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Bulletin of Union News

NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Whangarei.—May 7. 13 present; 1 visitor. Mrs. Lane in chair. Psalm on courage. Mis. Roberts sjieaker for afternoon. Vote of thanks > sj>eaker. Afternoon tea. Whangarei.—June 4. Ten present. Season <>f prayer. Roll call. Members stood in honour of Mrs. Cliff. Decided to «tart L.T.L. meetings, to be held quarterly. Mrs. Cheesman to be Superintendent. Collection. Afteriii >on tea. Warkworth.—May. At President's residence. Devotions, Roll Call, Question Pox. Scientific I-act, Rea tings on Missionary Work. ‘Tiring and lluv’ at next meeting towards W.R. Day. Decided to have social in conjunction with "Vs." Condolence to a bereaved family. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland.—May 13. Mrs. Lang presided. Large gathering M members. Maori .Pay •bserved and a collection for the Dominion Maori Fund. Sister Jessie g.\ve an inspiring address and also brought before the meeting the details of the proio ed Maori Girls' Hostel. Ihe Union promised to give practical help. Sympathy expressed in the passing of the late Mrs. 1. K. Taylor. Henderson.—May 21. Mr.. Chadwick presided. Devotions. "Statement of Facts" read and discussed. Comforting talk by Mrs. IFckenven on " The Everlasting Arm- ’’ Henediction. Kobi-St. H-Tiers. May 15. Social afternoon at residence of Mrs. Lewis Kady much enjoyed. Devotional taik by Mrs. Farr. Report of Dominion Convention by Mrs. Long. Songs by Mrs. Reffell much appreciated. Mrs. Kasper I resided and read jxvein on " Mother’s Day.” Leigh.—May 29. At Mrs. Goaar's who presided. Letter from Howard Penal. Reformed League read and discussed. Poem read byMrs. Gozar, and humorous item by Mrs. M. Tork.ngton. Hostess. Mrs. Yearbury. Mt. Eden.—Mav. Combined meeting Mts. Roskill and Edeii to hear Mrs. Mount joy’s report of Convention, most comprehensive and interesting. June. W.R. Day—very wet—6 present and most enjoyable meeting. Paper read on W.R. and collection taken up for W.K. Fund. Onehunga.—Mav 8. President in chair. Rejiorts of local work and Union activities. Ibrthday posy presented to Mrs. Fordyce, our '<o-year-old member. May 28. Home meeting. Good attendance. Musical items and recitations. Address bv Rev. I). Hickman on 4 words Women’s Christian Tcmjrerance Union.” Choruses by Maori Y. branch. Takapuna.—May. Meeting fairly well attended. Mrs. Winstotie presided. Devotions, Miss Cullen. Mrs. Kasjier gave an interesting talk on how to conduct financial affairs, and also on her exjiericnce in Australia showing us inters which are hung •in schools there. Otahuhu.—May 15. Interesting report ot Dominion Convention by Mrs. Mountjoy --njoyed by all. Mention made of j>etition and Maori Hostel for our girls. Ponsonby.— May 15. Miss Head presided, (iood attendance. Devotions, Mrs. Christopher. Resignation of Treasurer leaving district and Mrs. joiner api»ointed Acting-Tieasurer. Rereported W.C.T.U. s. Id I,*X) poppies on Poppy i lay. 4 new members. S|*ecial tea for two oldest members, one 91 years old. Solos byMrs. Pattinson. Papatoetoe.— Mav. Good attendance. Miss T. Queer, presiding. Devotions, Temperance Fact, Solo, Miss Queen. Much enjoyed address bv Mrs. booth, who was thanked byall for such a wonderful address, benediction.

SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton.—Tune 5. President in chair. Members commended for coming out on such a wet day. Devotions, Mrs. Allen. Members paid a great tribute to the untiring zeal of the late Mrs. Jones, standing as a mark of resj>ect while the President offered prayer for her bereaved ones and fo* the Secretary whose husband had been killed in action. Corre ‘-jiondence dealt with and lxtitiou forms for signature distributed. , . . Taum araunui.—May In. Mrs. Duder >n chair. 8 present. Devotions, Mrs. Brock. All stood in silence in respect of Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Prayer, Pledge, Temperance hact. "A Statement of Facts” read. One handbook ordered.

