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Bulletin of Union News

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Auckland. —Oct. R. Franchise Day was observed and the paper on “How the Women ol N.Z. won the Franchise" by the late Mrs. Fill, was read. Reference was made to an article in the "Star” in connection with the 47th anniversary of the granting 0 f the Franchise, accompanied with photos of the first women to vote. It was interesting to the meeting to know that three of the ladies were members of the Auckland Union who had taken a great interest in the Franchise Movement: Miss Brown (President of Union), Mesdames Daldy, Allsop, and Mrs. Baxter, daughter of Mrs. Davis, one of our members. The delegates to the Auckland District Convention gave interesting reports of the proceedings. Membern were asked to bring a new garment to the November meeting to be sent to the women and children in London, whose homes had been bombed. Auckland (Evening). Oct. 14 \i Mrs. Tennent's residence. Mr>. Paterson presided. District Executive, Miss J. Cowan. Convention report, Mrs. McKay and Miss Van Renan. Closing Benediction. Supper served by hostess. Grey Lynn. Oct fi. Mrs McCleneghan presided. Devotions, Mrs. Cook. Pledge—Temperance Fact. Miss Carner gave good report of District Convention. Benediction. Home Meeting at Mrs. Cook’s. Choruses. Devotions. C onvention report read. Competition. Mystery parcel evening. Thanks to hostess. Benediction. Henderton.— Oct. 16 Mrs. Chadwick gave report of Convention. Members signed petition to Prime Minister asking for reforms of the liquor trade during war perod. Leigh. At Mrs. Gozar’s. Mrs. Yearbury presided. Motto and Temperance Fact. Petition Forms well filled. Box of good things sent to Carrie Hostel for soldier hoys on leave in Auckland. I liscussion on Drink at Dances. Hostesses, Mesdames (io/ar and Horton. Mt. Eden. -A nnnal Meeting. Mrs. Brocklehurst presided. R .‘ports -bowed slight increase in membership. Prayer meetings held, official days remembered. Home meetings held j monthly, fid on Cradle Roll. Mrs. Brocklehurst, after 44) years’ service,

declined nomination for President. Officers elected:—Pres., Miss Pudney; Sec., Mrs. Heene; Treas., Mrs. Turvey; Vice-Pros., Mrs. S. iith and Mrs. Jack; Kvan. Supt., Mrs. Brocklehurst; C.R , Miss Tattersall. Otahuhu. —Oct. 17. Mrs. \\ 1 aylor presided. Sister Jessie gave a most interesting talk on Maori work. A special collection for Maori Fund, 10/-. Onehunga.— Oct 10. President welcomed back after her illness. Reports of the District Convention by delegates. Appeal for the Lady Galway Guild. Mrs. Ashby congratulated on having the highest number of W.R. subscribers in Auckland District, and Miss Caughley on winning, for a second year, the District Banner for the Cradle Roll work. Sympathy to sick members. Benediction. Papatoetoe. Oct. Mrs. Dunham presiding. Splendid attendance. Sister lessic gave a very inspiring address on the work among the Maoris, stressing the need of some place w! .»e Maori girls could gather and he taught the e\ils of alcohol and Moral Hygiene. Clothing and a special collection for Maori work, 32/6. Ponsonbv. Oct. 17. Miss Read presided. Devotions, Mrs. Christopher. Report of District Convention by Mrs. A. L. Lewis. Appeal for Lady Galway Fund. Mrs. Harper gave interesting talk of her trip to Australia. Takapuna. -Oct. Well attended drawing room meeting at Mrs. Mowday’s. Mrs. Wins ton presided. Musical items. Mrs. Kasper’s address much appreciated. 2 new members. Bring-and-Buv was well patronised. Warkworth. —Oct. 10. Devotions Pledge repeated. At 3 p.m. joined with other unions in " prayer chain." Congratulations upon winning the "Kasper Vase” this year. President thanked members for help in Patriotic Carnival, resulting in £l7/17/- given to Patriotic Society. Petitions received and signatures secured. NORTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Dargaville. Nov. Social afternoon at Mrs. Noble’s. Bring-and- Btiv in aid' of Band of Hope funds. Mrs. Bradley welcomed after severe illuesRegret at Miss Edmed’s retirement owing to ill-health. Fldurative competition. Officers elected. New Dept. Back Blocks to be worked. Maurtgak&ramea. -Oct. 16. Fair attendance. President in chair. Decided to hold special “ Bring and Buy ” and send proceeds to Sailors’ Rest, New

