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News of the Unions.

PLEASE NOTE! 1. Every Union should report. 2. Reports must be short. 3. Must be in by Bth of month. 4. Don’t report what you are going to do. 5. Don’t send newspaper reports of your meetings. OXFORD. Pec. 12. Annual meeting. Fair attendance. Expressions of sympathy with Mrs G. Rossi ter. A short service of thanksgiving for Spiritual Healing Mission, and for help received by one member. “No More War” resolution endorsed. Balance-sheet read and adopted. Reports from various de-

part merits showed fifty financial m» mhoi's, the increase largely due to Miss Earns haw; one honorary member. Sixty-three names on CYadle Holl, and fifty-eight “White Ribbon" subscribers. Votes of thanks passed to Auditor (Mr L. Watson), outgoing officers, and the newspapers. Mrs Rvde occupied the (hair during election of officers, which resulted as follows:—Pres., Mrs (5 Hyde, (\x>per’s Creek; See., Mrs C. W Tritt, Oxford; Treas., Miss Ca verb ill; Vioe-Pres., Mrs I). Hawke; Evangelistic Committee, Mesdames Robertson nn<l Morris and Miss Gains ford; “White Hil> bon" Supt.. Mrs I). Hawke; Cradle Roll. Mesdames Roi and Comyns; Notable Days, Mrs t\>oper; blower Mission, Mrs Jamieson; Home Meetings. Mrs T. Gainsford. WAIPUKURAP. Nov. 12. Special prayer meeting: Numbers were small, but all were fcn ally blessed. Unanimously decided Peace Day to be on day nearest Armistice Day.

Doc. 4. Annual meeting:. Ooo<l at tendance. Various accounts wen passed for payment. Election of otfi cers: Pres., Mrs Gore; Sec., Mrs Reid

a-a>, Mrs Robinson; “VV.K.” Agent, rs .> males; Hand of Hope Supt., Mrs uukworth; Vice-lTes., Mesdames Aiard- £ and Major. Secretary gave interiting report of year’s work. Afteroon tea. NAME NOT GIVEN. Eight meetings have been held, with n average small atter dance; they have een enjoyable. The fVst work underikon and accomplished has been the >undi ng of a local branch of I'lunket urses’ Society in our township. Jt as an Executive of Its own, but four lut of its eight members are W.C.T.U. Workers, and its I‘resident and Secretary ire Vice-President and Secretary of the t’.C.T.U. The Society is very popular, nd the nurse has quite a lot to do on ler weekly visit. Our Cradle Roll

lupt. has had a lot of illness, but we lave 32 members on the roll, and hope or better results next year. We offered prizes to the four upper standards n our local school for essays on “Effects of Alcohol.” Eight prizes were riven, and eight promised for next fear.

CHRISTTHIRCH. Dec. 12. Mrs Ttiylor presided over a ;ood attendance. The annual report ras read by the Secretary. It showed i year of steady work. The number »f members on the roll is 193, the rate

>f increase being reduced owing to the formation of five suburban Unions. The vork of the year comprised prizes offer-

»d to school children for essays or The Effects of Alcohol on the Human Mind and Body,” literature sent to backblocks every month, effort to promote the principle of peace and arbitration, work among: the young: people, visits md annual tea to inmates of Jubilee Home. Good Citizenship and the several notable days were observed, and th<> I’nion held stalls at several street coiners. and collected £92 on Poppy Pay for the Soldiers’ Unemployment Fund. Two new members w-ei-e received. Decided to go into recess until the last Wednesday in January, 1924, when the annual meeting: will be held. ONBHUNGA. IVc. 13. A very successful Cradle Roll picnic, was held in Jellicoe Park A large attendance of little ones and their mothers. Cradle Roll Supt. reported 104 now- on the roll. There were

and prizes for the children; a gift of a pretty handkerchief to each child, and swinging balls for the babies. The eld* st boy and Kiri on the roll each received a pood book. Children not at the picnic to have iheir gfit sent to them by the Superintei.dent. Members of the rntion provided tne refreshments, and. with the visitors, helped in the games, watched over the slides and swings, so helping to make it a happy time for all. The mothers were especially welcomed. Mrs Neal (Dominion C/R. Snpt.) and Mrs Lee-Cowie (District Supt ) gave short talks.

