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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) SAWYERS RAY. Nov. 23. Combined meeting of the w C.T.I Mi v BnMMfe. IfKii th' usual business was completed, the election of officers was proceeded with, when all the present officers were reelected. The Y’s then entertained us with sveral musical items. Supper was then handed round. The* meeting closed with prayer. This closed our meetings for the year, to reopen again on the 4th Tuesday in February, 1921. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Nov. 3. Special meeting. Mrs Cook presided. Lady Stout, Miss Robinson. of Canada, and a lady from Australia were welcomed to the meeting. Mrs McHugh, who had requested to speak to our Union on the Social Hygiene Rill, then addressed the gathering. A discussion followed, in which Lady Stout took a leading part. Roth Indies were thanked for their adddresses. Nov. 10. Mrs Cook presided. There was a large attendance. Stout addressed the meeting on the Social Hygiene Rill in a very able and interesting manner. She quoted the opinions of leading doctors and experts, who were quite opposed to notirication and examination for venereal disease, as it was more likely to drive the disease underground. She advocated free confidential treatment for persons voluntarily presenting themselves, and also scientific instruction or the educating of the public on the«e matters. Mis Moody gave a help.ul address. Roth ladies were heartily thanked. One new member initiated. The new enamel badges, which were specially made for the Union, had arrived. and the members were asked too buy them to help the Union to recour* the expense of the outlay. They a:e enamel on silver, and well worth the money. Nov. 24. Meeting in headquarters. Mrs Cook presided. Miss of the Y.W.C.A., spoke on the Housing Bureau, and appealed to the members present to assist the scheme by forwarding names of private families who would he willing to board young women and girls in the eity away from home who were unable to procure accommodation. Mr Lusk also addressed the meeting on the proposed plan of work for the Prohibition Campaign. Roth speakers were heartily thanked. Derided to have the annual meeting on Pecemlier Bth. Mrs Dixon, of Wellington, was welcomed,

HENDERSON. Nov. 17. Annual meeting. Mrs Attwood presided. There was a failattendance of members, and the following officers were elected: —Ures., Mrs Attwood (re-elected); Vioe-I*res., Mrs Platt and Miss Duncan; Sec., Mrs McKay (re-elected); Tieas., Mrs Barton. Great North Road; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Kenney; “W.R.” Agent, Miss K. Duncan; (’or. Sec., Mrs W. Williams. Committee of four to draw up a syllabus for next year’s meetings. No meeting to bo held in Recemlicr. Meeting closed with Benediction. Nov. 30. Social afternoon at Mi's McKay’s, Great North Road, to congratulate Miss Oilberd on her coming marriage, and to say good-bye to her, as she is leaving Henderson for Rotorua. Mrs Platt (Vice-Pres.) presided, and presented to Miss Gilberd a gift of truit dishes, etc., with the l>est wishes and good-will of all the members. Miss Gilberd gave a very characteristic speech and hearty thanks. We are sorry to lose Miss Gilt>erd as a worker among us. We were always sure of real help from her in any time of need, the temperance cause lieing specially dear to her. As Mrs Fountain we will hope to hear of her work In Rotorua. • NORSEWOOD. Oct. 21. Attendance small. Mrs Speight presided. Letter read re appointment of women for reportinng the W.C.T.U. work to the churches. As all the Norsewood churches are represented in oue Union, it was thought not necessary to make an official appointment. Nov. 10. Mrs Speight presided. Good attendance. Annual Meeting. Pres., Mrs Speight; Vice-Pres., Mrs Andersen and Mrs Thompson; Sec., Miss Olsen; Treas., Mrs P. G. Giant; “White Ribbon" Agent, Miss Olsen; Ciadle Roll. Mrs Todd. One new meml>er initiated. Mrs Grant reported that during the year 12s had been subscribed to the World’s Mission, and £2 10s to the Wellington Sailors’ Rest. TAKA PUNA. Dec. 2. President in chair; 16 attended. Re-election of officer* Mrs Cook addressed the meeting. Membership stands at 107, increase of r »7 for sear. Reports by officers. Afternoon tea served. New member for Cradle Roll. SOUTH DUNEDIN. Dec. 2. Annual meeting. Mrs Reid (President) presided dining first part of meeting. At election of officers, Mrs Hiett (District President) took chair. Following are officers:—Pres., Mrs Mears; Vice-Pres., Mrs Reid; probable Sec., Mrs M 'Gregor; Treas., Mrs Williams. Mrs Williams elected delegate to Convention. One new member initiated. Decided to send ~l to Organising Fund and 10s to Maori Work. Mrs Hiett ga>*e an address on “The Aims of

