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Popular Names of New Zealand Plants. Part 2. By Johannes C. Andersen, F.N.Z. Inst. [Read at the New Zealand Institute Science Congress, Palmerston North, January, 1921; received by Editor, 22nd August, 1924; issued separately, 8th March, 1927.] The first part of this list, giving the scientific names of the plants with the various popular names under each, appeared in the Trans-actions of the New Zealand Institute, vol. 56, 1926. The present part contains a list of the popular names, with the different scientific names under each, and chronological references to authorities, which show when the popular name was first used, and how long and how much it was used. The name “broadleaf,” for instance, appears as two words, broad leaf, from the year 1867 to the year 1882; as a compound word, broad-leaf, from 1844 to 1908; and as a single word, broadleaf, from 1889 to the present time;—that is so far as recorded instances go. The list of popular names is followed by a list of authorities quoted. A great many more books than these have been read or consulted, but only those from which names have been quoted are included in the list. A very great deal must still be done not only in the collection of printed names, but especially in the collection of names in the vernacular;—the names in the list following are almost entirely from printed literature. A remark by Baron von Mueller (MSE p. viii) may be quoted:—“Vernaculars have been but sparingly used, being so often of duplicity or multiplicity in their application, and so frequently also misleading.” Vernacular names must naturally be presumed to be without hyphens in compound words, pronunciation being no sufficient or certain guide. An explanation must be made of the manner in which the names have been arranged. An arrangement on the ordinary index plan could hardly be followed; for if black pine, red pine, silver beech, were arranged pine, black pine, red beech, silver then black-pine, red-pine, and silver-beech would introduce disorder; for even were the hyphen neglected in these instances, it would still prove an apple of discord since words like blue bell and bluebell, broad leaf and broadleaf would appear in different places bell, blue bluebell broadleaf leaf, broad

The names have therefore been placed under the first word of the name in every instance black pine black-pine blue bell bluebell broad leaf broadleaf round-leaved willowherb tiny eyebright etc., etc. In the introductory essay of the first part a remark was made on the acuteness of Maori observation and the reliability of his nomenclature, and T. W. Kirk was quoted on the singular exception in the case of the beeches, which the Maori seemed to class together as tawhai adding, perhaps, in our own manner, a descriptive modifying word or words, as tawhairaunui for the large-leaved beech. The recent studies of Dr. L. Cockayne* “Monograph on the New Zealand Beech Forests: Part 1, The Ecology of the Forests and Taxonomy of the Beeches.” New Zealand State Forest Service, Bulletin No. 4, Wellington, 1926., show that in this, too, the Maori was right; the rigid specific distinction does not exist. As in Hebe (Veronica) there is much hybridization, so apparently there is in Fagus or Nothofagus; and as the Veronicas were all koromiko to the Maori, so the varieties of Nothofagus were all tawhai. I must note that it has been pointed out to me that I have mixed the Greek at p. 671 of Part 1 of this paper, transposing the meanings of Noto and Notho; the former should be “south,” the latter “false.” In conclusion I wish particularly to thank Dr. L. Cockayne for his ever-ready help in keeping me straight on the thorny path of scientific nomenclature, and in sustaining my interest with his living and poetic treatment of the vegetation of New Zealand. From many other naturalists, too, I have had constant help, and to all I tender my thanks. Coprosma acerosa LB, 1906. acute-leaved totara Podocarpus acutifolius KFF, 1889. adder's-tongue Ophioglossum TFF, 1882 adder's-tongue Ophioglossum coriaceum CKB, 1915. adder's tongue fern adder's-tongue fern Ophioglossum vulgatum FFN, 1890. Adders' Tongue O. vulgatum DFN, 1921. African maidenhair Adiantum aethiopicum FFN, 1890. alpine astelia Astelia montana CNZ, 1919. alpine avens Geum uniflorum CNZ, 1919. alpine bent grass Agrostis Muelleri CIG, 1880. alpine bent grass Deyeuxia (= Agrostis) setifolia CIG, 1880. alpine bent-grass Agrostis Muellert CTP, 1908. Calamagrostis settfolia CSI, 1909. alpine broom Carmichaelia grandiflora var. alba CCO, 1900. alpine bush-flax Astelia montana CSI, 1909.

alpine carpha Carpha alptna CSI, 1909. alpine celery pine Phyllocladus alpinus DCO, 1900. CNZ, 1919. alpine celery-pine Phyllocladus alpinus CNZ, 1919. alpine club-moss Lycopodium fastigiatum CTP, 1908 THW, 1909 CNZ, 1919 alpine creeping coprosma Coprosma repens CTP, 1908. alpine donatia Donatia novae-zelandiae CNZ, 1919 alpine epacris Epacris alpina CTP, 1908. alpine eyebright Euphrasia Monroi CNZ, 1919. alpine fern Polystichum cystostegium NZCJ, 1885. alpine filmy fern Hymenophyllum villosum CSI, 1909. alpine foxglove Ourisia macrophylla CNZ, 1919. alpine hard fern Blechnum penna marinum LFN, 1875 POO, 1882 CTP, 1908 alpine hard-fern Blechnum penna marinum CNZ, 1919. alpine holy grass Hierochloe Fraseri CTP, 1908. alpine holy-grass Hierochloe Fraseri CSI, 1009. alpine marigold Senecio family FAA, 1889. alpine oat grass Danthonia semiannularis CIG, 1880. alpine oat-grass Danthonia crassiuscula CSI, 1909. alpine quillwort Isoetes alpinus CNZ, 1910. alpine ribbonwood Plagianthus Lyallii CCV, 1872. alpine rice grass Microlaena Colensoi CIG, 1880. alpine rue-leaved fern Gymnogramme rutaefolia POO, 1882 alpine rush Juncus novae zelandiae CTP, 1908. alpine shield fern Polystichum cystostegium POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. alpine shield-fern Polystichum cystostegium CSI, 1909. DMs., 1921. alpine spear grass Aciphylla Monroi HGC, 1865. alpine sun-dew Drosera Arcturi CSI, 1909. alpine sundew Drosera Arcturi FAA, 1889. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. alpine tangle-fern Gleichenia alpina POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. DMs., 1921. alpine totara Podocarpus Hallii OTR, 1916. DDD (2), 1925. Padocarpus nivalis KFF, 1889. CNZ, 1919. alpine tutu Coriaria thymifolia TNN, 1909. alpine umbrella fern Gleichenia alpina CTP, 1908. alpine umbrella-fern Gleichenia alpina CSI, 1909. alpine whori grass Deschampsia tenella American marsh-pennywort Hydrocotyle americana CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. American water wort Elatine americana FAA, 1889. anis Angelica montana ASC, 1853. anise Angelica montana CNZ, 1919. aniseed Angelica montana TIM, 1855. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CNZ, 1910. CCN, 1924. Angelica Gingidium KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. aniseed Angelica rosaefolia DDD (2) 1925. annual herbaceous tutu Coriaria angustissima FAA, 1889. anomalous nothopanax Nothopanax anomalum LB, 1906. Antarctic burr Acaena Sanguisorbae var. minor CNZ, 1910. Antarctic club-rush Scirpus antarcticus CSI, 1909. Antarctic eyebright Euphrasia zealandica LB, 1906.

Antarctic mistletoe Tupeia antarctica CKI, 1907. Antarctic piripiri Acaena Sanguisorbae var. minor CNZ, 1919. Antarctic rush Juncus antarcticus CTP, 1908. Antarctic tree-daisy Olearia Lyallii CNZ, 1919. Antarctic tupeia Tupeia antarctica LB, 1906. antipodes chickweed Stellaria decipiens var. angustata CNZ, 1919. antler fern Lycopodium volubile SLM, 1902. areolate coprosma Coprosma areolata LB, 1906. Armstrong's fern Hymenophyllum Armstrongii POO, 1882. aromatic-leaved maireire Phebalium nudum CNZ, 1919. arrow grass Triglochin triandrum Trans. 1, 1869. ash-leaf fern Maratta fraxinea POO, 1882. Asiatic hydrocotyle Hydrocotyle asiatica LB, 1906. Asiatic marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle asiatica CWK, 1908. Asiatic marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle asiatica CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. asphodel Cordyline australis DRA, 1872. aster Celmisia halosericea TIM, 1855. Auckland Island clubrush. Scirpus aucklandicus CSI, 1909. Auckland Islands poa Poa foliosa CIG, 1880. Auckland tree-daisy Olearia albida CNZ, 1919. austral broom Carmichaelia australis CNZ, 1919. austral broom Carmichaelia australis CNZ, 1919. Australian bent grass Deyeuxia Petriei CIG, 1880. Australian celery Apium prostratum MSE, 1888. Australian club moss Lycopodium Drummondii CNZ, 1919. Australian glasswort Salicornia australis CNZ, 1919. Australian gourd Sicyos australis CNZ, 1919. Australian piripiri Acaena ovina CNZ, 1919. Australian sea-holly Eryngium vesiculosum CNZ, 1919. Australian sea-rush Juncus maritimus var. australiensis CNZ, 1919. Australian spike-rush Elaeocharis acuta CWK, 1908. Elaeocharis Cunninghamii CKI, 1907. avens Geum parviflorum Trans. 1, 1869. avicennia-leaved olearia Olearia avicenniaefolia LB, 1906. awned shield fern Polystichum aristatum POO, 1882. axil-flowered drimys Wintera (= Drimys) axillaris LB, 1906. axillary-flowered Mühlenbeckia Muehlenbeckia axillaris LB, 1906. Bank's coprosma Coprosma Banksii CTP, 1908. Bank's hard fern Blechnum Banksii POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. Banks' pterostylis Pterostylis Banksii LB, 1906. basket fungus Clathrus cibarius NZJS, 1922. bastard sandal-woodtree Olearia Traversii HHN, 1867 HFF, 1889. bastard sandalwood tree Olearia Traversii MVC, 1864. bastard totara Libocedrus Doniana Ver. (WB). bayonet grass Aciphylla Colensoi Trans. 1, 1869. bayonet-grass Aciphylla Colensoi KSF, 1899. Danthonia pungens CSI, 1909. bayonet plant Aciphylla Colensoi " Lyallii MHG, 1885 " squarrosa NZCJ, 1885 bayonette-grass Aciphylla Colensoi LCN, 1868. beach spinach Tetragonia trigyna NZCJ, 1888.

