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Bulletin of Union News


North Canterbury: Devotions taken by Mrs. C. R. N. Mackie. Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg was elected President in place of the late Mrs. C. W. Barrell. Mrs. Ancel was elected VicePresident. It was decided to hold District Convention in September in the Central Mission Rooms. Sympathy was expressed with the relatives of the late Mrs. M. J. Miller, late Salvation Army officer and member of the W.C.T.U. Congratulations were sent to Mrs. J’atchett and Mrs. Judkins, who have attained their ninetieth birthday. Marlborough, H/5/46. The quarterly meeting of Marlborough District Executive held in Wesley Hall. President, Mrs. V. Under 'ill, in the chair, and following present: Mesdames VV. J. Girling. N. Forbes, S. Harris, P. Stephens, A. T. Milgrew. S. E. Wells, F.. Leslie. L. Rodgerson, R. burroughs. Apologies, Mrs. A. Robinson and Miss E. Tarrar.t. The President conducted devotions and prayer offered by several member* Members stood in respectful silence in memory of two valued members who had passed away during the quarter, the late Mrs. A. J. Mills, Grovetown, and Mrs. A. M. R. Mills, past District Treasurer for many years. Mrs. Leslie reported that Miss Jean Stratford. of Canvastown, had resigned the position of Cradle Roll Supt. of that area on account of her approaching marriage and departure. Decided to convey the appreciation of Executive of her services, together with good wishes to Miss Stratford.

Letters directed: Sympathy to Mrs. W. Murray in illness of her husband: congratulations to Editor, “Marlborough Express," on the attainment of 80th anniversary, and expressing appreciation of consideration in reporting Union activities over the years. Noontide observed with singing the hymn and prayer. Concern and regret felt by all present on learning of the projiosal to include lockers for holding liquor in the improvement scheme of the Returned Soldiers’ Association Club, general feeling being that it would not be in best interests of men. Resolved to advise R.S.A. that members could not supjiort the Carnival if funds to be used for this purpose. After lunch adjournment meeting resumed at 1.30, Mrs. Girling offering the ojiening prayer. The President reported on the officers’ meeting held in Wellington. It was decided that as part of Poll work, Publicity Stall be conducted at the A. & P. Show in October. Preliminary arrangements for District Convention discussed. Meeting closed at 2.30.

Auckland: June 10th. Meeting held in the Temperance Room. District President, Mrs. J. W. I-ong, in the chair. Devotions led by Miss \. M. McLav. Sympathy was expressed with the relatives of the late Sirs. \V. Taylor, of Otahuhu, who had been a member of the W.C.T.U. for over fifty years, and until last year had never missed a District Convention. Mrs. Taylor knitted 536 garments for the Red Cross during the war just ended. Quite a lot of preparations and decisions were made concerning the work for the coming poll. Mrs. I>ong gave the report of the work being carried out at the Maori Girls’ Hostel, stating that at j esent thirty girls were in residence. It was Jecided to hold the Mother’s Day gathering at the Town Hall Concert Oiamber next year. The resignation of Mrs. Long from the presidency came as a shock to the meeting, and was received and accepted with much regret. Nearly every member present voiced her appreciation of Mrs. Long’s work as President, and their great regret at her resignati in. Mrs. F. W. Mount joy was elected Acting-President until the District Convention.

UNION REPORTS AUCKLAND DISTRICT Auckland: May 14th. Meeting held in Y.W.C.A., Mrs. presiding and leading devotions. Repoits of the District Executive meeting and National Council of Women were