the W.C.T.U.,” whicli wc* hope will inspire some who were present to become members. Membership now stands at 61. and those present were keen to seethe work advance In South Dunedin. Two memtiers decided to take “White Ribbon.” OXFORD. Nov. 24. Annual meeting. Balancesheet read and adopted, and vote of thanks passed to Auditor. Resolution of sympathy with Mr Jamieson in the loss of his mother. Mr and Mrs Clark were thanked for valuable help, and regret expressed that they were leaving the district. Cradle Roll Superintendent reported 75 names on roll, and two well-attended meetings held. Resolution of s>mpathy in her illness sent to Mrs Hawke. “W.R." Superintendent, ent, and congratulations on the success of her department, now numbering over 60 suliscribers. Officers were all reelected, with the substitution of Miss Gainsford for Mrs R Osbourne as Evangelistic Superintendent. Mrs T. Gainsford appointed to assist Hone Meetings Department, and Mrs C. W Tritt Hie Flower Mission. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Oct. 7. Good attendance. Mrs Goodey read a paper entitled W.C.T.U., and Mi-s Crabb gave an address on Hos tel work. Decided to hold a Sale of Work for Hostel Fund, also a street stall. One new member. Nov. 4. Mrs Emmett presided. Mrs (’hapman, from Waipawn. was welcomed. Vote of sympathy to Mrs Hallam in the death of her daughter, and letters sent to Mrs McKinnon and Mrs Ireland, both very ill. Arrangements made for Sale of Work. An ar- * tide read on the stand against drinking and smoking among young people taken by the Mayoress of Melbourne, and a letter of appreciation to lie sent to her. CHRISTCHURCH. Nov. 24. Mrs Taylor presided over a good attendance. Donation received from Lady Jellicoe, and letter expressing good wishes for the future success of the Union. Discussion on the luncheon rooms at A. and P. Show, and hearty thanks given to all who had assisted. Miss Lovell-Srnitth gave a statement of receipt.*; and expenditure. The high price of provisions had materially increased the expenditure, and the showery weather on People’s Day had diminished the receipts. Decided to give the old folk at Jubilee Home a tea and concert on December Ist. An nual meeting to be held in January. PAHTATUA. Dec. 1. A good gathering of members and friends at a social evening to meet our Organiser. Miss Ear ns haw. who has been working with us for the last week. An organ recital by Miss Popwell was very much appreciated, also recitations by the Misses Grinn-

sttad and Marshall. Muss Earnshau addressed the meeting, and spoke of the pi ogress made by the women of the various countries of the world, of the {rreat work carried on by our Union in all lands, and the wonderful opportunities for service for all women in our great world-wide organisation. Our President said a few words on the power of unity. We are pleased to report a number of new members and fresh intcrest in our work. CARTERTON. Njv. 22. A social evening to welcome young members. Mrs Peryman presided, and spoke a few words about the W.C.T.U. and the opportunities it save young people to train as citizens ind to work for the abolition of the Liquor Traffic. Several new members were initiated, and the white bow pinned on three honorary members. Supper was handed round, and a flute solo by an honorary member, and a recitation by a member enlivened the proceed mgs. Dec. 1. Mrs Peryman presided over a good attendance. Mrs Every was appointed Evangelistic Superintendent. Resolved to meet again the first Wednesday in February. Arrangement" made for Social Afternoon, also lor an All Nations’ Dem mstration on the last Monday in February, to inaugurate our Young People’s Society. FEILDING. Nov. 4. A fair attendance. Mrs Reeve presided. After correspondence dealt with, the following resolution was passed: “That this meeting of women, while fully recognisinnp the need for combating venereal disease, is strongly opposed to notification and other compulsory methods in dealing with the disease, since the exp- jience of experts shows that any hint of compulsion has the effect of preventing sufferers from seeking efficient treatment in the early stages of the disease, when it is most curable, and at the same time most infectious.’’ Flower Day, for the benefit of Barnardo’s Homes and Missions to •Seamen, was fixed for Friday, Novem her 26tth. A sale of produce to be combined. Dec. 2. Annual meeting in evening. Supper. Work done in seventeen departments. An increase in membership, but, unfortunately, a number of members have left Feilding. Regret "as expressed that Mesdames Rarton and Neal, President and Secretary respectively, for the past two years, would he leaving shortly. The Produce and Flower Sale in aid of the Wellington •Seamen and Dr. Rarnardo's Homes, refuted in 13 guineas being sent to each fund. The voluntary Rest Room attendants reported tthat during the short time the rooms had l>oon opened, they had i>een visited by 130 women and 60 children. Officers for 1921: Pres., Mrs "hitniarsh; Sec., Miss McLaurin;

