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Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand

The recommendation of the Hector Award Committee was unanimously adopted. Amount of Hector Prize: On the motion of the Hon. Treasurer (Mr. M. A. Eliott), it was resolved that the amount of the prize be £50. Election of Fellows: The President read the report of the Fellowship Selection Committee as follows:— The Fellowship Selection Committee elected at the Annual Meeting held in May, 1941, after duly considering the votes recorded by existing Fellows, the scientific work of those nominated, and the distribution of Fellows between the various sciences, unanimously recommend the Council to elect Dr. L. H. Briggs and Dr. L. I. Grange, Fellows of the Society. (Signed) W. P. Evans, April 20th, 1942. Convener Fellowship Selection Committee. On the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Dr. Marshall, the recommendation of the Fellowship Selection Committee was adopted. Method of Selection of Fellows: The President read a letter from the Convener of the Fellowship Selection Committee regarding the voting by Fellows. The letter pointed out that some Fellows, continue to ignore the instructions given to indicate the full number of preferences, and this growing tendency to plumping or partial plumping could lead to an entirely unfair result in the voting. The wisdom of asking Fellows to indicate a greater number of preferences than the number of Fellows to be elected was also questioned. After some discussion on these points, Professor Evans moved, Dr. Marshall seconded, and it was carried: “That in future Fellows be instructed to vote for the number of Fellows to be elected, and that in the instructions issued to Fellows it be indicated that failure to adhere to this instruction will render the vote informal.” The President thanked Professor Evans for bringing the matter before the Council. Honorary Membership: The question of allowing a late nomination from a Member Body came before the Council and on the explanation of the representative of the Branch as to the reason of the delay in forwarding the nomination it was resolved on the motion of Mr. Pycroft to allow the nomination to be considered. The President read the qualifications accompanying the nomination,

and after a short discussion regarding the nominees the election proceeded and resulted in Field-Marshal J. C. Smuts being elected. Member Bodies' Reports and Balance Sheets: The following were laid on the table:— Auckland Institute for the year ending 31st March, 1941. Wellington Branch for the year ending 30th September, 1941. Canterbury Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1941. Otago Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1941. Nelson Institute for the year ending 31st December, 1941. Southland Branch for the year ending 31st March, 1942. Mr. Hudson stated that the reason that the Hawke's Bay Branch had not forwarded its report was that its Honorary Secretary had recently died. Standing Committee's Report: On the motion of Mr. Eliott, seconded by Dr. Marshall, the report was taken as read. On the motion of Dr. Allan, seconded by Dr. Turner, the report was adopted: Report of the Standing Committee for the Year ending 31st March, 1942. Meetings: Six meetings of the Standing Committee were held during the year, the attendance being as follows:—The President. Dr. G. Archey, Auckland, 1; Dr. H. H. Allan, Vice-president, Wellington, 6; Mr. B. C. Aston, Wellington, 6; Dr. L. Bastings, Wellington, 4; Mr. G. V. Hudson, Wellington, 6; Dr. E. Marsden, Wellington, 1; Dr. P. Marshall, Wellington, 4; Dr. W. R. B. Oliver, Wellington, 6. The Council: Professor W. P. Evans retired from the Vice-Presidency at the last Annual Meeting, and at the meeting of the Standing Committee on the 6th June, Dr. Allan proposed the following resolution, which was carried by acclamation:— That the Standing Committee records its deep appreciation of the services rendered by Professor Evans during the period of six years in which he presided over its meetings and zealously cared for the welfare of the Society. Professor Evans thanked the Standing Committee for the expression of its appreciation. Sir Thomas Easterfield: At the same meeting the following resolution was moved by Mr. Aston and carried:— On the resignation of Sir Thomas Easterfield from the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand the Society desires to place on record an appreciation of his services in the promotion of knowledge in the science of chemistry for the past forty years. During this period he has been a member or officer of the Society, serving on the Council since 1903, being awarded the Hector Medal in 1913, elected an Original Fellow in 1919, and President in 1920. His special knowledge and skill in chemistry have been of great service to the Dominion both in peace and war. His kindly nature and enthusiasm for new knowledge has always been an inspiration to his students and fellow workers. The Council much regrets his recent illness and hopes for an early recovery. Mr. B. C. Aston and Dr. W. R. B. Oliver have been appointed for a further term as Government representatives on the Council. The following changes on the Council have been notified by Member Bodies: Auckland Institute: As Dr. Archey, by virtue of his office as President, has a seat on the Council, Mr. A. T. Pycroft was elected to represent the Auckland Institute together with Professor Segar. Wellington Branch: Dr. L. I. Grange replaces Dr. L. Bastings as representative of the Wellington Branch. Publication Matters: The Hon. Editor, Dr. J. Marwick, has attended meetings of the Standing Committee when publication matters have been under discussion. Volume 70, Part 4, and Volume 71, Parts 1, 2, and 3 have been published, and the last Part of Volume 71 is almost ready for distribution. Owing to the increased cost of printing, it was considered necessary to enforce certain restrictions on the length of papers submitted for publication. On the 13th August the Standing Committee resolved to restrict papers to

