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Bulletin of Union News

NORTHLAND DISTRICT. Pukehuia. -October meeting held at new member's home. President gave account of Provincial Convention held at Auckland. Literature has been distributed, and it was decided to hold the Annual Temperance Public Meeting and Bring and Huy before end of year. Whangarei.—Oct., at Mrs. Whalley’s, Mrs. Goodall presided. Maori Day. Address by Mrs. Withers on progress of Maori work since Samuel Marsden preached his first sermon. Public Library has good collection of missionary books. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Birkenhead.— Nov. 5. Annual meeting, good attendance. Miss Karner devotions. Re|>orts from superintendents showing good work done during year. Rejiort of convention by delegates. Mrs. Long gave a short talk on prayer. All officers were re-elected except new Devotional Sui>erintendent, Mrs. Douglas. Arrangements for Cradle Roll Xmas Party to be held on December 4th. Epsom, Green Lane.—Sept.-Oct.—Two meetings held since last rejiort. Mrs. Neal presiding. Teinjierance fact given and pledge recited. Devotions, Mesdames Eastman and Jones; 38 present. Four new members. Business: Api*>intment delegates to Convention; report of Dist. Executive meeting; address by Miss McLay in departments of work of W.C.T.U.; address by Mrs. Neal, “Safe Remedies in Sickness.” Solos by Mrs. McMahon; recitation by secretary. Prayer; benediction. Mt. Eden.—Oct. 6; 17 present. Miss Pudney presided. Pledge; temperance fact; letter of thanks from Tramway Hoard and Patriotic Hoard. Interesting pajier by Mrs. Turvey on “The Seven Men of Preston," and told of their wonderful work against the liquor menace. Cradle roll day on Nov. 28. Miss McLay to be speaker. Mt. Eden. —Nuv. 3rd; Miss Pudney presid'd. Mrs. Hrocklehurst led devotions. Lamg service badge presented to Mrs. Conirie. Plans for Cradle Roll party and much business. Election of officers. President. Mrs. Hrocklehurst; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Smith and Jack; Secretary, Miss Pudney; Treas., Mrs. 'I urvey ; C.R., Miss Tattersall; W.R, Mrs. Carter; Evangelistic, Mrs. Keene; Temperance Fact. Mrs Smith; Maori Work, Mrs. Dunham; Roll Call, Mrs. Pickering; 70 now on Cradle Roll. Otahuhu. -October 15. Rev. H. lb Hughes gave a most interesting address on “Democracy or Christianity.’’ Prayer was the force to change things. Social collection, Maori hostel, 18/6. Delegate ’ reports at the next meeting. Onehunga. -Oct. Bth. Maori Day, very wet, fair attendance; business and local work arranged. Address by Sister Gittos, describing various phases of work among the Maori l>eopie. Oct. 2»th. Home meeting at residence of Mrs. Mouniioy, the hostess reading extracts telling of the life and experiences of some of the early settlers of N.Z., after which 'hose present related stories grave and gay pertaining to pioneer days. A very profitable gathering, the programme Uoig interesting and unique. Remuera.—Oct. 27th. Mrs. Kas»er presided. Choruses sung; Temperance Pact given. Members reaffirmed their pledge. Mrs. Mackey gave a comprehensive report of the District Convention. Arrangements made for a iumble sale on Friday, November 6th. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton.—Nov. sth. President in chan, conducted devotions. No short-cuts to peace. Report of combined District Convention at Auckland. Discussion on gambling and Sabbath desecration; letter to be sent to Borough Council urging that programmes for Sunday

concerts be more stringently censored. A third gift of seamen’s heavy stockings and mittens acknowledged by Timaru S. Rest.