Treas., Mrs Emerson; Assist. Treas., Mrs Pack; Evangelistic, Mrs P. W. Jones; Press, Mrs Reeve; Cradle Roll, Mrs Mai; “White Ribbon’’ Agent, Miss Svendsen. OPOTIKI. Nov. A number of ladies were present. Mrs J Thompson presided. The proceeds of the Dr. Barnardo’s stall lealised £2l ne*. A vote of thanks was passed to the Editor of the “Opotiki Herald” for his kindness in advertising (free of charge) the Bamardo stall. Resolved to have an afternoon tea for the Sailors’ Mission on Thursday, November 18th. OAMARIT. Nov. 18. We had a drawing-room meeting. Mrs Steens on presided. Mrs Hiett, District President, spoke with eloquence on the work of the Union. Mrs Montgomery sang a solo. One member was initiated. Our energetic Secretary (Mrs C. Smyth) had the Baptist Hill tastefully decorated and everything ready at opening time. After a social cup of tea, the meeting dispersed. NELSON. Nov. 9. Mrs Watson in the chair. Mi's Brown reported on Sale of Work, which had )»een very successful, the sum of £l2 11s lOd being received. A contribution of £1 was received from the L.T.L., and the sum of f2 13s 6d proceeds of exhibition of china at “Fairfield.” Final arranKJrnents were made for Provincial Convention. CAMBRIDGE. October. Mrs W. K. Watson presided. Rev. Roscveare addressed t tic meeting, taking for his subject “The Christian Home,” likening "home” to a beautiful orchestra when blended with love; also “home” consists of what God can make it when the family altar exists or the fundamental laws of God are established. The President heartily thanked the speaker for his excellent address. HAMILTON. Nov. Presided over by Mrs Morton, and was very well attended. Owing to date being too near Christmas, tne proposal to hold a District Union Convention was rescinded. The Secretary was asked to send letter of sympathy to Mrs Kay on the death of her little son. The remaining £6, the proceeds of concert held recently, was put towards a fund for the Hamilton W.C.T.U. Hi>stel. President welcomed four new members. Evangelistic meeting held at Mrs McDonald's, eight present. GREYTOWN. Nov. Annual meeting. Mrs Boucher presided. There was a good attendance. Mr Vowell addressed the meeting, taking for his subject “Self-