bearded mousetail Myosurus aristatus FAA, 1889. beautiful filmy fern Hymenophyllum pulcherrimum POO, 1882 bed straw Galium tenuicaule Trans. 1, 1869. bedstraw Galium CNZ, 1919. beech Fagus Menzieseii OTR, 1916. beech tree Fagus POO, 1882 bell climber Calystegia sepium Ver. (Manawatu) bell-flower Wahlenbergia gracilis HNP, 1867. Wahlenbergia Matthewsii CNZ, 1919. bell-vine Calystegia sepium CNZ, 1919. beta-beta Acaena Sanguisorbae LCN, 1868. bid-a-bid Acaena Sanguisorbae TIC, 1906. TNN, 1909. biddy-bid Acaena Sanguisorbae CNZ, 1909. Ver. biddy-biddy Acaena Sanguisorbae NZCJ, 1888. biddybiddy Acaena Sanguisorbae bidi-bid Acaena Sanguisorbae LB, 1906. bidi-bidi Acaena Sanguisorbae LCN, 1868. LB, 1906. Bidwill's libocedrus Libocedrus Bidwillii LB, 1906. Bidwill's shrubby groundsel Senecio Bidwillii CTP, 1908. big-fruited pratia Pratia arenaria CDA, 1911. Billiardier's bent grass Deyeuxia Billardieri CIG, 1880. Billardier's polypody Polypodium diversifolium LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. bind-weed Calystegia sepium Trans. 2, 1870. bindweed Calystegia sepium TIM, 1855. HHN, 1867. NZCJ, 1886. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. TIC, 1906. Calystegia soldanella CDA, 1911. birch See Black birch, Brown birch, etc. birch-like ribbonwood Plagianthus betulinus LB, 1906. bird-catcher Pisonia Brunoniana NZJS, 1924. bird-catcher plant Pisonia Brunoniana NZJS, 1924. bird catching plant Pisonia Brunoniana DDD, 1917. bird-catching plant Pisonia Brunoniana KFF, 1889. LB, 1906. bitter-cress Cardamine heterophylla TNN, 1909. DFC, 1916. black akeake Dodonoea viscosa Ver. (WB). black ash Nothiopanax arboreum Ver. (WB). black beech Nothofagus fusca HGC, 1865. PPO, 1868. Nothofagus Solanderi DDD, 1917. black-beech Nothofagus Solanderi THW, 1909. black birch Nothofagus Cliffortioides Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. HMB, 1898. Nothofagus fusca HGC, 1865. Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Nothofagus Solanderi WNZ, 1845. TNC, 1856. PPO, 1868. Trans. 1, 1869. CCV, 1872. Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Ver. (WB). Pittosporum tenuifolium RDT, 1875. Wienmannia racemosa RDT, 1875. Trans. 9, 1877. FAA, 1889. black-birch Nothofagus cliffortioides MNZ, 1905. black bristle fern Trichomanes elongatum CWK, 1908. black daisy Cotula atrata DCO, 1900. black-fern Cyathea medullaris TFF, 1882. black hard fern Blechnum nigrum POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. black hard-fern Blechnum nigrum CNZ, 1919.

black-heart birch Nothofagus Solanderi Trans. 9, 1877. Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. black hinau Elaeocarpus dentatus Ver. (WB). black maire Eugenia maire RDT, 1875. Olea apetala RDT, 1875. Olea Cunninghamii KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. LLB, 1906. THW, 1909. DDD, 1917. black maire Olea lanceolata Ver. (W.B.) black-maire Olea Cunninghamii MNZ, 1905. blackmaire Olea Cunninghamii HRN, 1889. black mapau Pittosporum Colensoi Trans. 9, 1877. Pittosporum eugenioides CCV, 1872. Pittosporum tenuifolium RDT, 1875. Trans. 9, 1877. TNN, 1909. black maple Pittosporum tenuifolium KFF, 1889. black mapou Pittosporum tenuifolium KFF, 1889. Rapanea Urvilleii KFF, 1889. black nightshade Solanum nigrum LB, 1906. black pine Dacrydium cupressinum HGC, 1865. black pine Podocarpus ferruginea HHN, 1867. PPO, 1868. Trans. 1, 1869. RDT, 1875. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. black pine Podocarpus spicatus PPO, 1868. CCV, 1872. HRN, 1889. KFF, 1889. LB, 1906. DDD (2), 1925. black-pine Podocarpus ferruyineus CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. Podocarpus spicatus MNZ, 1905. TIC, 1908. CWK, 1908. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. blackpine Nothofagus fusca HRN, 1889. black rue Podocarpus spicatus HHN, 1867. Trans. 9, 1877. black rue pine Podocarpus spicatus Trans. 1, 1869. black shield fern Polystichum Richardi POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. black shield-fern Polystichum Richardi CKB, 1915. black southern-beech Nothofagus Solanderi CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. black tree fern Cyathea medullaris LFN, 1875. FFN, 1890. CMN, 1906. OTR, 1916. DDD (2), 1925. Ver. (WB). black tree-fern Cyathea medulloris POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. DFN, 1921. CCN, 1924. black vine Muehlenbeckia adpressa EM, 1912. Rhipogonum scandens Trans. 1, 1869. bladder fern Cystopteris fragilis POO, 1882. bladder-fern Cystopteris fragilis TFF, 1882. bladder-wort Utricularia monanthos Trans. 17, 1885 bladderwort Utricularia monanthos DCO, 1900. TIC, 1906. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. Utricularia protrusa Trans. 43, 1911. Blair's beech Nothofagus Blairii KFF, 1889. blistered-leaved myrtle Myrtus bullata CWK, 1908. bloody Spaniard Aciphylla Colensoi LCN, 1868. bloody-Spaniard Aciphylla Colensoi LCN, 1868. blotched-leaved pepper-tree Wintera (= Drimys) colorata CKB, 1915. blue bell Wahlenbergia albomarginata HNF, 1888. HRN, 1889. Wahlenbergia gracilis LCN, 1868. Trans, 2, 1870.

blue-bell Wahlenbergia albomarginata HHN, 1867. Wahlenbergia gracilis TIM, 1855. BNZ, 1878. bluebell Wahlenbergia albomarginata CTP, 1908. THW, 1908. Wahlenbergia gracilis CNZ, 1910. blue berry Dianella intermedia HNB, 1890. CWK, 1908. OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. blueberry Dianella intermedia CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. blue grass Agropyron scabrum GST, 1921. * No such name now recognised; perhaps a syn. for A. scabrum. Agropyron squarrosum NZCJ, 1879. Agropyron Youngii NZCJ, 1879. blue-grass Agropyron scabrum CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. NZJS, 1923. blue thelymitra Thelymitra uniflora CSI, 1909. blue tussock Poa Colensoi CTP, 1908. blue-tussock Poa Colensoi THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CKB, 1915. NZJS, 1923. blue tussock-grass Poa colensoi CSI, 1909. blue wheat grass Agropyron scabrum CIG, 1880. blunt leafed spleenwort Asplenium obtusatum LFN, 1875. blunt-leaved spaniard Celmisia Lyallii HHN, 1867. KSF, 1899. blunt spaniard Celmisia Lyallii Z, 1889. blushing convolvulus Convolvulus erubescens LB, 1906. boa Freycinetia Banksii NZCJ, 1878. boat-leaved tree-daisy Olearia cymbifolia CNZ, 1919. bocarro Elaeocarpus Hookerianus HHN, 1867. bog-anise Angelica trifoliata CNZ, 1919. bog bent-grass Calamagrostis setifolia CTP, 1908. bog celmisia Celmisia glandulosa var. latifolia CTP, 1908. bog-celmisia Celmisia glandulosa THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. bog club-moss Lycopodium laterale CWK, 1908. bog-cushion Gaimardia ciliata CNZ, 1919. bog-epacris Epacris pauciflora CNZ, 1919. bog-gentian Gentiana Townsoni GNZ, 1919. bog-heath Dracophyllum paludosum CNZ, 1919. bog-lily Chrysobactron Hook eri var. angustifolium CNZ, 1919. (an error = swamplily) bog-moss Sphagnum CNZ, 1910. bog pincushion Gaimardia ciliata CSI, 1909. bog-pincushion Gaimardia ciliata CSI, 1909. bog pine Dacrydium Bidwillii KFF, 1889. Dacrydium Colensoi DFC, 1896. bog-pine Dacrydium Bidwillii Trans. 43, 1911. bog-poa Poa chathamica CNZ, 1919. bog rush Schoenus pauciflorus Trans. 1, 1869. bog umbrella fern Gleichenia dicarpa CTP, 1908. bog umbrella-fern Gleichenia dicarpa CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. bokaka Elaeocarpus Hookerianus MSO, 1878. ATO, 1897. bokako Elaeocarpus dentatus CCV, 1872 Elaeocarpus Hookerianus HHN, 1867. MLN, 1890. boradi Vitex lucens LB, 1906. borra borra Solanum aviculare RSC, 1844.