20 pages. At a later date (23rd February), this resolution was amended as follows: “That in future papers for the Transactions be restricted in length so that the total cost of text and plates shall not exceed £20 each paper.” The following “Notice to Authors” drafted by the Vice-President was approved for circulation to authors and for insertion in the Transactions:— 1. Until further notice no paper the estimated cost of which exceeds £20 for text and plates will be accepted. Authors should, therefore, be as concise as possible; introductions, references to published work, discussions and summaries should be brief and to the point; only essential figures and tables should be included. 2. Papers not fully following the “Instructions to Authors” given in the Transactions, Vol. 67, Part 1, 1937, will be returned to the authors for revision or re-drafting. Authors should not pass on their responsibilities to the editors. 3. Citations must be in the form prescribed, properly arranged and punctuated. 4. Referees will report not only on the general suitability of the paper for publication, but will suggest where condensation or excision is required. 5. Papers will, in general, be published in order of priority of final acceptance. The following resolution was received from the Otago Branch and referred to the Annual Meeting:— That in the opinion of the Council of the Otago Branch, in the event of its being necessary, owing to shortage of paper, financial, or other reasons, to cut down the Transactions, the abstracts of papers should be replaced by lists of titles of papers. Obituary Notices: It was decided to publish Obituary Notices of the late Sir Arthur Hill and the late Mr. R. M. Laing. Dr. H. H. Allan and Mr. C. E. Foweraker undertook to write the notices respectively. Library: Presentations: A complete set of Discovery Reports has been presented to the Library by the Discovery Committee, and Professor W. P. Evans has presented an almost complete set of Fuel, in Science and Practice, and two books, Trees from Other Lands—Eucalypts in New Zealand, by J. H. Simmonds, and a biography of the late Lord Rutherford, by A. S. Eve. On the death of Mr. R. M. Laing, books on Algae purchased by him under a research grant were handed over to the Society's Library in accordance with the rules governing research property, and already these have been in demand. Exchanges: No new exchanges have been added, but two or three applications are under consideration by the Library Committee. Owing to the spread of the war, practically every one of our foreign exchanges has now come under the ban of “communications suspended,” and the Transactions set aside for distribution to these countries after the war are steadily increasing. Binding: Approximately 35 volumes were bound during the year, and the balance in the Library Binding Fund is rapidly diminishing. Unless a grant for binding can be obtained, it will be advisable to conserve the balance for binding current numbers of series that have been bound to date. Member Bodies: The annual reports and balance sheets have been received from Member Bodies as follows:— Auckland Institute for the year ending 31st March, 1941. Wellington Branch for the year ending 30th September, 1941. Canterbury Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1941. Otago Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1941. Nelson Institute for the year ending 31st December, 1941. Southland Branch for the year ending 31st March, 1942. Fellowship R.S.N.Z.: Dr. R. A. Falla was gazetted a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand on the 3rd July, 1941. On the 8th September Member Bodies were advised of the vacancies occurring in the Fellowship and were asked to submit nominations. Ten nominations were received and were forwarded to the Fellows for selection. Subsequently the Fellowship Selection Committee considered the voting papers and forwarded its recommendation for consideration at the Annual Meeting.

Hon. Membership: Only three nominations have been received from Member Bodies to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Sir James Frazer. The election will take place at the Annual Meeting in May. At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 18th November, Dr. Allan moved the following resolution in reference to the death of Sir Arthur W. Hill:— That the Royal Society of New Zealand place on record its profound regret at the death of Sir Arthur W. Hill, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Sir Arthur splendidly carried on the tradition of cordial co-operation with and assistance to the botanists of the Dominions that had been created by Sir J. D. Hooker. Also, directly, he published a number of valuable papers on New Zealand plants. His visit to New Zealand in January, 1928, will be remembered not only for his official activities, but also for his encouragement of and advice to the younger botanists he met. His “Report on Matters of Botanical Interest in New Zealand” has greatly influenced botanical progress in this country. Visitors to Kew from the Dominions will not easily forget his hospitality and his efforts to give them fullest, facilities for their work. By his death the Royal Society has lost one of its most distinguished Honorary Members and a true friend. Its members desire to convey to his colleagues their regret at the loss of a great chief, and to his relatives their heartfelt sympathy. Hector Award: The presentation of the Hector Medal and Prize to Dr. H. J. Finlay took place at a general meeting of the Wellington Branch on the 25th June. Dr. Archey, President of the Society, attended and made the presentation. Hutton Award: At the same meeting the President also presented the Hutton Medal to Dr. H. H. Allan for his botanical researches. As a result of suggestions made at the last Annual Meeting, consideration was given by the Standing Committee to the Rules governing the award of the Hutton Medal. It was decided to recommend to the Annual Meeting that there should be an additional rule defining the constitution of the Committee of Award and providing that (1) The Committee shall consist of three holders of the Award. (2) The Committee shall meet at least once, and the cost of the meeting shall be a charge on the Hutton Fund. The Standing Committee further recommended the desirability of appointing to the Committee a recipient of the medal in each of the three sciences concerned. Hutton Grants: An application from Mr. L. E. Richdale for £40 for ornithological research at Stewart Island was recommended to the annual meeting for approval. An application from Dr. S. N. Slater for £40 for an investigation on the nature of the physiologically active material—phthioic acid—obtained from tubercle bacillus was not recommended, as it was considered outside the scope of a Hutton grant. An application from Dr. F. J. Turner that he be allowed to utilise the unexpended balance of his Hutton Grant in paying the excess cost in the publication of his paper “Petrofabric Studies on Oriented Sections of Peridotites and Allied Rocks from New Zealand” was granted. T. K. Sidey Summer-time Rules: The amended report of the Sub-committee set up to consider the rules governing the award of the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Medal and Prize has been circulated to members for consideration. Loder Cup: The Society nominated Mr. Norman Potts, of Opotiki, for the 1941 Loder Cup Award. The Loder Cup Committee made the award to Mr. E. Earle Vaile, of Auckland. Science Teaching in Schools: In the terms of the resolution passed at the last Annual Meeting, the attention of the Hon. Minister of Education was drawn to the need for improvement in the teaching of science in post-primary schools. The Hon. Minister replied that the matter would receive his attention. Soil Erosion: On the passing of the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Act the President and Dr. Oliver, Convener of the Wild Life Control Committee forwarded to the Hon. Minister of Public Works a letter expressing the Society's gratification at the measure and the fact that research and investigation had been given a prominent place in the functions of the Control Council, and offered to give any assistance within the scope of the Society in this important national undertaking. The Minister replied thanking the President for his

