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Bulletin of Union News

| NORTHLAND DISTRICT. I wk*»fa r *'--Oct. 6 - Mr »- Vyle read an ■ stlßir Ifttrr from Mrs. Cowie giving I ‘ account of her birthday party, Los ■ Maori Day kept at Mrs. Storey s 1 fDCr Mrs. Whithers, United Maori Mif'., jfgvr an account of a year’s work. The |* j, so obvious, in the more purjoseful lr.\ of the young Maori |*ople, tliat it is amazing that so much could be done 11. the time. I Nor 3. Annual meeting; 30 members paidlup daring the year, 24 "W.R." subscriptions. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. ! Auckland. —Notr. 9. Annual Meeting. The [ nnua | report showed a year of activity. Deep I ~;t frest was taken by the members in the Maori Girls’ Hostel; financial help and other giits had been Riven. Four Maori ladies ff re welcomed as members to our Union. Donations were Riven to Dominion Head airier' and for literature in connection with the licensing Doll and Christmas cheer for women prisoners, Maori Girls’ Hostel and Patriotic Fund. Officers elected: President, Mrs. J. Long; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Stimpson; (or Secretary, Miss N. Dewar; Treasurer, Mrs. Swan. The officers were each presented with floral favours by Mrs. Ross, our Flower superintendent. The Union Roes into recess nil March. Vice'Presidents, Mesdames H,»lme«. Ross, Stimpson, Misses Paul and J.

Ikwar. . .... Birkenhead. -Nov. 4. Annual Meeting. Good attendance. Devotions. Mrs. Douglas. Convention report given by delegates. Donation received for Maori Hostel. Mrs. Hulbert took the chair for the election of officers. Kohi-St. Halier’*.—Nov. 25. 14 present. Mrs. Kasj>er presided and gave short address. Annual rei»rt by Secretary. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Kasper: Vice-Pres., Mesdames Machm and Ix-wis F.adv; Sec., Mrs. Biddle; Treas.. Mrs. Phillips, Senr. Superintendents elected—Evangelistic, Mrs. Farr; C.R., Mrs. Mills; Flower and Philanthropic, Mrs. Machm; Reporter to W.R., Mrs. Lewis F.ady. Sacred solos by Mesdames M. Machin and L Eadv. Thanks to Mrs. Kaspar for pleasant afternoon at her home. Otahuhu.—Nov. 18. Annual Meeting. Devotions. Election of Officers presided over by Mrs. Kiddy. President, Mrs. W. Taylor; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Beaumont; "White Ribbon," Mrs. West; F.vangelistic, Mrs. Vercee.

Onehunga.—Nov. 11. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Reports given of the many and varied activities in which our members assist, and much business settled. Stated that when any of our members help In Patriotic work and Red Cross shops they never sell .irt Union or raffle tickets, but still, as we are desirous of rendering all possible assistance in our F.mpire’s need, the meeting d“cidc 1 to send a special donation to the Onehunga patriotic work, and commend this i ;**a to other Unions. Reports of year's work by all local Superintendents. Election of officers resulted in most of them being re-elected. One new member by transfer.

Nov. 25. Home meeting at residence of Mrs. Breese. Profitable afternoon spent in prayers. Various readings and matters of interest. Comjietitions, solos by Mrs. Sibbin and very happy, sociable fellowship. Pomionby. -Nov. 18. Annual meeting. Annu 1 report read. Greetings from Mrs. Ix-e Go" e sLios by Mrs. Castleton. Birthday shoulder sj.nys presented to Mrs. Joiner and Mis, Read. Mrs. Long presided for election. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Joiner; ViceI’res., Mrs. Read, Mrs. Olds and Sister Jes sie; Sec., Mrs. Osborn; Treas., Mrs. Christopher. Christmas letters sent to absent member*. Thanks to Mrs. and Mrs. (astleton. Remuera.— Nov. 23. Annual meeting. Minutes of last annual meeting confirmed. Am ual report and balance sheet, also Cradle Roll, L.T.L., Peace and Arbitration, and Mission to Sear.en reports read. Mrs. Hugh[#*r nominated as Dominion Vice-Presi-dent. Officer. elected: Pres.. Mrs. H. Kasper; Vice F*res Mrs. G. Robinson and •Mrs Laird; ’ ec. Sec., Miss Cowan; Cor. Sec.,