box-leaved koromiko Veronica buxifolia CNZ, 1919. box-leaved pimelea Pimelea buxifolia CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. box-leaved veronica Veronica buxifolia var. odora CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. box rata Metrosideros scandens DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. bracken Pteridium esculentum TFF, 1882. POO, 1882. FO, 1886. FFN, 1890. LB, 1906. THW, 1909. EM, 1911. Trans. 44, 1912. DFC, 1916. DFN, 1921. bracken fern Pteridium esculentum VTN, 1896. DCO, 1900. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. bracken-fern Pteridium esculentum CNZ, 1910. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. brake Pteridium esculentum TFF, 1882. POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. bramble Rubus australis CSJ, 1846. NZJ, 1848. MOA, 1852. ASC, 1853. Trans. 1, 1869. TIC, 1906. TNN, 1909. Trans. 44, 1911. branch-flowered melicytus. Melicytus ramiflorus LB, 1906. bran-like olearia Olearia furfuracea LB, 1906. breasted raoulia Raoulia mammillaris LB, 1906. brexia-like ixerba Ixerba brexioides LB, 1906. briar Rubus anstralis HCE, 1844. bridal tree Pennantia corymbosa Ver. (A). bristle fern Trichomanes POO, 1882. bristle-fern T. elongatum DMS, 1921. bristly ligusticum Anisotome piliferum LB, 1906. brittle bladder fern Cystopteris fragilis LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. brittle bladder-fern Cystopteris novaezelandiae POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. broad comb fern Schizaea dichotoma POO, 1882. broad leaf Griselinia littoralis HHN, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. 2, 1870. POO, 1882. Griselinia lucida Trans. 2, 1870. broad-leaf Coprosma lucida LCN, 1868. Griselinia littoralis HCE, 1844. Trans. 3, 1871. NZCJ, 1878. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. MK, 1908. broadleaf Griselinia littoralis HRN, 1889. DFC, 1896. DCO, 1900. MNZ, 1905. LB, 1906. TIC, 1906. CKI, 1907. THW, 1909. Trans. 42, 1910. TNN, 1909. CNZ, 1910. Trans. 44, 1912. NC, 1912. HEC, 1915. DFC, 1916. CNZ, 1919. GST, 1921. NZJS, 1921. CCN, 1924. Griselinia lucida. OTR, 1916. broad-leaf cabbage tree Cordyline indivisa NC, 1912. broad-leaved cabbage-tree Cordyline indivisa CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. broad-leaved cattle grass Hierochloe redolens NZCJ, 1879. broad-leaved filmy fern Hymenophyllum dilatatum POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. broad-leaved grass-tree Dracophyllum latifolium LB, 1906. broad-leaved hard-fern Blechnum Patersoni DMs., 1921 broad-leaved ligusticum Anisotome latifolium LB, 1906. broad-leaved lindsaya Lindsaya trichomanoides POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. broad-leaved maire Olea apetala MNZ, 1905. NZJS, 1925.

broad-leaved oat tussac grass Danthonia flavescens CIG, 1880. broad-leaved poa Poa anceps ONZ, 1919. broad-leaved puhepuhe Muehlenbeckia australis CNZ, 1919. broad-leaved snow-grass Danthonia flavescens CNZ, 1919. broad-leaved tussock oat-grass Danthonia flavescens CSI, 1909. broad-leaved uncinia Uncinia uncinata CTP, 1908. bronze forget-me-not Myosotis macrantha CNZ, 1919. bronze-leaved fern Blechnum paleacea POO, 1882. bronze panax Pseudopanax discolor DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. * Because of the brown hairs on the backs of the leaves.brown backs Senecis elaeagnifolium HNF, 1888. brown bent Agrostis Dyeri NZCJ, 1879. brown bent grass Agrostis Dyeri GIG, 1880. brown birch Nothofagus Menziesii Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. Nothofagus Solanderi Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. Wienmannia racemosa KFF, 1889. brown fern Pteridium esculentum Trans. 1, 1869. brown-flowered poa Poa Landsayi CIG, 1880 brown hypolepis Hypolepis distans POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. brown mountain daisy Calmisia Traversii KSF, 1899. brown mountain poa Poa Kirkii var. Mackayi CIG, 1880. Brown's plantain Plantago Brownii CSI, 1909. brown-stemmed maidenhair Adiantum fulvum POO, 1882 CWK, 1908. Buchanan's oat grass Danthonia Buchanani CIG, 1880. buckerteer Laurelia novae zelandiae Ver. (WB). bucket of water wood Pittosporum tenuifolium FAA, 1889. bucket-of-water wood Fuscia excorticata CNZ, 1910. buddleia-like corokia Corokia buddleoides LB, 1906. bukitea Laurelia novae zelandiae HNR, 1842. bulabul Solanum aviculare Ver. (WB). bul-bul Solanum aviculare TNC, 1856. bull birch Nothofagus fusca Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. bulli-bull Solanum aviculare LB, 1906. NZJS, 1923. bulli, bulli Solanum aviculare MLN, 1890. bulli-bulli Solanum aviculare DFC, 1896. LB, 1906. TNN, 1909. bullibulli Solanum aviculare TIC, 1906. bull-kelp Durvillaea utilis CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. bullrush Typha angustifolia TCS, 1851. TIC, 1906. bullybull Solanum aviculare Ver. bullrush Typha angustifolia WNZ, 1845. TCS, 1851. HHN, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. DFC, 1896. Trans 20, 1888. DCO, 1900. CMN, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. DFC, 1916. CNZ, 1919. bundle-flowered lecuopogon. Leucopogon fasciculatum LB, 1906. bunga-bunga Cyathea dealbata BOS, 1900. bunger (or bunga, in DFN 1921) Ver. burr Acaena Sanguisarbae WAH, c.1833. HHN, 1867. Trans. 2, 1870. burra burra Solanum aviculare Ver. (WB) bush flax Astelia nervosa MHG, 1885 CKI, 1907.

bush-flax Astelia nervosa CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. bush lawyer Rubus australis POO, 1882. FAA, 1889. DFC, 1896. LB, 1906. TNN, 1909. Ver. (WB). bush-lawyer Rubus australis ASC, 1853. TNC, 1856. Z, 1890. KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. DFC, 1916. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. Rubus cissoides THW, 1909. Rubus schmideloides THW, 1909. bushlawyer Rubus australis HGC, 1879. bush-lily Astelia nervosa DCO, 1900. bush manuka Leptospermum ericoides Trans. 3, 1871. bush myrtle Myrtus bullata Ver. (WB) bush-nettle Urtica ferox DCO, 1900. bush oat-grass Microlaena avenacea THW, 1909. bush rice grass Microlaena avenacea CIG, 1880. bush rice-grass Microlaena avenacea CTP, 1908. CWK, 1908. CSI, 1909. bush sarsaparilla Rhipogonum scandens LB, 1906. bush umbrella-fern Gleichenia Cunninghamii THW, 1909. butter cup Ranunculus lappaceus Trans. 2, 1870. buttercup Ranunculus lappaceus TIM, 1855. cabbage palm Cordyline australis CVN, 1774. LCN, 1868. BOS, 1900. OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. cabbage-palm Cordyline australis BOS, 1900. HNZ, 1905. cabbage tree Cordyline australis CV, 1769–70. CVS, 1773. WNZ, 1845. HLN, 1856. BFY, 1863. HNP, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. PPO, 1868. CSC, 1891. HMB, 1898. SLM, 1902. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. MK, 1908. Meryta Sinclairii HNF, 1888. HRN, 1889. cabbage-tree Cordyline australis Trans. 1, 1869. MNZ, 1905. LB, 1906. CNZ, 1910. EM, 1911. DFC, 1916. CNZ, 1919. GST, 1921. CCN, 1924. calabash Lagenaria vulgaris Trans. 29, 1897. candle-nut Aleurites moluccana Trans. 20, 1888. CMN, 1906. candlenut Aleurites moluccana CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. caper spurge Euphorbia glauca TNN, 1909. capitate myosotis Myosotis capitata LB, 1906. capsulate parsonsia Parsonsia capularis LB, 1906. Captain Cook cabbage Brassica oleracea NZJS, 1921. Captain Cook's ropes Rubus australis PPO, 1868. caraceer See cracker carpet fern Hymenophyllum demissum DDD, 1917. Paesia scaberula Ver. (A). carpet-grass Danthonia australis CMN, 1906. carrot Daucus brachiatus Trans. 1, 1869. carrot fern Asplenium Richardi NZCJ, 1885. carrot-top Asplenium bulbiferum Ver. (D). cat's tail Typha angustifolia Trans. 1, 1869. caudie Agathis australis RSC, 1844. cedar Dysoxylum spectabile KFF, 1889. CWK, 1908. Libocedrus, Bidwillii RDT, 1875. Trans. 9, 1877. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. NZJS, 1921. NZJS, 1923.