Tauranga. -Nov. 3. Annual meeting. Very gcxid attendance, Mrs. Christian presiding. Year’s report read and adopted. Mrs. Christian thanked all who had helped her throughout the year to do what they could for the Union. All officers were re-elected. Reports read and adopted. Decided we send parcels to New Plymouth as well as to Timaru for the seamen. Afternoon tea dispensed. Mrs. Exley and Mrs, Bulmer gave a splendid report of the recent Convention in Auckland. Benediction. Bring and Buy. Taumarunui.—Oct. 15. Mrs. Graham presided. Mrs. Brock conducted devotions. Scientific fact on stimulants; 10/- donated to New Plymouth Seamen’s Rest. Articles read from “Vanguard’’ and “White Ribbon.” TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera. Sept. Miss Hill press ded. Devotions, Teinjierance Facts, Franchise Day observed. Miss Hill spoke of good that women can do by using the franchise. Collection for N.Z. Fund. Oct.: Miss Hill presided. Devotions. Report of District Executive. Sister Jean Miller sjxike of work among the Maoris in S. Taranaki. Afternoon tea. Collection for Maori Fund. New Plymouth. -Oct. Pay up social, and Maori day. Miss Drew presided, good attendance. Sister Evelyn gave a talk on the future of the Maori race. Items were rendered. Collection for Maori Fund. Stratford. -An executive meeting was held Pres. Hall, Stratford, on October °2nd; 20 members attended. Miss Hill, Hawera, gave talk on the delinquent girl, and the Christian women’s duty to our young womanhood. The Stratford Union entertained. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Wanganui Central. -Oct. Brief executive meeting. Bring and Buy postponed, also services for Maori Day curtailed owing to building being required later for another meeting. Mrs. Mercer spoke on Maori standards of culture and civilisation when pakehas came to N.Z. Stressed opportunity for personal contact in the common interest of their men fighting overseas. Song, Mrs. Morrison; recitation, Mrs. Goodey. Duet, Mrs. Ogg and Mrs. Prince. Collection, 12/4. Arrangements made for members to help at Sunday tea for scivic*.men at Y.M.C.A. headquarters. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Palmerston North.-Nov. 3. Miss Jamieson presided. Mrs. Carter devotions; Mrs. Boniface, Temperance Fact. Visitors welcomed. One new member initiated. Mrs. McLean spoke on “The Problems of Unanswered Prayer.” Afternoon tea; Benediction. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brookklyn.— Oct. 27. Very interesting meeting, presided over by Mrs. Brewer. Devotions, Mrs. Raine. Representatives of other wromen’s organizations in Brooklyn were present. Rel>ort of the Annual District Convention given by Mrs. Pearce, and a minute of appreciation recorded. Invitation to St. Matthew s Mothers Union. November meeting, accepted. Solos, Mrs. Upton; recitations, Mrs. Stinson. Miss England spoke on “The Women of Russia.” and was presented with a beautiful bouquet and received a vote of thanks. Maori Day’; donations to the Maori Fund sent. Afternoon tea; Sigil prayer; Benediction; Bring and Buy. Lower Hutt.—Octo. 28th. Mrs. Spencer presided; Swift devotions. Report of convention given by secretary. Members’ afternoon, when every member took a definite part in the meeting, and which w*as a very helpful meeting. Prayer. Benediction. Member transferred from the Dunedin Union introduced and welcomed by Mrs. Spencer. Maaierton.—Oct. Ist. Members reminded of election of officers at November meeting. Pres, and sec. reported distributing 4 doz. W.R. to their respective churdh guilds and requesting

the ladies not to accept the paj>ers if they would not read them as they could be given elsewhere. Major (Mrs.) Dick spoke to the meeting on the effects of the liquor traffic they see in the course of their work. Vote of thanks to the sjicaker. Letter from Mr. J. Robertson, M.P., re resolution on Bible instruction in State schools considered unsatisfactory. Sigil. Benediction.