Mrs. G. Robinson; Treas., Mrs. Laird; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs. Hunter; L.T.L., Mrs. Hetishaw; Flower and Philanthropic, Miss Tozer; W.R., Mrs. Mackey; C.R., Miss Bond; Seamen’s Work, Mrs. Mackey; Pianiste, Mrs. Cardwell. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Cambridge.—Nov. 25. Annual meeting well attended. Mrs. Christian, District President, presided at election of officers and gave instructive address. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. A. L. Lewis; Vice-Prcs., Mrs. Holmes; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Kemsley; Rec. Sec., Mrs. F. Bycroft. All Superintendents of Departments re-elected. A small Bring and Buy in aid of Plunkrt Society in response to a letter asking help in a local matter. Mrs. Lewis delegate to Dominion Convention. National Anthem. Benediction. Re opening in February. Taumarunui.—Nov. 18. Annual meeting. (Jood attendance, letter received from Mrs. Christian and dealt with. No President elected foi next year. Mrs. Aitken elected Devotional leader. All other officers reelected. A pa;»er read on "Religion and the Maori.” A Bring and Buy held and resulted in 25/- for Sister Jessie's Hostel. Thame*.—l)ec. 1. Mrs. Whiteside presided. Well attended meeting. Letter to be sent to sick sister. Reports in all departments of work most encouraging. Officer-, for 1944 elected. Accounts and donations passed for payment. Two remits for Dominion Conference presented by Secretary were discussed and agreed to. President’s thanks to all officers with Christmas wishes. Benediction. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hastings.—Nov. 25. Annual meeting. The President, Mr*. H. Hickmott, presided and conducted the devotions. Sympathy with Mrs. Pitt and Mr. Atkins in bereavement and to relatives of the late Mrs. Furniss. Secretary’s report showed a good year’s work. Treasurer's report showed all dues paid and a credit balance. All officers were re-elected. Mrs. Webb gave an interesting report of the recent Convention held at Gisborne. One new member gained. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera. -Nov. 28. Annual meeting. Secretary's report and Treasurer’s balance sheet showed good work done. Officers elected Pres., Adj. Lewis; Vice-Pres., Lieut. Handyside*., Mesdames Burrell, Clifford and Hurrell; Sec., Mrs. F. Baker; Treas., Mrs. Barron; W.R., Mrs. Barker; Supts.—Tea Hostess, Mrs. Collins; Seamen’s Rest, Mrs. T. J. Hurrell; Notable Days, Mrs. G. Tozifr; Peace. Mrs. Thayer; C.R., Mrs. Burton; Flower and Philanthropic, Mrs. Hall. New Plymouth.-Nov. 24. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Temperance fact. Seamen’s Rest report good progress, also "White Ribbon" and Cradle Roll. One new member joined, making eight for the year. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central. —Nov. Devotions, Mrs. Mercer. Mrs. Duxfield in the chair. Greetings to two new members. Report of successful Maori Day, Mrs. Parr, from Ratana, speaking on ancient Maori customs. Bring and Buy; Mesdames Glenn and Phizacklea. Five new members enrolled. Arrangements to assist crippled children’s street day. Rejmrted help given at Stieet Days for Y.M.C.A. and Salvation Army. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.-Nov. 30. Annual meeting. Mrs. Brewer piesided. Annual report and balance sheet presented. A credit balance rejiorted and donations had been sent to our various funds. Superintendents’ reports read; s|*-cial mention of Mrs. Brewer’s work in L.T.L., where Brooklyn headed Intermediate and Junior grades in Scientific Temperance Exam with 100 per cent, marks. Mrs. Pearson presented with long service badge. Mrs. IVrytnan conducted election, when all officers were re-elected and sprays presented to them. Yotrs of thanks to Church trustees for use of room.