given. Extracts were read from the American Research Department showing the work done by women in connection with the Prohibition movement. Dr. Craig was welcomed to the meeting and gave a very helpful, bright address, basing her remarks on Acts 16, v. 9~~ "A cry from Macedonia.’’ There was a crv to the women of the churches from the W.C.T.U., ‘‘Come and join our ranks and help us to fight the Liquor Traffic." All women were needed in the Christian warfare. She u r ged the importance of getting into touch with women’s meetings in churches, and of reaching young mothers for the sake of the children. I)r. Craig sang very beautifully, and a hearty vote of thanks to hrr was passed. Renediction. Kohi-St. Heiiers, May 18th: Meeting held at Mrs. Machin’s house in Sjwight’s Road. Mrs. Kasjier read from Matt. 7th; building on the Rock from which nothing can sweep us away. A faithful member, Mrs. Gribble, died on Monday, May sth. Temperance Fact given. Mesdames Lediard and Phillips read j>oems for Mother’s Day and a due; was given by Mesdames Machin and Phillips. Mrs. Kas|»er yave a talk on "Child Psychology.” Vote of thanks to Mrs. Machin for pleasant afternoon. Epsom-Green Lane, May 16th: Attendance fair, fn the absence of Mrs. Eccersall, Mrs. Neal presided. Devotion*- taken from 1 Corinthians 13, and Phil. 2 and 16. Theme: Winning souls for Christ. Mrs. K. H. Cole gave us much food for thought in her address, “Alcoholics’ Foundation.” This is a club formed in America by an ex-drunkard to convert drunkards by their own exj>erience and change. A question jieriod followed and was found • most helpful. Renediction. Remuera, May 27th: Mrs. Kasper piesided. remi>erance Far "iven and Pledge re-affirmed. Mother’s Day and Peace Day observed, each member giving a reminiscence of her mother. Discussion re raising funds for Dominion Convention. Renediction.

Takapuna: A very pleasant orawing roo* , meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Wallace, when a good attendance was encouraging. The Mav meeting was presided over by Mrs Morgan-Richards. Mrs. F.scott led in prayer, and Miss Cullen took Bible reading. Stormy day prevented Mrs. I/>ng from coming as speaker, hut opportunity was taken for the discussion of many subjects. The need of securing the interest of our voung people was stressed by Mrs. Morgan Richards, and it was hojied that steps might be taken in regard to the drinking on the lieach***. Renediction.

Mount Eden, Tune 4th: Miss A. M. McLav, President, in the chair. Small attendance. Decided to help the district by direct giving, to raise funds for work for the Poll and the Dominion Convention The President read a naper prepared bv Miss Pudnev on “The Position of America Regarding the Liquor Question” which was most interesting and instructive. letter of thanks to Miss Pudney and also sympathy in her illness. Onehunga, May 17th: The annual Cradle Roll part> was somewhat spoiled by very rainy conditions, preventing attv but those children living nearby from being present. This was very disafipointing for Miss Caughley, C.R. Superintendent, who alwavs gives of her best for this work, but for those able to attend the afternoon passed verv happily with games and races. All did full justice to the gr»od things provided.

Auckland, June 11th: The annual "Pay-up” Social was held in the Y.M.C.A, Mrs. I»np presided. There was a large gathering of members. A most en : .iyable programme of songs and recitations was given. Sympathy was expressed to Mr. Taylor in the death of his wife, who was in vrars past a very faithful, devoted worker in the Auckland Union. In her remarks, Mrs. Long spoke of the work of distributing literature for the coming poll. She also spoke of the good work at the Maori Hostel. Afternoon tea brought an enjoyable meeting to a close. Three new members joined the Union.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT Cambridge: April meeting postpon-d on account of Atizac Dav. Mrs. Kemsley presided. Fencourt members also attended and the numbers were good to hear Mrs. District Secretary, report on Dominion Convention. Much interest was shown, and flowers were presented to the speaker bv one of the Fencourt members. Renediction. Tauranga, June 4th: Good attendance. Mrs. Christian presided. Devotions, pledge and a devotional talk by Mrs. Williamson. Report

of annual meeting of Women’s Representative Committee, ami meeting decided to su, -t the proj>osal to turn the Committee in; » 4 branch of the National Council of Women. Re|*ort on Rand of Hojk* and financial state, ment. Arrangements made for an afternoon Social for fund-raising furjioses. Mrs. Orbtian welcomed Mrs. Wood, a member ir mi New Plymouth, and Mrs. Wood spoke briefly on the work of the Sailors’ Rest. Vis op from Hawera, Waverley and from India ere welcomed. President gave a talk on “Medical Temperance,” dealing with the effects of alcohol on cell life. “Bring and Ruy,” after-iic-ofi tea, and Renediction and Doxology. Thames, May Ist: Peace Day observed. Good rally of niemliers, who contributed texts and readings on the subject in answer to Roll Call. The Rev. K. Handy gave a fine address, treating the subject in a novel way. June 3rd: Good attendance. Adjutant Chalmers spoke helpfully on “The Discipline of Delay," basing her remarks on verse- in Exodus 13. Tt.utterance fact by President, also a humorous pv>em r ad. Visitors welcomed.

