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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! 1. Every Union should report. 2. Reports must be short. 3. Must be in by Bth of month. 4. Don’t report what you are going to do. 5. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. GREYTOWN. Oct. 13. A special meeting held to elect delegates for Alliance Convention. Mr* Whlncop and Miss Oates elected. Oct. 28. President occupied chair. Decided to procure nnti-gambling literature for distribution amongst children. Gratifying response received from several meml»e.s to Willard Home appeal. Delegates’ reports of N.Z. Alliance Convention receded. MAUNGATUROTO. Oct. 16. Poor attendance. Mrs Wright Presided. A most interesting and instructive paper on "The Powers of Reasoning" as as rendered by Mrs Wallace, which gave us much good food for thought. Decided to hold Cradle Roll afternoon the day of our next monthly meeting, also to send an invitation to the Maori White Ribbon sisters for that gathering. Decided to asl: our pastor to address our branch on that occasion. Afternoon tea served. JOHNSON VILLE. Oct. 16. Mrs Johnson Wright (President) presided. Fair attendance of members and visitors. Mrs Evans, M.A., from Wellington, gave a very interesting and instructive address on "League of Nations." \ hearty vote of thanks was accorded to her. Mrs Mowlem, Supt. of Literature, was also present, and gave us suggestions os to what to read and use for our Union. "White Ribbon" Agent reports several subscribers. Afternoon tea dispensed. Three new members. AUCKLAND. Oct. 28 A successful sock social was held in the Central Mission. Mrs Cook presided over a large gathering of member* »n<l friends. The proceeds were in aid of the Dominion Organising Fund. An interesting report was given by Mrs Cargo of the work done by the W.C.T.U. committee in connection with the Mayoress’ War Memorial Library. Letters of appreciation and thanks were read from grateful recipients of parcels of books and literature in various parts of the Auckland district. Mrs t’argo appealed for more helpers. Mrs Reuben Bailey gave a very impressive address, which was much appreciated. A protest was passed and sent to the MP. for the district against any increase in racing permits. A telegram was also sent to Mr Massey protesting against the nine years between licensing polls and the four years before Prohibition should come into force. A straight-out issue and clean rolls were urged. Songs were contributed by Mesdames Rosser and Lang and .••citations by Misses Cowley and Auld. Afternoon tea was served, and a pleasant social time spent. RANOIORA. Oct. 31. Annual meeting. Mrs Thwaites presided. Good attendance. The annual report and balance-sheet, as also the reports of the various divisional superntendents, showed that the work of the Union Is In a healthy state, and that the interest of members is well maintained. The President expressed her thanks to all those who had contributed towards the success of the year’s work. All the officers of the previous yepr were re-elected, Mrs R. J. Logan being appointed an a Idl*