Lower Hutt. Nov. 24. Annual meeting, 16 present. Arrangements finalised for Cradle Roll party. A delegate appointed to N.Z. Alliance annual meeting. Reported 120 babies on the C.R. W.R. 30 subscribers, including two new ones; 12 single copies sold and other number sent to friends. We have had good

meetings and interest has been taken by all members. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Lopdell; Treas., Mrs. Cooper; Sec., Mrs. Crawford; W.R. Agents, Mesdames Heyes and Teasdill; Devotional Supt., Mrs. Swift; C.R., Mrs. Aldersley; Press Cuttings, Mrs. Ellis; Pianiste, Mrs. Clark; Seamen’s Rest, Monthly Thought, Mrs. Baigent. Wellington Central. N \ 17. Annual meeting. .Mrs. Perymati, devotions, and presided for election of officers. The reports of Secretary and Sujienntendent showed good work done, and Treasurer’s balance sheet was very satisfactory. A presentation was made to Mrs. Israel, retiring President, and she was warmly thanked for her consistent work and for her devotion to the Union and help in every branch of its .work. Officers were thanked and sprays presented to them by Mrs. Sired. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Sired; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Israel, Andrew, Webb and Harrap; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Cullen; Rec. Sec., Mrs. Hayman; Treas., Mrs. Helyer. Sjtt-cial tribute to Mrs. Helyer, Treasurer ever since the Union was organised in 1910. An assistant treasurer was appointed (Mrs. Tarrant). Plans for work were discussed, to lie finalised when Union resumes in February, 1944. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Feilding. -Nov. 3. Annual Meeting. Mrs. Sjience presided. Devotions. 14 members present. Three new members joined. All reports 'howed good work through year. Band of Ho|>e and Cradle Roll doing good work. We Fiave supported Maori work and Sailors’ Rests, World Mission "White Ribbon," N.Z. funds. Election of officers: all officers reelected. Afternoon tea. Meeting closed with prayer. Palmerston North.-Nov. 2. Miss Jamieson presided. Devotions, Mrs. Penketh. President thanked all heljiers to Patriotic Shop Day. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll party. Mrs. Woodfield, from Invercargill, welcomed. Sjieaker, Mrs. Wrigley. Subject, "Have we I>one all we Could?" Prayer. Afternoon tea. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim.--Nov. 2. Annual Meeting. Mrs. Girling presided. Small attendance. Messages of sympathy and cheer sent to sick members in hospital and several in their own homes. Kejxirts of the year’s work read by officers were adopted. The balance sheet showed quite a good sum in hand after paying all obligations. Votes of thanks to officers, the Press, and Mr. F. Mogridge (Auditor). The Secretary was asked to place on record our appreciation of Mrs. Girling’s work during her six years as President. On December 7th our meeting will be a social with musical items and a stall. Next women’s day of prayer in Sf. Andrew’s Hall on November 30th, 10 a.m. to noon, and 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. Springlanda—Nov. 16. Annual Meeting. Good attendance. President in chair. Annual donations to Organising Fund and N.Z. Fund. Church Trust passed for payment. All reports told of good work maintained and finances good. President gave brief address of encouragement and expressed appreciation of co-operation and good fellowship of the members and officers. A Christinas social evening to be held December 16th at home of President. Election of officers: President, Mrs. V. Underhill; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames A. M. Gascoigne and L. Green; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Hegglun; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. lloggett; Treasurer. Mrs. J. Evles; “W.R/’ Agent, Mrs. E. Wells; ( radle Roll, Mrs. E. Leslie; Flower and Philanthropic Committee. Mesdames Green (Conv.), Duncan and Kmzett; Social Committee, Mesdames Gascoigne (Conv.), Berd. Manson and Duncan; Devotional leaders, Mesdames Cunningham, and Poggett. Tua Marina.-Nov. 16. Devotions. Mrs. Robinson. Roll Call. Minutes. President. Secretary and Devotional Supt. thanked for year of faithful service and each presented with a beautiful ]>osy. These officers were re-elected. Songs, Mesdames Bowk, Smith and Knight; recitations by Mrs. D. Knight. Two competitions. Bring and Buy. Request for clothes for Maori parcels well r«spouded to. One new member. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Chri*tchurch.—Nov. 10. Received with regret Mrs. Brown’s resignation as Supt. Scientific Tenqieraiice Facts. Congratulations M fS - Fraser; her son, Sergeant . Fraser, gained