cedar Libocedrus Doniana Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 12, 1880. Ver. (WB). Olea Cunninghamii PMC, 1840. celery Apium prostratum Trans. 1, 1869. celery-leaved pine. Phyllocladus alpinus Trans. 1, 1869. DFC, 1916. Phyllocladus trichomanoides CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. celery pine Phyllocladus alpinus Trans. 1, 1869. KFF, 1889. celery-pine Phyllocladus glaucus MNZ, 1905. P. trichomanoides. MSE, 1888. MNZ, 1905. celery topped pine Phyllocladus alpinus DFC, 1896. DDD, 1917. celery-topped pine Phyllocladus alpinus KFF, 1889. P. trichomanoides KFF, 1889. NC, 1912. celery top pine P. trichomanoides Ver. (WB). Chatham akeake Olearia Traversii CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. Chatham cranesbill Geranium Traversii CNZ, 1919. Chatham gentian Gentiana chathamica CNZ, 1919. Chatham Island akeake Olearia Traversii CDA, 1911. Chatham Island aster Olearia semidentata CNZ, 1910. Chatham Island cranesbill Geranium Traversii CNZ, 1910. Chatham Island fescue Festuca Coxii CDA, 1911 Chatham Island lily Myosotidium nobile (hortensia) Trans. 14, 1882. MLN, 1890. LB, 1906. TIC, 1906. CNZ, 1910. NC, 1912 CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. Chatham Island matipo Suttonia chathamica CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. Chatham Islands lily Myosotidium nobile (hortensia) NZCJ, 1885. CMN, 1906. DDD, 1917. CCN, 1924. Chatham-Islands lily M. nobile MVC, 1864. Chatham Island sowthistle. Tonchus grandifolius CDA, 1911. Chatham kowhai Sophora chathamica CNZ, 1919. Chatham lancewood Pseudopanax chathamicum CNZ, 1919. Chatham mahoe Hymenanthera chathamica CNZ, 1919. Chatham matipo Suttonia chathamica CNZ, 1919. Chatham mingimingi Cyathodes robusta CNZ, 1919. Chatham ribbonwood Plagianthus chathamicus CNZ, 1919. Chatham tree-daisy Olearia chathamica CNZ, 1919. Chatham tree-heath Dracophyllum arboreum CNZ, 1919. Cheeseman's fern Hymenophyllum Cheesemanii POO, 1882. Cheeseman's filmy fern H. Cheesemanii CSI, 1909. Cheeseman's pond-weed Potamogeton Cheesemanii CSI, 1909. Chenille fern Leptopteris superba FFN, 1890. cherry pie Ageratum conyzioides Trans. 20, 1888. cherry-pie A. conyzioides CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. Christmas flower Metrosideros tomentosa KSF, 1899. Christmas tree Metrosideros tomentosa MI, 1884. BOS, 1900. DDD, 1917. CNZ, 1919. Ver. Christmas-tree M. tomentosa FAA, 1889. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. CNZ, 1910. chuckie chucks Gaultheria fruits NZCJ, 1856. chuckiechuck Gaultheria fruits Trans. 3, 1871. citron Pittosporum eugenioides Ver. (WB). clasping mühlenbeckia Muehlenbeckia complexa LB, 1906. clematis Clematis indivisa THW, 1909.

cliffortia-like beech Nothofagus cliffortioides LB, 1906. climbing-aniseed Angelica geniculata CKB, 1915. climbing-broom Carmichaelia gracilis CNZ, 1919. climbing club-moss Lycopodium volubile CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. climbing convolvulus Calystegia tuguriorum CNZ, 1919. climbing-convolvulus C. tuguriorum CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. climbing daisy Senecio sciadophilus DCO, 1900. climbing fern Lygodium articulatum DDD, 1917. climbing-fern Lygodium articulatum DMs., 1921. climbing flowering fern Lygodium articulatum DDD (2), 1925. climbing-gourd Sicyos australis CNZ, 1919. climbing-groundsel Senecis sciadophilus CKB, 1915. climbing hard fern Blechnum filiforme POO, 1882. climbing hard-fern B. filiforme CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. climbing lignum Muehlenbeckia adpressa. VN, 1920. climbing lily Rhipogonum scandens DCO, 1900. climbing New Zealand broom Carmichaelia gracilis CNZ, 1919. climbing New Zealand spinach Tertagonia trigyna CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. climbing polypody Polypodium diversifolium CTP, 1908. climbing-polypody P. diversifolium CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. climbing rata Metrosideros scandens LB, 1906. climbing red rata Metrosideros florida OTR, 1916. climbing rhipogonum Rhipogonum scandens LB, 1906. climbing shield fern Polystichum adiantiforme POO, 1882. climbing sundew Drosera auriculata CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1910. CDA, 1911. climbing umbrella-fern Gleichenia circinata CNZ, 1910. G. dicarpa CNZ, 1910. climbing white rata Metrosideros scandens OTR, 1916. clinging climbing rata M. scandens CNZ, 1919. clinker-beech Nothofagus truncata Ver. (C). clinker birch ?Nothofagus Menziesii Ver. (A). close-fitting mühlen-beckia Muehlenbeckia adpressa LB, 1906. club-leaved phyllachne Phyllachne clavigera CSI, 1909. club-moss. Lycopodium TFF, 1882. Lycopodium ramulosum CNZ, 1910. club rush Scirpus maritimus Trans. 1, 1869. coastal coprosma Coprosma retusa CKI, 1907. coastal daisy-tree Olearia Solandri CKI, 1907. coastal gentian Gentiana saxosa CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. coastal hard-fern Blechnum durum CNZ, 1910. coastal jointed rush Leptocarpus simplex CNZ, 1919. coastal sow-thistle Sonchus littoralis CSI, 1909. coastal sowthistle S. littoralis CDA, 1911. coastal veronica Veronica elliptica CSI, 1909. coastal forget-me-not Myosotis albida CSI, 1909. coast groundsel Senecio lautus CKI, 1907. CKB, 1915. coast-groundsel S. lautus CSI, 1909. coast milk-tree Paratrophis Banksi NZJS, 1925. coccos See sweet potato coffee-bush Coprosma sp. DRA, 1872. coffee tree Coprosma lucida NC, 1912.