Taumarunui, June 6th: 'irs. McDonald 1 resided. Devotions, Temperance fact and Pledge, letter read from Parent-Teacher Association, and we resolved to send representatives t-> a meeting to look into condition of schools. Miss Andrews to be inviteu to s|>eak to High Schools. “White Ribbon’’ day observer.

Hamilton, June 6th: Mrs. Gatman presided and conducted devotions. Matters of Teinp-r----ance interest received, and Pledge rfr-affirmed. Report from the National Council oi Women was given by Mrs. Moore. The guest speaker, Mrs. Gagan, gave an interesting talk on the work of the Maori Girls’ Hostel in Auckland. The lesson of work and worship was emphasised from the gospel of St. Matthew. The *j**aker was generously thanked by Mrs. Stephenson Craig. Tea hostesses appointed - Mrs. Harwood and Miss Parry. Meeting ckved with the Benediction.

TARANAKI DISTRICT Hawera, May: Mrs. Thayer, President, t<«k the chair and led devotions. A letter read iron) District Secretary, Mrs. Hocbs, re the tour of Miss Appleby in the district arranged for July. A rejiort of the District Executive meeting held at Stratford on May 2nd was presented by Mrs. Rarron. A letter of appreciation to be sent to Miss V. R. Logan for her work in judging the picture-painting contest and essays; and to Keith Tozer and frierd for typing the invitation cards for the Cradle Roll party. Afternoon tea was served by Mesdames Page aAd Burton. President closed meeting with prayer.

HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT Hastings: The monthly meeting held, Mr Hickmott presiding; excellent attendance. Devotions conducted by President. Pledge reaffirmed. Letter re Temperance examination* to be sent to Sunday Schools. Literature to be purchased for distribution in view of the coming Poll. The guest-speaker vas Mrs. Colonel Burton, to whom the President pre sented a bouquet of flowers. The s;>ej ker took as her subject the words. “Be of good cheer," and gave a message of comfort and cheer which everyone enjoyed. Mrs. A. Hopper and Mrs. Thomas thanked the speaker for her inspiring address, and the meeting closed with prayer. Mrs. I). Osborne and helper* wentea hostesses. Napier, May: A visit from the Dominion organiser, Miss Applebv. Agreed to purchase a projector to show Temj>erance films, and hooklets for the Tenqierance examinations P was agreed thflt members would provide hospitality for Navy men when in i«ort. At next meeting hooks and papers were to he brought for distribution among prisoner * in the local jail. Flowers and welcoming messages to be sent to brides of returned sold:irs. Miss .Appleby visited the “Y” branch, showing scientiic films, and expressing desire to hold “Y” camps.

MANAWATU DISTRICT Palmerston North: Devotions, Mrs. Carter Motion of sympathy passed with the relative of the late Mrs. Royes, formerly pianist. Mrs. East appointed sujienntendent of Home meetings. It was announced that literature would be given out at tile July meeting for distri hution; also that a retiring collection would be taken up at that meeting for the Chair of Obstetrics. Speaker for the day, Miss F.dmed.

•hr.’vc on the importance of correct re* "tin* both in speech and in writing. Harm done through the circulating of false reH'rts due not to dishonesty but to incorrect lh ‘ rvation of facts in listening and reading. Feilding, June sth: Mrs. Spence in chair, vi. Kendall took Psalm 23rd for devotions. Kenort on District Executive meeting given. Also .i report on Miss Appleby’s meeting for ,rf young j»eople was given. In observance lt ••White Ribbon** day, Mrs. Tremaine gave a talk on the working of the “W.R.," which >howed that the cost of publishing it had risen, so it was decided to have a “Bring and Buy" tall in August for funds for the j>a|>er. l’lans i,.r w 'i k in connection with the Poll this year wire talked over. Meeting closed with prayer. WELLINGTON DISTRICT . Masterton, May 2nd: Miss Jack .on presided. Rci-irted good meetings held during the week with the organiser, Miss Appleby, who showed 'Ftmi'erance films to Band of Hope Schools and Brigades. One new member initiated, decided that gifts suitable for the shop day on jtih- 31st be brought to the June meeting. Members asked for gifts and ditty bags for the Seamen’s Rest at New Plymouth. Wellington Central, May 19th: Good attendance. Arrangements made for hospital visiting. Peace messages and prayers for same. Ilirtl lr. i>osies presented. Mrs. Davidson’s <ale» table good results. Arrangements for next Executive to be the responsibility of the branch. A great privilege to have with us Mrs. Spencer, Sujierintendent of Belmont L.T.L, who brought a group of L.T.L. members, who entertained us with Temperance choruses and solos. Mrs. Spencer, in urging the importance of the work, urged anyone who could get a group of children together to train them in Temperance education. Doxology. Lower Hutt, May 22nd: Mrs. Sjiencer presided and Mrs. Swift led devotions. The thought for the month was: “If God be for us, though all else be against us, we shall pros]’.t,” Our L.T.L., which meets at Mrs. Silencer’s home each week, gave us a varied programme of songs, recitations and marches. Brooklyn, May 28th: Mrs. Gittings presided, fourteen present. Devotions led by Mrs. Greenwood. Hospital visitation reported. Pledge cards distributed to members. Preamble in Constitution read by Mrs. Cracknell. Tem]>erance fact given by Mrs. Didlcy. A letter, also a typewriter, article by Mrs. Mackie, Dominion Peace Sujierintendent, entitled “the World is my Country; all Mankind my Brethren,” brought forth a friendly discussion which aroused the interest of a few members. The letter was pronounced to be a very tine one and of the highest order. Sijril prayer and Benediction.

