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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTRICT. Mauni;akaramea. —July JO. President, Mrs. \Uir. pH-sidt-d and led Devotions. Temperance Mrs. Adams. Pledge related. Roll (ali ’iiaine ol Temperance Worker. President rtiil extracts from annual report of Dominion Work. Hymn. Benediction. Afternoon tea. Auiru-t 15. Mrs. Weir presided. Read poruoa ot Matt. 5, and article on “Peace,” by \|rs. Constable, July “White Ribbon." Roll till. Pledge. Miss Walker gave Temperance rict. New books and literature to lie pur~ised for young people’* departments. Dona(,t 1 1 received. Sending £1 each to lieaduartrr> Fund, N.Z. Fund and Maori Hostel , I’arnel. Two choruses. President Koosek pit'* “Four Freedoms” and “Whisper a i’raver." Three speakers gave rebuts of V, th Auckland Convention. Decided to send iccounts of meetings and literature to members ,h" cannot attend through distance or illbrilth Hymn. Benediction and afternoon tea. Mating aturuto.—May 24. Social afternoon to Mrs. L. Mollard, our Secretary and Treasurer, who is lea vug to reside at 1 apatoetoe A presentation was made and items rven. Afternoon tea. , .. . lulv JO. President in Chair. Devotions. Wrdve Mrs. j. A. Cullen appointed Secretary Ind Treasurer. Mrs. A. S. Flower C K Supt. President and Secretary appointed delegates w Northland Convention. . \uirust 23. President in Chair. Opening Correspondence. Rejor, by Mr.. 11. Fk wrr ol Convention. Decided to write to vjpt., Maori Department, for literature for distribution in neighbouring Maori Settlement “Bring-and-Buy” to be held November meetmg. Hymn and Benediction. AUCKLAND DISTRICT Kohi-St. Helier’s-At Mrs. l*hillips sen., \uuust 17. Mrs. Farr took Devotions. Mrs. ffl «.« 'hr F.c.-Phy».c.l *««• ? dnnicing is slow jOisoning. Sow b> Mrs. Martin. Miss Appleby gave an interesting address on Maori Work of serving the g rls. k|p|. Kas|>er said the Kohl L.T.L. was small, but doing good work. . ... Mt Eden.-September 5. Miss A. M. presided. Good attendance of * n< J s Devotions. Temperance I-ait. Kei»ort li-strict" and N.Z. Deeded to compile Memorial Roll. Mrs. i artei iS m arnriron, “Th t O«W. on »«»• mg the Pledge, and the President read ex Set. from an address by Dr. O’Bnen on the action of alcohol on the heart. D**“»**°® followed. Afternoon tea. The Social Commit u. 'Jr District Convention met afterwards. Onehunga.—August 10. Annual P»J-«P Social Good attendance. Business arrange mii- 1 . and retiorts. Solos by Miss Smith and recitations by Mrs. Hatton. Very ■jesting »<ldre-> by Pastor Day describing Hi. work and many unusual experiences during hre term as At my Chaplain in the East. He problems of soldiers, and he begged i" ■> path)' and understanding to be shown them when they return home. .. August 24. Home meeting at residence ol Mrs. Vshton. Recitations and wusicalitemS; Address by Mis* McMillan from Dunedin, who told of her travels all over the world just before the present war. Especially ‘"teres Png were her descriptions of the various food she had to eat when in the different countries at the outbreak of war. • Ponsonby.—August 17. Mrs. R Join r - the Chair. Temjrerance Fact by Miss Rune man Convention preliminary notices of to™ munion Service, Church Parade and Social Afternoon given by Mrs. Joiner. vo * * Mrs. Rrad Mrs. Mowday. the speaker, was thanked by the President for her very «nspiring address. Afternoon tea served. I ledge e jeated. Benediction. _. Rtmucra.—August 22. Good meeting Ihe devotional Service led by Mrs. Laird was very inspiring. Decided to hold a Jumble Sale in October. An item was rendered by Miss Cowan. Mrs. H. Kasper gave a talk on the value <>f the Methods Department, and the value of the School of Methods, which was •wternational. Delegates appointed for the Di»1 nvention. Takapura. —Small attendance. Mrs. Mowday residing Miss Cullen took Our lord’s Prayer Lr her subject, stressing the point of forgiver f»» of our enemies. Mrs. Sykes, Temperance

