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Bulletin of Union News

DISTRICT EXECUTIVE MEETINGS Wellington: Hi monthly meeting held July Jnh ilKimn, Ur*. Brewer iwraidiag. G «■! k'liidanfr. Devotion* Ird b)' Mr*. \s<"id. karoei, |»er*idcnt. Mr*. Mcllndr I teratutr Nufimiitcndrnt dm kmc »Wt»c* of Mr*. Havmaa. Srrrral dmiatKmi received to- • arw* Ur*, Gngg's "torn" gftenmun, which •a» poorly attendrd oviuc to bad weathrr. Result, ft»/lt»/*> tor district hand*. Drodrd to <.<nd rrwdutMxi re cloving hotel* on the cr**aof boatihtic*, to N < W - s lor thru » ipf*>rt. Resolution* fr<*n S.CWV. were read a d di*cu*»ed; and thoae relative to <mr work were *u|»j*»rted. Ifecidrd that Ui*t Andrew* i. ,'itu hr rent to the X.( .W. to he added t • t)ie liat of *tntable women fir. inrlu*ioa on i •mmittee* aji*Mnted by the (ioverniiteut. At w- tit ids the Ihimininn officer*. who were meetmf in Wellington, were welcomed ami entert. ited at lunch. Ur*. Ka*|er t »>k drvotxni*, tieakini on Hebrew* 12: I aad 2. Sfwcial wclt rne accorded to Ur- CanMiau, and Ml"i--tunity taken to make ter ar<juaintanrr -4 the ii-w editor. Ur*. Hirtt, absent through **ckn«»* in her home, »a* greatly mnirH. Iw-lr-f tte* reminded of gift* lor Seamen'* Rest « -uld br due at neat meeting. Arrangement r ide to |*roeidr tea at the British Sailors' • riety on Votenihrr **th. Rr|«4* < n L.T.L. • ik given by Ur*. Sfetirer; and Ur*. Nired ••ut'inrd hu*ine*» of a meeting railed to rai*r find* for an Obstetric and Gynaecological II *|atal in Auckland, letter* received from tan small t’niou* with which mrmbrr* had c-rre*|«nded. After thank* to entertaining I iimn, meeting ckvaed with th* IU-nedirt inn. North Canterbury: July meeting. Mi*. C. Hirretl |*re*idcd over g<rd attrndancr of town .- d country member*. F.ach Secretary gave a rt rrf»>rt <f work being done in their b inches. Vote* of *yni|*athy with the rela ■ t >e* »4 Mi«* ('<>u*in*. late Uavorr**; Ur*. 1 < trntoii. |<re*idrnt of Pa|Mtitii I’runu, in d> 4th of her hu*band; and with Mr*. I'iriett m her brreaiement. Arrangement* made for Krk >miatnrjr concert, Jhd V. elcome Club tea. It. *. Mr. Greeii*lad» «:**e a nm*t mlormattve talk on “Trust Control" a* he saw it work* n g in Invercargill.

UNION REPORTS Birkenhead Tune 7th. tiad attend auce. Mi*. ('astlePxi |»re*idrd; Ur*. W anhiil led d< votton*. Secretary read new*fiaper rutting* a ittew in Guidon on May 7lh, where thief C mate Mr* of Britain’* big town* |»ay tnbutc to the Mibriety of all cla**e* of prople*. e*jwci* ally war worker* and tnemlwr* of tr • *ervicr*. A l«lre«* bv the Re*. A. J. John*to*. <« “Hat «- u , t out BiNr." The *praker was thanked. II- iirdtCtMU. liilv sth. Fair attendance Mr* ( a«tleto«i p'f'idiiur. Devotion*. Mr*. Wanhill. *'Sch<*>l sf Method*” re|*»rt by *rcretary, and F.accti toe report by pmiftnt. Letter of }«otr»t sent a Uini*tcr omccrned re unsuitable him* *hown in theatre* attended by children. Mi*. Read .are a talk on “letter***; with the *tory of Caul'* letter to Phtlrwanu. “M rpitk*; and should bear a *tam|> which show* tl ini|*r int of our king.** Sjeaket thanked. H inn and Benediction. T ikaguna: Tuly 4th. President. Mr*. U<mbi, in the chair; devntnxi* takrn bv- Mis* Cullen. I*ian* of work di*cu**rd. and a sugfr -i ion made that more “Home meeting* nr krM with a view to increasing our menibrt •Ini.." Rrt">*t from l>i*tnct F.vrcutive showed • l »u»v fine ahead with various activities. M * Mountyoy. district vice-president. gave a krljiul talk on “Facts of Interest.** Profitable sitrmuon closed with Benediction. Auckland: July 10th. Combined meeting Lid. member* of other I’ninn* having Bren m.ied L> meet with the Auckland t’nion. M ». Lxir presided. Miss F.l«ie Andrew*. Ih>snrion Fdocatiunal Officer, gave a most interesting and instructive talk on her work. was a good gathering in the Lretnrr H.. 11 of the Y.W.C.A. Question* were innt«d. and Mi** Andrew* gave valu-Uc nfor•u’tia in reply. A resolution was unanimously t*a**ed at thr n -ting, to be forward*d to the Prune Minis-