NELSON DISTRICT Nelaon, May 14th: Mrs. Toomer presided and Mrs. Goring led devotions, giving an inspiring talk on the “abiding j>eace”- which Christ promised His followers. Mrs. Hay re!«'!ted on the Rev. Mr.' Greenslade’s address <’ii “Trust Control” given at Dominion Conventi«<n. Plans for alteration of Hall were on display. Decided to concentrate on Poll work for this year; alterations to Hall to follow as - >n as jmssihle. Members were asked to distribute literature. Press and screen to he U'fd for advertising. A very successful "Bring and Buy” was held for Campaign fui! 1 . Meeting closed with Benediction. Blenheim, June 4th: President, Mrs. Forbes, in the chair. Devotions, led by Mrs. Adjutant hearse, were on the subject of Peace. Humn, "Peace, perfect Peace,” and reading from John 14. letter to be sent to a sick member, Mrs. J. McFadden, in hospital. Wonderful paper from Mrs. E. M. Mackie read; also an article from the Australian “Mothers’ Union” paper entitled “Am I my brother’s keejier?” showing from the social viewpoint the apathy and indifference of many Christians to the evils °f i rnbling, drinking, and impurity around us. benediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT Sprjnglands, 21st May : Held ui Methodist Sunday School. Mrs. V. Underhill presided °ye a good attendance and welcomed three visitors. Devotions, Mrs. A. M. Gascoigne. (kkh response to Roll Call. Report of District Executive meeting given and arrangements for h e Ribbon” Day made. Letter of symIwtli. to Treasurer, Mrs. J. Eyles, in hospital. " r,> . M. Hegglun, lately of Canada, was the speaker, and was presented with a shoulder *l ir a>. She gave a most entertaining account

of life in Canada, describing the beauties, climate, etc; also in reply to several questions she told of education, State Control, homes, shopping 4 and rationing. Mrs. Hegglun was accorded warm thanks for her very interesting talk. Meeting closed with pronouncing of Benediction.

NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT North Brighton, April 16th: Seven members and one visitor present. Piayer meeting and hospital reports were given. Mrs. Noonan retorted two Band of Hoj>e meetings, 23 and 15 being present respectively; and two pledges signed. Decided to buy a spray for Anzac Day, and two members volunteered to walk in the procession at New Brighton. Mrs. Ancel was nonfinated for the District Vicepresidency. One new member initiated and an old member rejoined. The following remit to be sent to the District Convention: “The members of North Brighton W.C.T.U. urge the Executive to send a letter of congratulation to the Rev. Thorjie commending his attitude re the food problem. This Union is of the opinion that the first step in the saving of food for Britain should be in the abolition of brewing; malt and sugar being two very necessary foodstuffs.” Woolston, March and April. Mrs. Ton.lmson took devotions, Mrs. Ramsay presiding. Mrs. Ramsay welcomed ail present and sjioke ieelmgly of the passing of Mrs. Barrell. Members stood in silence to her memory. A gift afternoon for seamen was held. An interesting rejiort of Dominion Convention was given by Mrs. Ramsay and Mrs. Webb. Mrs. Webb, our Cradle Roll Sujierintendent, was the youngest member of Convention. Two new members were welcomed.