W ARK WORTH. Dec. 6. The annual meeting. The attendance was lair. After the ordinary business was finished, the following officers were elected tor the ensuing year:—Pres., Mrs Curran; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Thornley and Phillips; Treas., Mrs McKinney; Sec., Mrs Hamilton; Supt L.T.L., Miss McGregor. OTAUTAU. Dec. 7. Annual meeting. Past office-bearers were re-electoed. Mrs Biown (President) encouraged members to continue in the good work, and wished all the season’s greetings. Band oi Hope (45 members) had a very suneessful session, and the wind up conceri was a great success. Our Union had a visit from Mis Paisley, Invercargill, and from Mrs Walker, the latter taking away with her parcels for the Jumble Stall of the Y branch of South Invercargill. NAP IKK. Dec. 5. Annual meeting. President in chair. Small attendance. Election of officers ’eft over until the New Year. Members to work up good representative meeting for February, to discuss ways and means to disjxwe of Willard Hall and obtain a more central and suitable building for W.C.T.U. requirements. Mrs Hull appointed delegate to Convention. Regret at losing Mi's Hay from our Branch: transfer given to Cambridge Branch. Afternoon tea provided by members. OAMARU. Dec. 10. Annual swial. Solos were rendered by the M’sses K. Allen, Common, Marshall, and Mrs Stcenson, and met with hearty applause. Officers elected: Pres., Mis .1. .1. Clarke; Sec., Mrs C. Blair; Treas., Miss K. Day; VicePres., Mesdames Steenson and Hutchison. Misses Wilson and Stephenson, M. Milligan; Band of Hope Supt., Miss Smyth; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Corlett; Organists, Mrs StenhoUse and Miss Ironside; Press Reporter, Mrs Scott. The reports of the different departments were read and adopted. The Treasurer’s report showed a credit bul* ance. The “White Ribbon” circulation had been maintained, and purity works had been efficiently done. The Press Reporter's work was much appreciated. Vote of thanks to the Press for then kindness and courtesy. Vote of thanks to Mr Clarke, Auditor. Secretary’s report read and adopted. Refreshments served. WAIMATE. Dec. The Inspiration of numbers was very evident at our annual meeting, when there was an unusually large and representative gathering of women. The Secretary’s report showed marked progress, and the work was being carried on with enthusiasm. The Treasurer reported a good credit balance. The Canterbury Convention had been held in Waimate in September, with most inspiring effect on the* work of the

Union. Mrs Kippenberger was unam mously re-elected President, Mrs Hurst Rec. Sec., Mrs Harold Hayman for. Sec., and Mrs Hoy Treas. Mrs Hitchops, who had been acting-Secretary for a year, and Treasurer for 13 years declined nomination. Decided to place on record app«eciation of her very otti cient services. It was decided *.o form a Cradle Roll. Mrs Hurst reported that the Rest Room had been established. Reference was made to the great spiritual uplift resulting from the H« ing Mission. The Temperance Poxology brought to its close u meeting that, both in point of numbers and enthusiasm, augurs well for the work of the l nion during the year.

INVERC'ARGIRR SOUTH. Dec. 4. Annual meeting. (Attendance fair. Mrs Pasley (President) in the chair. Annual report read and adopted. Pinal arrangements made for the tea and rest tents on Show days. Donated £1 to be spent on fruit foi patients in hospital. £1 10s passed for Temperance essay prices. The following officers were elected: Pres.. Mrs McGregor; Vice-Pros., Mesdames l’asley. Smart Fairbairn, Garret. Aiken; Cor. Sec., Mrs Crozier; Roe. Sec.. Mrs Parkin; Trens., Nurse Griffiths; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs l’asley; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Wilson; Notable Days Supt., Mrs Garret; Ihirity Supt., Mrs Graham; “White Ribbon” Supt.. Mrs Pauley; Press Reporter, Mrs Piper. TINWARD. Pec. 12. Annual meeting, rombined with Cradle Hull social. Mis R. J. Riddell presided. Excellent attendance. Report showed good progress, inc-eased membership, sound financial position, growing interest. After two years splendid service, our President (Mrs Riddell) was compelled to decline nomi nation, owing to leaving the district. Mrs I,ill appointed President. VicePres., Mesdames J. Thompson. J*rinings, Stevenson; Sec., M»s Hop wood Treas., Miss Turner; Cradle Roll, Mrs Gill; “White Ribbon,” Mrs Smith. Si\ prizes donates’ by Vnjou to Tinwald school children f%». Teir.peraniv essay, presented by President at “break-up” of school. Thus opporttinity given to advocate our principles. Mothers arid children entertained at afternoon Ira. Items by Misses E. Riddell. Petrie, and Staff-Captain Carrol. KAIAPOI. Pec.* 12. Annual meeting. MrsMeivn presided over a good attendance. Mrs Barnard read a paper on “Woman s Work and Influence.” The following officers were elected for 1924:- Pres.. Mrs S. Jackson; Vic*e Pros., Mesdames Merrin, Scott, and Barnard: “White Ribbon” Agents, Mesdames Stanton and Keitlev; Pianist. Mrs Chapman. Mrs Merrin. our retiring President vas accorded a hearty vote of thanks for her work dtirinr the year. One new member was initiated.