ter, asking th.’.t. whtn final victory is declared the bai * anc hotel* br chief tor at least two day*, ho tl at their may not be a r|wtituxi ot what t «ok |4acr at the last drclat .non. A donation to the i-atnutic *h«g» was |Ni»Kd Mount 1 dm: Juh Jrd. \li** A. M. Mtl.a> |xr»wk I and took Iknitium, l‘*alm 17, "Iret out th. veil." I'Udgr alhrmed and Tein|<rrancc Fact read. Two interesting |a|er * read, rate on staiir incidrnt* from the work and life of Mi*« Agne* Slack, and use by Vis* t ain|4irll on the work of F'ltrahrth Fry amongst tbe womm |ci *onrr* in Newgate |«ti*on. lU>th very in tiuctna. Otahuhu: July J2imL Mr*. \k. layior (nreKiding. >|wakrr, the Rr>. Mr. Vkaite. *h«. ilealt with the a|M*thy uf tem|wrance workers in irgard to the great enemy, lar greater in it* |«>mcr than our enemy, Ja|«au. Kncoui - agrnieiit wa» given and All were urged to kre|on in the hght nth (iml on our n«lr. Vkr could not be drtrAtcd. Hendrr soft July IMth. H-snr mretiiig at Mr*, leamsn'i residencr. («ood attrndancr. Devotions. Secretary gave a find re|».»rt ot rucentive niertiug. An extract va> read, giving Dr. Richards' views rSftrr**ed a* eviurnce brhire the Royal Commission during the Auckland kitting, regarding the tiadr in alcohol. ih*cit*»ion t<4lo*ed. Ini) *th. Mr*. J -«net j*re <li«l. and Mrs. Osborne led drvotions, with Mrs. Chribtofdier, tr. the a barrier of Mr*. Read, who *ent a message by telegram. Si*trr Nance, cd 'hr Mrthodi»t Mission, *nrcially welcomed. Mis* RuiKimaii gave the IniijeiaiKr Fact. Mrs*agr of symiuthy to Mi*. Md lure in the death of her mothei, also a mrnibrt of the t'uiuu. AnnouiKetnents including the ment ot Mr*. Long as Matron of the Maori liosirl. Mrmbrt* wert a*krd to make tkma* tion* c 4 2/b annually to the lfo*trl work. A very hel|4ul and informative talk wa* given by Sister Natter on the work among the young | a j-lr and children at fie Mrth<>di*t Maori Centre in Airedale Street, in which a resume *4 each day's work and the re*|«>*isibill A entailed thereby wa* given. Incident* in Ma<xi rescue work were also quirted. Sister Nance wa* wirmly thanked. I ledge and Ifeuediction brought the meeting to a close. Takapuna Very succe *sful “Home meeting" held at the home uf Mr*. I'etchell. Mist ( ulI* -i ic d Ihc tion-, sfiraking on “My Tallin * Husiitest.** Guest steaker. Miss C. V.l.av, hei subieft being “God'* Call to U •alien." a very stirring and |*»werful acfdres*. A|>t>reciatioti ri|-tes*ed of the «<ek dcair over a |ernal <4 years by Mr*. S. VNiostone, in the Ciadlr Roll l>r |>artment. Meeting closed with |aayer. Invitation received from the De>on|airt I’oion to a “Floral Afternuou'' to be held in August. Thi« was acrrptrd. Titirangi: July Jlst. Miss C. ptr*ident, in the chair: thirteen |-ie*ent. Ih-vo-iions led by Mrs. I’arrish. Teinierance f art read. Mi*. Hirtt refairted 11 on Gtadle K<4l. Mestlame* I'arrish. (lark and flirt* a|i-aii-ted a* Conventual drfegate*. Snfos by Mrsdame* McMahon and (*mi4rll, and recitation by Mrs. Row. Talk by Miss Mcl*ay on the “Ma<ai Hostel" movement, and eulogising Si«ter Jessie's wonderiul work. Benediction and tea. Onehungw: )iU\ 12th. Re|a*rt« from different dr| ant incut* and much bii-inr** done in arranging Uk*< and Ikwninion work. July JMh. H<>«oe meeting at Mrs. Ashlry's home well attended. S4<** by Mrs. McMahon ami Mis* Wehb. followed by an racellrnl demonstration of felt w*ak in various styles, fleetly dr set i bed by Mr*. o*hr»rne. who devote* niurh time to the making of artKlr* ha ho*|atal. |*atnotic and chantabfr pnrt»tr«.