Plymouth. Secretary asked to send tor Educational leaflets, all members helping to distribute same. Collection for Maori Fund. SOUTH AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Hamilton. -Nov. 7. President chair. Fair attendance though stormy weather. Discussion on gamblin. Decided to send remit to Comenti* n re capital punishment. Delegate chosen to attend Executive of Women's War Auxiliary. Letter of sympathy i«. Mrs. Jones in her illness. Opotiki. —Oct. 10. Donated £1 and two >car\es to Sailors’ Rests. W.C.T.I . Day at Patriotic Shop secured over £l9. Mrs. Thompson gave report on District Convention. Article read rt “Whisky versus I'etroi.” Members assisting with Alliance petition. Taumarunui. —Oct. 17. Devotional reading. Petition forms handed t > members. Leaflets distributed. Each member brought a gift for the New Plymouth Sailors’ Rest. Re\. Mr. Duder ga\e a very encouraging talk t«> those who are trying to do thing' worthwhile. Tauranga. Nov. 5. Very good at tendance. President in chair. Annual meeting. All officers re-elected. Various reports read and adopted Sub-committee formed to prepare next year’s syllabus. Held another day of prayer, most inspiring. Di tributed V anguards in district. After noon tea. Benediction. TARANAKI DISTRICT. Hawera. —Oct. Mrs. Hartmann j»r< sided. 3 Temperance Facts given. Report of District Executive I>\ Secretary. Maori Day. Very fine address by Sister Dorothy Poynton <»n "Work Among Maoris.” Afternoon Tea. New Plymouth.— Oct. 30. Mr> lennson presided. Devotions. Temperance f act. Sympathy in memory of Mrs. Linn and Mrs. F.liis, foundation members of our Union. Resolution from N.C.W. agreed to. Sister Evelyn Marriott gave talk on Maori folk, and our responsibility towar I' them. Collection for Maori Fund. HAWKE’S BAY DISTRICT. Napier. —Oct. 15. Mrs. Lewis pr< sided. Sympathy extended to Mrv Stokes in loss of her husband. Letter sent to Mrs. Shaw on account of illness. Bishop Bennett gave inspiring talk urging members to help our Maori people in the fight against drink. Members present from Havelock Branch. Benediction.

Hasting*. —Oct. 29. (iood attendance. Church Guilds entertained. Music by Mrs. A. Turner. Solos, Mrs. L. I'eacli. Address by Bishop Bennett. Petitions circulated. Afternoon tea. Collection for Maori Fund and Trading Table for Union funds well patronised. Waipukurau. —()ct. Mrs. Smales presided. Delegate gave a comprehensive report of District Convention. Teleg r am of appreciation read from /’rime Minister re Liquor in Territ .rial Camps. Afternoon tea. WANGANUI DISTRICT Aramoho.- Oct. 31. Devotions. Temperance Fact. Thanks received for help to Makogai Leper Appeal. Reported 21st birthday celebrated on Oct. 15. C.R. Party held over. Members to assist at Patriotic Fair. Mrs. Beck spoke on Maori work; very much enjoyed. Marton.- Oct. Attendance fair. Mrs. Jordan presided. Mrs. Ireland, Devotions. President read two extracts from “White Ribbon”; very interesting. Minutes. Correspondence. Benediction. Afternoon tea. MANAWATU DISTRICT. Levin.—Oct. 11. Good attendance. Mrs. Kcnnerley presided. Devotions, Mrs. Mew. An interesting talk on " Maori Life,” by Miss Doull, of Foxton. Benediction. Pabc.ergton North. —N<>\. 5. Mi<s Jamieson presided Mrs. Scott, Devotions. Mrs. Shearman, recitations. Cradle Roll L'arty a great succt i < tier read from Mrs. Norrie. Sympathy to Mrs. Smith in the loss of her 1 ndiand. Mrs. Paterson spoke on ti e N C.W. Thanks to speaker and reciter. WELLINGTON DISTRICT Brooklyn. —Mrs. Reed presided. Piayer for men on Active Service and ai suffering from effects of war. Greetings from Mrs. Sawden and Mrs. Hiett. Temperance Fact by Mrs. Ineson. L.T.L. demonstration arranged. Letter of protest to Mayor aid Councillors re secular nature of Sunday night concert programmes. Mrs. Brewer spoke on Maori work. Lower Hutt. —Oct Social Re-union at the Manse. Report of District Convention by Mrs. Crawford. £3 voted for Headquarters Fund. 10/- towards comforts for Seamen’s Rests. Presbyterian Church Service taken by W'C.T.U. on Sunds» 20, Mrs. Penman being the preacher. Suggested if