Papanui, May 15th: Mrs. Tillman presided. Devotions, Mrs. Malcolm. Temjieiance fact, Mrs. Malcolm Roll call, a text of Scripture. Invitations received to birthdays of Ricc&rtou, Spreydon and New Brighton Unions. Mental Hospital rejiort given by Mrs. Thornton. Paj»er on “Peace,” Mr*. Malcolm. Arrangements finalised for Silver Jubilee on May 29th. “Bring and Buy” for exjienscs. Lytteiton-Heathcote: Mrs. Webb read an interesting paj*er. Arrangements made to honour Mrs. J. T. Norton at the May meeting. Woolston, Mav 9th: Birthday Social held in the McDonald Hall presided over by Mrs. Harvey. Mrs. Tomlinson took devotions. The Hall was beautifully decorated for the occasion. A large number from city and suburban Unions. A full programme of musical items was enjoyed by all present. A “Bring and Buy” stall brought in a nice sum. A lovely supjier wa* handed round and we concluded with the National Anthem. Thanks to all jierformers and heljiers. Spreydon, Feb. 12th: Iwo first and two second prizes awarded to pupils of the Spreydon School for Temperance essays. March 12th: Mrs. Woodcock elected Secretary. Twenty years’ service badge jiresented to Mrs. Dennis.

April 9th: Convention Report. Donation to Spreydon School funds. One new member, r May 14th: Dominion'Secretary’s letter on I»ost-convention planning read and ajijireciated. Minutes if 1925 inaugural meeting also read and voted interesting. Another new member welcomed.

New Brighton: June meeting took the form of a 35th birthday party. Mrs. R. Flowei presided and Mrs. Gcodland took the devotions. Pledge re-affirmed. Members stood in silence as a mark of resjiect to the late Mrs. N. C. Fraser, our Treasurer for twenty years, whose death has meant a great loss to our Union. Five of our members due to receive their twenty years’ service badges were presented with sjirays as the badges were late in arriving. A good gathering of ladies enjoyed a musical programme. A competition closed a happy afternoon. Papanui: Our Silver Jubilee was held in the Papanui Methodist .Schoolroom on a beautiful sunny day. The President, Mrs. Tillman, welcomed a large gathering of visitors from other Unions. Mrs. F. J. T. Grigg, District President, presented twenty years’ service badges to Mesdames Carr, Hayton and Tillman, and each received a pretty floral spray. The jubilee cake was made by Mrs. Tillman and iced by Mrs. Hilton. There was a programme of musical and elocutionary items. Reefton, May 14th: Mrs. Thompson presided. Owing to ill-health Mrs. Absalom, “White Ribbon” agent, has resigned. Secretary to send for samples of jiosters and leaflets from list received from Mrs. Ross. Meeting closed with prayer.

Sydenham. 6th June: Owing to the absence on holiday of our President, the chair was taken by Mrs. J. K. Archer, there being an attendance of eleven. Devotions were conducted by Mrs. Davies, and our Pledge was re-atfirnied. Invitations were received from Spreydon and Riccarton branches to attend their Birthday Socials. “White Ribbon" Day was the theme of the meeting. Several members gave readings on various subjects, and an informal discussion took place, mainly on the serious asjiect of food wastage by the brewing industry and the ever-increasing amount sj»ent on liquor by the jieople of the Dominion each year. Mrs. Archer led us in prayer at the close.

SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Waimate, April 10th. Meeting well attended. Devotions taken by President. Letters of sympathy sent to Mrs. L. Hoarc in the tragic death of her husband, all members standing in silence. Congratulations sent to Mr. and Mrs. Kipjienberger on attaining their golden wedding anniversary, Mrs. Kijijienberger being one of our Vice-Presidents. As it was “White Ribbon” Day, every member read an extract from the “W.R.” • •May Btti: Meeting well attended, the President taking the devotions. letter of sympathy sent to Mrs. Simpson, our Treasurer, in the sad loss of her husband, all members standing in silence. Our sjieaker was the Rev. Mr. Griffiths, a returned Padre of this war, and jirisoner of war for some time. His address was in>tructive and inspiring, for which Mrs. Stark proposed a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. Kijijsenoerger seconding this, it was carried unanimously.