t tonal Vice-President. Previous to the dispensing of afternoon tea a solo was rendered by Mrs C. Blair. At the clow of the anntial meeting the first meeting of the new year was held for the purpose of dealing witli various matters, particularly the organisation of the work in the outlying districts. OPOTIKI. Oct. 9. Mrs Thompson presided. Good attendance. Letter from the Willard Home ttianking the Union for their magnificent donation towards the institution. Business matter was discussed. Afternoon tea was provided and served by Mrs Hambly. BEFTON. Oct. 23. Mrs P. J. Thome in chair. Good attendance of members. A resolution and appeal for funds for organising work during campaign year was considered. Appeal cards were distributed. and met with a good response. Mrs W. J. Williams, of Sumner, gave us an interesting address. A local Hand of Hope was then formed, and officers appointed. Keen interest Is being taken in this movement. Two members were initiated. To inaugurate the Band of Hope, our Executive organised a concert, which was a very successful meeting, with a splendid attendance of adults and children. KAIAPOI. Oct. 1. Mrs Jackson in the chair. A fair attendance. Mrs Robertshaw’s resignation as Assistant Superintendent of the Cradle Roll was accepted with regret. Mrs Warren was elected to fill that position. Letters of sympathy to be sent to Mrs R. Belcher and Mrs Heald. Social Committee for next meeting: Mesdames Btanton, Chapman and Phillips. Oct. 29. Mrs Jackson In the chair. A fair attendance. Mrs Morland read the Convention report, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. A donation of £1 was received from Mrs Holland. Agreed that we add to this sum and forward to the Organising Fund. Mr* Brighttng was elected Treasurer for our new Building Fund. Letters of sympathy to he sent to Mrs Rutledge and Mrs T. Heney (Rangiora). Boclnl on October 16th, at whi'h Mr Dobbs and Cnptain Hawkins were present. and a strong committee was ele- » for the Prohibition League. Social C/©nimittee for next meeting: Mesdames Neil, Clements and Barnard. HASTINGS. Oct. 16. Special meeting. Cradle Roll afternoon. Twelve new names added. Inspirational address given by Mrs Chapman Taylor on “Sanctified Motherhood.” Good advice to all present on the spiritual training of the young. Musical items and afternoon tea served to make the afternoon an enjoyable and profitable one. ASHBURTON. Sept. 2. Mrs W. T. Li 11 presided over a good attendance. Letters of sympathy directed to he sent to members in bereavement and sickness. A. ami P. Association wrote thanking the Union for donation of £1 is to the Prize Fund. Mesdames Lill, McKwen, and Nish were appointed delegates to the Alliance Conference. The annual appeal on behalf of the Willard Home was received, and Mrs A. E. Moore appointed collector. Decided to accede to the request of the "Advance Ashburton Association," and take charge of the luncheon at the (Jala on Labour Day, and a committee was set up to make arrangements. The President announced that Miss Earnshaw would arrive in Ashburton on September 16th for organising work. Decided that Tinwald, Methven, and Mayfield also be visited. A very successful drawing-room afternoon in honour of Franchise Day was held at the residence of Mrs W. Oakley on September 18th, Mrs W. H. Robinson presiding. Much appreciated musical items were contributed. A very cordial welcome was extended to Mr and Mrs Mackes;.. Helpful and Inspiring addresses were given by Miss

Earnshaw and Mr Mackesy. Four new members were enrolled, and two new subscribers to the "White Ribbon." A very hearty vote of thanks to speakers and perform*™. to Mrs Oakley for kind hosP tallty. was carried by acclamation. A dainty afternoon tea was provided. 7. Good attendance, when Mrs Hight, V.P., occupied the chair. Letters of sympathy were directed to he sent to Mrs Lill, Mrs J. Thompson, Mrs D. K. Keir, and Mrs R. Buxton, in illness. Mrs J. Osborn thanked for kind hospitality extended to Miss Earnshaw ami for donation to funds of the Union. Much regret was expressed at serious Illness of the President. Splendid reports of Convention were submitted by Mesdames Glassey and Higlit; also of the Alliance Convention in Christchurch by Mrs McEwen. Hearty thanks were accorded the delegates. FEILDING. Nov. 6. Annual meeting field in the manse. President in the chair. Motions of sympathy with the relatives of deceased members were passed. All former officers re-elected, their term of office to last until after the general election. One new member joined. Meeting closed with the Benediction. NGAERE. Nov. 6. The President (Mrs Gil liver) in the chair. Nine members present. Mrs Birdsall thanked Union for box of clothing and groceries, and donation for Willard Home. Telegram from Hon W. Massey in reply to one sent to Parliament re proposed licensing legislation. Officers for the ensuing year were then elected: Pres.. Mrs Gilliver; Cor. Sec, Mrs Tarrant; and Rec. Sec., Mrs B. Edwards, were re-elected; Tress., Mrs Wickham; Reporter to "White Ribbon" and Press, Mrs Morrison; "W.R." Agent. Mrs Lambert; Back Blocks Literature Agent, Miss Ellis One new subscriber for "White Ribbon" was gained. MANAIA. The Manaia Branch postponed its October meeting till the 21st, in order to have an address on Corporate Control hy the Presbyterian minister, the Rev. Mr Smith. After delivering it, he encouraged discussion, explaining fully how’ obviously the scheme was another red herring, and giving suitable arguments to use against it. Decided to offer prizes to the local school for essays on a temperance subject, the choice to be left to head-master. A report was given of the essays and five minutes’ speeches, which had won the prizes the Union ottered to the Young People’s Club. The essay by Miss Judd had been published in tin* local paper. Decided to distribute pamphlets on Peace Work to all the schools in the district, and present a framed one to the local school. More advertisement by articles In the local papers was arranged. Decided to ask if tiie Organiser could pay a visit to work among scattered members. Discussion upon work among Mauris ami helping tiie Willard Home. Decided that means for the first were not available, and that more clothes, etc., could lie collected for the Home during the following month. In the absence of President, through illness, Miss Patterson in tiie chair. RAMA RAMA. Sept. 3. Annual meeting at Mrs McConnel's residence. A good attendance. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Kern: Vice-Pres., Mrs Sharp; Sec., Mrs E. lfcConnel; Assist. - Sec.. Mrs Robinson; Treas., Miss Richards. Afternoon tea dispensed. Oct. 7. At Mrs Robinson’s Pukekohe. A fair attendance. Helpful papers were read to encourage the workers. Afternoon tea. BLENHEIM. Oct. 7. A very well-attended and successful "Pay Up" afternoon Was held. Mrs Grigg (President) presided. Mrs A. Mills and Mrs Grigg gave a full and Interesting report of the District Convention, recently held In Nelson. A donation of £2 has been