SOUTH AUCLAND DISTR'CT Hamilton: July Mh. Mr*. Gatniaw nrrs*dmg. drvi tio.'.s takrn by Mrs. S«r|ihetison Craig, who trad from the second chapter of Fd4ie*ians. Mr*. IKesent frean C'anibndgr Cnion. f'onvetiiujn |4an* discussed and programme for Miss Andrews' visit arranged. A cnmhnird meeting of wxMiten* organisations is included. Prayer irsanra Temivrancr Fact and Hmrdictum closed the meeting. Thames: July 4th. Roll Call answered bv member * with teal* commencing letter T. Rev. F. Handy gave an in«trurtivr address on the birth nl the Rechabite movement, nine centuries before the birth of Chn*t. He urged working kw small reform* while keeping National I’ndiibuion in view. Di*cd«amn M lowed, the speaker answering qurstioa*. Faecutive meeting called to deal with arrangements

for Mis* Aadrew*’ furthcoming visit; awd the C ladle Roll afternoon. vrrtisiwg we gathered in thr Methcalist school r<nsi to hear Miss Id»ie Andrews* addrrs* «m lighted with her concise presmtatton nf th subject and pray her method* will or adnfUed bi thr nations. AfteetusMi tea and a s.Kial chat fc4k>wed. Tauranva: S|4end«lly attended Youth Rally lu Id m M>thodi*t Church rm Suviday, \itgWsl Ik. Ml** Andrews tlie *|waker; Res. A. A. Ilensle* presiding. lea served to ||tl voting fe'ifjr in thr hall. Mis* Andrew*' acidic »* cm "Courage and laiyafty." TARANAKI DISTRICT New Plymouth t I uric .’7th. Gcmhl attrndanee. Mis. Bnwn in the chair. Devotion*, Temperance Fa< t. Mist Drew refairted a very *wrre«sfwl Day. with a *|4rndid aRn catMm to *Sea men's Rest." Rt|..f* from the I raffic. Benedict mu. WANGANUI DISTRICT Wan ?anui Central lute meeting, atIrndatKe owing to stormy weather and cm,siderabie sirknrss. but meeting krl|4ul. lulv meeting. Seventeen present, one new member and one transfer. Requrst received f-r co-tgwratinn with other women's organisations in Self* fur the hihtn Camp, sending fc *uf fo Britain, and for the Y.M.f .A. street apf<**al. ffnlv one mrnihrr offering, it wa* agr> e«f not t». undertake the last-named. Mr*. R. Wi 1 son Ird 'k mtinni; Mr*. f,lenn in charge i4w« II -hllrd “Bring and lluv" *tall. Mr*. marked Mrnv>nal Day bv brief. *i«rited resume of nr>trworthv point* of M'.C.T.C. gnrwth since It* merptron bv hfteen rk*voted Worker*. Snr de*cr iU-d noted leader* site liad met |vrvmally at Conventions, stressing the need for «ducat mg younger worker* to carry on the work. Agreed to men earlier and aim at i•roniH l ludr and brevity in routine. “White Kil4*»iis ' a nd ”\ anguard*" asked for in hospital visiting. T'rgrd to contimir with clothing h>* fair Red CrrM*. MANAWATU DISTRICT Fei'cfinf: July 4fh. Mr*. S|<ence presided ind «lr*. Tremaine led Devotion*. Refwirl of N'.t U *nrrUng read bv Mr*. and rreoit* <ai drink were read and discussed. Be ciatiful thoiu'ht* and verse givrn bv memhrr*. Motion of svmfiathy with Mi. and Mr*. Kendall who had k»t a grandson over tea*, fitter of *yni|»athv to a *ick membrr. A visitor welcmned (’oiler 1 ion of Ilffl for Sea* men'* Rest. Nine present. Meeting cl-**ed with prayer. WFLLINGTON DISTRICT Wellinrtwn Central: T til * sth “V hitr RiHImn" and “Memorial Day.** R< !c caß. Greeting* to br rent to sick me:,itirr*. President. iu congratulating the treasuier who had at* tamed her -uhclee *., a membrr and officer. I»rr*rnted her r ith a beautiful floral *prav and a ro*v |>air nf lirdmom slipfers Mr*. Helver also received a per son a I letter nf greet* mr and appeertatHin from the Dmitnion i«resi* dent. Mr*. Hirtt. Pifer read bv Mr*. WrMi. "Gcdclru luhilre"; also “White Ribhon" pa|wr l»v Mi*, \ndrew on activities lor the future veil*. G*ml attendance. Blankly: T une JMh. GocmJ attrncfatKr. Mr*. Grthni:*. *■ * eg -per udr at, in the chair; devn* turn* led In Mr* Grrrn*i»»l Pledge reflated. Tofatte paid to the late Mi. Pearson. a lifelong worker for prcdithition ami Bil4e in Srboc4*. having siippfied literature for dis* trihuttoti in NT. and I’.S.A. V-4e of «vmpathr to Mr*. Pearson and famip passed in silence, all standing. Mr*. Brewer paid a tribute to the memory of the late Mr. J. W. (*hs«, Mt*. Kellv replying on behalf of the faitulr. Temper nice F'act. letter nf armpath* to Mr*. Ahhir who is ill. Inv**ati<Ni to Tohnsonvilkr 2l*t birthday party m lulv, and to a "com" atrertmoo at the h-wne d Mr*. Grure. fr<en the District Fxrcutive. Thank* received for «vmpathy in sickness and berev ■ • merit from Mesdame* Simpaon >nd Woodford.

