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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anythng in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write tneir Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cutt.ngs are unsuitable.) S. INVERCARGILL. June ii. Mrs Pasiey (President) presided over a large gat' «rinu. Sm cessful arrangements reported tor con cert to returned following week. President r • |m>i»c i arrange ments made for Convention delegate to visit Bluff Branch and giv:* her report. The President al*o reported the formation of a Loval Temperjnce Legion Resolved to affiliate with the National Couneil of Women. Resolved to eo-ojx*rate with the town In ion with regard to the niinesweejiers. Mrs Blaekmore and Mrs Graham appointed sic k vi>it 'i' for the month. Three new members romedMAT ACM A. May 31. Meeting held. President Mrs Galt. Mr Verco gave a vert interesting address on evils of drink traffic. Proposed that Secn*tar\ write and ask Mrs Lee-Cow ie to ionic on June iqfh to lecture on the work. A hearty vote of thanks was pas»ed to Mr Verco. Mrs Harrison I t Cowie held a meeting on Strength of Nation Movement in Horti< ultural Hall on |une iqth ; good attendant e, about 200 being present. Thirty-two members joined. June 28. President in cludr. lwo new members. Set ret ir> read paper on New Zealand Alliance front Mr J. Dawson. Resolved that Mataura Branch of the W.C.T.t’. urges th.n in eases where the poliee take action with regard to persons found on premises suspected of being used for immoral purposes, th»* men as well . - the women found there should be made responsible and punishable. The l ni<»n holds that in arresting and punishing women only, the law en< ourages a double standard of morality. Promised and seconded that Sec retary invit rt Mrs I.andels to address our next meet dig. HAMILTON.

Jul\ 4 Attendance mo*t emourag ing. Letter received from Rev. Brown thanking l nion for sympathyexpressed during Mrs Brown s illness. A deputation was received from the No-License Courcil, who solicited help from us in the proposed fight for National Prohibition, also to « \plain the aims of our party. The deputa tion were thanked, and assured that *s a Union we would do even thing pos-*-»gle to bring about the desired end Mrs Blamires s|w>k»* on the Kelburn case, and was selected to attend the

meeting in Wellington called to dis < uss matters of vital im|>ortance to vomen. The meeting closed in the u* ual w ay. SOUTH DUNEDIN. Jure. Miss M. McCarthy presided. Mrs Hiett gave an address, referring briefly to the recent NoLicense Conference, explaining the project for obtaining Dominion Prohibition. Miss McCarthy gave an in tercsting account of organ’ ing work amongst the Maoris. A collection in aid of Maori work was taken up. TAKAPUNA. June (». President in chair. Mis Smeeton gave a very helpful address to mothers. 21 present. 10s collected for new W.C.T.t*. room in Wellesley Street. Offers of cakes made for Keatherston ('amp. Tea served .it close. Cradle Roll signature! taken. Julv 4. Mrs Lulljames in chair. Mrs iloarr, of Gisborne, addressed the mothers especially on th** right training of their young. She also sang a duet with Miss Rurhbrook. I'hanks giving for answered prayer was made, ip present. OXFORD. June ly. Attendan e large. All address on “Social Hygiene” was given by Nurse Chappell, for which she was heartily thanked. Dec ided to form a Study (Jin le to follow up the subjts t. Collection taken up in aid of the social hygiene campaign. Nurse Chappell was entertained at tea 111 the Coronation Hall by the members of the “V’’ branch, and in tin* evening delivered a splendid address to a well-attended meeting of girls and women. June 26. The following resolution was passed and forwarded to th** lion. T. M. W’dford, Minister of Justice: “That this meeting of the W.C.T.U. urges that in cates where the indue take action with regard to persons found on premises suspected of being us°d for immoral purposes, the men as well as the women found there should be made resp >ns ble. The Union holds that in arresting and punishing the women only, the law encourages a doubb* standard of morality." In connection with the social hygiene campaign, it was decided to hold a meeting, open to all women interested in the subject, early this month. Decided to give th** “X Branch the uMial grant of £2 10s. A paper, entitled “The Flag and the Fiirht,” written bv Arthur Mee, was read by Mrs Gainsford, s»*nr. HAMILTON EAST. june 18. A full attendance, with Mrs Snow in the chair. A farewell to our President, who is leaving the district. Mrs Mi Arthur, on behalf of the members, spoke in enthusiastic terms of the reflect ami esteem in which Mis Snow was held, of benefits