sent to the Willard Home, and a public appeal has been made for clothing or material suitable for clothing. Mr Kean, headmaster, is allowing the children of the 4th, sth, and 6th standards to write the essay, “The Effects of Alcohol on the Human ’Body," the prizes to he given by o'ir I'nion. Musical items were rendered, and afternoon tea handed round. MARTIN BOROUGH. Oct. 1. £3 10s was sent to the Maori Fund as our share of the faithful work which is carried on among the Maoris. Three new members were introduced, which will help to keep up the number of our Union. We are continually losing some one, hut it Is nice to see as one goes another comes, therefore we still have 36 members on our books. TAURANGA. Oct. 17. President in chair. Fair attendance of members, and growing Interest shown by visitors. A unanimous protest was carried against the proposals re the coming election. Correspondence was dealt with, and various matters called forth a lively discussion. liecided to hold our annual meeting in November. Afternoon tea was served. NEW BRIGHTON. Oct. 16. At Mrs F. Wedd’s residence. Attendance very good. President (Mrs H. Hall) in the chair. Tk»cided the annual ehurch parade to he Sunday, November 2nd, at the Presbyterian Church. A number of members took cards for the collecting campaign for organising funds. Helpers were promised foi tea rooms at annual A. and K Show. Decided to donate four prizes for annual Temperance essay for school pupils, subject “Effect of Alcohol on Home and Social Life of Community." Having obtained schoolmasters' consent to hang manifestos in schools, it was decided to frame same and present to three schools in borough. Two new members initiated by President. Mrs W. J. Williams. Sumner, gave an excellent address, and was Accorded hearty vote of thanks. Afternoon tea was served, and vote of thanks passed to hostess. HENDERSON. Oct. 15. Mrs Platt in the chair. A small meeting, owing to much sickness. Much discussion took place over wall sheets for the school on the League of Nations question and objects, many thinking it would he a good thing to he placed in each room nf the school, the master to be asked to give Ids opinion and consent about it. Decided to write to our Member (Mr Parr) asking his support to do away with the three issues at polling time, also that the time' for voting he kept the same as before. Mrs Platt then read a portion of Dominion President's address at Conference dealing with wlmt women are doing to extend Prohibition in all parts of the world. Mrs McKay also read a very interesting article from an Ameriean paper on the same subject, “World’s Prohibition." We all felt there, was a great deal in it that we would like to give more time, so the paper is to he lent round to members. WANGANUI E Oct. 25. A "pay up" social. Good attendance of member*. Union decided to help with stall in aid of Women's Hostel Fund. Miss Bradshaw wu invited to visit Taranaki district, commencing at New Plymouth, and working down the line to Warganul. We would like the small Unions to understand that the Organiser s services are gratis. Friends are invited to bring cash or clothing towards Willard Home for next meeting Arrangements were made for meeting to he held on November Bth in aid of Organising Fund, when afternoon tea will he provided, and there will he cake, sweets, produce, and flower stalls. It was agreed that members should write to Mr Glenn, M.P. for the district, concerning the proposed licensing amendments. Mrs Duxflcld (District Prerdent) reported having visited Waverley Union and given an ad-