lulv iinmg Mr*. Brewer presided. PUnlge rffeittd, Mr*. Greenwe,vd led dt'votiur* Temivrsoci Fact. Hospital visiting arranged. Re port of fhstnet Faecrtive given bv Mr*. lordan. Report* of ;emit* passed by the N.C.W. at their annual mretimr read bv Mr*. R rearer. Qur«tion« on W.C.T.C, activitie* avked and answered. Thanks to president far

rr|'4finK these. Mt*. GiUing*. wbo vat tppmnlr4 to the Civic On .e Committff, save in outline of a recent meeting Mr*. Pearton hanked mrinhrrt for Moral tribute and tvm>athy »n her recent bereavement. Mrmhrr* n 4 charge for me day «4 kctl dr j« >t to re - -eive, remake or refunr clothing for t’NKKA. Individual member* attend daily lo a«*i*t in fkn. Sigtl prayer and llevrdicttou. MARI BOROUGH DISTRICT Blenheim luly 3rd. <««<d attendance. Mr*. I-or In* presiding. devotion* led by Mr*. Mil|rr*. Sirk member* remembered and grretmgt and letter* t«» b* «rnt to tliem. lima li<>ti* in |4are *t \ i.iul Strt*i ''tall am -tinied lo fli Mia. Kutbr« t<ad extracts from Convent Km report, and 'poke d a meeting nf the N,C.\\ . attended wli.b *bt *ai m Chtistrhurch. Trm|vrance Kart turn ami concern (elt by memhro over an act* am I in a email i weekly <d V-F. day Ceirbralnm* aa lems ar*u»ing. * Taaa Manna: July 17*1*. Devoti i% led bv Mi** llarn*. rradms from Psalms '• atvd l(U Mr*. Knight then read tan* chapter* from Rita ''noarden’a late*! hi4i. a copy nf which i* to lie forvardrd to Mr*. I- Gardner at ( a*hmerr from the membrr* fur her birthday, la-ttrr read frwn Mr*. Hatrup thanking I nnw lor sift of handkerchief* tor the Mavterton On*hanagr chihlrrn; also a I* tier arktmw bulging a donatKm to the Vamen'v Revt. Birthday -I* ay* *ent to four member v Ladir* of th< Mrrtnnaid town *itiging rircV attended and *ang teveral *ons*. vfm and trio* wrhidi were very much enjoyed by all. a* wa* a recitation by a tiny tot. ItencdtrtwMi. Sprangfaaad* l-’th lulv. At the home of Mt*. A. M (iivmiKie, \lr*. V. I'mlrrhill |*reaiding- Opening devotions, Mriw la>«|ie, amt g«»«d rr*|»in*ive ver*e* to the Kill Call V,,gl«athy rx|»re**ed to Mr*. (*. Ik<rw 4ll m tfre Ua’h t i her l*r> t » r. and *• in Mr* C, I Smith in lo** of her h•:,.»*nd. the late Mayor id Rlrnhrint. Grueling* and Inv* lo hr conveyed to ni.