cohou-cohou Pittosporum obcordatum RCP, 1846. HHN, 1867. Colenso's bristle fern Trichomanes Colensoi POO, 1882. Colenso's copromsa Coprosma Colensoi CTP, 1908. Colenso's daisy-tree Olearia Colensoi CSI, 1909. Colenso's filmy fern Hymenophyllum villosum POO, 1882. Colenso's fuchsia Fuchsia Colensoi LB, 1906. Colenso's nothopanax Nothopanax Colensoi LB, 1906. Colenso's ourisia Ourisia Colensoi CTP, 1908. Colenso's mistletoe Loranthus Colensoi LB, 1906. Colenso's phyllachne Phyllachne Colensoi CSI, 1909. Colenso's pittosporum Pittosporum Colensoi CTP, 1908. Colenso's poa Poa Colensoi CIG, 1880. Colenso's Spaniard Aciphylla Colensoi LB, 1906. Colenso's spleenwort Asplenium Colensoi POO, 1882. Colenso's wineberry Aristotelia Colensoi CSI, 1909. common alpine ligusticum Anistome aromatica CTP, 1908. common adder's tongue Ophioglossum vulgatum LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. common alpine donatia Donatia novae-zelandiae CNZ, 1919. common anisotome Anisotome aromatica CNZ, 1919. common astelia Astelia nervosa CNZ, 1919. common avens Geum urbanum FAA, 1889. common bladder-wort Utricularia monanthos CTP, 1908. common boss fern Dryopteris decomposita POO, 1882. common bracken Pteridium esculentum POO, 1882. FO, 1886. CWK, 1908. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. common burr Acaena Sanguisorbae CKI, 1907. common carpha Carpha alpina CNZ, 1919. common celmisia Celmisia longifolia CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. common climbing polypody Polypodium diversifolium POO, 1882. common climbing-polypody P. diversifolium CNZ, 1919. common climbing-rata Metrosideros hypericifolia CNZ, 1919. common club-rush Scirpus nodosus CNZ, 1919. common convolvulus Convolvulus erubescens CNZ, 1919. common coprosma Coprosma propinqua CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909 CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. common cotton-plant Celmisia spectabilis CNZ, 1919. common crantzia Crantiza lineata CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. common cudweed Guaphalium luteoalbum CNZ, 1919. common davallia Davallia novae zelandiae POO, 1882. common dendrobe Dendrobium Cunninghamii CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. common dichondra Dichondra repens CNZ, 1919. common donatia Donatia novae-zelandiae CNZ, 1919. common drapetes Drapetes Diffenbachii CSI, 1909. common dwarf broom Carmichaelia nana CNZ, 1919. common English bracken Pteridium esculentum LFN, 1875. common fern Pteridium esculentum CSJ, 1846. NZJ, 1848. HNZ, 1857. POO, 1882. CMN, 1906. EM, 1911. common field poa Poa anceps NZJS, 1923. Poa anceps var. foliosa CIG, 1880. common fireweed Erechtites penanthoides CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. common forstera Forstera sedifolia CSI, 1909.

common hard fern Blechnum discolor POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. common hooded orchid Pterostylis Banksii CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. common ivy-tree Nothopanax arboreum CTP, 1908. common karamu Coprosma robusta CNZ, 1919. common koromiko Veronica salicifolia CNZ, 1919. common kowhai Sophora microphylla CNZ, 1919. common libertia Libertia inioides CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. common maidenhair Adiantum affine POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. common mistletoe Loranthus micranthus CNZ, 1919. common mountain-gentian Gentiana bellidifolia CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. common mountain-groundsel Senecis bellidioides CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. common mountain shrubby groundsel Senecis elaeagnifolius CSI, 1909. common mountain tree-daisy Olearia Colensoi CNZ, 1919. common needle-leaved heath Dracophyllum Urvilleanum CWK, 1908. common New Zealand broom Carmichaelia subulata CNZ, 1919. common New Zealand buttercup Ranunculus hirtus CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. common New Zealand epacris Epacris pauciflora CWK, 1908. common New Zealand gentian Gentiana bellidifolia THW, 1909. G. Griesbachii CSI, 1909. common New Zealand groundsel Senecio bellidioides CNZ, 1919. common New Zealand lobelia Lobelia anceps CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. common New Zealand mistletoe Loranthus micranthus CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. common New Zealand plantain Plantago Raoullii' CKI, 1907. common New Zealand pondweed Potamogeton Cheesemanii CKI, 1907. common New Zealand violet Viola Cunninghamii CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. common oat-grass Danthonia semiannularis CWK, 1908. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. NZJS, 1923. common oreobolus Oreobolus pectinatus CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. common phyllachne Phyllachne Colensoi CNZ, 1919. common pimelea Pimelea laevigata CTP, 1908. CDA, 1911. common polypody Polypodium diversifolium CKB, 1915. common pond-weed Potamogeton Cheesemanii CNZ, 1919. common pratia Pratia angulata CTP, 1908. common raoulia Raoulia australis CNZ, 1919. common rush Juncus polyanthemos Trans. 2, 1870. CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. common scleranth Scleranthus biflorus CNZ, 1919. common spider-orchid Corysanthes triloba CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. common solanum Solanum aviculare CWK, 1908. common spleenwort Asplenium bulbiferum POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. common thelymitra Thelymitra longifolia CWK, 1908. CDA, 1911. common tussock-grass Poa caespitosa CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. common tute Coriaria sarmentosa CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911.

common twig-rush Cladium teretifolium CNZ, 1919. common vegetable-sheep Raoulia eximia CNZ, 1919. common veronica Veronica salicifolia CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. common water-milfoil Myriophyllum elatinoides CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. common whipcord koromiko Veronica lycopodioides CNZ, 1919. convolvulus Calystegia sepium NZCJ, 1886. Cook's scurvy-grass Lepidium oleraceum var. acutidentatum CVN, 1777. Trans. 23, 1891. KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. Trans. 44, 1912. NZJS, 1925. Cook Strait koromiko Veronica salicifolia var. Atkinsonii CNZ, 1919. coral-broom Corallospartium crassicaule KSF, 1899. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. C. crassicaule var. racemosa DCO, 1900. CMN, 1906. coral-shrub Helichrysum coralloides CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. cork tree Entelea arborescens CTN, 1830. FAA, 1889. cornel-leaved pittosporum Pittosporum cornifolium LB, 1906. cork-wood Entelea arborescens KFF, 1889. MNZ, 1905. corkwood Entelea arborescens KSF, 1899. coronopus-leaved cotula Cotula coronopifolia LB, 1906. corymbose pennantia Pennantia corymbosa LB, 1906 cotoneaster-like corokia Corokia cotoneaster LB, 1906. cotton grass Celmisia longifolia Trans. 5, 1873. cotton-grass C. longifolia Trans. 5, 1873. cotton plant Astelia HHN, 1867. Celmisia coriacea TCS, 1851. Trans. 1, 1869. NZCJ, 1885. CMN, 1906. C. laricifolia NZCJ, 1885. *“This is the cotton plant of the shepherds; they peel off the cotton and use it to light their pipes, with the aid of a lens.”—F. N. Adams in NZCJ, vol. 9, 1885, p. 141.C. spectabilis NZCJ, 1885. CTP, 1908. cotton-plant Celmisia spectabilis THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. cotton wood Pomaderris phylicaefolia HMB, 1898. cottonwood Cassinia leptophylla CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. coudy Agathis australis NZJ, 1846. cowage Bidens pilosa HHN, 1867. cowdy Agathis australis CJT, 1823. cowleaf Melicytus ramiflorus Trans. 3, 1871. POO, 1882. CDA, 1911. cowri Agathis australis PRNZ, 1838. cowrie A. australis NNV, 1817. PRNZ, 1838. †“Cowrie-pine and Kowdie-pine were the names by which the kauri was first introduced to Britain.”—KFF, p. 143.cowrie-pine A. australis KFF, 1889. cowry A. australis CJT, 1823. cow-tree Melicytus ramiflorus Trans. 44, 1912. ‡“Their caraceer or cracker as we call it.”—MTN, p. 45.cracker Corynocarpus laevigata MTN, 1834. crane's bill Geranium FAA, 1889. crane's-bill Geranium TNC, 1856. cranesbil Geranium HHN, 1867. crape fern Leptopteris superba FFN, 1890. CTP, 1908.

crape-fern L. superba TFF, 1882. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. creek fern Blechnum fluviatile POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. creek-fern B. fluviatile CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. creeper-fern Cyclophorus serpens DRA, 1872. creeping club-moss Lycopodium cernuum (?) L. scariosum CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. creeping dichondra Dichondra repens LB, 1906. creeping fuchsia Fuchsia procumbens TNN, 1909. creeping gunnera Gunnera prorepens CTP, 1908. creeping-gunnera G. prorepens CSI, 1909. creeping-lawyer Rubus parvus CNZ, 1919. creeping maiden hair. Adiantum aethiopicum DDD (2), 1925. creeping marsh willowherb Epilobium insulare CSI, 1909. creeping matipo Suttonia nummularia CTP, 1908. creeping-matipo S. nummularia CSI, 1909 creeping mountain-foxglove Ourisia caespitosa CNZ, 1919 creeping New Zealand burr-reed Sparganium subglobosum CNZ, 1919 creeping New Zealand calceolaria Jovellana repens CNZ, 1919 creeping ourisia Ourisia caespitosa CTP, 1908. creeping pimelea Pimelea laevigata CWK, 1908. creeping pohuehue Muehlenbeckia axilaris CNZ, 1919 creeping pratia Pratia angulata CSI, 1909 creeping-pratia Pratia angulata CDA, 1911. creeping-sedge Carex pumila CNZ, 1910. creeping selliera Selliera radicans CSI, 1909 CNZ, 1919. creeping-selliera S. radicans CDA, 1911. creeping totara Podocarpus nivalis THW, 1909. creeping tree fern Alsophila Colensoi DDD (2), 1925. creeping willow-herb Epilobium nummularifolium CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. creeping yellow wood-sorrel Oxalis corniculata CKI, 1907, crested hair grass Koeleria Kurtzii CIG, 1880. crimson clianthus Clianthus puniceus B, 1837. crimson climbing-rata Metrosideros diffusa CNZ, 1919 crimson-flowered manuka Leptospermum Nichollsii DDD, 1917. crimson manuka L. Nichollsii OTR, 1916. crisped filmy fern Hymenophyllum australe POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. crowfoot Ranunculus FAA, 1889. crown-fern Blechnum discolor DMs., 1921. Cunningham's dendrobium Dendrobium Cunninghamii LB, 1906. Cunningham's gastrodia Gastrodia Cunninghamii LB, 1906. Cunningham's maiden hair fern Adiantum affine LFN, 1875. Cunningham's polypody Polypodium dictyopteris POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. Cunningham's sandalwood Fusanus Cunninghamii LB, 1906. Cunningham's snowgrass Danthonia Cunninghamii NZJS, 1923. Cunningham's tree-fern Cyathea Cunninghamii POO, 1882. Cunningham's violet Viola Cunninghamii LB, 1906. curled arthropodium Arthropodium cirratum LB, 1906. curved tangle-fern Gleichenia circinata DMs., 1921.