Fact, and Miss Read made another ap|<eal foi the "White Ribbon," saying she extects every member to take it, and try to induce others to do so; and also to be sure to wear our white bow always on our coats. In-legates for the forthcoming Convention were chosen. Mrs. M<>wday is holding a drawing-room meeting next month. Benediction.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton.—September 7. (iood attendance. Mrs. Gatniau presided. Devotional petiod, Mrs. Stephen son Craig, who read portion of Psalm 37. Ifelcgates aj»|»>:ntcd to attend District Convention at Cambridge, September A). Decided to write again to Ministers' Association, Hamilton, requesting that ministers refuse to officiate at wedding breakfasts where wine is used for toasts. Teui|>eratice Fact. Benediction. Taumarunui. August 17. Good attendance. Devotions. Temperance Fact. Memorial Dayobserved. Convention corres|»ondence dealt with. An Alliance letter re Royal Cotnmi'siuii. “Bring-and-Buy” held. Tauranga.—September 5. Small attendance, Mrs. Christian presiding. Vr>. Hensley conducted the religious exercises. Coming Convention discussed. Mrs. Foxcroft to read the greetings sent by our Union from Ephesians 6:13. The meeting took the form of a "Sealed Order Day.” Afternoon tea discussed. A "Bring-and-Buy** held. Benediction. Thames.—August 30. A successful Cradle Roll and Birthday afternoon. Mrs. Whiteside welcomed the mothers and niembrrs of the Cradle Roll. Devotions. A fine | rogrammr was contributed by several children, both musical and elocutionary. Rev. K. McKinney gave a temperancr address. Derided to send a letter of sympathy to Mrs. Middleton in her bereavement. Mesdames Whiteside and Scow n dv-lcgates to the District Convention. Sumptuous afternoon tea. Benediction. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera.-September 4. Memorial Day. Good attendance. President took Devotions and read an article on Frances Willard. Temperance Fact. Report of District Executive by Treasurer. Reading from “White Ribbon." Afternoon tea. Prayer. Benediction. New Plymouth.—August. Mrs. Brown presided. Devotion conducted by Mesdames Suj>pery and Jenkins. Temperance Facts were given from the “White Ribbon." Remits were l-aSM-d from N C.W. T! ■ M , was postponed for few weeks. Afternoon tea. Benediction. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hastings.—Mrs. Hick mot t welcomed members and friends. Devotions by Mrs. Hop,iee. Sympathy and cheer sent to Mrs. Paul in her long illness. Plans discussed for sjiecial meeting on Maori Day. Mrs. Lewis gave striking facts and figures, and urged members to forward temjierance work by holding Home meetings for new members. Start a talking campaign. Educate and equip ourselves to speak with authority. Work together to clear this world of all rubbish. Thanks to sjieaker. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central. —Mrs. Duxtield presided. Good attendance. Hostesses, Mrs. Ilarktiess and Miss Wadsworth. Mrs. Goodey led Devotions with exceptional apjieal and inspiration. Temperance Fact. Decided to invite Chaplain F'razer to sfieak at the October meeting. Ma »ri Day to be observed. Mrs. M. Morrison, Supt. of the Franchise Movement, read a very interesting and enlightening pa|>er on the life and achievements of Frances W illard. Several garments were handed in for post-war work for refugees. Meeting dosed with prayer. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Feilding. September 6. Mrs. Sj nice in Chair. Mrs. Tremaine, Devotions. 'lotion of sympathy to Mrs. Sjrence, who ha* lost jhiee nephews in one family on active service overseas. Decided to supj»ort religious instructions in schools. Arrangem -nt made to hold Cradle Roll Social in October. Thirteen members present; three apologi* s. Af tern Km tea Prayer by Mrs. Cummin. l.evin.—August. “Pav-t-v" Social. Mrs. Krnneriev in Chair and Mrs. Stark, iWotions. Special welcome to Major Ward who had Cf me some distance to address the meeting. Her helpful and homely talk on "Broken Things" thoroughly enjoyed bv all. Two lovely solos by Mrs. Bishop; and Competition won by Mrs. Stark and Mrs Bi shop. Scientific Fact, by