*mlwr« br Mi*. I. Green. TemtwTattre Kart given. Verr invpatmg and t:.iere*ting teadsug <« the life and work of the late fW. Marsarel Giuil'Hank. VI It , hr*t woman rl-irtnr to practice in New Zealand, wa* given bv Mr*. F.. RoW**efl. Next meeting Missionary Day to le held at home of |>rr*iili lit wlien Mi V. IHrwetl will lw the speaker. 'tliank* lo Mr*. Ga*eotgnc. NORTH CANTI RBURY DISTRICT (Kfordt lime 3*th. “White HiUmi" dar r* tibia led at mreting in the f oronatn* Hall Krignitt.m id the Mcretarv, Mi*. Alien, received with regret; a|ipteciatM«n id her wilting and efficient work and good wi*he* for her li|p|4iK«» in her new Inane bring expressed, lute re* ting extract* read from the W k. bv membrr*. The (iresidri.t wa* authorised to intere*! the head ma*ter nf the school in regard to Temperance K.*«ay« bv the arhoid children. Mr*. White wa* elected a* secretary. Benediction and Doxolngv. Sydenham lulv bh: l*rr-idrnt, Mr*. J. Kilrr, t«re*i.|ed over an attendance of fourteen. M ret i tig with drvotMwi*. Pledge reaffirmed A letter wa* received from the hr ail ma'ter of the HeeVenham Vhn»4. regretting that a* a matter of |*>ltry he could mt see hi* way clear to accept the o §rr of priae* b«r a Temjwrance K*anunation at the end of the vear. Mr*. J. D. fen*en wa* the *|waker. her theme being the nece**itv of the traiumg of children by mother* in the home* during rhildh<*id in tweparatmu for the day* of temptation in oilier rear*. Yncial duet hv Me*dame* Kilrr and Wratherhrad. Meeting closed with (waver led hy Mr*. Macf*aurhlan. Rut irtnn: lulv 13th. Twenty-four (weseut. Motion id sympathy to a brreavrd member. Teni|wranre Kart given and , *lrdgr re*tti• toed. Re(4r rev'eived from the Hon. Mr. Mord merer. Mini*ter id Health, re the building of a much-neetir-i Matemitv Home. |k«. ’.atom *ent to the National Council uf Chti* tian Congregation*. A concert ai ranged by the Choir had re*ulted in fll/lfMfc a* twugred*. bad weather notwith*tanding. Mental ilos<4tal re(»4t «ati*factury. RiUr Studv Group held rverr second Tuesday in priv ate home*. Mo«t instructive address given. Ifenedict ns Si. Alban's: June Sth Kighth Iwrthdav rrlrbratrd at the home of the prr*idrnt. Mu. \N G- ,g S in Union* represented. and a visitor from Ashburton attended. Splendid dr vufiouat '* 1 bv Mr* Waltot I gi»-w by Mi*. K Pyke (Rlenheiml, and Mi*.