A pajier read on the life of the late Nurse Edith Cavill. A “Bring and Buy’’ held. Thame*. -May 14. Social afternoon for mothers and children of Cradle Roll. Large attendance. Items by children. Address by Capt. Boon. Afternoon tea. Treasurer’s resignation accepted. New Treasurer, Mrs. Scown. June 4th. Rev. Handy gave an inspiring and encouraging address. Tauranga.—Mav. Good attendance. Mrs. Christian presiding. A collection for “White Ribbon" Fund. Mrs. Stenhouse gave a most interesting ( alk, and afternoon tea was enjoyed. A “Bring and Buy.” Benediction. Waihi.—May. Visitors to hospital appointed, also letter writers to the sick. Letter to Prime Minister and local M.P. re enforcement* of liquor laws. Decided to start Band of Hope meetings. Petition forms being signed and arrangements for helping our various funds. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Aramoho. —May 29. (kx>d attendance. Devotions, Tenij>erance Fact. Members stood in sympathy with bereaved family of Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Short address on Peace by Mrs. Chesswas, and Mrs. Martin spoke on our aims and work. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Feilding.—June 4. 1 new member. “ White Ribbon “ Day observed by the reading of a pajier from the Editress. Petition forms were distributed to members. Sympathy was expressed with our Secretary in her prolonged illness. A newspaper dipping showing the huge amount of monev spent on liquor in 1940 was read by the President. Levin.—May 9. Mrs. Kenneriejr in the chair. Mr. Einch, Devotion. Pledge, Scientific Fact, letters on gambling read. Sympathy to the relatives of the late Mrs. T. E. Tavlor, all standing in silence. 1 new member. Tenqierance Doxology. Palmerston North.—May 6. Mi>s Jamieson presided. Mrs. Wilson, Devotions. Mrs. Wrigley gave a brief account of her work among the young jieople. Little Iris Wilson sj»oke on Christian j lanning for Peace. Afternoon tea. Mesdanies Allan, Renton and Boyes. Bei.-diction.

June 3. “White Ribbon” Day. Miss Jamieson presided. Mrs. Penketh, Devotions. Miss Sutherland read a leaflet called “ A Statement of Facts.” Questions on various phases of W.C.T.U. work were asked by Mrs. Scott, and a paper was read by Mrs. Wilkinson, items by Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Fisher. Afternoon tea. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Hasting*.—May 22. President in the chair. Devotions, Mrs. Cook. Scientific Fact, Mrs. Osborne. Sympathy to bereaved members. Re]>ort on District Executive Meeting. Spiritual message, Mrs. Chapman Taylor, much appreciated. 1 new member. Havelock,—May 27. Chair and Devotions. President, Mrs. Elliott. Scientific Fact given. Executive District minutes read. Decided to approach Minister re manifesto in due course, on receiving same from headouarters. Peace Day talk by Rev. Waugh. 6 members and 2 visitors present. Aflernoon tea. Napier.—May 20. Mrs. Lewis presided. Good attendance. Article on Peace. Scientific Fact. Article re raffle. Tickets. Extracts from Dominion President’s address to be printed each mouth in daily paper. Open discussion on " Should a Christian be a Drinker,” most helpful. Waipawa.- May 30. Peace meeting. Splendid attendance of members and friends. President, Mrs. Ford, led devotions. Captain Hill gave a most interesting address on Peace. Mrs. Dr. Walker five I*o rt-c i t.i t ion s. Pledge read. Benediction.

TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera.—May. Mrs. Harbniaun presided and led devotions. Re|x>rt of District Convention given by Secretary, and a fine address by Miss Hill oil Maitha Cooper, prison reform worker. Solo by Mrs. G. Tozer. “Bring and Buy.” New Plymouth—May 28. Mrs. Ashworth presided. Peace Day. Address by Pastor Cooney. Afternoon tea. Benediction.

WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Brooklyn.—May 27. President in chair. Devotions, Mrs. Raiue. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Dudley. Peace Day observed and an addreis on Peact given by Rev. Usher, who dealt* with many aspects of league of Nation work at Geneva. Mrs. Read thanked speaker. Benediction. Afternoon tea by Baptist ladies.

Johnsonville.—May 20. Fair attendance. Mrs. Perynian in ckair. Devotions, Business. Song by Mrs. Neal Miss Sloane welcomed as leader of newly-forfled Band of Hope. Splendid rejiort of Conver non (held over from last meeting owing ti poor attendance) given by our delegate, Mi* . Mildenhall. Miss Mitchell ap|>ointed reporter to “White Ribbon.'’ Benediction. Afternoon tea. Ma»terton.—June 5. Following the reading of “ An <)|»en Letter ” by “W.R.” the President undertook, if members handed in their L.T.L. supplement, to have them distributed at a school where pupils are mostly Maoris. Mrs. Monce and Miss Tankersley to represent Union on sub-centre of Red Cross. Retort of delegates to meeting of women’s organisations on May 29th received. Another meeting on June 11th. Miss Jackson invited members to her home for a social afternoon in July. Accepted with thanks. Benediction.

NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson.—May 13. Peace Day. Devotions. Social prayers for peace, each member taking part. Mrs. Toonier read a paj*rr from “The Beacon” on “Call to Prayer.” Sympathy passed to sick members. “Bring and Buy' for W.R. Funds at next meeting. Richmond May 27. Fair attendance; several visitors. Tem|»erance Fact. Roll answered with quotations. Interesting re|x>rt of Convention. Vote of thanks. Afternoon tea. Closed with Sigil.

MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim.—June 3. Mrs. Girling presided. 15 present. 15 minutes’ interesting prayer. Petitions received and distributed to members. Mrs. Rodgerson read the W.K. which contained some good suggestions. A "White Ribbon” "Ouiz” held on this year's conies to date, was most interesting. 5 members took part, and the prize went to Miss Tarrant, whose answers showed deep and appreciative reading of our paper. The idea is excellent and educative and we ho|»e to have another "Qu’z” soon. Decided to send 12 to W.R. headquarters. Spring lands and Tua Marina. —May. Combined meeting. Mrs. Underhill presided. Good attendance. Devotions, Mesdaines Lindsay and Robinson. Sympathy to Rev. F. Marshall (old friend of our Union) in tragic death of his wife. Solos, Mrs. Wells. Mrs. Lindsay spoke of work of S.A. at inlands in Hauraki Gulf. Benediction. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Christchurch. —May 14. Miss Henderson presided. Sympathy with relatives of late Mrs. T. E. Taylor and very fine tributes were paid to her memory, letter of thanks for bag of useful clothing from Sister Annie, of a Maori Mission station. Nelson District President welcomed by President. Lyttelton-Heathcote.—May. Mrs. Burnell took the chair. A motion cf sympathy was passed with the relatives of Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Magazines and flowers were brought for the Lyttelton Seamen’s Institute. Linwood.—May. The President, Mrs, C. R. N. Mackie, occupied the chair. Devotions, Mrs. Arthur Anstice. Pledge affirmed. Elocutionary item by Mrs. Middleton. Rei>ort of Howard League work was given. Mr. C. R. N. Mackie took for his subject " The Problems of a New World Order.” May is appointed as "Peace Month” for the W.C.T.U. One new member. Literature is being despatched to the Aniseed Public Works Camp for distribution amongst the men. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Oxford.—May 21. Devotions, ('ledge, TemI>erance Fact. Sympathy with relatives of late Mrs. T. E. Taylor. \Velcome extended to Mrs. Hull and Mrs. Stevenson, new mistresses of lr>cal manses. Intercessory prayer for Peace. Solo, Peace! Perfect Peace! 1 new member. Papanui.—May 2#. Mrs. Thornton presiding. Devotions, Mrs. Elliott. Prayers for Peace offered by members. Scientihc Fact. A collection taken up for comforts for the Seamen s Rest. 1 new member. Riccarton.—May 8. Peace prayer opened meeting. Motion of sympathy to relatives of late Mrs. T. F.. Taylor and Collie. Donation sent to Seamen’s Rest at Lyttelton. Articles from "White Ribbon” ♦*> ** read at next meeting. 2 new members. Mrs. W. G. Roberts gave an interesting talk on hospitals and the many branches of the work done under the Hospital Board. Hostesses, Mesdames Daly and Cotw.ihan,

R*«fton.—May 13. Mrs. Thompson presided. Good attendance. Resolution against the obtaining of beer from breweries. Decided to send for 100 blotters. 2 new members. Correspondence read and received. Mrs. Norwell to visit sick member in hospital. Afternoon tea. Prayer. Runanga.—Mav 14. In Methodist Church. 12 members and friends present. Report and news of Convention. Extracts from " White Ribbon.” Discussion. Hostesses, Methodist ladies.