D.C.M. Members read verses from hymns. Suggestions received next year's syllabus. Nov. 24. letter of thanks and congratulation to Mr. Kip|»eiiberger, who advocated strongly regular temj>erauce lessons in all our schools. President rejxirted on temperance meeting held during recent General Assembly. Suggested an effort should be made to form a Total Abstinence League. Donaton, £lO, sent to new Maori Gi is’ Hostel, Auckland. Donation sent Childrens Fresh Air Home. Our President read "World's Bulletin News,” which informed us that eight thousand periodicals in U.S.A. refuse to advertise alcoholic liquors. Lyttelton-Heathcote . A very sj>ecial meeting was held in the Presbyterian classroom on October 26th to commemorate Franchise Day, at which there was a large attendance of visi tors and friends. Among the visitors were Mrs. H. Harrell and Miss Gainsford. lioth of whom s|*»ke, and w-re greatly enjoyed by all present. Musical items were also enjoyed. Lyttelton, Heathcote.—Nov. 30. Annual meeting. Mrs. S. Tredennick presided. Good attendance, and reports showed that our branch is growing in usefulness. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. J. T. Norton; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Coyle and Anderson; Sec., Mrs. J. Preston; Treas., Mrs. A. Webb; W.R., Mrs. Owen, Heathcote; C.R., Mrs. Webb for Lyttelton, Mrs. Campbell for Heathcote; Sailors and Soldiers, Mrs. S. Tredennick, Lyttelton; Scientific Fact, Mrs. Scott, Heathcote: “V” Work, Mrs. J. Preston, Lyttelton; Hand of Hope, Mesdames Lewis, Anderson and Tredennick. Spreydon. Nov. Annual Meeting. Mrs. Grigg, District Vice-President, presided. < tfticers re-elected. President: Mrs. Ancall; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Petrie, Gemmcll, Dennis and Garlick; Secretary, Mrs. Walker; Treasurer, Mrs. Foster; Su|>erintendents— White Ribbon, Mrs. Sim; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Fehsenfeld; Scientific Temperance Fact, Mrs. l.owrv; Social Committee, Mrs. Murray and Miss ()lds. Remits to Annual Convention approved. District rr|>ort by Mrs. Ancall. Mental Hospital gifts received. Hostesses, Mesdames Clements and Olds, benediction. New Brighton. - Nov. 4. Small attendance. Devotions and scientific fact, Mrs. Edmonds. Sympathy to Mrs. Mackie in the loss of her husband, llible study to he held at Mrs. F. Mitchell’s. Lieutenant Roberts to be the sjieaker. Splendid report of Band of Hope. About 60 members present at the last meeting. Mrs. Mitchell's (Secretary) resignation was accepted. Papanui.—Nov. 24. Mrs. Carr presided. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. Thornton; ViceI’res., Mesdames Carr, F.lliott, Graham; Sec., Mrs. Tillman; Treas., Mrs. Hodder; Evangelical. Mesdames Elliott, Malcolm; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Carr; C.R., Mesdames Bennett, Hayton; W.R., Mrs. Anderson; Flower and Philantropic, Mental Hospital. Me: (Lines Hawker, Thornton; Press, Mrs. Hodder; Organist, Mrs. Angus; Scientific Fact, Mrs. Hampton; Ways and Means, Mrs. Grainger; Social Committee, Mesdames Thomas, Grainger, Hampton. Collection for Mental Hospital work. Thanks to retiring officers and to Press and Honorary Auditor. Reefton. Nov. 0. Annual meeting. Mrs. Absalom presided. All officers re-elected. Secretary’s and * Treasurer’s rejxirts received as satisfactory. Balance on hand to be sent to Headquarters Fund. One new member. Mrs. Waddell presented josies to all officers. Afternoon tea. Prayer. Riccarton.—Nov. 11. Cradle Roll. Good attendance of mothers and children. Competitions won by Mesdames Henderson and Macintosh. Items by Misses Annis Spencer and Alison Grenfell. Games, gifts, and a birthday cake provided by Mrs. Daly, Cradle Roll Supt. In welcoming the mothers Mrs. Harrell sjxike of the various de|«rtments worked bv the organisations, mainly Good Citizenship.