Mrilb,, and were much appreciated. Addtest ven by Mr*. Gngg Birthday cake made and deem atrd by Mr*. Walton. The secretary, noth a lew word* uf luxe and a;s**ctat»nn, |►resented a id violrt* to the prevident from the Union; al*o thank* for the u»e id her home, and al*u to the *praker and performer*. Benediction. luly. l4«d meeting add’essrd \rj Mr*. Grigg. Kdurative subject. ■'kpuiui: July Jrd. Mra. K.lbott (wr'uled me sr ven membrr*. Roll call, a trxt «d I rtuprraace I .» Meeiiug lo he altered lo th« Murd the month. (ommittev formed to draw up a vyßabu* lot ensuing year'* work. Mr*. Orchard v ire a most iK.tere«|iiig talk on Mia*mn work in live S.hwtmn Islands. Ijtrratnre given out for distnljutNm. Collection l*r general :ud iitrtilal lMis|ntal wvuk. Hetirdtctio*i. LyMrlton Heathiote July. attendance. Mis. S. 1 tedenmek in the chair ami gave an interesting addles* on the Mission to lc|ei*, a*km« lor «up|*Mt tor the Rev. Mr. Thompson, fl odircte*] lur Alliance Royal Uomimaamn rxprnsrs. Reefton luly 10th. Meeting hebl at the home of Mr*. “The Terrace,“ Mra. Ihompson presiding <*nml at triniance. I *• alter discussion to *rek the co lynalxn • d other women'* organisations with irgatd to the dunking among youth* in the town, and with regard to the dispwfNvrl nutate numSOUTH CANTFRBURY Timarvi June meeting. Mi*« Case pee•idrd in the absence Hi rough iHnr»* «d the l>u ub nt. h air attendance onuig to wet weather. I a-vot urns led Ivy Mrs. Middleton. aiolMNi* »d *>ni|iathv in her hrtravrment |N*sse*| lot M' -dames Ne w land* and McKwing. and letter* id cheer to Mr*dain< » Nome and <Ks«lall. A* more ships had visited the i«irt, the “Ke*t" had bren madr good use of. Ho%|Hial visitor* ref«irtrvi on their viait*. Decided to send a donation to Maon finis* Hostel in Auckland. A ''Bring and l<uy** to br «gei - ated at the next meeting fot |wtriottc fond' Intere'ting remit* from N.C .VN . read ami discussed. re bibby calve*, making second giad> iruit available to the public, etc. W.M. day • deserved, extract* bring read from pa|rr on what "VN hit* Kibfam'' |«|ei and white nbU>u bow stand for. Benediction. Waimale: June mettiiig |>r» idol over In Mr*. in the absence of ih« lirsnlrnt. Drvottotia. >|e*krr, Mr. tirsirge i«'f». wti *• address wa* unis) ilbuiiiuatiug. A hearty %otr id thank* |w*sed. luly meeting w• II attend, d. Mrs. IhMkrtt. I'limi 'il, tu tfu ii.aii, vnd also h-d drv«gi«Mi*. Mr*. Slack npnilrd a* delegate to the wv etmg id N.C.W. at I imam. Annual <bmalK>n of fl for ••Sa.kir*’ Rest" in limaiu dr* ..Ini U|<un. N|ea»er, Mia* Kyfr, and a very :ntrie*ting in*ig!it given into tlie work <d the I'niim. I»ei*a• tmental work drsenbrd. Hearty vote of thank* acceded. Closed with the Trui|eraace lloxidugy. North K sot Valley: June Jith. (rud meeting. President, Mr*. Green, ui chair. Kxcer|*t* read 'mm IN K. Ke|»irt from Itibfr in Sch«»d* I a ague received and di *CU**ed. hoi riled id remit* »iiumittrd hy S.( VN. Iffl|4u' ilrvotnm* bd by Mr*. I*rart. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT Uvwtaipll Central: July 7th. Mr*. ( am eron |irr*idrd and Mr*. Wesury led drvptnai*. letter Irion Mr*. R bertthau, rrfrrsrntativv • nt the I'.-lish Children )|oa|Ntality Committee, read by Mrs. Xwlkei, *> nt anted an interesting rrfnrt id the chibirrtt' visit to W rllingtiMi. Mr*. \\>'tiry rej* rtrd i.n the work id tht Cniyded Chiblren Society during the year. Ilmrdic* mn. lus'ercargill South June lith President in the chair, (rood a* rtulance Ihvotion* led bv Mr*. Richard*, subject, “Kaithfulties*. M A large ca«e wa* imekrd with tiu* id l*Hid»tuH[« lo> the w<wnrn of Britain, which ia to be *hi|-]«d shiwtly. The King ( .wintry agreement wa* outlined and Cm *tr»rv *<4d oncerning it* signing and *ub*evjumt tat living Knur iew ttKNihrrs initiated. Sfeakei, the Rev. W. 11. lone*. A most helpful address on “Sr|<arat»«in" a* exempfitied in the life of St. Paul. Prrai•b tit *i*die ini the granting id the fratirhiar to women in lid. Mtettng rb>sed with prayer. July lOtti. find aitendaiKr pre*nWd user In Mt» Reidv. \ft*. Richard* led Mem bets thanked be genet, .u* re*|>o«i*r tu “Kood bn Itritatti" A|>peal. Maori Day. Rev.

J. A. Th tntaon gave a most interesting ad dee»* on early mi»*innarT work among the Mann*. C ullev tiou of 11! It - taken up fr>r the Marni fii• I* Hostel Sp< thanked. Tuw new metubert initiated. Benedicttou. —Ji—

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White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 7, 18 August 1945, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 7, 18 August 1945, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 7, 18 August 1945, Page 7

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