dress to a good gathering The President was also appointed to represent Union at Palmerston North Convention on Labour 1 >ay. RICHMOND (NELSON >. Oct. 22. A well-attended “Pay Up" social and gift afternoon" for the Willard Home. The death of Mrs Burroughs was feelingly referred to, a vote of sympathy being passed, members standing. Mrs J. Price was appointed Superintendent of Litemture to he sent to the hack blocks, members to supply literature, magazines, etc. Decided to offer three pnzes to the L.T.L. Mrs House brought forward two Items of interest for future eonsideralon, and read interesting extracts on the temperance movement. During the interval for tea subscriptions were received. Mrs Gddin and Miss Dyson each sang a solo, which was much appreciated by the audience. Two members were initiated. STRATFORD. Oct. 24. A very pleasant afternoon, 30 i lcmhers present, at our “pay up” social. President referred to the death of Mr (ieorge Sangster, one of Strafford’s strongest supporters of Prohibition. A vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Sangster and family, the members standing. In response to the request of Miss Birss, the following wire was forwarded to the Premier:—“The members of the Stratford Branch of the W.C.T.U., numbering 111, protest against the four and nine years’ clause, and ask for a straight-out issue and a clean roll." A musical programme followed, Including recitations, which was much appreciated. Afternoon tea was then served. 64 subscriptions were paid up to date. SUMNER. Nov. 4. Splendid meeting at Mrs Isaac Wilson’s residence, about fifty present. Mr T. M. Haslett, M.A., gave a thoughtful and Informative address on bis work among boys in connection with the Y.M.C A. In Christchurch. The address covered a wide sphere of labour, and was most interesting. Members of the local Mothers’ Union who were present Hpoke in appreciation. Rev. W. J. Williams and Mrs McCombs also spoke. Two new members were gained. Altogether a good meeting. OXFORD. 0< t. 1 Mrs Ryde presided. Two votes of sympathy were passed. The Treasurer's report. showing a credit balance, was adopted. Decided that a letter he sent to Mr F. Caverhlll, thanking him and the Sunbeam Party for the concert in aid of the Piano Fund. Ikdegate to the Provincial Convention < Mrs T. Gainsford) gave a very interesting report; also Mrs Tritt, the dele- - gate to the No-License Convention, for which they were thanked. . TAKAPUNA. Nov. 6. Annual meeting. President In chair. Letter read from hon. member, Mr Harris, replying to petition for licensing reform. lie said he would see what could i he done at next session. A vote of sympathy was passed on the death of a mem-* her, Mrs McKenzie, all standing. Reports' were read by the Secretary, Treasurer, Cradle Roll Supt., and “White Ribbon” Reporter. 153 babies on the Cradle Roll, 10 drafted off over age. altogether a satisfactory year. Election of officers. Mrs Penning. Miss Rushhrook, Miss Mills, and Mr> Morgan all re-elected. Mrs McLeod Gate of Wellington) elected In Miss Piper’s place as “White Ribbon' Reporter next year, as she is leaving. We were pleased to welcome our Cradle Roll Supt. back again, after a visit to Sydney. WELLINGTON SOUTH. Nov. 6. Mrs Johnson Wright presided, when Mrs Glover spoke on the Offenders’ Probation Act of 1920, which widened the definition of offence. Mrs Glover defined the duties of a Probation Officer, who had to make inquiries as to the character ami personal history of any person accused, and