assurance of help, stating that the Soil Conservation Council would appreciate the value of the Society's offer. Theses: Arising out of a discussion on the length of papers published in the Transactions, it was resolved, on the suggestion of the President, to advise the University of New Zealand of the Society's inability to publish theses in full and recommend for acceptance a full MS. thesis together with a reduced published account of the results and findings of the research. The Senate of the University of New Zealand considered this resolution at its meeting in January, 1942, and the following reply was received from the Registrar:— In reply to your letter of the 24th November as to the costs of publishing theses for Doctorates, the Senate has now resolved: That in determining special circumstances to be approved by the Chancellor under Clause IV of the Statute D.Sc., the Chancellor be asked in cases where the essential portions of a thesis submitted by a candidate have been accepted for publication by an approved scientific body to give consideration to that fact. Insurances: In view of the increased war risk, attention was drawn to the advisability of increasing the amount of insurance cover on the Society's property, and the Hon. Treasurer was given authority to increase up to 50%. At the Hon. Treasurer's request, the Secretary made a detailed valuation of the Library and stocks of publications as follows:— Library £10,269 4 0 Stack Room 1,323 8 0 Stock in Stack Room 2,389 9 6 Stock in Store Room 11,188 3 0 Carter Library 500 0 0 Furniture 48 0 0 Accordingly the Hon. Treasurer recommended that the insurance be increased from £2500 to £5540, and this recommendation was adopted by the Standing Committee on the 9th April, 1942. Endowment Fund: During the year accrued interest in the Endowment Fund to the amount of £300 was invested in National Development Loans Stock at 3 ¼%, maturing 1956–59. Signatures: On the 11th June it was resolved that two of the three following should sign the Society's cheques:— Mr. M. A. Eliott, Dr. H. H. Allan, Mr. B. C. Aston. Arising therefrom:— Publication Matters: Consideration was given to a resolution of the Otago Branch as follows: “That if curtailment of the Transactions was found to be necessary, the abstracts of papers be replaced by lists of titles of papers.” Dr. Turner said the analysis of pages submitted by the Hon. Editor in his report showed that the saving effected by the resolution would be a very small amount. Professor Evans stated that the reintroduction into the Transactions of the reports and abstracts had been welcomed by Member Bodies, and he thought the small economy suggested was not warranted. Dr. Hilgendorf stated that he had recently had occasion to refer to the Proceedings and abstracts in early numbers of the Transactions, and he found there a great deal of historical interest and information. After some further discussion, the President moved, Dr. Allan seconded, and it was carried: “That if papers are to be published elsewhere, they be referred to by title only, but otherwise an abstract of the paper be printed in the Transactions.” Hutton Award Regulations: On the motion of Dr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Hudson, it was resolved: “That the Council approves of the principle of a Committee to make recommendations on the Hutton Award and that the Committee consist if possible of

three holders of the award including a representative of each of the three sciences concerned. The Committee to meet once, the cost thereof to be a charge on the Hutton Fund.” Lunch Adjournment: The meeting adjourned for lunch, the visiting members being the guests of the local members. Roll Call: The afternoon roll call was the same as the morning call. Hutton Grants: On the recommendation of the Standing Committee, Mr. L. E. Richdale was granted £40 for ornithological research at Stewart Island, and Dr. F. J. Turner £25 for structural petrology of metamorphic rocks. (Dr. Turner applied in 1940 for £50 for this research, £25 being recommended to the 1941 Annual Meeting, the balance to be recommended to the 1942 Annual Meeting.) Hon. Treasurer's Report: Mr. Eliott moved the adoption of his report, the balance sheets and statements of accounts; seconded by Mr. Pycroft and carried. Report of the Hon. Treasurer. The statement of Assets and Liabilities shows a balance of Assets £664 5s 4d, as compared with £728 9s 9d last year. Receipts of Levy on Vol. 70 are £35 less than those for Vol. 69. (An amount received after the books were closed reduces the difference to £25 10s.) Sales of publications are £40 less than last year. The cost of printing the Transactions is substantially the same, viz., £631 17s 8d, against £627 4s 1d last year. It is satisfactory to record that the Standing Committee has decided to restrict the length of papers so that the total cost of text and plates in any one paper shall not exceed £20. During the past year the question of increased insurance including war risk arose, and it became necessary to arrive at an estimate of the value of the Society's stocks, i.e., Library, Transactions, and other publications, furniture, etc. It will be noted that for the first time this information appears on the balance sheet. Necessarily this must be only a very rough estimate—it is impossible to determine the actual intrinsic value, as the usual methods based on a commercial value would not apply. However, total insurances including war risk have now been increased from £2,500 to £5,540, but even this is only about 20% of the estimated value of the stock, whereas up to 80%, or more, would be the ratio on commercial stocks. The Endowment Fund now stands at £2,011, an increase of £136 over last year. As this Fund has reached £2,000, the question arises as to the advisability of, say, half the annual interest being used for binding purposes. Only £39 17s 10d is left in the Binding Fund, and it is important to get as much binding done as possible. The Trust Funds remain in much the same position as last year. I desire once again to commend the Secretary on the way the books and accounts have been kept. Report on Member Bodies. Member Body. Members. Income. Expenditure. Rule 3. Auckland Institute 573 7,906 19 1 8,698 19 7 Library, Museum Levy Wellington Branch 222 189 7 5 162 6 2 Library and Levy Canterbury Branch 126 139 1 0 136 12 1 Library and Levy Otago Branch 173 307 3 0 320 10 8 Levy Nelson Institute 1,317 8 7 1,382 12 3 Library Nelson Philosophical Soc. 28 14 14 6 18 3 10 Levy Southland Branch 46 49 19 0 44 14 7 Museum and Levy Hawke's Bay Branch Manawatu Branch No reports or balance sheets. M. A. Eliott, Hon. Treasurer.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ending March 31, 1942. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance as at 31st March, 1941 1,159 18 3 Otago Daily Times—Vol. 70 (4), 71 (1, 2, 3) 631 17 8 Annual Grant 750 0 0 Stationery 2 16 4 Levy, Vol. 70, Transactions R.S.N.Z. 175 10 0 Salary 325 0 0 Sales of Publications 41 6 5 Binding, Library Books 29 10 0 Travelling Expenses: Member Bodies' Share 26 10 0 Travelling Expenses, Members of Council 47 14 5 Interest on P.O.S.B. Account 26 9 7 Petty Cash (Secretary, Editor, Vice-President) 17 13 4 Endowment Fund Interest 69 8 5 Charges (Insurance Prem., Audit, Telephone) 28 0 7 Hector Memorial Fund Interest 53 2 3 Hutton Grant Instalments 22 10 0 Hutton Memorial Fund Interest 68 8 6 Hector Prize 50 0 0 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund Interest 23 2 6 Engraving Hector and Hutton Medals 0 15 0 Carter Library Legacy Interest 7 18 3 Advertisement re Presentation of Medals 0 14 6 Hamilton Memorial Fund Interest 2 3 2 Endowment Fund: Interest Invested 291 15 0 Cockayne Memorial Fund Interest 11 6 7 Trust Funds paid direct to P.O.S.B. Accounts 10 5 6 Cockayne Memorial Fund Contribution 1 4 3 Balance as Under 148 17 6 Favourable Exchange 2 3 7 Adjustments between Trust Accounts and Bank of N.Z. 889 16 5 Adjustments between Trust Accounts and Bank of N.Z. 78 14 6 £2,497 6 3 £2,497 6 3 Balance at Bank of N.Z. £174 1 10 Less unpaid cheques 10 17 7 10 5 6 21 3 1 £152 18 9 Post Office Savings Bank 731 13 7 Petty Cash in Hand 5 4 1 £889 16 5