cushion-forming heath Dracophyllum politum CSI, 1909. cushion-like haastia Haastia pulvinaris LB, 1906. cushion plant Scleranthus biflorus Trans. 47, 1915. * Distinction between cushion-plants and mat-plants described by C. E. Foweraker; Trans. 49, pp. 2, 3, 1917. The following are dealt with: (a) cushion-plants: 1. Raoulia lutescens 2. " Haastii 3. Scleranthus biflorus (b) mat-plants 4. Raoulia tenuicaulis 5. " australis 6. " glabra 7. " subsericea 8. " Monroi 9. Acaena microphylla 10. Coprosma Petriei 11. Muehlenbeckia axillaris 12. Pimelea prostrata cushion-plant Donatia novae-zealandiae CNZ, 1910. cut-leaved alpine buttercup Ranunculus Buchanani CNZ, 1919 cut-leaved bracken Histiopteris incisa POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. cut-leaved geranium Geranium dissectum var. australe LB, 1906. cut-leaved marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle dissecta CWK, 1908. cut-leaved nightshade Solanum aviculare BGN, 1860. cutting grass Arundo conspicua TIM, 1855. Gahnia Gaudichaudii Gahnia lacera HHN, 1867. Trans. 2, 1870. Gahnia xanthocarpa Trans. 2, 1870. cutting grass Hierochloe redolens NZCJ, 1879. cutting-grass Carex ternaria CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909 CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. Gahnia pauciflora THW, 1909. G. xanthocarpa THW, 1909. Mariscus ustulatus Trans. 20, 1888. cutting toe-toe Mariscus ustulatus Trans. 4, 1872. cyperus-sedge Carex pseudo-cyperus var. fascicularis CNZ, 1919 cypress Libocedrus Doniana HHN, 1867. cypress-koromiko Veronica cupressoides CNZ, 1919 dacrydium-like podocarpus Podocarpus dacrydioides LB, 1906. daisy Brachycome Sinclairii Trans. 2, 1870. daisy shrub Senecis Kirkii THW, 1909. daisy tree Olearia MLN, 1890. daisy-tree Olearia HHN, 1867. DCO, 1900. O. angustifolia MNZ, 1905. daisy-tree. O. arborescens MNZ, 1905. THW, 1909. O. furfuracea CNZ, 1910. deciduous tree-groundsel Senecis Hectori CNZ, 1919 dense-flowered cuscuta Cuscuta densiflora LB, 1906. dense-flowered poa Poa anceps var. densiflora. CIG, 1880. desert-danthonia Danthonia Buchanani CNZ, 1919 desert oat-grass D. semiannularis CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. devil's purse Clathrus cibarius NZJS, 1922. dichondra Dichondra repens CNZ, 1919 dichondra-leaved nertera Nertera dichondraefolia LB, 1906. dirty fern Dryopteris velutena FFN, 1890. ditch millet Paspalum scrobitulatum CIG, 1880. divaricate suttonia Suttonia divaricata LB, 1906. divaricate tree-daisy Olearia divaricata CNZ, 1919

double crape fern Leptopteris superba CTP, 1908. double crape-fern L. superba CSI, 1909 THW, 1909. * This was Lomaria duplicata of Potts, who thence named it the double fern: the name was changed first to L. capensis, then to Blechnum capense. double fern Blechnum capense POO, 1882. double velvet fern Leptopteris superba POO, 1882. doubtful lobelia Lobelia anceps LB, 1906. downy ironheart Metrosideros tomentosa DRA, 1872. downy rata M. tomentosa LB, 1906. † When this name was given the tree was Dracœna australis dragon tree Cordyline australis NZJ, 1841. dragon-tree C. australis NNV, 1817. TNG, 1856. drooping bristle fern Trichomanes humile POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. drooping club-rush Scirpus filiformis CKI, 1907. drooping filmy fern Hymenophyllum demissum POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. drooping fescue Festuca multinodis CKB, 1915. drooping pine Dacrydium cupressinum Ver. (WB). drooping spleenwort Asplenium adiantoides CWK, 1908. CSI, 1909 drooping spleenwort A. falcatum THW, 1909. A. flabellifolium LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. A. flaccidium LFN, 1875. CTP, 1908. drooping-spleenwort A. flabellifolium CKB, 1915. A. flaccidum CNZ, 1900. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919 DMs., 1921. duck weed Lemma minor Trans. 1, 1869. duck-weed L. minor TIC, 1906. duckweed L. minor HHN, 1867. CMN, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. DFC, 1916. dune coprosma Coprosma acerosa CSI, 1909. dune-coprosma C. acerosa CDA, 1911. dune sedge Carex pumila CSI, 1909 dune-sedge C. pumila CDA, 1911. D'Urville's peperomia Peperomia Urvilleana LB, 1906. D'Urville's rapanea Rapanea Urvillei LB, 1906. dusky beech Nothofagus fusca LB, 1906. dwarf astelia Astelia linearis CSI, 1909 dwarf bearded heath Leucopogon Fraseri CWK, 1908. dwarf bedstraw Asperula perpusilla CNZ, 1919 dwarf cabbage palm Cordyline terminalis DDD, 1917. dwarf cabbage tree Cordyline pumilio DDD (2), 1925. dwarf cabbage-tree Cordyline pumilio CNZ, 1910. CCN, 1924. dwarf carmichaelia Carmichaelia nana LB, 1906. dwarf comb fern Schizaea australis POO, 1882. dwarf false musk Mazus pumilio CNZ, 1919 dwarf heath Leucopogon Fraseri CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1910. dwarf kowhai Sophora prostrata CKB, 1915. dwarf mazus Mazus pumilio LB, 1906. dwarf mountain bent grass Agrostis Muelleri CIG, 1880. dwarf nettle ?Urtica incisa WDJ, 1850. dwarf New Zealand nightshade Solanum nigrum MVC, 1864. dwarf-pine Dacrydium taxifolium CNZ, 1910. dwarf poa Poa pygmaea CIG, 1880. dwarf polypody Polypodium pumilium CSI, 1909

dwarf ring grass Danthonia semiannularis NZCJ, 1879. dwarf tainui Pomaderris elliptica DDD, 1917. Dyer's eye-bright Euphrasia Dyeri CSI, 1909 ear-shaped drosera Drosera auriculata LB, 1906. East Cape groundsel Senecis Banksii CNZ, 1919 eddas See Sweet potato edelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps NZCJ, 1885. DCO, 1900. Edgerley's nothopanax Nothopanax Edgerleyi LB, 1906. Edgerley's panax Nothopanax Edgerleyi CWK, 1908. CSI, 1909 eel-grass Zostera nana CSI, 1909 Egmont buttercup Ranunculus nivicola CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919 Egmont fern Polystichum cystostegium FFN, 1890. elatine-like glossostigma Glossostigma elatinoides LB, 1906. elatine-like myriophyllum Myriophyllum elatinoides LB, 1906. elder-berry Coriaria sarmentosa NNV, 1817. PNZ, 1838. elegant senecio Senecio lautus LB, 1906. elliptical-leaved pomaderris Pomaderris elliptica LB, 1906. embossed myrtle Myrtus bullata LB, 1906. English maidenhair Adiantum aethiopicum POO, 1882. entire-leaved beech Nothofagus Solanderi RDT, 1875. Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1910. entire-leaved clematis Clematis indivisa LB, 1906. Enys's native broom Carmichaelia Enysii CTP, 1908. epacris-like veronica Veronica epacridea LB, 1906. equal-glumed millet Isachne australis CIG, 1880. erect halorrhagis Halorrhagis erecta LB, 1906. erect plumed tussac grass Arundo fulvida CIG, 1880. erect-plumed tussock-grass A. conspicua CSI, 1909 erect snowberry Gaultheria antipoda CWK, 1908. eryngo Eryngium vesiculosum Trans. 1, 1869. * Botanical name not given: the plant was gathered in the Mataura district, and tried for paper-making.—MSO, pp. 29–30. esparto grass ? MSO, 1878. eugenia-like pittosporum Pittosporum eugenioides LB, 1906. everlasting Gnaphalium HHN, 1867. evil-smelling hupiro Coprosma foetidissima. CNZ, 1919 evil-smelling karamu Coprosma foetidissima CNZ, 1919 extraordinary raoulia Raoulia eximia LB, 1906. eye-bright Euphrasia cuneata Trans. 28, 1896. Euphrasia zealandica TNN, 1909. eyebright Euphrasia Cockayniana CNZ, 1910. Euphrasia Monroi NZCJ, 1885. HNF, 1888. CNZ, 1910. eyebrigtht (evident misspelling) E. Monroi HRN, 1889. fairy's closet Clathrus cibarius Ver. false edelweiss Helichrysum bellidioides CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. false mountain-holly Olearia macrodonta CNZ, 1919 false native pepper Wintera (= Drimys) colorata DCO, 1900. false New Zealand holly Olearia macrodonta CNZ, 1919