if satisfied that in any case the best Interests of the public and the offender would be served by the release on probation, to recommend to the Court that they be so released. Several pathetic instances mentioned showed the wisdom u» ihe system, which proved that the Influence of the home was so much better for wayward girls. Mrs Glover had had many years’ experience, and spoke highly of the work, and considered It an unqualified success. Members were reminded that annual meeting would he held on December 4th. OTAHUHU. Nov. 6. A discussion took place re the three issues on the ballot paper. Decided that a letter be typed objecting to the three issues, and all the members of the Union to sign the paper, instead of each member writing separately. Next meeting will he the annual meeting. WHANGAREI. Oet. 7. Twelve members present. Arranged that w’e sent a petition to th** Prime Minister in regard to the proposed licensing amendments. Secretary also to write to district member of Parliament in regard to same. A vote of sympathy was passed to the members of Mrs Vyles - family on the death of their mother, ladies standing Nov. 4. Thirteen ladies present. Mrs Goodall presided. Letter read from the Premier acknowledging receipt of petition, and promising it careful consideration when licensing legislation is being prepared; also from our local M.P. in regard to the amendments. Mrs Goodall read letter from Mrs Lill, and spoke on gambling. TIMARU. Oct. 28. Large meeting, very comfortable in new Sailors' Rest. Encouraging report from hospital visitors. During the month one Sunday tea and service and one social evening had been given. A very successful picnic in the Park was arranged for Labour Day, 24 men from the s.s. Ar&wa being present. Franchise Da\ was observed, Mrs Norrie making a strong appeal for “White Ribbon” subscribers Mrs Sinclair welcomed back from Canada, and thanked for table and centre for Rest Reautiful letters from past Presidents who could not he present at the opening of the new Rest were read, and Mrs Norrie told of the strength it gave her to have such fine women behind her, and she thanked members who had worked so well on opening day and helped to make the function the success it was. The social at night hail been well attended, Mrs Rule, a past President, and Miss Avison, past-Secretary, being In the happy company. Mrs Butcher, Secretary for South Canterbury District Union, appealed for funds to carry on the work of the District Union. Decided to make a social effort later and give a little practical help now. .nvitation to Pleasant Point L.T.L. picnic received. Several members signified .heir intention of attending It. Annual meeting to be held on November 18th. RICCARTON. Oct. 9. Special meeting. Report from Alliance ''onventlon. and letters from Mrs Don and Miss Henderson were read. Letter from C'lty Union received re appeal cards. Special collection for Willard Home. Afternoon tea. Oct. 16. Monthly meeting. Letters from officer In charge of Prison Camp thanking the Union for donations for a gramaphone and periodicals sent. Several members volunteered to assist City Union on Christchurch Show Day. Sister Ruth Faucett gave an address of interest to women. At these last two meetings appeal cards were distributed among members, who agreed to collect regular month!' contributions for special Organising Fund for coming campaign. DUNEDIN. Nov. 4. Good attendance of members Letters were received from the Prime Minister, Mr T. K. Side). Ml*, and th, H I C. Statham with regard to remits from W.C.T.U. concerning the Licensing Bill and

tlie Gaining Amendment Bill. The Presid'd (Mrs Hiett) read from a scientific ai- •■ le on “Alcoholic Tonic or Narcotic?” Mrs Alexander, delegate from our Union, li.ia been appointed on the Executive of tlu» League of Nations. Mrs Macartney waa appointed to take charge of the Hospitality Committee for Convention. We are sorry to hear from Mrs Don's last letter that she will not he home in time for Convention, which will be held in our city early in March. A sale of spring chickens was held at the close of the meeting, when £1 10s was raised in aid of the funds. OAMARIT. The President (Mrs J. J. Clarke) occupied the chair. Extracts were read from reports on V.D. by Mrs Clark. A vote of V apathy was passed to Mrs Hutchison in the floatli of her brother, and to Mrs Bottle in the death of tier husband. Nurse Stephenson's resignation was received with res'tit greeting to N'.Z Alliance Om ference, Timaru. Members urged to wear badges on nil occasions. Meeting closed with f>oxology. RAKAIA < >«*t. 9. President presided over a good attendance. The Alliance Convention report was presented by Mrs Hopwood, which proved very interesting. Mrs Boag report'd on tile W.C.T.U. Convention. Decided to hold a gift afternoon for Willard Home at our opening meeting next year. Arrangements were made for a Cradle Roll Garden Party to he held first Wednesday In Vovem ner A credit balance of £2 2s 4d »as reported. The resignation of Mrs Judkins was received with regret. Mrs L*e was appointed in her place. Mrs Weaver then presented Mrs Judkins, who is having the district to reside at Lyttelton, with p handsome tea-set. Afternoon tea. MATAURA. Oct. 23. Public meeting to reorganise our Union, which had lapsed owing to removal of members. Through the splendid work of Miss Karnshaw, the hall was well filled. Miss Earnshaw very ably conducted the meeting, and gave an inspiring and helpful address on “The Aim and origin of the W.C.T.U.,” which was well received. The call for members which followed resulted in everyone joining up, including the few old members left. Then line tin* initiation service and a general pinning on of white ribbon hows. with •uhsequent sale of the more permanent badges later on. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs Landells; Vice-Pres., Mrs Mackie; r or. Sec., Mrs John Park; Rec. Sec., Mrs Parmer; Trens., Mrs Coombes; Cradle Roll Bupt., Mi's Galt; Joint "White Ribbon” Agents, Beaumont and Miss Isabel Galt. After the close of the meeting af>rnoon tea was handed round. The afternoon was one to be remembered with Pleasure for the stirring address, hearty ungitig, profusion of choice flowers, and, iast but not least, the good membership which resulted from Miss Eartishaw’s hard work beforehand. We are also very glad :o get such a tried and trusty worker as Mrs Landells for our President. With Sod’s help, we are now re-equipped to do »ur hit in the great fight before us. Hearty congratulations. Keep pegging iway.—Ed. "W.R.”) SAWYER'S BAY. Sept. 23. At Mrs Gaspar’s home. Mrs (burn read her report of the District Contention, then a brisk sale of the various foods that the members had brought. Mrs Jaspar dispensed afternoon tea. Oct. 30. A telegram was received from Hr J. Dickson, our member, giving a fa'urable answer to our request that he would oopose tlie new measures that Parament are trying to place on the new Licensing Bill. Mrs Farquharson read a la per on “Uncharitableness.” PETONE. Nov. 4. Good attendance. Correspond - -.1,* from Mrs Hope. Mrs Grange, Mrs Heyward, aiul Miss Birss. Mrs Lfll aim) b' to in f onnertion with her department of >Dti- Gambling. Mrs Hunt and Mrs Bar-