Statement of Liabilities and Assets at March 31, 1942. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hector Memorial Fund Capital Account 1,184 18 1 Inscribed Stock 5,468 2 6 Hector Memorial Fund Revenue Account 82 7 5 Bank of New Zealand 152 18 9 Hutton Memorial Fund Capital Account 1,506 8 6 Post Office Savings Bank 731 13 7 Hutton Memorial Fund Revenue Account 255 1 4 Petty Cash in Hand 5 4 1 Sidey Summer-time Fund Capital Account 529 13 4 Sundry Debtors 73 9 1 Sidey Summer-time Fund Revenue Account 92 16 6 Hector Memorial Fund P.O.S. Bank 82 7 5 Cockayne Memorial Fund Capital Account 249 12 0 Hutton Memorial Fund P.O.S. Bank 255 1 4 Cockayne Memorial Fund Revenue Account 54 13 1 Sidey Summer-time Find P.O.S. Bank 122 7 4 Hamilton Memorial Fund Capital Account 69 13 7 Cockayne Memorial Fund P.O.S. Bank 54 13 1 Hamilton Memorial Fund Revenue Account 4 5 9 Hamilton Memorial Fund P.O.S. Bank 73 19 4 Carter Library Legacy Capital Account 162 19 0 Carter Library Legacy P.O.S. Bank 0 16 5 Endowment Fund Capital Account 1,864 2 5 Carter Library Legacy, owed to R.S.N.Z. 9 7 8 Endowment Fund Revenue Acccount 147 5 11 Library Fund 39 17 10 Research Grants Fund 122 0 6 Balance of Assets over Liabilities 664 5 4 £7030 0 7 £7,030 0 7 M. A. Eliott, Hon. Treasurer. The Audit Office having examined the balance sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. Cyril Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

Revenue Account for the Year Ending March 31, 1942. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Printing Trans. Vol. 70 (4), 71 (1, 2, 3) 611 9 2 By Balance 728 9 9 ” Stationery 2 16 4 ” Annual Grant 750 0 0 ” Salary 325 0 0 ” Levy 185 Δ 0 ” Petty Cash— ” Sales of Publications 39 14 9        Secretary 13 2 8 ” Trust Funds Administration Expenses 5 0 0 Hon. Editor 3 7 0 Vice-President, 1940–41 1 3 8 ” Travelling Expenses, Society's Share 21 4 5 ” Charges (Audit, Insurance, Telephone, Bank) 24 9 6 ” Sales credited to Endowment Fund 41 6 5 ” Balance 664 5 4 £1,708 4 6 £1,708 4 6 By Balance £664 5 4

Trust Accounts for the Year Ending March 31, 1942. Hector Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Hector Prize 50 0 0 By Capital Invested 1,184 18 1 ” Audit Fee 0 0 ” Balance Revenue Account 31/3/41 81 5 11 ” Engraving Medal 0 8 6 ” Advertisements 0 7 3 ” Interest 53 2 3 ” Administration Exs. 1 0 0 ” Balance 1,267 5 6 £1,319 6 3 £1319 6 3 By Balance £1267 5 6 Hutton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Grants 22 10 0 By Capital Invested 1,506 8 6 ” Audit Fee 0 5 0 ” Balance Revenue Account 31/3/41 211 1 7 ” Engraving Medal 0 6 6 ” Advertisements 0 7 3 ” Interest 68 8 6 ” Administration Exs. 1 0 0 ” Balance 1,761 9 10 £1,785 18 7 £1,785 18 7 By Balance £1,761 9 10 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 5 0 By Capital Invested 500 0 0 ” Administration Exs. 1 0 0 ” Interest added to Capital 29 13 4 ” 1/10th Interest to Capital 2 6 3 ” Balance Revenue Account 31/3/41 73 5 3 ” Balance 622 9 10 ” Interest 23 2 6 £626 1 1 £626 1 1 By Balance £622 9 10 Hamilton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 2 6 By Capital 48 7 11 ” Administration Exs. 0 2 6 ” Interest added to Capital 21 5 8 ” Half Interest to Capital 1 1 7 ” Balance Revenue Account 31/3/41 3 9 2 ” Balance 73 19 4 ” Interest 2 3 2 £75 5 11 £75 5 11 By Balance £73 19 4