Mrs. Bott. Competition for September meet mg to be the best home-made toy. A screening of the W.C.T.U. film, "Facts on Alcolinj” to take |•!ace on August 17. Afternoon tea. "Bring and Buy" Stall. Benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—August IK Members’ Day. Mrs. Cracknell presided. Devotions. Mrs. (fittings, (iood attendance. Letters of sympathy to Mrs. Ross in anxiety, and to Miss Johnstone in bereavemen;. Decided to invite District Executive annual meeting to Brooklyn. Reminder to bring gifts for Sailors’ Rest. Mis. Cowan, a solo, accompanied by Mrs. Haigh. Posit- were presented to Mesdames Brewer and Dudley. Repirt ot District Executive by Mis. Jordan, and of Educational Session by Mrs. Pearce. An interesting talk by Mrs. lon the Friend to Sailors Mission. Members thanked for donation towards the work for seamen. Texts, verses and quotations were contributed by members Benediction. Mrs. Pearson's trading table was well patronised. Baptist ladies afternoon tea. 10/- donation for British Sailors’ Society tea. Lower Hutt.— August 23. Mrs. S?»encrr presided. Mrs. Swift, Devotious. District Executive report given by Mrs. Crawford. Letter re calendars and books suggested for “Bring and-Buy’" received from Ponsonbv Branch. Decided to get one of each. Splendid and helpful address by Rev. F. Parker on "Women in the Home and in Reconstruction.’’ A very big problem when our girls ai«- demobilised. Prayer. Benediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Spnnglands.—August 15. At home of Mrs. A. M. Gascoigne. Mrs. Underhill presided. Good attendance. Our deep sympathy with Mr. D. Thomas and family in the death of Mrs" Thomas, a loved member, was passed in silence, while a sjiecial prayer offered. A protitablr time sjient in reading and discussing "The Miracles of the Bible." in which everyone took jiart. Next meeting to lie a debate on "Is the jwivilege of the Franchise used to the best advantage?" Leaders, Mrs. Gascoigne and Mrs. Green. Tua Marina.—August. At Mrs. E. Smith’s home. Mrs. Robinson sjiokr on "The Wells of the Bible." Sympathy to Mrs. White m the loss of her mother. Mrs. E. Smith read a very interesting pajer on ’ Peace," and sang the beautiful solo, “Bless This House”; both much ajqireciated. Extracts and joem by Mrs Burroughs and Miss Wood. Benediction. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.—Annual ”Pay-u|>" Social. Mrs loomcr j'residrd. Devotional talk on “Ruth”— an outstanding example of courage. Decided to order Temperance films for beginning of October. I.mperance Fact. Dr. Cove-Smith known at Cambridge as "Carbohydrate King ” contender that brown sugar was a better energy producer than beer. The Cambridge !x>at crew henceforth trainod on sugar and wron, while Oxford trained on beer and lost. Questions relating to the W.C.T.U. and its work were distributed amongst members and ft short discussion followed. President reported having visited Richmond and Motueka Unions Ihe Secretary authorised to order supply of badges for L.T.L. A duet pleasingly sung by Mrs. Keeble and Mrs. Toomer. Afternoon tea hostesses, Mrs Hay and Mrs. W a'.ker. Richmond —July 17. Friends from Nelson welcomed. Mrs. J. Walker, Devotions. Mrs. Toomer gave an address on “The Lives and Character of Some of the World’s Noble Women—Past and Present" and was warmly thanked. Prayer, Sigil, and Benediction. August 15. President took Devotions. Pledge Temjierance Fact and Roll Call. Miss Tarrant read from last month's "White Ribbon” on the visit of Sir Cyril and Lady Newall to the W.C.T.U. Maori Hostel. Discussion on District Convention. Choice of delegates. Sigsl Prayer. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT Christchurch - \ :It 9. Miss < I! jiresided. Sympathy m illness to Miss Whyte. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. J. K Archer on celebration of goldeu wedding, and to Mrs. Hale, flowers and congratulations on 91st h-rdi-day. Extracts read by President re N.Z. Alliance annual August 23. Members of Sydenham and Linwood entertained. Mesdames Neutie and James delegates to Provincial Convention. Interesting address by Mr. Comm on "Hymns and TTieir History."

Linwood. —August 29. Mr*. C. K N. Mackir l>re"i<led over a good me* ting, and wrloomed officer" and mrmher* of h- Woolilon Union. Mrs. Ramaejr replied with greeting* from her Union Mrs. John Johnson'* subject was “Higher Education for Women”— A very informative and instructive addrei* Questions were asked and many avenue* ol work ojiened up. Mesdames Heck and Fuller, delegates tc District Convention. A special collection lor the Mayoress’s Parcel Fund. Member* stood as a mark of res|»ect to Mrs. Turner in her sad loss. Afternoon tea. Benediction.