Sydenham.—Dec. 2. Annual meeting. Decided to take up a special collection for Headquarters Fund in February. Decided to present two prizes for Temperance Essayone each for best boy and girl. Rejxirts were received and adopted as follows: Secretary—stating that the year had been one of quiet endeavour and faithful service by each mem* ber. Treasurer—showing that collections had been good and our financial position satisfactory. ( radle Roll 36 children on the Roll. "White Ribbon"— position same as last year,

viz., right conies each mouth and two which ire placed in local libraries. Miss C. Henderson, 8.A., conducted the election and initiation of officers as follows: President, Mrs. Woodward; Secretary, Mrs. Drewett; Treasurer, Mrs. Seivers. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Teiruka.-Nov. 24. Rejxirts read and adopted. 37 members. Band of Hope reported good meetings, average attendance 54. Mrs. Douglas visits Maori School and her visits are much appreciated by children. Small presentation to Mrs. Douglas for her untiring work in connection with Band of Hope. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs. H. Grocott; Vice-Pres., Mesdames W. Hewson, A. Elder, B. Hoi well and R. Smart; Sec., Mrs. E. Butler; I reas., Mrs. Buick; Evangelistic, Mrs. Douglas; C.R.. Mrs. Allenbv; Band of Hojie and W.R., Mrs. Douglas; Rest Room, Mrs. Bitch: Organist and Reporter, Mrs. Holliday; Birthday league, Mrs. Elder. Next meeting, February 23, 1944. Timaru.— Nov. 30. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Report of sale for funds of Sailors Rest. Secretary’s rejxirt and Treasurer’s balance sheet satisfactory. Good work done in all departments. Sailors’ Rost and W .C.T.U. funds both show credit balance. Officers elected: Patroness, Mrs. Norrie; President, Miss Fvfe; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Wilkinson, Cave, Minifie, Prattlev and (apt. Simpson; Hec. Sec., Mrs. Keen; (or. S«c., Mrs. Cave; Treasurers—W.C.T.U., Mrs. Thomson; Sailors’ Rest, Miss Stevenson; V .R., Mrs. Howe; C.R., Mrs. Haywood; Hospital Visitor, Mrs. McF.wing. OTAGO DISTRICT. Balclutha.—Nov. 11. Officers elected: President. Mrs. Jones; Secretary, Mrs. Blair; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. Allfrey; Treasurer, Mrs. Tie; "White Ribbon” Supt., Mrs. Moody; Band of Hope. Miss Betty Tie. Decided to write to Mrs. Flmtoff and congratulate her on the arrival of a baby hoy. Kaikorai.—Nov. 30. Annual meeting. Talk by Mrs. Orr. Report of District Executive meeting. Two elocutionary items by Mrs. Meath much enjoyed. Officers elected: Pres. Mrs. Flett; Vice-Pres., Mis. Adcock; Treas., Mrs, Masterton; Sec., Miss Dobson; C.R., Mrs. Ramage; Sick Visitor, Mrs. Ramage; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Gracie; Devotions, Mrs. Orr. Members stood in silence endorsing Secretary’s action in sending letter of sympathy in the passing away of Mrs. Wilkinson, one of our members. Very successful Bring and Buy sale for funds for Dominion Convention. The secretary was instructed to write to Mr. Davidson, headmaster of the Macandrew Road Intermediate School, for the stand he has taken in respect of cigarettes In-mg sold to hoys under the age of 16 years. North East Valley. Nov. 25. Annual meeting. Dominion President conducted election of officers. President (Mrs. Green) and all others re-elected. A presentation of a purse and a basket of fruit and flowers was made to Mrs. Sanders, who has completed 30 vears of service as Treasurer. Several members sjxike in appreciation of the work done hv Mrs. Sanders, who is a most enthusiastic worker for the W.C.T.U.