dei ved from her talks, and asked Mrs Snow to accept a small token of our love. Mrs Snow feelingly replied. Mrs (iillies was elected President. One new member initiated. PAKIRI. |ul\ 4 Well attended meeting, two visitor l present. Miss Dyer gave a reading, entitled “Social Purity.” The following resolution was carried unanimously, to be forwarded to the Minis • I ; i l the < IIHM1IHM in the War Regulations dealing with houses of il 1 fame be so amended that the men found <>n Mich premises be arre'ted and their names published, as well as those of the women.” A sailors’ evening is to he held in the Pakiri 11 ill in August, stalls, musical items, and Mipper, to raise funds for the mine -sweeper*;. RAKAIA. July 11. In connection with the campaign, a big public meeting to be held as soon as we can arrange for a sjKak'T, within the month. A resolut n ■ t to the Hon. T. M. Wil ford, Mini tei of laitue: “ ! he Ra kaia Branch of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union urgc>s that in cases where polite action with regrd to persons found on premise* suspected of being used for immoral purposes, the -n n as well as the women found there sh »ultl be math* responsible and punishable. The 1 nion holds that in arresting and punching tlm women only, the* law encourages a double standard of morality.'’ Proposed to hold a *sn!. rs Day on August Bth in the Met odist Church, and parcels and monev to be* received for mine-sweep-ers. Decided to send delegate to Provincial Convention. W ANGANUI. July 5. Mr*. Smith presided. A vote of sympath) parsed with Mrs Hartnell on the death of her husband. Decided to affiliate with the National Uouni il of Women of New Zealand. A resolution was pass'd urging that polite women he app< inted in undertaking inestigvations among women and children on the street and in the home, such police women to he chosen on recommendation of women’s societies; also that women should be tried in separate ('emits from men. Mrs Upton appointed delegate to the NoI irense League Convention. Decid’d to hold a Nile of Work in aid of mine-sweepers and Local Union Fund. Re|M>rt of the Taranaki Provincial ('’invention was read and rce cived. Mrs Emmett, of Nelson, heartily welcomed. ONEHUNGA. May <). President spoke of the X Z. \llianto Convention in Auckland and the work in connection with the same. Letter of thanks to be >ent to Mrs Sheppard, who acted as proxy for us it ('onvention, for hci interesting and full report, and her services on our behalf. Dei id* d to forward 10s

fur Oiganising Fund, <>ui ;uox\ h.i\ ing promised this on f»«*li•»1 1 of uui Union. June 11. Appeal froni Mrs Nimmo read, and cinulur from V/. Fducata>nal Institute. Derided t<> help fund fur mine-:-.weepers. t r.'dle Kull Superintendent resign d L'u sti«>n box opened, and disc ussion on tinvarious questions followed. July ii. The Pro sident introduced the question of a j oil on tin- Prohibition question filing petitioned for this y**ar. Helpers asked for; ‘.even gave their names. Resolution proposed and tarried re the punishing of men as well .is women when found in houses suspected of immoral purposes to be lent to lion. Wilfotd. l eaflets from Mrs Nimmo distributed, numbers taking up this work heartily Secretary to write Onrhunga Scht»ol for help, and leaflet to be sent there. Mrs Hunter appointed Cradle Roll Superintendent F.DKN. June up Mrs Pirrett in the chair. A lett**r was read from Mi s Wilson, our President, resigning. Revolved to grant Miss Wilson three le.ive of absence. Resolved to t ike a d.iv at the Soldiers’ ( lub. I i< k. ts sold for concert in aid of Mine sweper* Fund. Five pairs of knitted so. ks were donated by Fdend'de Presb> let ian (»uild I he | et it n to the Minister for Defence r<g oil ng 'e Kelburn c as- was igned. NEW BRIGHTON June -’o. A well attended nieetii g. Decided to send lbs to Sailors Rest Fund. Monthly subscriptions of i>> (•cl for Lady Liverpool l urd handed in. Sister Mooch-Beil spoke a tew words in her usual bright manner. Five new member* joined. July 4. We held a public meeting in the Pier Hall in aid of our N.M.C A. Fund. The Mayor presided. Rev. Walker, a returned hap'ain. -poke of the work the VM.C. A. are doing in the v.ii.ous camps. \o. al nd instrument d it--ms were given. Admission by silver coin, and ils> col’ < tarn was taken up after the address OPOTIKI. July. Owing to adverse circumstances, just held annual meeting. Officers elected for coming year: Pre? . Mrs I !' I ° m l son; Sc.., Mrs I. Gordon; Treas., Mrs Holman; Vice Pres., Mrs Morice, Mrs Sinclair, Mrs Fran< is, Mrs llewston; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mr* Francis; Flower Mission Supt., Mrs llewston; ( rad >- Roll Supt., Mrs Pearson; Parliamentary Supt., Mrs (»ow. I wo new members were enroll* d. I be 1 nion deeply appreciates the s-rvn es of our late Presidt -it. Mrt 1 spite her manv duties, kept the I’nion flag flying; also Miss I). Morice, who rendered valuable service as S r cre*ary. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. “White Ribbon” Day was r.Vbrated on Thursday, July 4th, bv holding a drawing-room meeting, over w ich