Sydenham.-June 5. “White Ribbon” Day. Mrs. Woodward presiding. Devotions, Mrs. Davies. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Woodward; also reported on District Executive Meeting. Reading from ”W.R. ' by Mrs. Drewett. Contributions to fund to provide comforts for Seamen’s Institute at Lytielton. Spreydon—May. Good attendance. “Peace” devotions by President. Welcomed Mrs. Dennis on transfer from Levin. IDonation fo. coal to Mercantile Marine Fund. Decided to offer prizes for Temperance Essays at three schools in district. Several members took heel-less socks to finish for soldiers. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton.—June 3. Good attendance. Mrs. Robinson presided. Sympathy with bereaved and suffering members. Peace Day. An address was given by Mrs. A. N. Grigg, wife of M.P., for the electorate, spoke on longing of people for Peace. The spirit of Peace during war must be carried on during Peace. We speak of “our” duty not “my” duty. The speaker was warmly thanked. Temperance Pact, Mrs. Drayton. 2 new members. Timaru.—Mav 27. In place of the Annual Peace Day a Service of Intercession was held. Large attendance, including many visitors. Addresses by the Yen. Archdeacon Monaghan, and the Rev. F. H. Wilkinson. Prayers of Intercession by Rev. H. C. Ochard, Major Lamond and Pastor Drowning. Suitable hymns were sung and later afternoon tea was served. Waimate. lift) 14. Please! with excellent attendance. Members stood as a mark of respect to the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor and one of our own foundation members, Mrs. Graham. Hand of Hope restarted. The Blind Evangelist, Mr. Andrew Johnson, spoke on St. Dunstan’s Blind In titute. Asked to pray for blind people. Mrs. Andrew Johnson rendered sacred solo. Afternoon tea. Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT. Balclutha. Mav 8. Presbyterian Hall. President, Mrs. Fordyce, in the chair. Devotions, “White Ribbon” Facts. Kaikorai.—May 27. Mrs. Flett presided. Devotions, Mrs. Wilkinson and Mrs. Orr. Minister of Internal Affairs wrote pointing out that the law regarding juveniles under years selling raffle tickets had not been altered and it was a criminal offence for such children to do so. “Bring and Buy” sale at Julv meeting. Sympathy with Mr*. Rutherford. Greetings from South Dunedin Branch. N.E. Valley. May 22. Miss Gray presided over small attendance. Mrs. Green, Devotions. Discussions on plans of work, protests ru gambling spirit fostered in raising money for patriotic purjoses, and the enormous sum of money s,>cnt on alcoholic liquor. Rejiorted that knitting for soldiers was urgently wanted, wool to be supplied. Oamaru. -May. Fair attendance. Mrs. Parker in chair. Protest to Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs re amendment to regulations prohibiting sale of art union and raffle tickets by young neople, etc. Flower ai.d philanthropic tea. Legal and Parliamentary and Maori Secretaries appointed. Temperance Fact. Sales Table. Pert Chalmer*.-May. Excellent attendance, letters read from Prime Minister and Minister of Defence in answer to resolution sent regarding the sending of liquor to soldiers in Egypt. Rev. S. Bailey gave helpful talk on conformative and transformative work. Solo, Miss McPherson. Monologue, Mrs. Miriams. Emphatic protest was made against a recent amendment in the regulations permitting children )f any age to offer raffle tickets for sale at house doors. This protest is being forwarded lo Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Affairs. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. F.denda l *.—May 6. Good attendance of members and visitors. Mrs. Loan, Devotions. Mrs. Challenger farewelled. leaving for Bluff. Mrs. I»an appointed President. Letter from Mr. Milner read and discussed, also letter from Victoria Home. Miss McCallum, Invercargill, gave a comprehensive report of the Dominion Convention. Speaker thanked. 1 new member. Afternoon tea. Benediction.

South Invercargill.—May 13. Good attendance. M'S. Richards, Devotions. Members stood in silence in memory of the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor. President welcomed visitors from other L’nions. Reixirted that South members attended the 40th anniversary of Bluff Union on May Ist. Bluff Union presented a beautiful framed photograph of Frances Willard, given to them many years ago by Mrs. Lec-Cowie, to South W.C.T.U. for their hall. Mrs. Matthews gave a most interesting Trasel Talk on her trip to Great Britain. Mrs. Matthews thanked. Afternoon tea. Benedirt.on.

Winton.—May 27. Peace Day. All stood in silence as mark of respect to the late Mrs. T. E. Taylor. Prayer. Remits read and received. Very stirring and interesting address on “Peace” given by Sister Betty. Hymn, “ Peace, Perfect Peace,” sweetly rendered by Mrs. Young.

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White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 5, 18 June 1941, Page 9

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 5, 18 June 1941, Page 9

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 47, Issue 5, 18 June 1941, Page 9

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