NELSON. Dec. 11. Annual meeting. Business session. Decided to send a parcel of Sifts to the Special Home for (iirls at Richmond. The usual Jonation was allotted to the I'nion funds, and £lO to the Building Cund. Election of oflicers: I'res., Miss Atkinson; Sec.. Mrs Hrown; Trees, Miss Cooke. Social Session. Re*.. .1. McN ' I (I'reshytenan) gave a most earnest and helpful address, which was listener! to with great interest, the keynote being otic of warning to be watchful. The Seerctary, Mrs Hrown, read her report, showing the good work of the Cnion. Mrs Noel Watson sang a solo. Afternoon tea was served. The President extended the season’s greetings to all. thus closing another year ot work for C.od Home, and Humanity. PAPANCI. Dec. 1M). Ministers, representing three church. Mrs W. K. Smith presided, and heartily welcomed the visitors. Rev. W. H. Orbell gave a most interesting and instructive address. Rev. I). IX Rodgers ami Mrs Rodgers spoke. All were accorded a hearty vote of thanks. The Waimariri. Papanui. and Harcwood School Committees wrote accepting an offer of prizes. The Social Committee dispensed afternoon tea. WKLLINf HT>X CENTRA 1,. I>ec. 19. Mrs Harry in the chair. Reports wore given by Committees. 1 >eci«led to donate a guinea to the Christ mas tea for the sailors. Miss Helyer read a report of the address delivered at the Columbia Convention by Mrs Mary Harris Armor. letters of sympathy to l>e sent to our Dominion VicePresident. Mrs Taylor, on account of the death of her daughter, also to Mrs (Hasson «>n account of the death of her husband, Rev. Reed (Hasson. TEMI’KA. Dec. 11. Annual meeting. (iood attendance. Nurse Cameron in chair. Annual reports were read. Treasurer reported a bulangp of £6 f»s 7|d; the Rest Room Superintendent re| orted a 1 >alance of £l2 11s lid. Reports and ha lance-sheets were adopted. All offl cers were re-elected. President, Nurse Cameron; Sec., Mrs K. Rlackmorc; Tiras., Miss E. (1 reaves; "White Ribbon’’ Agent, Mrs Wilson; Vice 1 Yes., Mrs Tilbrook, Mrs W. Brown, Mrs Edwards, with the addition of Mrs Cell, Mrs Abbey, Mrs Hervey. Decided to tr>’ and form a Y Branch, also an L.T.L., next year. Mrs Abbey contributed a solo. Mrs Cooper dispensed delicious afternoon tea. RICCARTON. Nov. 15. Annual meeting. Pair attendance. Treasurer’s report was highly satisfactory; balance in hand, £ir>. The Secretary’s report gave some idea of the work accomplished by