we take different churches in turn, more people would get to know what the W.C.T.U.’s are doing. Solos by Mrs. Leiberzeit, recitations by Mrs. Muir, and competitions were won by Mrs. Swift and Mrs. H. Heyes. Mrs. Lopdell, our hostess, was heartily thanked for her hospitality. Masterton. —Oct. 3. Report of Dist. . onvention. Motion of sympathy with family of late Mrs. Gillespie, a foundation vice-pres. of the Masterton Union. President reported funds for Chinese refugee children in hand. Mrs. Speight appointed to Red Cross Committee. Nov. 7. Annual meeting. Reports adopted. All officers re-elected. Members asked to bring gifts to next meeting for parcel to Seamen’s Rest. Special note of thanks to Press for their help in placing our work betore the public. Temperance Doxology. NELSON DISTRICT. Nelson. —Oct. 8. Miss Cooke presided. Good attendance. Report of District Convention by Miss Every. Mrs. < irigg a interesting talk on the W.C.T.U work in North Canterbury. Parcels sent to Red Gross Guild. Successful Jumble Sale held. “Bring and Buy’ ami Copper Trail at each meeting. MARLBOROUGH DISTRICT. Blenheim. —Nov. 5. Annual meeting. Mrs. Girling presided, lb members present. Inspiring message from Mrs. Lindsay, “Go Forward,” God’s people should have a conscious |»ossession of adequate resources. Bring-and-Buv stall at I >**c. meeting. Splendid report >f District Convention by Mrs. Rogerson. Greetings sent to Mrs. J. Stewart, Kvang. Supt., in hospital. Minute of appreciation of Mrs. Girling’s leadership placed on record. Afternoon tea. Very happy meeting. Springlands. —Oct. Home meeting at Mrs. Underhill’s. Devotions. Letter of sympathy to Mrs. Windleburne on the death of her mother. District Convention -eport reviewed; members urged to canvass for the petition re stricter enforcement of the licensing laws. Account of Miss Lovell-SmitliN visit. Literature received for distribution. Tua Marina. —Oct. 15. Annual Meeting ; 12 present. Devotions, Mrs. Robinson. Good report of District Convention and of year’s report by Mrs. K.light. £2 sent to Headquarters’ Fund. Balance Sheet by Mrs. Wood. Sister

Eleanor Dobbie spoke of her work among Maori women and children for whom she had lal>oured for 19 years Shoulder spray presented to her. Officers re-elected. Peace Supt.: Mrs. E. Smith. “ Bring and Bin ” next meeting, members to bring parcels for Maori Missions. NORTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Linwood. —Oct. 28. (iood attendance. Lay up social. Mrs. Goldman, soloist. ()ne new member. North Brighton Oct. 15. “ Bring and Buy ” and musical afternoon. From the proceeds the sum of one guinea was donated to provide comforts for the N.Z. minesweepers. During the afternoon a very fine musical programme was given by Mesdames Woodward, Mclvor, Stewart, Middleton and Miss Zelda A dainty afternoon tea served. Oxford. Oct. lb. Sympathy with Mrs. Skurr and Mrs. McTreen in bereavement. Report of Provincial Convention by Miss Comyns. Solo, Miss Audrey Roi. Collection for Maori Bund. Annual Meeting next month. Papanui. —Oct. 23. Mrs. < irahani presided. Temperance Facts, Mesdames Carr and Tillman. B’inal arrangements for the annual Cradle Roll meeting to be held in November. Report on District Convention by Mrs. Elliott. Reefton. —Oct. 8. Mrs. Thompson presided. Miss Blackwell's report read. Evils of drinking among young people discussed. Minual meeting next month. Riccarton. —Oct. 10. Attendance 23. Resolutions from Convention reaffirmed and sent to Prime Minister. Petitions from N.Z. Alliance re a stricter enforcement of licensing laws, distributed. Arrangements for Cradle Roll Day. Mrs. Doig reviewed book, “Our Freedom and Its Results.” Oct. 24. Cradle Roll Day. Large attendance. President welcomed mothers and visitors and spoke of the Mothers of the Old Testament. Children’* hymn, “When He Cometh,” sung. Musical and elocutionary items rendered. Birthday cake made and iced by Mrs. Kindell was cut. Balloons and toys presented to the children. Runanga. —Oct. 10. 9 present. Mrs. Hugh Dense min chair, and led Devotions. Dr. Densetn gavt interesting talk on “ Alcohol.” Discussion, Hymn, Benediction. A pleasant afternoon was spent fortnight previously to meeting, when Mrs. Grigg visited Runanga and spoke of wonderful work done by W.C.T.U- in different parts.