row brought most interesting reports of the Alliance (onference held In Wellington Me were very glad to welcome two of our members who have been seriously ill this being the first meeting they were able to attend for, many months. a very pleasant s«« ial was held on Wednesday, October 15th. Several new members have been enrolled during the last month.

WELLINGTON <'ENTRAL. Oct. 15. Large attendance. One new member received Into tlie Union, four others welcomed from other Unions. Miss Fraser Matron YM C A., spoke on behalf of Mr Hay General Kecretary, of the big effort the Association is making tlie first week in November. Decided that tlie Union would comply with the request that we take < hartfe of one of the lighthouses and provide cofTee and biscuits. An interesting discussion on the anti-gambling question took Place, Meadames Anderson, Henderson tin President, and Miss Helyer taking’ part. Meadames Evans and Hutchins were appointed delegates to the Alliance and Convention.

Get. 30. A very happy party was held in the Baptist Schoolroom, it being the annual gathering of the members of the Cradle RolL There was a large muster of little ones, from a few months old up to nine years, accompanied by their mothers. Mr Denton kindly came and helped with tin* Punch and Judy Show, which delighted the children, afterwards giving them ten minutes’ talk on the right way to start life. After afternoon tea each little one received a small gift, and a very exciting and happy time followed the opening of each parcel. Miss Anderson (Cradle Roll Supt.) had a very busy time, and was assisted by the President and members of tlie Union. Mrs Clayton sang twice, and was greatly appreciated by the mothers, as was Miss Freeman with her recitations. NEW PLYMOUTH. Oct. 29. Good attendance. Wire had been sent to Prime Minister protesting against four and nine years’ clause, also demanding dean roll. Mr Massey replied Decided to call special meeting to welcome Miss Bradshaw. L.T.L. Supt. read report of year’s work. A vote of thanks proposed to her. Article read on “Opening Sailors’ Rest,” Timaru, also letter of appreciation from seamen in current "White Ribbon.” Selected a deputation to wait upon Captain Waller with regard to entertaining seamen visiting New Plymouth. Four ladies chosen. President welcomed two new members. Decided to send £5 to Headquarters Fund. Oct. 15. A ITome meeting held at Mrs Dickson’s. Good attendance. Report, of District Convention read, and vote of thanks passed to Mrs Dickson. Closing picnic for L.T.L. to he held in Kawaroa Park on Saturday, 25th, parents to be invited. It was deemed advisable to apply to various townships round the coast with a view to establishing new branches; in the meantime to wire Miss Bradshaw that we were willing to receive her. Miss D. Loveridge and Mrs Barry favoured us with songs. Afternoon tea waa handed round, aiyl a collection taken up in aid of Organising Fund. A vote of thanks passed to Mrs Dickson for her kind hospitality, also to the singers. OP AW A - WOOLBTON. Nov. 4. Mrs A. D. Jenkins presided. Vote of sympathy passed to Mrs Turner, "W.R.” Agent, on the illness of her husband. l>ecided to present copies of Premier’s peace message to two local schools. Eleven appeal cards taken up by members, also several Alliance Silent Campaign cards. Help for Show Day arranged. Mrs Dili's Anti-Gambling paper read. Attendance 15 Afternoon tea served. ALBERT. Nov. *>. attendance. Annual meeting and pay-up soc ial. Mrs Cocker, in her opening remarks, emphasised the aims of the Union—Prohibition. Peace and Purity, and also added a fourth Prayer. The Secretary (Miss Wingate) gave the annual report, which shewed the officers had tlie work of the Union at heart. The bal-