false snow-grass Schoenus pauciflorus CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909 CNZ, 1919. fan fern Gleichenia flabellata FFN, 1890. fan-fern G. flabellata FFN, 1890. fan-leaved fern G. flabellata POO, 1882. fan-leaved filmy fern Hymenophyllum flabellatum POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. fan-like umbrella fern Gleichenia flabellata CWK, 1908. fan umbrella fern Gleichenia flabellata DDD (2), 1925. feather-crowned polypody Dryopteris pennigera POO, 1882. feather fern D. pennigera CWK, 1908. feather-fern D. pennigera CKB, 1915 female pohutukawa Metrosideros robusta FAA, 1889. fern Pteridium esculentum CV, 1769. SAN, 1807. Trans. 44, 1912. FO, 1886. DFN, 1921. fern-flower Drosera binata GST, 1921. fern-palm Rhopalostylis sapida FO, 1886. * Potts gives the reason for the name,—strangling of tree ferns by slow constriction.— NZCJ, vol. 12, 1888, pp. 197–98. fern-strangler Dracophyllum scoparium NZCJ, 1888. fescue-tussock Festuca novae-zealandiae CNZ, 1919. † Danthonia pauciflora, in CIG, whence the name. few-flowered oat grass Triodia exigua CIG, 1880. few-flowered epacris Epacris pauciflora LB, 1906. few-leaved bitter-cress Cardamine heterophylla var. uniflora CSI, 1909 fibrous-stemmed tree-fern Dicksonia fibrosa THW, 1909. fibrous tree-fern D. fibrosa LHW, 1909. Field's fern Hymenophyllum rufescens POO, 1882. field sundew Drosera auriculata FAA, 1889. fierce nettle Urtica ferox LB, 1906. fig marigold Mesembryanthemum TNN, 1909. fig-marigold M. australe TNN, 1909. fig-marygold M. australe Trans. 1, 1869. filmy fern Hymenophyllum Tunbridgense FFN, 1890. filmy-fern Hymenophyllum TFF, 1882. filmy todea Leptopteris hymenophylloides POO, 1882 ‡ The timber of which we have the most knowledge at present is the fir, which grows here to an amazing height, and of such dimensions as to admit of being formed into a canoe capable of containing thirty persons, or in other words five and six feet diameter.” SAN, p. 8. Savage was only at Bay of Islands, and saw no forest. fir ? Podocarpus totara SAN, 1807. fir club-moss Lycopodium Selago CTP, 1908. fishbone fern Blechnum discolor VN, 1920. fish-bone tree Pseudopanax crassi-folium BGN, 1860. fish-guts plant Chenopodium detestans Trans. 10, 1878. five-finger Nothopanax arboreum DDD, 1917. Ver. five-finger Scheffiera digitata MNZ, 1905. EM, 1911 five-fingered Jack Nothopanax arboreum DCO, 1900. five fingers Scheffiera digitata Ver. (WB). flag Arundo conspicua NNV, 1817. ASC, 1853. Phormium tenax CV, 1769–70. Typha angustifolia MTN, 1834. flaggy grass Typha angustifolia NNV, 1817. flat-leaved rush Juncus planifolius CSI, 1909

flat-leaved sedge Carex dissita CSI, 1909. flax Linum monogynum Trans. 1, 1869. DCO, 1900. Phormium tenax CVS, 1773. SAN, 1807. NNV, 1817. PNZ, 1838. PRNZ, 1838. flax lily P. tenax LCN, 1868. flax-lily P. tenax MSE, 1888 DCO, 1900. LB, 1906. fleshy-leaved buttercup Ranunculus Haasti DCO, 1900. fleshy-leaved lobelia Lobelia Roughii CNZ, 1910. fleshy-leaved sow-thistle Sonchus littoralis CDA, 1911. fleshy ligusticum Anisotome carnosulum LB, 1906. floating duckweed Lemna minor CNZ, 1919. floating water-fern Azolla rubra CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. florid rata Metrosideros florida FAA, 1889. flowering fern Lygodium articulatum DDD, 1917. flowery rata Metrosideros florida LB, 1906. fly-catcher Drosera sp. Trans. 13, 1881. Drosera binata KSF, 1899. foetid coprosma Coprosma foetidissima LB, 1906. forest daisy-tree Olearia Cunninghamii CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. forest-groundsel Senecis Kirkii CWK, 1908. * We find three varieties of that forest Houri the Fern-tree.—” HNZ, p. 86. forest houri Cyathea etc. HNZ, 1857. forest libertia Libertia pulchella CTP, 1908. forest-loving weinmannia Weinmannia sylvicola LB, 1906. forest-nettle Urtica incisa CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915 forest rice-grass Microlaena avenacea CKB, 1915 NZJS, 1923. forest snowberry Enargea parviflora CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. forest tree-groundsel Senecis Kirkii CNZ, 1919. forest willow-herb Epilobium linnaeoides CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. forget me not Myosotis Forsteri Trans. 2, 1870. forget-me-not M. antarctica Trans. 30, 1898. M. spathulata Trans. 30, 1898. forked comb fern Schizaea bifida POO, 1882. forked sundew Drosera arcturi SPR, 1909. forked umbrella-fern Gleichenia dichotoma POO, 1882. fork-leaved sun-dew Drosera binata CSI, 1909. Forster's daisy-tree Olearia Forsteri CKI, 1907. Forster's forget-me-not Myosotis Forsteri CTP, 1908. Forster's lagenophora Lagenophora pumila LB, 1906. Forster's olearia Olearia Forsteri LB, 1906. four-petalled mistletoe Loranthus tetrapetalus LB, 1906. fragile bladder-fern Cystopteris novae-zelandiae DMs., 1921. fragrant earina Earina autumnalis CWK, 1908. E. suaveoleus LB, 1906. fragrant-fern Dryopteris pustulata DMs., 1921. fragrant tree-daisy Olearia fragrantissima CKB, 1915 CNZ, 1919. Frazer's fern Blechnum Fraseri POO, 1882. Frazer's leucopogon Leucopogon Fraseri LB, 1906. fringed filmy fern Hymenophyllum ciliatum. POO, 1882. fruiting duckweed Nertera depressa CWK, 1908.

fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata TNC, 1856. KFF, 1888. JM, 1909. THW, 1909. EM, 1911. HEC, 1915. fuchsia-barked olearia Olearia excorticata MNZ, 1905. fuchsia-barked totara Podocarpus Hallii MNZ, 1905. Fuchsia tree Fuchsia excorticata POO, 1882. fuchsia-tree F. excorticata HNZ, 1857. DRA, 1872. * ? an abbreviation and corruption of kahikatoa;—“the kahikatoa, also called gadoa, or manuko, a philadelphus with a very hard and brown wood …” Dieffenbach's report, RSC, p. 611. gadoa Leptospermum scoparium RSC, 1844. gei-gei Freycinetia Banksii BWM, 1914. gentian Gentiana chathamica CNZ, 1910. G. montana Trans. 1, 1869. gentian of the rocks Gentiana saxosa LB, 1906. ghoa ghoai Sophora Otraptera LCN, 1868. giant astelia Astelia nervosa THW, 1909. giant cutting-sedge Gahnia xanthocarpa CWK, 1908. giant-flowered southern lacebark Gaya Lyallii OTR, 1916. giant forget-me-not Myosotidium nobile NZCJ, 1885. MLN, 1890. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. giant gahnia Gahnia xanthocarpa CNZ, 1919. giant lycopodium Lycopodium volubile DDD, 1917. giant maiden-hair Adiantum formosum DDD, 1917. giant moss Dawsonia superba CNZ, 1919. giant polypody Polypodium novae-zelandiae POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. giant rata ? Metrosideros florida HNZ, 1857. giant rimu Dacrydium cupressinum CNZ, 1919. giant rush Juncus pallidus CSI, 1909. giant spaniard Aciphylla maxima CNZ, 1919. giant white buttercup Ranunculus Lyallii DDD, 1917. gigi Freycinetia Banksii BOS, 1900. glabrous raoulia Raoulia glabra CSI, 1909. glandular ourisia Ourisia glandulosa LB, 1906. glasswort Salicornia australis Trans. 1, 1869. glaucous euphorbia Euphorbia glauca LB, 1906. glory of the west Leptopteris superba POO, 1882. glory pea Clianthus punicens B, 1837. FAA, 1889. glossy ascarine Ascarina lucida CNZ, 1919. glossy coprosma Coprosma robusta CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915 glossy karamu Coprosma robusta CNZ, 1919. glossy-leaved daisy-tree Olearia arborescens CTP, 1908. glossy-leaved willow-herb Epilobium glabellum THW, 1909. glossy-leaved willowherb Epilobium glabellum CTP, 1908. glossy plantain Plantago Hamiltonii CNZ, 1919. glossy tree-daisy Olearia arborescens CNZ, 1919. gnaio Myoporum laetum PLC, 1857 † This appeared a misprint for gnaio, a transposition of ngaio, until the following was met with: “you heard incessant crackling of ‘gnais’; a nut like an almond.”—“First voyage of the new ‘Southern Cross’,” 1874, p. 13. From Melanesian Mission Reports, 1873-1881. gnais Myoporum laetum TCS, 1851. goa Sophora tetraptera LCN, 1868. goai Sophora tetraptera LCN, 1868. CCV, 1872.