Mrs lloulder presided. Mrs Napier, “V” Organiser, gave an interesting account of Ir’r work while visiting Ashburton, 1 imaru, Kaikora Valley, Feilding, Paltnervton North, and Nel son. Mesdamcs Bott and Patience contributed vocal items. Mesdanies lloulder and Webb were elected representatives to the National ('ouncil of Women. INVERCARGILL DISTRICT. July 2. Mrs Baird presided. Good attendance. Arrangements were made for the canvass of signature? t«»r the monster petition, whi< h work is being very heartily taken up by our Union. Mrs Macalister is going to put an ap|>eal in our local papers for the mine-sweepers. Eight new members joined. PAIIIATUA. July. A well-attended meeting took plac e m Salvation Army Barracks. Captain Huston presided. 24 ladies were present. Songs, reading, and afternoon tea was given. Miss lien derson’s motion was moved and carried: “That in cases where police take action with regard to persons found on premise* for immoral purposes, that men should be m d-- punishable as well as women.” Also decided to accept Mrs Kineton Parke’s generous offer to assist in giving public lecture* in aid of our Hutment Lund. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. July ii). Mrs McDonald pretided. Dend-'d to join with the District Union in holding a Sailors Day in aid of fund for mine-sweepers and crews of torpedoed vessels. Letters of thanks foi gifts received were read by Mrs Nimmo. A paper by Mrs Godfrey on “How Prohibition Wa* Won in Manitoba” was read by Mrs McDonald. NAPIER. July 11. Mrs Napier, organiser of the Y Branch, visited us. La : r attendance, also about 20 girls from llukarerc Maori Girls' School. A branch was formed. Miss Cade, late of Christc hurc h, being appoint! d President. The object* of the movement were outlined bv Mrs Napi'-r. On the* following night, by the- consent of the Principal, a visit was made to the Hukarere School, when some 41 Maori girls signed the pledge. Much enthusiasm was displayed, and an interesting time was spent. Mrs Venables (the President) accompanied Mrs Napier on this visit. July 18. The ordinary meeting was held, when arrangements were made for holding Mine Sweepers' Day on the 7th September. HAMILTON. July 1. Attendance good. Weather bad. An appeal received for help for the mine sweepers. Decided to have a Day for this purpose. Mrs Blamires, Vice-President, th**n addressed the ‘meeting. Conveners were