ance-sheet showed a balance on the right side. Mrs Miller, Mrs Wakeh&m, and > Miss Jacob Hon, Superintendents of BackBlocks, “White Ribbon,” and Home Meetings respectively, gave brief reports Addresses were delivered by Rev. W. Beckett (Methodist), Rev. J. Davie (Presbyterian), and Rev. J. Pat son (Congregational). Tlie Secretary was instructed to send letters of sympathy to former officers of the Union who are not well enough now to attend, but who hud done yeoman service <n the past, be., Mrs Pevenport, Mrs Sm erland, and Mrs Burton. A special Welcome was given to Mrs Rutter (ex-President), who been absent from meetings through illness in her family. Musical items wire rendered by Mrs McClymont, Miss Jones, and Miss May. Votes of thanks were passed to the officers of Knox Church for tlie use of room throughout tlie year; the press for reporting meetings; Mr Norris for auditing accounts; to Miss Jones, our organist. and to all who had helped in providing dainty afternoon tea. PONSONBY. Oct. I<*. Mrs Taylor presided. (Good attendance of members and friends. Letter from Mis Dili re anti-gambling read. I lecided to appoint Superintendent for that department. Mrs Miller gave an interesting talk on “Social Hygiene,” urging all members to take a deeper Interest in this matter. Nov. fi. Mrs C. H. Taylor presided. Fair attendance of friends and members. The League of Nations was again discussed, also an article read from tlie Orange paper, “Tlie Nation," on the subject. A letter of sincere thanks waa read from tlie Matron of the Willard Home, Palmerston, for the parcel of clothing sent from our Branch. The members were invited to a so<' i a I to I»h held by the "Y“ Union next Wednesday in Alexandra Street Hall. Roll call, members responding witli a verse or text of Scripture. Afternoon tea brought a very pleasant meeting to a close. MOSGIEL. Oct. 21. Mrs Hiett (Dunedin President) addressed tlie meeting. She gave a moat instructive and helpful report of Convention held in Oamaru. A vote of thanks was moved by tlie President, and carried by acclamation. The Benediction brought to a close a very profitable afternoon. HAMILTON. Nov. A good attendance, Mrs J. MJones in the chair. Report of District Convention was given, ns well as a short address on ’Deborah by the President. Dr. Pinfold very kindly addressed tlie meeting on “Modern Social Evils." He deplored the fact that it was so difficult to induce tlie Government to legislate on matters which are of ho vital importance to both tlie present ami futun generations, as well as to the welfare of the whole nation. Two new members were initiated. FEATHERBTON. Nov. 6. At tlie residence of Mrs Arch. Clark. Mrs Peryman presided. The rerg nation of Mrs Barton (President) was accepted with regret. Mrs Clark was unanimously elected to tlie position. Meeting closed with prayer. Members were entertained to tea by Mrs ('lark. WANGANUI CENTRAL. Nov. Mis Goody presided. Attendance good. Letter received from Mr Veitch promising to give due consideration to our request, also wire from Mr Massey. Arrangements were made for the stall in aid of Hostel Fund, to be held in the Avenue. Central Union to take charge from 9 till 11, Wanganui E. Branch 11 till 1. Aramoho Branch 1 till 3, Central 3 till finish. Will nil W.C.T.U. members do their very best for this little effort, gifts to be left at Mr Upton's shop? Extracts were read from Publicity Bulletin. INGLEWOOD. Oct. 29. Tlie President (Mrs J. B. Simpson) presided over an attendance of 10 members. Arrangements were made for reception of tlie Organiser (Miss Brad-