Temuka, May 29th: The Peace meeting was well attended, visitors being present from the Presbyterian. Women’s Missionary Guild, who were accorded a warm welcome, and whose greeting, conveyed by Mrs. Green, was Psalm 34-14. The sjiecial sjieaker for the afternoon was Mrs. R. Parker, of Timaru, who took for her text Psalm 39-11. Mrs. Grocott presided, and suitably acknowledged Mrs. Parker’s sjdendid address, which was much appreciated by all |>resent. Afternoon tea was served by Mesdames AUenby and Davey. Benediction. May Bth: The Cradle Roll jiarty was held, and owing to very unfavourable weather the attendance was not very good. Mandolin items were given by Mesdames Moulton, Fletcher and Shejiherd, also items by Elizabeth .and David Borrie. Each child was presented with a j-encil inscribed “Vote New Zealand Dry and jirotect New Zealand Youth.” An address to mothers was given by Mr*. Prattley on “The Mothers of the Bible.”

OTAGO DISTRICT South Dunedin: Fourth Thursday. Mrs. Rijijun presided, and Mrs. Smith Jed devotions. The passing of Miss Bruce, sister of our Miss Fanny Bruce, after years of suffering, was remernbeiod in our prayers. l‘wo apologies received. Letter re Temperance Examinations received. Mrs. Ripptn read a lengthy report of the advance towards the return of Prohibi • students on Capping Day elicited strong pro- # tests from members, who wanted to know why educated men escajie when “hoodlums” would be “run in.” Agreed to send for copies of election literature for distribution; Iff/- being jiassed for jiavment to Superintendent of Cradle Roll, Mrs. Madigan. A “Round the World” survey of Temperance Leagues showed the increase of public estimation and influence. North East Valley, May 23rd: Mrs. Peart jire*ided. Members took part in discussion on various asjiects of Temperance work. The Treasurer rejxirted that the sum of 13/10 had been received in freewill offering at the social afternoon which had been held the previous month. Oamaru, May: See sjiecial rejxirts. Kaikorai, May 28th: Mrs. Flett presided. Mrs. Donaldson. District President, was welcomed, and read an article from the “Scottish Women’s Temjierance News,” "The Quiet Hour.” The resignation of Mrs. Masterton, our Treasurer, from office oti account of illhealth, was received with regret. The Secretary was asked to act as Treasurer in the meantime. A new member was welcomed. Mrs. Flett reported on the L.T.L. which was opened a fortnight ago and is getting good support.

Port Chalmers, May 15th: Meeting held at the home of Mrs. Bowman. Mrs. Taylor, President, led in prayer. Discussion re the possibility of Tem|>erance teaching in schools. To be looked into. Decided to make sj>ecial prayer for “the cause.” Mrs. J. B. Chambers, wife of the “V” Dominion President, welcomed and electee Secretary. Rev. J. 11. Chambers, H.A., gave an encouraging address to the meeting. Thanked by Mrs. Watson. Meeting closed with Benediction. Afternoon tea.

Lawrence, June 6th: Miss Feiguson, President, in ’he chair. Attendance fair. letter sent to sick member. One .doien copies of "Scientific Temperance Instruction” sent for for Teni|teranee Examinations. Members sending old copi“s of "White Ribbon” to the Maori Mission field. President read extracts from a pajK-r, "Sermons I Remember.” Mrs. McNeilly gave a paper, "We s{*eak that we do know."

Oamaru, June 10th: Mrs. Winn presided ami led in prayer. Kitting reference was made to the death of Miss Annie Milligan, one of the oldest and most faithful sympathisers in the Temperance cause. All stood as a mark of appreciation and respect. Devotions were taken by Mrs. Cropp, and a thought for the month was given: “Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered and there was no one there.” M rs. Winn thanked all who helped with the circular sent to members and friends, which brought a good result. Also thanked all those who had collected food coupon*; which resulted in 70 for meat, 25 for butter, 22 for sugar, and 51 for tea. Subscriptions are being collected for the Memorial Window in the Memorial Chapel. The sj»eaker for the afternoon, Miss Bradv, gave some experiences of work amongst the Maoris in Auckland. The sad cases were mostly the result of drink. Prayer was asked for th# workers and the Maori jieople that they may be strong to withstand this great evil

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT South Invercargill: Met on Tuesdaj afternoon when, despite the weather, there was a good assembly of members. The Evangelical Superintendent, Mrs. Richards, gave a short commentary on “Thou canst not see the Glory of God.” Mrs. Buick sang two solos. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. Stanley Brown, her subject being “Just you, yourselves.” Mrs. Holmes presided, and proposed a heartv vote of thanks.

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 6, 1 July 1946, Page 8

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 6, 1 July 1946, Page 8

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 6, 1 July 1946, Page 8

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