appointed, and the town ipjiortioned. Members were urged to make this campaign their chief business this month. EDEN. July 10. Mrs Pirritt in the chair, fair attendance. Final arrangement were made regarding Our Day at the Soldiers' Club on 17th }uh Pro hibition, based on the* Efficiency Board's recommendation, was well discussed. Plans were put before the meeting for canvassing the streets, several names being entered of ladies willing to be workers, forwarded to Central l nion. Mrs Pirritt read an inspiring article by Mrs Lee Cowie: A Call to Work and Pray. Two members were* initiated. TAKAPUNA. August i. Mrs Kulljame* in chair. 24 present. Mrs Cook spok“ a few words, also Rev. Gosnall. Mr Lukins, who is oganising for the Waitemata, gave an address to the members, on canvassing for the Petition for Prohibition Foi ms were served out. A solo was sung. Four ladies were initiated. INVERCARGILL DISTRICT UNION \ugust. Mrs Baird, President, in the chair. A very enthusiastic meeting. We are all very mu'h indebted to Mrs Harrison Lee-Cowie for the splendid results from her c ampaign in Southland, also we very much appreciat" the work that has been done by Mis> Weymouth and Miss Watterman. Decided to send five pounds t > the “Outlook” for the S O S Fund. SOUTH INVERCARGILL. July i). Large attendance of member*. Mrs P.islev. President, presided. Sick visitors reported, and Mrs PasL’v and Bl ickmore were appoint d for the ensuing month. Reports on L.T.L. and F.due ation m inert were al*o rec eived. Resolved to e o operate with Central Union re Mine Sweepers Fund. Mrs Cowie briefly addressed the meeting. Two new members welcomed ASHBURTON. July 18. Drawing-room meeting at the residence of Mrs W. H. Robinson, 11. mpstead 1 .arge attendiime. M 1 * W T. I .ill officiating. A vote* of sympathy w 1* passed with the relatives of our late sister, Mrs A. Pollock, also with mc‘mbers w ho.e * >ns have* been wound'd in action. Four new members were enrolled. Musical and elocution arv hems were excellently rendered, Old a cvp >f tea h inded round. Vote* of thanks to hostess and performers were carried. July v>. A meeting of Executive was held. Dec id* cl to make arrangements with the head masters of the* town schools to supervise the writing of temperance essays. August 6. A very successful Pavup Social was IHd. Mrs Fill presiding. Votes of sympathy were passed with members suffering bereavement

and sickness. Me*dames J. Thompson and 11. (). Arnos were elected Delegates to Convention at Oxford. Papers were considered, and resolutions endorsed for discussion at Convention, including the following:—“That this meeting protests earnestly against the double standard of morality which the law permits in arresting and punishing women only, and that it urges in the interests of common justice the arrest of men as well as women found on suspected premises, regarding them as equally responsible and punishable.” Decided to provide the sendoff luncheon to the men going into camp in September, and a committee was appointed. Arrangements were made for the visit of Mrs k. Parke*, also for canvassing work in the No License Campaign. A very enjoyable programme was submitted, followed bv a cup of tea. Votes of thanks to all who contributed were passed. GREYTOWN. July to. A meeting w as held, the President in the (hair. The organiser of Win the War League was invited to be present. Hr outlined the method to ho used to embrace every unit when canvassing for signatures. TIMARU. Decided to arrange for a lecture on “Women’s War Work in England and Franc,” on September 17th, by Mrs Kineton Parkes, proceeds for Hutment Fund Over 50 collecting cards are out for the Hutment. Mrs Rule, Mrs Brown and Mrs Grant were appointed to represent the Union on the Prohibition Poll Campaign Committee. Mrs Fraser’s name to be sent on as our Representative to Provincial Convention at Oxford. Hospital visitors re|x>rt* received, and visitors appointed for next month. Mrs I)r. Pettit then read the grcatei part of a lecture by Dr. Pettit on the t°aching of sex hygiene to the young, which was very helpful, especially to those having charge of children and young people. Mrs Pettit brought literature for distribution, and our Study Circle for this subject was started. Vote of condolence to one of our members who had lost her father. HAWERA. Miss Maunder and Mrs R Tait represented our Union at the Conference of Prohibition Workers. One dozen collecting cards for the White Ribbon Hutment Fund were distributed to the members. Decided that we send £.\ to the Sailors’ Tea Fund for work among the New Zealand sailors. N.E. VALLEY. lulv 25. Mr Flamanck kindly explained the proposed new movement for improving the present educational «vstem. The following resolution was carried: (a) Increased staff for primarv schools; (b) Increased allowance for pupil teachers, probationers, and training college students; (r) compulsory continuation day (lasses at