Carter Library Legacy. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Revenue Account 31/3/41 16 10 11 By Capital 162 19 0 ” Audit Fee 0 5 0 ” Interest 7 18 3 ” Administration Exs. 0 10 0 ” Loan from R.S.N.Z. (£18 4s 1d), repaid £8 10 4 1 ” Balance 163 15 5 £181 1 4 £181 1 4 By Balance £163 15 5 Cockayne Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 0 2 6 By Capital Account 249 12 0 ” Balance 304 5 1 ” Balance Revenue Account 31/3/41 42 4 9 ” Interest 11 6 7 ” Contribution 1 4 3 £304 7 7 £304 7 7 By Balance £304 5 1 Endowment Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest Invested 291 15 0 By Capital Invested 1,864 2 5 ” Audit Fee 0 5 0 ” Balance Revenue Account 31/3/41 303 6 6 ” Administration Exs. 1 5 0 ” Interest 69 8 5 ” Balance 2,011 8 4 ” Interest from General Account 26 9 7 ” Sales of publications 41 6 5 £2,304 13 4 £2,304 13 4 By Balance £2,011 8 4 Mr. Eliott drew attention to the fact that the amount of the insurance on the library and stocks had been increased. Mr. Aston objected to the amount put down as the valuation of the stock, and moved that in future the Hon. Treasurer's report and balance sheets be placed before the Standing Committee for approval before circulation to members. Mr. Eliott said that his report was to the Council, not the Standing Committee. It was pointed out that the Standing Committee had previously adopted the report containing the figures mentioned. Mr. Aston's motion was not seconded and lapsed. On the motion of Dr. Marshall, a sub-committee consisting of Mr. Aston and Professor Evans advise the Standing Committee regarding any necessary adjustment of valuation and insurance. Mr. Eliott moved that half the amount of this year's interest in the Endowment Fund be devoted to binding periodicals in the Library. Professor Evans seconded the motion. Mr. Aston objected to the interest in the Endowment Fund being utilised in this way, stating that the Fund should be allowed to grow, and he moved as

an amendment that the matter be referred to the Standing Commitee to find the amount required for binding from other sources. This amendment was carried, and it was further recommended to the Standing Committee to ensure that £50 be spent on binding in the coming year. Hon. Editor's Report: On the motion of Mr. Hudson, the report of the Honorary Editor was adopted. Report of Honorary Editor. During the year ended 31st March, 1942, the four parts of Transactions, Volume 71, comprising 383 pages and 52 plates, have been published. This is 101 pages and 21 plates less than last year's volume—a reduction of 21% and 29% respectively. Volume 71 consists of the following:— Subject. Number of Papers. Pages. Plates. Astronomy 1 4 — Botany 4 42 3 Chemistry 1 2 table Geology 11 160 22 Palaeontology 3 45 10 Physics 1 23 2 Seismology 1 3 — Zoology 11 45 15 Abstracts 15 9 — Proceedings 37 — Appendix 8 — Index 5 — The following manuscripts have been handled during the year:— Manuscripts in hand from preceding year (including 9 printed in Vol. 71, Part 1) 17 MSS. received 1/4/41–31/3/42 30 47 Manuscripts printed in Volume 71 33 Manuscripts in hand, including 7 for 72 (1) 10 Manuscripts held in suspense pending overseas refereeing 1 Manuscripts withdrawn by authors 2 Manuscripts declined (adverse referee's report) 1 47 The average time between the receipt of papers as finally approved and their date of publication has been seven months, an increase of half a month compared with the preceding year. The longest period has been 14 months. The Editor is greatly indebted for help to Dr. C. O. Hutton, Associate Editor, and to a number of painstaking referees. J. Marwick, Honorery Editor. Mr. Hudson spoke of the great amount of painstaking service and time devoted by Dr. Marwick in his office of Honorary Editor, and he doubted if the Society appreciated sufficiently the work that Dr. Marwick did. On the motion of Mr. Hudson, seconded by the President, it was resolved that a letter be sent to Dr. Marwick conveying the most cordial thanks of the Society and its appreciation of his services.

Hon. Librarian's Report: Professor Evans moved the adoption of his report. Seconded by Mr. Pycroft and carried. Report of Honorary Librarian. The Library continues to be of use to the members of the Society and the Staff and Honours Students of Victoria University College. Approximately 200 volumes were taken out by workers during the year in addition to those consulted in the Library, and a number of volumes have been posted to other centres under the inter-loan scheme. At the request of the Libraries Association an article dealing with the history of the Royal Society's Library was written by the Secretary and published in the November issue of the Bulletin of the New Zealand Library Association. Binding: During the year 35 volumes were bound, and the small amount now left in the Binding Account will be adequate to keep only the binding of a few sets up-to-date. It will be most unfortunate if the present binding arrangements cannot continue. Exchanges: The exchanges from Britain, America, South Africa, and Australia come to hand more or less regularly, and the Society is fortunate in having lost very few periodicals by enemy action. W. P. Evans, Honorary Librarian. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum: On the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Dr. Marshall, the report of the representatives on the Board of Trustees of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum was adopted. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Board of Trustees. Report of Society's Representatives. The Board of Trustees met four times during the year ending 31st March, 1942, and the Society was represented at each meeting. War conditions have again resulted in a slight decrease in the sum of money available for carrying on the work of the Art Gallery and Museum; but in each institution a satisfactory year's work has been completed. Early this year the Art Gallery had to give up all the space in the west wing and the tea-room for use by the military authorities, and now the whole of the east wing is also being handed over. Many of the more valuable pictures belonging to the National Gallery have been sent for safe keeping to an inland town, where they are being kept housed in a ferro-concrete building belonging to the Public Trust Department. A large part of the asphalted basement of the Museum has also been placed at the disposal of the Gallery for storage of pictures. Arrangements have been made for the necessary fire-watching and E.P.S. services, and a warden's post and a first-aid room are now being fitted in the Museum. W. P. Evans. P. Marshall. Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture: On the motion of Dr. Oliver, seconded by Dr. Allan, the report of the representative on the Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture was adopted. The Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture. Report of Representative. Annual Conference: Arrangements for the holding of the nineteenth annual conference of the Institute in conjunction with National Horticultural Week at Hastings, in February, 1942, were well in hand, when, in December, 1941, war with Japan broke out. Accordingly, National Week was abandoned; but it was decided to hold the conference in Wellington in February. The principal remits of general interest carried at the conference held on February 26, 1942, were as follows:— That the necessity for the establishment of a School of Horticulture be again impressed on the Government.