Control.” Mr Murray also spoke a few words. The report of the year's work was read by Mrs Boucher, and (he i»alance-sheet by Mrs A. M. Haigh. Afternoon tea was served, and a plea sant afternoon was brought to a close. Nov. 30. Mrs Boucher presided. A small attendance. The election of offi cers for the ensuing year t*»ok place. Mis Peryman presiding. The names are as follows: Pres., Mrs Whincop; Sec., Mrs Mutray; Treas., Miss Gordon; Yice-Pres., Mi's Boucher and Mi's A. M. Haigh; Agent for “White Ribbon," Miss Farrel. NELSON. Dec. 2. President in the chair. Mrs Field’s resignation as Superintendent of Literature received with regret. Decided to donate the sum of £2 2s and the collection at annual meeting on Decern Ist 7 to Sailors’ Rest Fund. £3 was donated to Maori work, and £.*> to N.Z. Organising Fund. Mrs Field handed £2 8s 8d to Treasurer to be kept in reserve for literature. Balance-sheet read. Reports road of L.T.L., Back* blocks, Literature, Moral and Social Hygiene. Reports received o* the great In-nefit the rest room is to women and children of Nelson and district. Tinelection of officers for t ext year resulted as follows:—Pres., Miss Atkinson (re-elected); Vlce-Pres., Mesdarnes Field, Hill, White, Knapp (re-elected), Hurst and Watson; Rec. Sec,, Mrs Brown; Treas., Miss Cooke; “W.R.” Agent. Mrs White (re-elected); L.T.L. and Backblocks, .Mrs Moyes (re-elected); Cradle Roll, Mrs W. Thompson (re-elected); Librarian. Mrs Edmonds (re-elected); “Y” Superintendent, Mrs Watson (reelected). ASHBURTON. Dec. 7. Annual meeting, Mrs \\\ T Lill presiding. letters of sympatny were directed to be sent Rev. T. W. Vealie in his illness, and to Mrs H. Johns, also reference was made to the splendid work done by Nurse Byers, a member, during her two years’ stay in Ashburton. Resolved that a letter of ii| preeiation. coupled with the hearty congratulations of the I'liion, be forwarded her. Secretary’s r»port re vealed considerable effort made during th»* year, and covering a wide range of activity. Membership roll, 113. Treasurer’s report showed a credit balance. Reports of Superintendents were interesting and gratifying. “White Riblion” subscribers, US. Sums of money were raised for the World’s Missionary Fund. Maori Work, and Seamen’s Fund. The reports were adopted. N.Z. officers were nominated for election. Election of officers resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs Lill; Joint Secretaries, Miss Trevunca and Mrs J. Thompson; Treas., Mrs W. J. Brown, all re-elected. VicePresidents and Superintendents were reappointed for the ensuing year. Further arrangements were made for Con vention.

NEW BRIGHTON. Nov. 18. Hall presided. Attendance good. Jumble Sale held in Christchurch, which was most successful. The amount taken was £2l Is 6d. Report of Convention was read and adopted. Eight of our members helped at the A. and I*. Show at Christchurch. A donation of £lO has been sent to Mrs Nimmo for work among seamen. IN VKIU’ARC.II.L CENTRAL. hec. Annual meeting. Attendance lair. Mrs Lillicrap presided. Annual report read and adopted. A large amount of work hail been faithfully done durinng the year. The South Union have decided to relieve us of the tea tent for A. and I*. Show. MemIhth who are able will assist. Systematic visiting of sick and absent members being undertaken. Bluff and Mata lira Branches both visited by two members during November. Vote of sympathy passed with a member in hospital. Bluff Union thanks us for literature for Sailors’ Rest. Decided to work with l’rohibition League, lately formed. Election of officers and committees for 1921. MASTERTON. Nov. I. Fay-up social. President in chair, supported by Mrs l’eryman, Miss Earns haw, and Rev. J. Cocker. Reports of Secretary and Treasurer were read and adopted, and one new member initiated. It was resolved to invite. Miss Earnshaw to spend a week organising in the district. Rev. J. Cocker pleaded the cause of the work among seamen, and several interesting letters from sailors were read, and a collection taken up. Songs and recitations and afternoon tea concluded a very pleasant meeting. Dec. 7. Annual election of officers, I’resident in chair, and a record attendance. President stated that as a result of Miss Earnshaw’s visit, 21 ne\v members had been enrolled, and a number of subscribers to “White Ribbon” obtained. An initiatory service was held, and the new members welcomed. Treasurer stated that £5 9s 6d had been forwarded to Mi's Nimmo as the result of lasi month s collection. A fair number of “ditty bags” were brought in in response to Mrs Nimmo’s appeal. All th<‘ old officers were re-elected, with the exception of Mrs Devonport, who for health reasons was compelled to withdraw (atter 15 years as President and Secretary) and Mrs Black was appointed in her place. HAWERA. Nov. 25. Annual meeting. Mrs Scott presided, and the annual report and balance-sheet were read and adopted. One new member was initiated, and the following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs Scott; Vice-Pres., Mrs McGregor and Mrs Hill; Sec., Miss Bischoff; Treas., Mrs T. Tait; “White Rib