Oamaru. Nov. 8. Annual Meeting. Devotions by President, who also thanked all office-bearers for help during the year. Refxirts of work done were given. Election literature had been distributed* Treasurer’s rejxmt showed good balance. Record with thankfulness good majority vote for local NoLicense. Officers elected: President, Miss Cowan; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Acutt and Miss Sim the; Rec. Secretary. Major Rawcliffe; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. McTlwrith; "W.R.,” Miss Clark; Devotional, Miss Day; C.R., Mrs. Poole. Roll number 109 (9 new); C.R. 113; "W.R.” subscribers 54. Visits paid to Old People’s Home, and help at Soldiers’ Welcome Club.

South Dunedin. Nov. 25. Good attendance. Mrs. Hoi wood presided. Devotions, Mrs. Smith. Rev. llyecroft wrote in acknowledgment of offering for use of hall (Church of Christ) for district conference. Hospitality committee for annual conference discussed. Jumble Sale to he arranged re same. Reports read by Mrs. Telling (district conference). Annual rr|x>rt of branch. Miss McCarthy: Treasurer’s rejort. Miss Ford (sum in hand £3/13/7); White Ribbon, Mrs. Pelling; Tea ( onvener. Miss Bruce. Mrs. Donaldson made suggestions re W.C.T.U. at Waikari and leaving copy of W.R. at South Dunedin Women’s Rest Rcoms.

SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill Central.—Nov. 2. Annual Me* 1 mg. The membership roll numbers jv I Officers elected: President, Mrs. I). ] Cameron; Vice-Presidents, Mrs. Wesnev, M r Kuthven; Secretary, Miss McEwan; Treasure Mrs. J. T. Boyd; Cradle Roll, Mrs. Millar "White Ribbon," Mrs. I). J. Cameron; M a ,, r Supt., Mrs. Watson; Social, Mrs. Letters of sympathy sent to members who., relations had passed away. Mrs. Boyd , behalf of the members presented Mrs. Ruthvrwith a spray in recognition of her valuablr work as President for a considerable tune. Mataura.—Nov. 23. Annual meeting. M:s« Jamieson, of Invercargill, presided. Officers re-elected. Secretary to be delegate to South Island Convention. Results of election work noted. Two members attended District Convention. Regret at loss of Treasurer (Mrs. Richmond) by removal. Vote of thanks to Miss Jamieson. South Invercargill.—Nov. 9. Miss McCallun, presided. Sympathy with Mr. Harrison family in the passing of Mrs. Harrison; with Mrs. Warden in the death of her husband and with the relatives of the late Miss M Wilson, members standing in silence. Mr«. H. R. Turner gave a most helpful and interesting talk on an Eastern setting of the Song of Solomon. Sjx-aker thanked. Tea. Benediction. Winton.—Oct. 26. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Same officers re-elected. A social hour was held afterwards for Cradle Roll children and their mothers. Afternoon tea was served and soft drinks given to the children. Members and friends supplied the entertainment, which took the form of a social, with solos and community singing of Scottish songs.

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White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 11, 18 December 1943, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 11, 18 December 1943, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 49, Issue 11, 18 December 1943, Page 7

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