That the Institute commends to its members and the public generally the work being done by the Native Plant Preservation Society to prevent the extermination of rare native plants. Conference also approved of remits passed at the Electric Power Board's and Supply Authorities Conference relative to the kinds of trees most suitable for growing near public roads or telephone lines. Historic Trees: A Committee was set up to go into the question of preserving historic and other trees of interest. The Committee interviewed the Under-Secretary of Internal Affairs. As a result, it was decided that Dr. H. H. Allan continue his investigation into the historic trees of New Zealand, with a view to a list being published and circulated to local authorities and others. W. R. B. Oliver. Observatories' Committee: On the motion of Professor Segar, seconded by Mr. Eliott, the report of the representatives on the Observatories' Committee was adopted. Observatories Committee. Report of Society's Representative. There is nothing to report except the fact that the Observatories Committee has not met during the past two years. Reports have been received showing that satisfactory work is being carried out in the Observatories. The responsibility for calling meetings rests with Head Office, and evidently no necessity has arisen. Personally, I think that an annual meeting is desirable so that contact may be made with the Directors. D. C. H. Florance, Chairman Observatories Committee. Carter Observatory Board: On the motion of Mr. Pycroft, seconded by Dr. Hilgendorf, the report of the representatives of the Society on the Carter Observatory Board was adopted, and it was resolved that the photograph of the newly-opened Observatory be printed in the Transactions together with a short account of the Carter Observatory. Carter Observatory Board. Report of Society's Representatives. There has been no change in the constitution of the Carter Observatory Board since our last report, and a further eight meetings have been held. The construction of the new Observatory has been completed and the rooms furnished. Several months were spent by the Observatory staff in overhauling, cleaning, and painting the 9-inch telescope and, although much fine adjustment is still necessary on the instrument, it is already in working order. It has not yet been possible for the staff to devote the necessary time to put the spectro-helioscope into operation. There is little chance of being able to proceed with the mounting of the 20-inch telescope until after the war. The Observatory Library has been augmented by a valuable gift from Dr. L. J. Comrie, London, of fourteen cases of books consisting for the most part of the private libraries of the late Dr. A. C. D. Crommelin and Mr. H. P. Hollis, both formerly of the Greenwich Observatory. With the addition of the Dominion Observatory astronomical library, which has been transferred to the new building, the present Library is very well stocked and should prove to be a most valuable source of astronomical information. The temporary Observatory building, which had existed since 1924 and was known, prior to its being handed over to the Board, as the Wellington City Observatory, was demolished early in December, 1941. Adequate insurances, including war risk insurance, have been taken out for the new building and its furnishings.

On the 20th December, 1941, the Carter Observatory was officially opened by the Right Honourable the Prime Minister, Mr. P. Fraser, P.C., when he unveiled the memorial plaque, which reads: Dedicated To the Memory of Charles Rooking Carter 1822–1896 Through whose generosity The Erection of this Building Was made Possible. At the same ceremony, His Worship the Mayor, Mr. T. C. A. Hislop, on behalf of the City Council, formally handed over the 9-inch telescope and the Observatory grounds to the Board. The work of the Observatory, covering a wide field, has been carried on as usual, despite the handicaps presented in transferring to the new building. Solar observations are made regularly, and auroral reports are gathered from nearly 600 established observers in New Zealand, as well as many sources in Tasmania. This auroral organisation provides valuable data for statistical purposes, especially in the study of correlations. Double stars, occultations and comets are observed. The results of the routine observations are published in the Carter Observatory Astronomical Bulletin, which appears regularly. Papers prepared by the Observatory staff have also appeared in various scientific journals and reprints have been issued. A series of lectures was given in 1941 by Mr. Geddes, and the temporary Observatory was open to the public until November, 1941. In March, 1942, the public sessions were again resumed, with much success, in the new building. On 13th December, 1941, Mr. M. Geddes left for service with the Royal New Zealand Navy. Mr. I. L. Thomsen was appointed Acting-Director, and Miss K. Turner was appointed as clerical assistant. M. A. F. Barnett C. G. G. Berry. Carter Observatory. In 1896 Charles Rooking Carter bequeathed to the Royal Society of New Zealand (then the New Zealand Institute) the residue of his estate amounting to approximately £2240, to form “the nucleus of a fund for the erection in or near Wellington of an astronomical observatory fitted with telescope and other instruments and the endowment of a professor and staff.” This fund was invested by the Society to the best advantage and allowed to accumulate, and although many attempts were made in astronomical circles to have it utilised, the Society did not deviate from its policy of allowing it to grow until it was large enough to enable the testator's expressed wishes to be carried out. In March, 1937, the Bequest had reached a sum of £12,402 and representations were again made by interested bodies, this time to the Government, that the Bequest should be utilised. Several conferences were held between the Society, the Government, and the City Council, and a Carter Bequest Committee was set up. It was agreed that a scheme be drawn up whereby an observatory should be built in Wellington out of the Carter Bequest, and that its maintenance should be the responsibility of the Government and the City Council. The latter agreed to give the land on which the Observatory should be built. The Carter Bequest Committee set up a technical sub-committee to report on a suitable scheme for building and equipping the observatory and its cost. This committee consulted with overseas astronomical authorities and submitted a report which provided for an expenditure of £6250 on the building and equipment. The recommendations of the Carter Bequest Committee, together with the report of the above sub-committee, were fully considered at the annual meeting

Carter Observatory, Kelburn, Wellington. Courtesy “Evening Post,” Wellington.