bon’’ Agent, Mn* Hill; Literature Supt., Mrs Tonks; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Bh - choff; Scientific Temperance Instruction, Mrs Hayward; Social Supt., Mrs Ritchie. WE I-LINGTON CENTRAL. Nov. 19. The annual report and balance sheet were read and adopted. The Superintendents read their reports. The following officers and Superintendents of Departments were appointed: President, Mrs McDonald; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Evans, Ca ugh ley and A. R. Atkinson; Treasurer, Mrs Helyer; Returning Secretary, Mrs Clark; Corresponding Secretary and Press Reporter, Misss Helyer. Superintendents: White Ribbon. Mrs Port; Work Among Sailors, Mrs Nimmo; Literature and Railway Boxes, Mrs Caughley and Mrs McGowan; Home Meetings, Mrs Evans; Hygiene and Thrift, Mrs McDonald; Evangelistic, Mrs Beckingham; Cradle Roll, Mrs Remington. BALCLUTHA. Nov. 9. Attendance small; night being stormy. Mrs Clark in the chair. Correspondence read by Mrs McLaren. Cor. Sec., on tote permits anti indentured labour in Samoa. Paper entitled “What Next,” from th«> pen of Mrs Bendely, Auckland Brunch, was read by Mrs McLean. After some discussion meeting clos« d with prayer. Dec. 7. President in the chair; good meeting. Paper by Mrs Don read by Mrs Taggart on “Tobacco." Meeting passed a message of sympathy with Mrs D. Stewart in illness, also to thank her for her keenness in the Union work, and hopes she may still be spared to do the same in her new home in Richmond, Nelson. ARAMOHO. Dec. Annual meeting. Reports of different departments were read, everything showing advancement. Our President, Mrs Gilmour, was in the chair, and was re-elected. Twelve meetings were held during the year. Two visits were made to the Jubilee Home. Three street stalls were held, and two afternoons and on several evenings, in aid of the Hostel work, which is for women and children, the hostel being much needed here. The sum of £35 17s lOd was raised by the several efforts of the Aramoho Branch for this purpose. RICHMOND (NELSON). Nov. 17. Mrs Sutton presided. Small attendance, owing to our meeting having to lie postponed on account of Nelson Provincial Convention. Election of officers left till December. Dec. 8. Mrs Sutton presided. Annual meeting. Report and lialancesheet read, and review of year’s work showed something done every month. Eleven meetings, and 13 members for the year. New Zealand Organising and World’s Funds to lx* forwarded. Election of officers: Pres., Mrs O. Sutton;

Sec., Mrs Crabtree; Treas., Mrs LTopp. Newly-elected President and Secretary addressed the meeting. Retiring officers were warmly thanked for past services. A very pleasant and successful meeting. INVERCARGILL SOUTH. Dec. 7. Annual meeting. Mrs Pasley presided. Imrge attendance. Final arrangements made for catering at the A. and P. Show, thus Branch having taken over the tea and refreshment rooms from the Central Branch. The report showed a year full of work attempted in our cause. Balance-sheet adopted. Credit balance largest ever shown. Each department showed a vigorous llife, with attendant growth. Increased membership of Union, L.T.L., and Cradle Roll. A keen interest in civil matters was aroused, and attendance at City Council meetings. Women on School Committees, etc., was the natural result. Mrs Pasley retired from Presidency, which she has held ever since the Union was formed, six years ago. She spoke with much feeling of the warm .and loyal support and cooperation of all office-bearers. Offirers were elected: Pres., Mrs R. R. McGregor; Vice Pres , Mesdames Parkin, Robb. Fairbairn. and Cossum; Rec. Sec.. Mrs Piper; Treas., Mrs Aitken; Supts: Purity. Mrs Hooker; “W.R.,” Mrs La ham; L.T.L., Mrs Parkin; Notable Days, Mrs Smart. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Dec. 2. A good attendance. Mrs Webb (Secretary) read report of the year’s work, which included reports from the Central, I ower Hutt, Greytown, and Master ton Branch Pnions. Mrs Boxall (Treasurer) presented the balance-sheet, which showed a credit balance of £lO 13s Bd. The membership of the Union is 131, with ten honorary members. Rev. W. Shirer (Treasurer of the Building Fund) read the balance-sheet, which show’ed a small debit balance on the property, which it was decided to extinguish by a special effort within the next six months. Mr Shirer w;us thanked for the work he had done in the past, and was unanimously re-elected. The amount of £lO7 has been collected by subscriptions, and at the stall in Courtenay Place for the Starving Children Fund, mainly through Mrs Boxall’fl efforts. Mrs Chatfleld, a member of the National Defence League, was present, and solicited the help of the members for the Monster Carnival, extending over eight days, to be held in March in aid of a “Community Room” for the benefit of Territorials and Senior Cadets, whieh it was proposed to establish at Buckle Street. All present expressed sympathy w’ith the- movement, and unanimously agreed to support it. The following officers and Superintendents were elected:— Pres., Mrs Johnson Wright; Rec. Sec., Mrs Webb; Treas., Mrs Boxall; Evangel-