Wellington Central.-Oct. Social afternoon and a Bring and Buy for branch funds. Piano solos by Mrs. Perrett, recitations by Mrs. Castle were much enjoyed by all; two new members initiated by Mrs. Peryman and two new W.R. subscribers reported. Visitors from other unions were welcomed by Mrs. Israel. Afternoon tea. Very pleasant afternoon. Nov. 5: Masterton. Annual meeting. All officers re-elected except treas. and cor. sec., Mrs. Vetimll and Mrs. Kitchener being elected to the resjiective positions. One new member. Miss Jackson invited members to her home for a social afternoon next month. Accepted with thanks. Attention was drawn to the anti-vice squad in Wellington. Members deplored the need for such. Teinjierance Doxology. Benediction. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim. -Oct. 19. Day of Prayer. , The monthly Women’s Day of Prayer was held in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Qiurch. Sessions included: Hymns, prayers, Scripture readings and addresses. Members of congregation took jiart in prayer; leaders, Mrs. N. Forbes, Mrs. W. B. Wilson (two sessions), Mrs. A. Hale and Mrs. A. Duncan. Organists, Mrs. Broadmore and Mrs. E. Leslie. Blenheim. -Nov. 3rd. Annual meeting. Mrs. Girling in chair; 16 members present. Reports of work adopted show quiet progress. Seven days of prayer for women, organised by Union. All officers but treasurer re-elected. Deeji regret expressed that Mrs. P. A. Stejihens has to resign position, through sickness. Deep ajipreciation of her faithful work exjiressed. December meeting, social afternoon with musical programme and sales table. Splendid address on “Faith and Perseverance” by Mrs. Wilson. Next day of prayer, November 25th. Benediction. Tua Marina -Oct. 13. President in the chair; 23 jiresent. Devotions, Mrs. Robinson. Miss Andrews was welcomed and she and Mrs. Lucas presented with a spray. Miss Andrews gave very helpful address on effects of alcohol, jiarticularly on young j>eople, and received a hearty vote of thanks. Capitation fees and levies passed for jiayment and 10/- donation to Seamen’s Rest. Annual meeting at Mrs. Bourk's on Nov. 17. Hymn; K-nediction. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.—Oct. 13th. Mrs. Toomer presided, good attendance; visitors welcomed. Symj>athy passed. Delegates apjxjinted to District Convention. Donations passed: Organising Fund £ls, Maori Fund £l/1/-, League of Nations £l/1/-. Mrs. Rankin gave a very interesting address, “Our Health and the Way We Abuse It.” Bring and Buy and Copper Trail. Richmond.-Oct. 20. President in the chair. Pledge, reading and fact. Letter of symjiathy to friends of Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Chajiman. Roll call answered with quotations. Collection sent to Maori Hostel. Idrs. Cropp’s paj*r, “Why I Joined the W.C.T.U.’’ caused very interesting talk. Sigil; Benediction. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Linwood.—Oct. 27. Mrs. C. R. N. Mackie presided. Rejxirted that literature is being circulated by members, library well jiatronised, and the children of the Band of Hope busy with the competitions. The “Ys“ are doing good work. Mrs. Anstice read re Early Days of the No-Licence Movement. Scientific Fact, on the evils of alcohol. Sympathy to the family of our late Sister Miss Sylvia Vinnicotnbe, also to Mrs. Robinson, in her illness. At a recent “Snowball Afternoon" the funds of the Union were augmented. Elocutionary items by Mrs. Gee, solos by Mesdames Woodward and Mclvor. Competition won by Mrs, Woodward. Benediction,

Lyttelton-Heathcote. —Mc*t at Lyttelton; good attendance; 10/- voted to Welcome Gub tea. Mrs. Tredennick Rave most interesting talk on a book called “Modern Miracles,” the life of Mrs. NVittamore. Members had distributed “The Death Rattle of the Nations.” Captain Costar, Salvation Army, was asked to speak at the Youth meeting on the following Sunday. At this meeting 16 present. An excellent meeting followed by tea. New Brighton.—Oct. Ist. Mrs. Flower presided, good attendance. Devotions, Mrs. H. M. Hall; Scripture Fact, Mrs. Edmunds. Reported that about 50 children attended the reopening of the Rand of Hope. Mr. H. Fraser presented the 20 years’ service badge to Miss Harband, who suitably replied. Mesdames Inns and Edmunds gave splendid reports on District Conventions and received a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. McLeod reported on mental hospital visiting. Oxford.—Oct. 21st. President in the chair. Temperance Fact. Roll call, members responding with quotations relevant to the Christian Order Campaign. Satisfaction expressed at the fact that women are now entitled to serve 's jurors, a right for which the W.C.T.U. had long been asxing. Miss Waterman, our delegate, gave a most interesting re|»rt of Provincial Convention. Collection taken up in aid of M aori work. Papanui. —Oct. Mrs. Thornton presideJ. Good attendance; Mrs. Hampton, Temperance Fact; Mrs. Hodder gave a splendid report of the recent Convention. One new member welcomed. A collection for Maori work. Afternoon tea served. Reefton.—Oct. 13th. Mrs. Absalom presided. Report read by Mrs. Switzer, Reefton delegate to Convention. A letter of thanks to be sent to Mrs. Switzer. A letter of sympathy to Mrs. Willis. “Maori Day” to be observed at Nov. meeting. Riccarton. —Oct. Bth. Good attendance. Visitors welcomed. Report Welcome Club tea a success. Hand of Hope p-oort bv Mrs. Rar* rcll, who stressed the necessity of forming a Y group or reading circle. Mental hospital report by Mrs. Gainsford. Invitation to Ist. James’ Mothers’ Union meeting on Nov. sth accepted. C r adle Roll Day arranged for Nov. 3rd. Next meeting Maori Day and an appeal made for old clothes for Maori Missions. Re--1»ort of District Convention given by Mrs. ft. T. James. Literature distributed. Spreydon. -Oct. 13. Mrs. AncaU presided and led devotions. Good attendance to listen to the Provincial Report by Mrs. Paul Murray, very ably presented. Much good work has been accomplished by the various unions, although “there is stiil much land to be possessed.” The leaflet on “National Purity” was handed out to members to distribute in their several streets. Collection for gifts for mental hospital patients. Mrs. Olds and Miss Gibson hostesses, benediction. Sydenham.-Oct.: Maori Day, Mrs. Puddle presiding. Mrs. Gordon L. Taylor gave educational pajwr on the influence of the pakeha on the Maori, instancing the evils of past lack of education and the liquor trade and our obligation to our sister race. Mrs. Woodward presented the report of District Convention. Members were reminded of the Cradle Roll day on November 5. Nov. 5: Many mothers and children attended the Cradle Roll afternoon. Mrs. E. Nicholls gave a talk and a number of children entertained with items. A new member was initiated. Mrs. Filer was thanked for the arranging of a very enjoyable afternoon. The executive met to arrange nominations for the election of officers next month. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Timaru.—Sept. Franchise Day. Mrs. Cave presided. Devotions, Miss Smith; Temperance Fact; pledge reaffirmed. Expressions of sympathy to several members and letters of cheer were written to Mrs. Norrie and Miss Fyfc, who were indisposed. Decided to postpone cradle roll picnic till a later date; also to have kitchen of the Sailors’ Rest papered and painted and so complete the necessary