of the Council of the Royal Society held on the 27th May, 1937, and finally the following resolution was carried:— That the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand approves of the suggestions made by the Committee set up to consider the utilisation of the Carter Bequest as set forth in the letter dated May 3, 1937, from the Under-Secretary of Internal Affairs and, subject to the necessary legislative authority being received, instructs the Standing Committee to transfer the accumulated funds belonging to the Carter Bequest to the proposed Statutory Board of Trustees as soon as it is satisfied that the sum necessary for service and upkeep of the proposed Carter Observatory, viz., £1000 per annum, is definitely assured. The Council of the Royal Society, however, is of opinion that the sum to be contributed annually by the Wellington City Council, viz., £250, ought not to be subject to an annual vote, but should be made obligatory by the Empowering Act. The Carter Observatory Act, embodying proposals approved by the Council, was passed on the 14th September, 1938. It provided for a Carter Observatory Board, comprising two representatives of the Royal Society, two representatives of the City Council, and five appointed by the Government. On the 29th October, Dr E. Kidson and Mr C. G. G. Berry were appointed to represent the Royal Society, and on the death of Dr. Kidson in June, 1939, Dr. M. A. F. Barnett was appointed to succeed him on the Board. As reported in the annual report to the Council of the Society's representatives printed above, the Observatory was completed and opened by the Right Honourable the Prime Minister, Mr Peter Fraser, P.C., on 20th December, 1941. Research Grants: The reports of research grantees were adopted. Reports of Research Grantees. Professor J. Marples, who obtained a grant of £20 from the Society in 1938 for research on the Little Owl, has reported that the greater part of the grant has been spent on a study of the food of the Little Owl. A report of this is almost completed and should be ready for publication in a few weeks' time. The remainder of the grant was to be expended on a visit to Green Island, off the Otago coast, for the purpose of carrying out a faunal survey. All preparations were completed for this visit when the entry of Japan into the war and the consequent likelihood of restrictions and emergency regulations seemed to make it advisable to postpone the trip. Professor Marples wishes to request that the balance of the grant (£5) be held over until such time as it may be possible to visit the island. Dr. G. H. Uttley, who in 1928 was granted £35 for micrographic apparatus for research on Bryozoa, has reported that he is still engaged on collecting, classifying and describing both Recent and fossil Bryozoa. He will not require the balance of the grant (£6 11s 2d), but he wishes to retain the Davonette for the micro-photographic work, the difficulty of which has delayed publication of some of the results which his work has achieved. Illustrations of any paper are indispensable and good photographic results of opaque microscopic objects are not always sufficiently satisfactory for reproduction. This has been responsible for much of the delay. He has now been able to enlist the services of a friend, and he hopes that his photography will be satisfactory for the purpose. At present he is finding difficulty in obtaining plates. The late Mr. R. M. Laing, who had a research grant for study on Algae, died during the year, and the books and periodicals which had been purchased out of the grant have been deposited in the Society's Library and are available to workers on Algae. Hutton Grantees. Mr. L. E. Richdale, who in 1929 was granted £20 for the purpose of studying and ringing birds, reports that he has ringed some 1400 petrels of 5 species at Stewart Island during the last year in addition to other birds ringed on the Otago Peninsula.

Dr. S. N. Slater, who in 1941 was granted £10 for research work on the poisonous constituents of tutu, has forwarded a copy of his completed report, which has been accepted for publication in the Journal of the Chemical Society, and with the amount of tutin and picrotoxin still in hand he hopes shortly to complete further work on this subject. He wishes to convey his thanks to the Royal Society for its assistance. Dr. F. J. Turner, who in 1941 was granted £25 for research on the structural petrology of metamorphic rocks in Central Otago and Fiordland, has reported that the sum of £7 2s has been spent in defraying the cost of 56 oriented sections of schists, peridotites, and metamorphic rocks from Lake Manapouri, and these are lodged in the Geology Department, University of Otago. A further amount of £8 10s was expended on field work collecting oriented specimens. The balance of his grant will be used in paying the excess cost of a paper published in the Transactions on olivine fabrics in peridotites. Tongariro National Park Board: Dr. Marshall reported on the action which had been taken in regard to the destruction of native plants growing in the grounds of the Chateau. He referred also to the growth of the native vegetation and the spread of heather in the Park. Mr. Aston thanked Dr. Marshall for his report. Great Barrier Reef Committee: On the motion of Dr. Oliver, his report as representative on the Committee was adopted. Great Barrier Reef Committee. Report of Representative. One meeting of the Committee was held during the year. The Chairman (Professor H. C. Richards) reported that the results obtained from a very full and complete scientific investigation of the boring material from Michaelmas-Reef and Heron Island, prepared by himself and Dr. Dorothy Hill, were ready for publication. The chemical analyses of the samples had been carried out by Government Analysts. Publication was authorised. Other reports on Foraminifera had been published or were in hand. The financial statement showed a balance of £1,847 6s 4d, £800 of which was in bonds. W. R. B. Oliver. Report of Sub-committee on the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award. Following the directions of the 1941 Annual Meeting, the Sub-committee has reconsidered its first report “with a view to ascertaining what amendments are necessary.” It has made certain changes in the wording of the amendments as originally proposed by it, but leaving intact the principles involved in its first report. These principles are:— (1) That consideration shall be given primarily to New Zealand research workers, and (2) That the award shall not be restricted to completed work, but may be used also to stimulate valuable work still in progress. The Sub-committee considers that the detailed incorporation of these and certain other points in the rules as now proposed would make for greater clearness, and would serve to increase the interest of New Zealand research workers in the Award. The Sub-committee has endeavoured to frame the amendments in such a way as to avoid any clash with the provisions in the Declaration of Trust. It therefore recommends that the Standing Committee accept the amendments with the revised wording and take any necessary action with respect to them. Amendment to Rule 1. The wording as it now stands, with the addition of the following: “copies of the notice shall be distributed at intervals of two years to societies, institutions, and persons whose names appear on a list approved by the Council. This notice shall also give information about the subject matter of the research, the qualifications of applicants, and the probable date of the next award.”

Amendment to Rule 2. The present Rule 2 to stand and to be numbered 2A. The following to be added and to be numbered 2B, thus:— “2B. Until such time as the Council shall decide otherwise, the following directions shall apply to the subject matter of the research and the qualifications of the applicants. “(a) The subject matter of the research must fall under either or both of the following heads: (i) the study of light, visible and invisible, and other solar radiations, in relation to human welfare; (ii) the study of radiations of any kind. “(b) The award shall be made to some person who has in the opinion of the Council made a valuable contribution to human knowledge by original scientific research in the study aforesaid, or who is engaged in work of this nature which he has advanced to a stage that merits encouragement and is a valuable contribution to knowledge. “(c) It is emphasised that consideration shall be given primarily to applicants whose researches have been carried out mainly in New Zealand, provided that if the Council considers that no contribution from such applicants is of sufficient merit to justify an award, then the award may be made to some person who was born in New Zealand, or has received the greater part of his or her education in New Zealand, but has not carried out his or her research mainly in New Zealand. “(d) If the Council considers that there are no candidates of sufficient merit fulfilling the conditions as laid down in clause (c) above, it may, pursuant to clause 4 of the Declaration of Trust make an award under circumstances not complying with those conditions.” A new Rule, to be numbered 7, as follows: “If no award be made on any given occasion, the next award shall be considered after an interval of two years.” The Sub-committee desires to add to its Report the following point which it hopes will be considered and noted in the Minutes of the next Annual Meeting: “That, in the event of any change being contemplated in the future in the Declaration of Trust, consideration be given to the advisability of reducing the minimum value of the Award from £100 to £50.” [See Minutes of Annual Meeting, 1932, Vol. 63, pp. xi–xv; Declaration of Trust and Rules, Vol. 65, pp. 486–490; Minutes of Annual Meeting, 1941, circulated.—Secretary, R.S.N.Z.] Consideration was given to the proposed amendments to the T. K. Sidey Summer-Time Rules. On the motion of Dr. Allan, seconded by Dr. Oliver, it was resolved that the following amendment to Rule 1, recommended by the Standing Committee, be adopted:— Add the words “Copies of the Notice shall be distributed to Societies and Institutions the names of which appear on a list approved by the Council.” It was resolved that no amendment be made to Rule 2. It was resolved to add a new rule as follows:— Rule 7. If no award be made on any given occasion, a general notice shall immediately be distributed in the same manner as in Rule 1. This notice shall indicate the purposes of the award, the subject matter of the research, the qualifications required of applicants, and the probable date of the next award. The date of such award shall be considered within a period not exceeding two years of such notice. On the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Dr. Turner, it was resolved that the Council extend the scope of scientific research

