. Whittle reported that the N.C.W. were holding a "Peace" meeting in October. Mrs. Hodder asked all Union superintendents to send in reports and roll number to her before District Convention. Further arrangements made for District Convention, to be held at Temuka, and del*, gates were urged to write to Mrs. Holliday Winchester, as soon as possible for hospitality Good attendance of delegates, and report! showed good work being done; regular visits to the mental hospital each month by seven of the Unions. Reported that this work u much appreciated by the superintendent, matron and nurses. Lyttelton-Heathcote, July meeting: Attendance of 12. Mrs. Coyle, vice-president, read a paper from the "War Cry” on the Bible. Mrs. Toomer’s report was read and discussed Magazines for Seamen’s Institutions. Mem. bers invited to an afternoon for Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg, district vice-president.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT District Executive Meetings, February 11th Six members present, Mrs. Densetn prejiung. Apology from Mrs. Duckett, Waimate. Secretary to write to Unions calling attention to Article II of Constitution. Timaru rei>orted having shown temperance films, 100 being present. Letter of sympathy to Miss Fyfe in her bereavement, and to our aged member, Mrs. Nome. Correspondence received re some temperance work begun in Fairlie. May 13th: Mrs. Densem, president, in the chair; 10 members present. Much discussion on the question of reorganisation of som* “Y” work in conjunction with our W.C.T.U. at Highfield (Timaru). Temuka invited District Convention to their town, for 16th, 17th, lhh of • September. Timaru invited all Unions to their I’eace meeting. It was agreed to u* the pooling sysem to meet the expenses of travelling to executive meetings.

Temuka, July 30th: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Lovatt, "Dinting House." Mrs. Hewson presided, Mrs. Woolford taking Devotions. Discussion on Convention arrangements. Solo by Rev. J. Johnston: "I have an Anchor,” who later gave an address which was most interesting and for which he was thanked by Mrs. Grocott. Band of Hope to meet fortnightly instead of monthly. Tea hostesses, Mesdames Woolford and Lovatt. Prayer an dßenediction by Rev. J. Johnston. June meeting held at the Parsonage on account of very bad weathrt - . The comfort afforded inside eclipsed the wintry conditions outside. Devotions led by Mrs. Holliday, Mrs. Grocott presiding. Band of Hope arrangements made to start July 23rd. Agreed to give those attending a cup of cocoa and biscuits at the close in future. Preliminary arrangements also made in connect-on with District Convention. Delegates requiring hospitality are asked to communicate with Mrs. Holliday. Address on the * White Ribbon” given by Mrs. I)avey. Timaru, July 29th: Mrs. Holdgate presided. Mrs. Priestley leading Devotions. Literature to be procured for use in Life Brigades. Discussion on Immigration followed. Mrs. Woodward reported a busy month at the Sailors' Rest and literature still much needed. Donations to the "Rest” received from the Titnam Borough Council, and a "Well-wisher”; also coal from W’estport Coal Company. Miss Campbell, matron of Presbyterian Children’s Home, was guest speaker, her subject beiug the work of the orphanage, especially in regard to fitting the children for life and giving them opportunity to become good citizens.

OTAGO DISTRICT Oamaru, June 14th: Devotions, Miss HalL Speaker, the Rev. I. K. Hopper, who gave a convincing address on the Evils of Alcohol and urging that Bands of Hope should be started again throughout the Dominion. The speaker also contributed two solos, being heartily thanked. July 14th: Fair attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Mcllwraith. Reply from Prime Minister re protest about raising advertising restrictions for alcohol. Mrs. Scott gave a talk on her experiences in a London slum area, showing the terrible effects of strong drink. The President, Mrs. Winn, took the chair at both meetings. August 11th: Miss Cowan presided in absence of President through illness. Devotions, Mrs. Mcllwraith. Messages of sympsthv to Mrs. Winn and Miss R. Day. Extracts from Bulletin on other countries’ work.

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White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 8, 1 September 1947, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 8, 1 September 1947, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 8, 1 September 1947, Page 9

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