this \oung Union. Following ladies were elected: —Pres., Mrs. G. W. Barred; Sec., Mrs Newth Assistant See., Mrs White; Treas.. Mrs Swan.ston; “White Ribbon” A gen" and Reporter, Mrs Virtue. Two new members were received. Miss Henderson was the speaker for the afternoon. I ><h . Meeting poorly attended. Vote of sympathy was gmssed to Mrs T. K. Taylor in the ni<i loss of her daughter. Decided to make our March meeting a special one, when all members were asked to bring a friend. The President and Secretary reported visiting the Templeton Branch, whose meeting was held at the residence of Mrs K. Mumgrove. Miss Earnshaw gave an interesting account of her woik as Dominion Organiser. Five new members were added t*' their membership list. A visit w, s also paid to the Fppei Ricearton Branch in November, when Mrs T. E. Taylor spoke on the work of the W.C.T.U. EPSOM. Dec. 5. Second meeting. President in the chair. Two new members were initiated, bringing our total up to 16 members. Mrs Tucker was appointed Evangelistic Superintendent. BRIGHTON. Dec. 11. Annual meeting. Good at tendance. Deputation appointed to visit Anglican Mothers’ Union, Presbyterian [.wadies' Association, and Methodist Indies' Guild, to enlist their cooperation f or more united action and increased membership. Four prizes awarded for Temperance essay, 83 competitors from Standards V. and VI. I>ecided to take up department of Scientific Temperance Instruction for next y<*m\ Electron of officers. Pros., Mrs Hall; Sec.. Mrs Moses; Treas., Mrs Gamphell; (’radio Roll Sup! . Mis Good* ; ‘‘White Riiihon.” Mrs Whitely; Notable Days, Mrs Bellamy; Scientific Temperance Instruction. I’rate and Arbitration, and Good Citizenship, Miss B. M. Har* I xuid. SAWYERS BAY. Nov. 37. Mrs Cieghom in the chair. Fair attendance. Election of officers: Pres.. Mrs Hudson; Vice-Prrs.. Mrs Pratley; Rec. Sec., Mrs Wallis, (’or. Sec.. Mrs Gsspar; Treas., ‘Mrs Aburn; Cradle Roll, Mrs Downes and Miss Andrews; “White RiWxm" Agent, Mrs Perry; L.T.h. and Band of Mercy, Mrs Hudson and Miss Glanville. Decided to meet on February 27th. Donated £3 to Organising Fund. GREYMOUTH. Nov. 27. Annual meeting. Mrs James presiding. Officers elected: Pits., Mrs B. James; Vice-Pros., M«*sdames Gaskin. Carr, and (’little; Sec., Mrs Mason; Tress., Mrs Wilson; Evangelistic Supt., Sister Rose Butchelo*-; Baokbloeks Supt.. Mrs Parkin.son; “White Ribbon" Agent, Mrs Reynolds; Sick Visiting Committee, Mesdames

Orange and Dixon; Social Commits Mesdames Stewart and Roberts; 1 'rJ Reporter, Mrs Dixon. Annual re;*)® were received from Secretary. TreasiJj and Sailors’ Rest Committee. Itetinfln President, Mrs (Joskin, congratulatfl upon her many years of faithful vice. opotiki. |Vc. IS. Mrs Thompson prcs;d«a The Secretary gave the annual repol The Treasurer read a very sat i.*- fa< to M report showing a good balance *,n h. Cradle Roll and "White RibUm" I ports were also submitted. Mrs Hanfl l> rendered a solo. All the officers wifi re-elected amidst applause. \1 Thompson returned thanks and spoke i the h«*arty co-operation she had r eeived, and assured them she would i her best as she had done in the pa? and urged all present to work wit greater zeal to win the day for Chri and humanity. The President was 8 pointed delegate for the Conference. A ternoon tea was dispensed by Miss Yai stone and Mrs Hambly. TAURANC.A. Dec. Held our annual meeting. wit President in chair. Officers all re-elec ed. I Voided that we get some mot badges. Afternoon tea was dispense and the meeting closed with the B< n< diction. MOSGIBL. Nov. 20. The President occupied th chair. Letter and telegram were na from Hon. Downte Stewart and Sii Francis Bell re drink in the King Com try and increase in totalisutor permit.both pron.’sing careful consideration Tlie delegates gave their report on I>is triet Convention. An intercessory m<o* intr was held to offer up prayer for th< peace of the nations.

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White Ribbon, Volume 29, Issue 343, 18 January 1924, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 29, Issue 343, 18 January 1924, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 29, Issue 343, 18 January 1924, Page 12

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