least to the age of 16 years; Id) Staffing the school on some basis that cannot be seriously affected by epidemics, or stress of weather. Mis* Lowe, a member of Union, gave a short ad dress on “Lasting Peace.” Thanks were accorded to both Miss Lowe and Mr Flamanck. PALMERSTON NORTH. A White Ribbon Social was held in St. Andrew’s Schoolroom, Friday, July 20th, Mrs Crabb being in tne chair. Songs were rendered by Mrs Henderson, Miss Bennett, and Miss Ferguson. A recitation by Mrs Withers. A letter was read from the Area Council asking for assistance in connection with the Prohibition Movement, and several of those present handed in their names as workers. A very interesting address was given by Mrs Peryman, of Port Chalmers. Editor of the “White Ribbon,” which was appreciated by all present. Mrs Kenrick proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the speaker, this was seconded by Mrs A. E. Whitehead, and carried by acclamation. Afternoon tea was hand ed round, after which the initiatory service was read by Mrs Peryman, and three new members were enrolled. BLUFF. July. Good attendance. President reported that Mr McChesney, Head master of the Bluff Public School, would give an address on Educational Reform on the evening of August Bth, and Dr. Torrance, Chairman of the School Committee, would occupy the chair. Arrangements were also made to hold a gift afternoon on August 21st, and also a sixpenny concert, in aid of the appeal on behalf of the British and Foreign Ship-wrecked Sailors’ Society. Miss Waterman gave an address on th<’ working of the L.T.L. Decided to call a special meeting of the Band of Hoi>e, when Miss Waterman will be present, and give a demonstration of an L.T.L meeting. PETONE. June 4. Mi. Ashby presided over a good attendance. Decided to take charge of the Red Cross Shop on June 21 st. Mrs Burd was appointed Delegate to the New Zealand Alliance Convention at Palmerston North. July 17. Annual Cradle Roll Tea. Mr* 1 Rouse in the chair. There was a good attendance of mothers and their babies. Mr* Chapman-Taylor gave a most interesting and instructive address on the care of the little ones, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs Houlder also addressed the meeting. A short programme was given. Tea was served. LEIGH. lulv 7. In spite of bad roads, seven members and three visitors pre*cnt. President in the chair. Initiatorv service held. One new member. Decided to sew and knit for the Red Cross. Afternoon at close.

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. July iS. The United Executive had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Peryman, our “White Ribbon” Editor at the Headquarters. After the business was transacted, Mr> Peryman gave a stirring talk on the campaign so soon to be entered upon, and the proposed plans of work. We are delighted to have Mrs Peryman with us, and her words were .1 source of stimulus to all. Morning tea was dispensed. An evening me°ting was hurriedly arranged at the Headquarters on Friday, July iqth, when Mrs Peryman spoke on another aspect of the campaign. She urged on all to reconsecrate themselves in this great work, showing the urgent need there was for Prohibition before our boy* return. The following resolution was passed: This me°ting of the \u r kl and Women’s Christian Temperance Union strongly protests against the granting of a license at Taneatua, in spite of the overwhelming testimony of the Stipendiary Magistrate, the police, and reidents, to the grave menace of liquor to the Maoris, as well as the European population in the district. On Sunday afternoon, July 21st, at the Salvation Army Barracks, Mrs Peryman gave a mojt inspiring address on the (treat Campaign. We feel sure that her earnest word* will bring forth fruit in the efforts of her hearers to do their utmost to cleanse our fair Dominion of this great cur.»e. July 24. A large and enthusiastic meeting was held in the Central Mission Hall, Mrs Cook presided. Letters were read frvim Sir James Allen, Acting Prime Minister, Hon. J. A. Hanan, Minister for Education, Hon. A. M. Myers, Minister for Finance, acknowledging rec ij t of our resolutions re improved education Addresses were given by Hon. G. Fowlds and Mr Wesley Spragg on the coming campaign, outlining th*' plans of operations. and urging all to put their verv best into the work. Questions were asked at the close, and all present pledged themselves to help in the work of the campaign. New members were initiated. AVONDALE. July 16. Mrs Stevens presided, and there was a good a tendance of numbers. Mrs Entrican gave a de°ply interesting and instructive address on Bible reading. Decided to ask Mr Penny to lecture on Aeroplanes and Submarines, proceeds for the benefit of the mine-sweepers. Mrs Stevens spoke very earnestly on the coming campaign, and urged members to be ready to do their utmost for the cause. One new member was initiated. HENDERSON. Tuly 17. Mrs W illiams presided over fair attendance. An interesting report of Alliance Convention given by Mis*Gilberd. Decided to co-operate with local Branch of No License League for Referendum Campaign. Resolved to work for Mine sweepers Fund, also to collect for Red Jersey Fund.