iistic, Mrs Boxall; Notable Days, Mrs Bott; Flower Mission, Mrs Boxall; Good Citizenship, Mrs Moller; Press, Mrs Webb; Cradle Roll, Mrs Logan; Railway Boxes, Mrs Rrierley; “White Ribbon," Mrs Mow Jem; “Y” Blanch, Mrs Mowlent. N.E. VALLEY. Nov. 30. A very large gathering of members and friends. Mrs Peart presided. At the unanimous request of members, the Secretary was instructed to send a letter to Mr and Mrs Coontks conveying hearty congratulations on the occasion of their golden wedding, Mrs Coombs being one of the first members of the Branch. Mrs Peart spoke briefly on the year's work, and on behalf of the officers of the Union thanked members for their loyalty to the cause, and their assistance in the work, which had resulted in the steady progress of the Union. Mrs Peart then vacated the chair, but was unanimously re-elected President, with Miss Begg as Secretary, and Mrs Sanders Treasurer. Mr Marion, Organiser for Otago and Southland, gave an outline of his work. Having visited America recently, he was able*to speak on the great success of prohibition in that country. The Rev. R. E. Fordyee spoke briefly on Band of Hope work. The Misses Benjamin and Moss each* contributed a solo. One new member was initiated. DUNEDIN DISTRICT. Nov. 2. Mrs Hiett in the chair. Vote of sympathy was passed with Mrs Chisholm on the death of her sister (Miss M. A. Park). Mrs Chisholm wrote resigning her voluntary position as visitor to sick members. Resignation accepted with regret. letter received from Superintendent of W.C. T.C. Work Among Seamen, acknowledging receipt of £ll Is 6d, and stating how the money was to Ik* used. Arranged to give some assistance to Mr Bradley in his forthcoming mission. Letter received from Secretary of Otago Education Board, conveying permission of the Board (under certain conditions) for the Union to offer prizes to school children for essays on tempermice subjects. Decided to hold matter over tintil flrst meeting next year. Letter acknowledging protest of Union against the Gaming Bill Amendment. No. 2, was received. The President pointed out that in spite of strong protests, the Bill had passed its third reading, Letters in reply to the resolution asking that women police, etc., be appointed, were received from the Hon. Kt I*. Lee and local M.P.’s, Mr Sidey stating that he was in favour of the resolution. Five members agreed to send copies of the "White Ribbon" for October, containing the article by Edith How«*s on women police in Adelaide, to the Hon. E. P. Lee and local M P.’s. The Corresponding Secretary reported that permission had been ,r iven by the

City Council to the Union to hold a street collection on December 10th for the Dr. Barnardo Homes. Mr H. D. Lee (Nanier) wrote thanking the Union for taking charge of the collecting, and offering to supply badges and leaflets. Mrs Driver gave a short resume of the efforts of the Legislative Council and Government to effect improvements in picture films. Union endorsed Mrs Driver's appreciation of these efforts, and agreed that both picture films and advertisements were in urgent need of improvement. Mrs Driver suggested that some public appreciation of the Government’s efforts in upholding of stricter censoring by the Censor of Picture Films would help to tiling about much-needed reform. Resolved to confer with the Women’s National Council on the matter. Mrs Driver was appointed to place the views of the Union before the National Council. Miss Powell. Dominion Superintendent of Education, was present, and was cordially welcomed by the President and Union.

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White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 306, 18 December 1920, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 306, 18 December 1920, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 306, 18 December 1920, Page 12

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