New Brighton. Mrs. Flower presided Tern perance Fact. Miss Gamble Devotion*. Mi* Goodland. Mrs. McLeod reported on Mental Hospital Visiting. A pastry afternoon was held; the proceeds ol £l/1/- were <or quarters Fund. District Convention to be held in Christchurch. September 6 and 7. Mesdames G. Fill" and H. Inns, ap|>ointed delegate". Hand of Hope re-opening in September. Bible Study to be held at the home of Mrs. Goodland Mrs. Krikson. Supt of the Cradle Roll, initiated Mrs. Hodder’s ldtle baby son. North Brighton. August. Mrs. Goldman pic sided Mrs. Mcllraith. Devotions. Her sub iect. “The Story of Abigail." Mrs. Noonan read two Temperance Fact". Mrs. FeppereU reported four new infants on the Cradle K<dl. Two members visited nine patients at the Mental Hospital, taking the usual gift" of fruit, cake and magaxines. Arrangements were made for the Convention. Mrs. Noonan apiiointed delegate. Decided to send flowers to a patient in hospital. The September meeting will be “Members’ Day,” when real*". handy hints, or quotations are requested. Oxford -August 16. President in the Chair. Devotions led by Mrs. C. C. Early. Mrs. N. Dailey appointed delegate to the Provincial Convention. The reading of pajwrs dealing with the Post-War Rehabilitation of Women was followed by an interesting discussion. Hymn and prayer.

Riccarton.— August 10. Devotions, Mrs. Harris. Letters of sympathy to Mesdames Meharry and Odell in their illness. Mesdames Harm and Leathwick appointed delegates to District Convention. Final arrangements for holding Jumble Sale next meeting. Mental Hospital and sick members visited. “Y” meeting and study group held Miss Saunders of normal school spoke on “Speech Troubles Among Children.” Rertton—July 11. Mrs Absalom presided. Members present were in favour of joining the National Council of Women. A letter to be sent to Mrs. Bray, members wishing her every happiness iq her new home. Afternoon tea Woolston. -August. Sailors’ Day. Fine effort in lots of gifts; 11/7 in cash. Mrs Ramsav presided. Mrs. Spier, Devotions. Decided for our Branch to visit the Lin wood Branch. Mrs. Carrington elected delegate for the Convention. Woolston to give concert to women’s Reformatory on 21st October Mrs. Carrington gave full report* on Cradle Roll and Hand ol Hope. Benediction. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Timaru —August. Miss Fyffe presided over good attendance. Mrs. Prattley, Devotion*. Rest has been papered and spouting renovated. Social afternoon held for mothers of men of mercantile marine was well attended and much enjoyed. Thanks received from the first sailor to receive a parcel presented by members of the Union. Mrs. Smith delegate to Convention. Members asked to help serve tea to soldiers jassing through on troop trains. Shott but enjoyable musical programme supplied ly two small visitors—Coral and Billy Hawkey. Community singing led by Mrs. Wheeler and Miss Fife. Thanks were passed to Ashburton, Opotiki an<l Hamilton Unions, and Mrs. Norrie for gift" of money and goods for the sailor-. Hostesses for September, Mrs. Dilkm and Miss Arras. Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT. Kaiknrai. —Opening of the Good Friday Service held at Maadi Camp. Our Pledge and Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison. Mrs. Orr spoke on “The Depth of Christianity,” and stressed that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, to day and forever. Mrs. Adcock read a splendid sermon bv the Rev. Gosling, from “The Outlook.” Mrs. Flett r.-ad an article, “A Modern Slant on Prol.ibi*ir.n.' from an American paper. Mrs Adcock and Mis* Duff appointed delegates to District Convention. Benediction. Afternoon tea.

Oamaru. -August. Hall decorated spring flowers. Short musical programme. Address by Mrs. NL.yson on “Women of the Bible.” Business from Temperance Association retorted. and members asked to assist in house-to-house canvass for Victory Loan. Benediction. Afternoon tea. South Dunedin. -Avgust 27. Mrs. Williamson presided. Mrs. Smith, opening servic<-

at always, heljiful. “Bringand-Buy** sale resulted in fJ-odd, weather conditions preventing customary attendance. Business resumed. Remit* for comi tg conference discussed. Mrs. Lythgoe spoke of plan adopted in F.ngland. where notel accommodation and liquor bar* were in »ei*arate buildings. Plans made for visiting distant suburban branches. Invitation to Green Island Brandi. Pledge, benediction. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill South.—August 8. Mi's McCallum presided. Mrs. Richards, Devotions, her subject, “Peace.” Members stood in silence in memory of Miss Annie Carmichael. Maori Day. President sjmkr on our Maori Work and Maori Hostel. Collection £2. S>lo, Miss Fisher. Mr. K. Dennis, evacuated missionary from Papua, spoke on the work among native people. Afternoon tea. Pra>er. .A mM

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White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 8, 18 September 1944, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 8, 18 September 1944, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 50, Issue 8, 18 September 1944, Page 7

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