St. Alban«.--()ct. 2. Convention report'' by Mesdaines Parkin and Osborne. Devotions, Mrs. l‘arkin. 10/to Hand of Hope. Duet, Mrs. Sykes and Miss Dudney. Nov. 5. Meeting chaired by Mrs. Xeutze at the residence of Mrs. Jones. Speaker, Mrs. Peters. Devotions, Mrs. Chapman. Arrangements made for Cradle Roll picnic, Dec. 5. Spreydon. — Mrs. Ancall presided and gave Temperance Fact. Reports on Mental Hospital patients; appreciation of visits, and of books sent to Hurnham Camp and to orphanages. Report of District Convention by Mrs. Foster. Hostesses, Mesdames Olds and Clements. 2 new members. WooUton. —Oct. Devotions, Mrs. Robertson. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Palmer. Interesting report of recent Convention by Mrs. McCabe. Inspiring talk by Miss Searle, a missionary from China, of her work there. Afternoon tea. SOUTH CANTERBURY DISTRICT. Ashburton. —No\. 5. Mrs. Me Bean presided. Treasurer’s report received and accounts passed for payment. Special Centenary offering of £lO voted to Headquarters. Mrs. G. Holmes spoke on life and environment of Maori people. Collection of £1 to Maori Fund. Animal meeting in Dec. Rakaia. —Oct. 10. Mrs. Stevenson presided. Rev. Stevenson reported on N.Z. Alliance, and petition signed. Officers elected: Vice-Pres., Mesdames Hoag, Wisdom and Stevenson; Sec., Miss S. C. Oakley; Treas., Mis S. R. Wilson; W.R. Agent, Mrs. Greenaway: C.R., Mrs. Rapley. Successful “Bring and Buy.” Timaru. -Oct. Maori Da> ‘vdlorr’ Rest reported two overseas vessels visiting port. Treasurer reported donations from Messrs. (». T. Dawson, W. Evans & Co., John Edmond Ltd., C.F.C.A, and Yacht Club. L.T.L.’s reported party for children; prizes and posies presented. C.R. party on Nov. 16. 3 new members. Benediction. OTAGO DISTRICT. Dunedin Central. —Nov. heme for Devotions, “Is Anything T<k> Hard for the Lord?” Strong resolution against art unions and raffles passed. 1 new member enrolled. Oamaru. —Oct i 5. Mrs. James gave report re Antique and Dug-out members to assist. District Convention invited to Oamaru next year. Solo, Mrs. Bartlett. Mrs. Martin gave re-

port of District Convention. Instructive address on “Alcohol from a Scientific Aspect” by Dr. Paterson. Kaikorai —Oct. 29. Mrs. Flett opened with praise. Mrs. Orr led Devotions. Mrs. Muir, our delegate to District Convention, gave a very comprehensive and full report. Collection taken for Maori Day. Afternoon tea. Benediction. Lawrence. —Oct. 8. Attendance fair. Miss Ferguson presided. Telegram of thanks re “Wet Canteens” in Territorial Camps, from Prime Minister. Rev. S. Holland spoke on “ Personal Experiences in the Prohibition Campaign,” and “ The Need of Educating Children,” and “The Danger of Wine at Social Functions.” Oamaru. —Oct. 18. Mrs. Martyn gave report of District Convention. Rev. Dr. T. Paterson gave short address. Arranged to help with Patriotic Antique Exhibition. C.R. and L.T.L. picnic to be held and Old People’s Home visited. Port Chalmers. Oct. 10. Mr'. Mirams presided. Temperance Fact, Mrs. Murray. Prayers for peace. Devotions, Mrs. Johnstone. Extracts from Dominion President’s Convention address, Mrs. Mirams. Recitation, Mrs. Grey. 1 new member. South Dunedin. -Oct. Extracts from Bible-in-Schools report read. Collection?' for Maori Fund, C.R. party, and levy for entertainment of territorials at week-ends. Report of Dis f rict Convention read by Secretary. Accounts passed for payment. SOUTHLAND DISTRICT. North Invercargill. —Oct. 15. Miss Y. Jamieson presided. Devotions by Mrs. H. Graham. Talk on “The Mauii ’ by Miss H. S. Jamieson. Collection for Maori Department. Afternoon tea. Small attendance. South Invercargi’!. —Oct. 8. President in chair. Mrs. Richards, Devotions. Reported all schools in this district that Ministers gave half-hour weekly Bible Lessons. Much appreciated. Petition from N.Z. Alliance received and signed. President welcomed mothers and children to Cradle Roll Party. Mrs. Adjutant Lee urged mothers to begin early training children to gain their confidence and to hold it in later years. Each child received a small gift. One new member. Benediction. National Anthem. Winton. —Oct. 15. Maori Day. Splendid address by Mrs. J. B. Wilson, who also took the Devotions. Nominations of Officers held over till next month.

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White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 539, 18 November 1940, Page 6

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Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 539, 18 November 1940, Page 6

Bulletin of Union News White Ribbon, Volume 44, Issue 539, 18 November 1940, Page 6

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