ahaw), who, it is hoped, will meet with much success during the visit some time this month. Members were urged to do all possible to assist. On Sunday, November 2nd, being the World’s Temperance Sunday, a very well-attended meeting was held at Kaimiro, when members of the Executive, and also a large number of ladles of the district, enjoyed a striking temperance address by the Superintendent of the Sunday School (Mrs J. Bond); almost every child on the roll was also present. I would like to mention that this school, which is conducted on W.C.T.U. lines, meets with the approval of residents c' - the district, as the average attendance of 24 amply shows, and the greatest credit should be given Mrs Bond and her able assistants (Mr F. Mundt and Mrs J. Paterson*, for the splendid manner in which the work is carried on. More such schools in the out districts would prove of lasting benefit to the cause. At the close of the address, the President appealed to non-members to Join up with the W.C.T.U. movement, and stressed the importance of so doing, because of the movement to hinder the cause of Prohibition as evidenced by the Corporate Control proposal, and also an attempt to alter the method of election to a nine years’ term. The collection taken at the meeting Is to be devoted to the Maori Fund.

DANNEVIRKE. Nov. 6. Eight members present. Apologies from six others received. Miss Heaton occupied the chair, and Miss Burden acted as Secretary. Report for year accepted. Election of officers resulted In a re-election: Pres., Mrs Hutchinson; Treas., Mrs Sec., Miss Heaton; "W.R." Agent. Mrs Wright. Mrs Tyler (High Street North) was appointed Roll Secretary. We have 33 financial members; removals account for the decrease. Paper on •'Franchise Movement in New Zealand” by Secretary. After afternoon tea and business. Miss Rurdett, in a few gracious words, asked the Secretary, Miss Heaton, to accept a tribute of the love and appreciation of members in the form of a beautiful solid leather (small) purse. Overwhelmed wtih astonishment and feeling, the Secretary accepted the pleasing token. OTAUTAU. Oct. 12. Good attendance, although a stormy night. Three new members. Mrs Macdonald, owing to ill-health, resigned as •Y" Superintendent. The “Y’s” received the communication with deep regret. Mrs Brown, Presklent of W.C.T.U., kindly agreed to «ct as Superintendent till the annual election. Mrs Brown read a most interesting and educative address on Frances E. Willard, the world’s pre-eminent Prohibitionist.

INVERCARGILL. Oct. 13. Reports of District Convention were given by delegates. Mrs McGregor, District President, visited us, and spoke on the four remits which members were to send to our Member of Parliament; also on Franchise Day. President thanked Mrs McGregor, and expressed the hope that she would often visit us. Letters from Mrs Don and Miss Henderson were reao by members, and enjoyed by all. AUCKLAND. Oct No meeting was held, owing to sickness. Many bad 'flu. and others were wattching by sick beds. NEW BRIGHTON. Oct 17. Mrs G. J. Patten (President) in chair. Atteendance good. A report was read from Timaru ”Y s «£owing |he good work they are doing. Miss Buxton gave excellent report of recall■ Convention. Study circle night The Ute.l ‘The World s New Da> and Ab ohol.” was most in* ruct'.ve and helpful. Ah an International Correspondence Bureau has been started, would ”Y mem-

bers wishing to correspond with other Y’e In England, Scotland, America, South Africa, or Canada, please forward their letter#, uith loose stamps, to me, stating Which country you wish your correspondent to be in. Letters describing Y work will be most interesting. Only send your first lettter to ine, or until you get your correspondent’s address.

Hoping shoals of letters will reach me shortly,—Yours for service. HELEN B. YOUNG.

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White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 352, 18 November 1924, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 352, 18 November 1924, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 30, Issue 352, 18 November 1924, Page 11

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