for which the award shall be made so as to include the general study of radiations of every kind. Science Teaching in Schools: The President read a letter from the Hon. Minister of Education which stated that the Education Department is proposing certain amendments to the School Certificate prescription in order to make it more suitable to the needs of pupils. The prescriptions in science subjects are being widened so as to meet the needs of those who will receive no further teaching of formal science and a syllabus in General Science (including biological sciences) is proposed. Dr. Allan reported that he had obtained a copy of the proposed syllabus and an assurance from the Director of Education that the Society's advice on the various points would be welcome. After some discussion, the proposed syllabus was read and it was then referred to the Standing Committee for early consideration. Proposed Trust: The President explained how the fund (approximately £530) which it was proposed should be administered by the Royal Society originated. The donor had given it towards the building and equipment of the Plant Diseases Division of the Plant Research Bureau at Auckland, but as it was not needed for that purpose, it was now proposed that it should be utilised in providing grants-in-aid for botanists and zoologists not on the staff of the Bureau to carry out study at the Bureau or to enable members of the staff to do extra-mural work. On the motion of Dr. Allan, seconded by Mr. Pycroft, it was resolved that the Society accept the Trust. It was further resolved “That the Council empower the Standing Committee to make grants under the regulations of this Trust Fund.” The President undertook to thank the donor and also Mr Rennie, a solicitor on the Council of the Auckland Institute, who had drawn up the proposed Deed of Trust. Notices of Motion: Fellowship: On the motion of Dr. Turner, seconded by Dr. Falla, the following motion was carried:— “That the Council recommend Member Bodies, Fellows, and the Fellowship Selection Committee to take into account whether the research work of the nominee for Fellowship is done in professional or amateur capacity.” Wild Life Control: On the motion of Dr. Falla, seconded by Mr. Pycroft, the following resolution was carried:— “That the Royal Society considers that improvement in administration of Wild Life matters is still as necessary as when its last recommendations were made to the Government, and views with concern the evidence, submitted by a Member Body, of uninformed policy pursued by the Department of Internal Affairs in matters falling within its jurisdiction.”

In support of his resolution, Dr. Falla made a statement regarding the destruction of birds caused by cats on Herekopere Island. A Member Body had approached the Department of Internal Affairs in the matter, but was informed that owing to war conditions and shortage of staff it was impossible to take any action. This attitude was contrasted with that taken by the Department in its conduct of the case of a man who, fearing the extermination of the Southern Robin, had taken it into captivity for breeding purposes. Mr. Pycroft supported Dr. Falla in his statement of the case. After some discussion, it was decided that Dr. Falla and Dr. Turner should convey the above resolution to the Prime Minister in person. National Patriotic Fund: A letter requesting gifts of rare books, etc., for an auction sale in aid of the National Patriotic Fund was read. It was decided to contribute a set of “Maori Art” and as complete a set of the Transactions as possible. Hamilton Award: It was resolved that the Hamilton Prize be awarded next year, the Standing Committee to elect the Committee to recommend the award. Election of Officers: President, Lieutenant-Colonel G. Archey (re-elected); Vice-president, Dr. H. H. Allan (re-elected); Hon. Treasurer, Mr. M. A. Eliott (re-elected); Hon. Editor, Dr. J. Marwick (re-elected); Hon. Librarian: Professor W. P. Evans (re-elected); Co-opted Member: Dr. P. Marshall (re-elected); Managers of Trust. Accounts: Messrs. M. A. Eliott and B. C. Aston; Representative-Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture, Dr. W. R. B. Oliver; Representative Great Barrier Reef Committee: Dr. W. R. B. Oliver; Representatives Observatories' Committee, Professor D. C. H. Florance and Professor P. W. Burbidge. Election of Committees: Hector Award Committee: Professor Robertson (Convener), Professor Evans, Sir Thomas Easterfield, Mr. B. C. Aston, and Professor A. K. Macbeth (Adelaide). Library Committee: Professor Evans, Dr. Allan, and Professor Cotton. Fellowship Selection Committee: Lieutenant-Colonel Archey, Professor Segar, Dr. Allan, Dr. Marwick, and Mr. Aston. Wild Life Control Committee: Dr. Oliver (Convener), Dr. Allan, Lieutenant-Colonel Archey, Mr. Stead, Dr. Falla, Mr. L. E. Richdale, and Rev. Dr. J. E. Holloway. Votes of Thanks: On the motion of the President, votes of thanks were accorded to Victoria University College for the use of the Council Room for the meeting and for courtesies extended during the year; also to the press and to Dr. L. Bastings, who represented the Wellington Branch for some months. On the motion of Mr. Aston, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the President, the Vice-president (Dr. Allan), and the Secretary (Miss Wood) for their work during the year. Next Annual Meeting: The date and place of the next Annual Meeting were left to the Standing Committee to arrange.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 72, 1942-43, Page I

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Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 72, 1942-43, Page I

Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 72, 1942-43, Page I

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