renovations. Mr. F. McDonald’s subject was “John Bright.” He was thanked for his address which was enjoyed by all. Afternoon tea; Renediction.

Timaru. -Oct. Miss Fyfe presided, Mrs. Holdgate read an article on prayer. Tempei • ance Fact. Sympathy with members who had suffered bereavement and letters of cheer to be written to members who are ill. Mrs. Woodward reported that hospitality had been given at the Sailors’ Rest for a month to a young sailor on leaving hospital, to a boy and to two soldiers. If sailors were few these days beds and hospitality had been given to soldiers stranded in Timaru. Votes of thanks for donation passed to several local firms and to three W'.C.T. Unions fo r parcels of comforts, etc., for the stamen. Literature from headquarters is to be distributed at the local camps. Miss Stevenson read her report of the recent District Convention and was congratulated. Afternoon tea; Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT. *- ■ ' <* ■• ' - - - A iii - f ktf N.E. Valley.-Oct. 22. Mrs. Peart in chair. Maori Day observed. Sister Marion, a worker among Maoris, gave interesting incidents and stated that the drink evil was greatest hindrance to missionary endeavour. Collection for Maori Fund. Mrs. Rruce and Miss Gibbs reported on District Convention. Owaka. —Oct. Mrs. Wright presided and led devotions, and gave an interesting report of District Convention. She also read the remits and told how they were dealt with. Decided that our Union take the “Vanguard” for a year. Also to make the Nov. meeting a social afternoon if a local speaker could be procured. Hymn, Prayer and Benediction. South Dunedin. Oct. 22. Mrs. Williamson presided. Mrs. Belling took opening service. Correspondence from St. John Ambulance and Mrs. Pirett. Cradle Roll party will be held if funds allow. Mrs. Powell gave brief summary of events, resolutions, etc., at Oamaru District Conference. Sympathy expressed with members suffering loss of near relations who had served in war. Mrs. Donaldson gave report of Hible-in-Schools meeting. Collection; Benediction. Good attendance. Happy meeting. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. Invercargill South.—Oct. 13. Good attendance. Miss McCallum presided. Social afternoon members from the North and Central Unions present. Pledge repeated. Devotions by Mrs. Holmes. Solos by Mrs. Aitchison and Miss Simon. Arrangements made for the district annual meeting on Nov. 18th and Bring and Ruv for the prisoners of war fund on Nov. 20th. Rev. C. J. Tocker gave a fine, uplifting and inspiring address on the “New Christian Order,” showing how the failure of faith was the r rise of the chaos and misery of this and othei lands at the present time. Hearty vote of thanks to speaker and soloists. Afternoon tea. Prayer and National Anthem.

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White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 10, 18 November 1942, Page 7

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 10, 18 November 1942, Page 7

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 43, Issue 10, 18 November 1942, Page 7

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