WAIPUKURAU. July 12. Good attend. i nee. Resolution rescinded re the sending of c heque of ,£3O to Mrs Ximmo for mine-sweepers, and Committee .iiithoris°d to spend it locally on w f x>llen floods for same. Letter of sympathy sent to Mr 4 Neal in her illness. Letter from Miss Henderson, with resolution re double standard of morality. Decided to take no action in matter. White Ribbon Day to be celebrated next meeting, with collection for Maori Fund. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. July 4. A very successful patriotic concert by the Centre! Mi sion Choir, Orchestra, and Hand. Mrs Cook in the chair, and a spLu.did programme of musical items and ie< it ttions was provided. Rev. Ralph (»ebbi°, of the Church of Christ, gave a stirring address, making an eloquen. appeal for the dual objects of the concert, to provide funds for the X.White Ribboners’ hutment and the minesweepers’ comforts. Ahe rty vote of thanks was passed to Mr Adam 4, the choir, orchestra, and band, for the very enjoyable evening’s entertainment. July 10. Mrs Cook presided. Able addresses were given by Miss Ingoll, member of the Auckland Women Teachers’ Association, and Miss Wilson, V.P. of that Association. Miss Ingoll spoke on tin* importance of compulsory continuation <!.»ss s for children from 14 to 18 in daylight hours, in order that thev might be made more efficient for the re sensibilities of life*. Miss Wilson appealed very forcefully for tlie urgent necessity for increased staffing, improved buildings and playgrounds, which are due to our children, th it tin \ ni iy become efficient citizens. Tin following re solutions were passed: “That the Government be urged to 1 rovid** compulsory continu ition class'. * in daylight hours for children bftve 11 14 and 18 not attending secondary schools.” (2) “That the (iovernment be urged to take immediate steps for the improvement of staffing, buildings and playgrounds of all primary schools.” Letter 4 were received from Featherston Cam]) from the Secretary Y.M.C.A., and some of the soldiers, thanking the W.C.T.D. for the large consignment of cakes sent. NELSON. July q. Mrs Watson presided. Letters were read, enclosing a circular, from the Educational Institute. The following resolutions were passed; —(,) “That tie Nelson Ur .§ expresses its s\.npathy with the X.Z. Educational Instituti in its efforts to secure the improvem *m and extern ion of our education system, and will be very gl.«d to assist 1 e Institute in every possible way.” (*) “That the Corresponding Secret rv he isked to

write to the Secretary of the Nelson Branch of the Institute, asking that one of its. members may address the Nelson W.C.T.U. at an <arly oppoi tunity.” !.*: ter read from Mr Dawson, inviting delegates from Nelson l nion to attend the Christchurch C on ference to consider plans of campaign. Mrs Watson and Mrs Wilkinson .q> pointed as delegates. Letter read from “White Ribbon,” containing Mrs Kineton Parkes offer to lecture on behalf of the Hutment Fund. Decided to write for further particulars. The following resolution was passed in reference to reports of disorderly conduct amongst returned soldiers in Wellington:—“ln view of ihr recent disturbances report'd in the papers, the Nelson W.C.T.U. would urg • upon the Acting-Prime Mini 4 ter and Minister of Defence the desirability of closing all hotel bars on the arrival of troopships with invalided soldiers on board until after their dispersal to their homes, instead of penalising the soldiers and making a distinction between them and civilians by putting hotels out of bounds.” Decided to write for fuller information as to the statement in the “Vanguard” to the effect that rum rations are servt d to soldiers in New Zealand camps. Mrs Hill appointed joint organiser with Mrs Knapp for the Mine sweepers Fund. W AKAPI’AKA. March. At Mrs Brown’s, only ox present. Decided to send j[.\ to the Organising Fund. Resolved to nominate one or more women for Sc .1001 Committee. Afternoon tea dis|>ensed. May. At Mrs Dodson’s, nin° members present. Mrs Watson and Mrs Brown, from the Nelson Union, attended, the latter giving a very interesting account of the Annual Convention She strongly urged our Union to tr> and send a delegate n°xt year. Decidtd to raise funds in varous ways to help defray expenses. Two new subscribers to “White Ribbon.” On Julv Ist we had a meeting at the Foresters’ Hall, to meet Mrs Napier. Mrs Napier was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks for her impressive talk, and afternoon tea was then handed round.

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White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 278, 19 August 1918, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 278, 19 August 1918, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 24, Issue 278, 19 August 1918, Page 12

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