Godley's buttercup Ranunculus Godleyanus CCO, 1900. gohi Sophora tetraptera BSL, 1870. goi Sophora microphylla TNC, 1856. S. tetraptera MSO, 1878. golden akeake Olearia Forsteri MNZ, 1905. OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. golden-akeake Olearia Forsteri MNZ, 1905. golden cottonwood Cassinia fulvida CNZ, 1919. golden pine Dacrydium Colensoi GCN, 1888. golden punga Dicksonia fibrosa OTR, 1916. golden rata Metrosideros florida var. aurata JM, 1909. golden tree fern Dicksonia fibrosa OTR, 1916 DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. Alsophila Colensoi DFN, 1921. golden tree-fern Alsophila Colensoi DMS, 1921. golden-yellow Mount Egmont buttercup Ranunculus nivicola CNZ, 1919. gourd ?Calystegia CV, 1769 Lagenaria vulgaris Trans. 33, 1901. Trans. 35, 1903. CMN, 1906. gowai Sophora tetraptera BAF, 1863. PWW, 1889. gowhai Sophora tetraptera Trans. 1, 1869. graceful blue-bell Wahlenbergia gracilis LB, 1906. grassland buttercup Ranunculus multiscapus CNZ, 1919. grassland-buttercup R. multiscapus CNZ, 1919. grassland-daisy Brachycome Sinclairii CNZ, 1919. grass-like hooded orchid Pterostylis graminea CTP, 1908. grass-lily Herpolirion novae-zelandiae CNZ, 1919. grass tree Cordyline australis HNP, 1867. Dracophyllum latifolium DDD, 1917. D. longifolium Trans. 1, 1869. MLN, 1890. Pseudopanax crassifolium Trans. 9, 1877. grass-tree Dracophyllum longifolium NZCJ, 1856. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. D. Urvilleanum EM, 1911. Pseudopanax crassi-folium KFF, 1889. CSI, 1909. Ver. (WB). grass-wrack Zostera nana CSI, 1909. great bulrush Scirpus lacustris CNZ, 1910. great sedge Carex trifida CSI, 1909. great sow-thistle Sonchus grandifolius CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. great sowthistle S. grandifolius CNZ, 1919. great spike-rush Elaeocharis sphacelata CNZ, 1919. great white groundsel Senecio scorzonerioides CSI, 1909. greater-spaniard * Name not now recognised; merged in A. maxima. Aciphylla Colensoi var. maxima KSF, 1899. green biddy-bid Acaena Sanguisorbae CKB, 1915 green cushion-celmisia Celmisia bellidioides CNZ, 1919. green fern Histiopteris incisa Ver. (A). green lindsaya Lindsaya viridis POO, 1882. DMs., 1921. green mistletoe Tupeia antarctica THW, 1909. green raoulia Raoulia Haastii CNZ, 1919. green tree-fern Hemitelia Smithii CNZ, 1919. green vegetable-sheep Raoulia rubra CNZ, 1919. ground-lily Herpolirion novae-zelandiae DCO, 1900. ground nettle Urtica incisa HMB, 1898.

ground tutu Coriaria angustissima TNN, 1909. C. thymifolia FAA, 1889. grove fern Alsophila Colensoi NZCJ, 1885. gully fern Cyathea Cunning-hamii. DFN, 1921. gully-fern Cyathea Cunning-hamii DMs., 1921. gum tree Nothopanax Colensoi Trans. 1, 1869. Gunn's twig-rush Cladium Gunnii CSI, 1909. Haast's ranunculus Ranunculus Haastii LB, 1906. Haast's raoulia Raoulia Haastii LB, 1906. hair-like sedge Carex comans CSI, 1909. hairy alpine buttercup Ranunculus insignis CNZ, 1919. hairy bitter-cress Cardamine heterophylla CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. hairy boss fern Dryopteris hispida POO, 1882. hairy cardamine Cardamine heterophylla FAA, 1889. hairy climbing-rata Metrosideros Colensoi CNZ, 1919. hairy cloak fern Nothochlaena distans LFN, 1875. hairy coprosma Coprosma ciliata CSI, 1909. hairy fern hairy-fern Drypteris hispida FFN, 1890. hairy maidenhair Adiantum hispidulum POO, 1882. hairy maiden hair fern A. hispidulum LFN, 1875. hairy native daisy Lagenophora lanata CWK, 1908. hairy oat-grass Danthonia pilosa CKB, 1915 hairy ourisia Ourisia sessilifolia CSI, 1909. hairy pleurophyllum Pleurophyllum criniferum LB, 1906. hairy polypody Dryopteris punctata POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915 hairy-stemmed fern Dryopteris hispida CWK, 1908. Hall's totara Dacrydium Colensoi THW, 1909. D. intermedium THW, 1909. handsome dysoxylum Dysoxylum spectabile LB, 1906. handsome pleurophyllum Pleurophyllum speciosum LB, 1906. handsome veronica Veronica speciosa LB, 1906. hanging club-moss Lycopodium Billardieri CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. hanging-tree spleen-wort Asplenium flaccidum POO, 1882. hard fern Paesia scaberula Ver. (A). hard-fern Blechnum CNZ, 1919. hard fescue grass Festuca novae-zelandiae CIG, 1880. hard-leaved tree-daisy Olearia nummularifolia CNZ, 1919. hard oat grass Danthonia pilosa CIG, 1880. hard shield-fern Polystichum Richardi CNZ, 1919. hard short-stemmed poa Poa anceps var. breviculmis CIG, 1880. hard todea Todea barbara POO, 1882. hard tree fern Dicksonia squarrosa OTR, 1916. DDD (2), 1925. hard tussock Festuca novae-zealandiae CNZ, 1919. hard-tussock Festuca novae-zealandiae CNZ, 1919. hardy-stemmed fern Dryopteris hispida CKB, 1915 hare bell Wahlenbergia gracilis Trans. 1, 1869. * “‘Hartwhan of the natives;’ Supplejack' of the New Zealand colonist.” MVC, p. 54. hartwhan Rhipogonum scandens MVC, 1864.

hassock-grass Danthonia australis CMN, 1906. CNZ, 1919. heath Leptospermum scoparium ASC, 1853. Trans. 39, 1907. L. Fraseri MK, 1908. heath haloragis Halorrhagis incana CWK, 1908. heath-like coprosma Coprosma rugosa CNZ, 1919. heath-like manuka Leptospermum ericoides LB, 1906. heath-like pomaderris Pomaderris phylicaefolia CNZ, 1919. heath-like tianui Pomaderris phylicaefolia DDD, 1917. heath-veronica Veronica diosmaefolia CWK, 1908. herb bennet Geum urbanum FAA, 1889. hill cudweed Gnaphalium collinum CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915 hill flax Phormium Colensoi GST, 1921. hill-flax Phormium Colensoi CSI, 1909. hoary mountain-musk Celmisia intermedia CNZ, 1919. hoary mountain-ribbon-wood Gaya ribifolia CNZ, 1919. holly-leaved olearia Olearia ilicifolia LB, 1906. holy grass Hierochloe Fraseri CIG, 1880. Hierochloe redolens CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. holy-grass Hierochloe redolens CSI, 1909. NZJS, 1923. honey-suckle Knightia excelsa LB, 1906. honeysuckle Aleuosmia macrophylla KFF, 1889. knightia excelsa HNR, 1842. STT, 1850. HNP, 1867. Trans. 9, 1877. KFF, 1889. VTN, 1896. MNZ, 1905. CMN, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. HEC, 1915. Ver. (WB). hooded orchid Pterostylis Banksii THW, 1909. hooked sedge Uncinia CNZ, 1919. Hooker's spleenwort Asplenium Hookerianum POO, 1882. CKB, 1915 Hooker's veronica Veronica Hookeriana CTP, 1908. hook-leaved black fen Pellaea falcata POO, 1882. hook-leaved sedge Carex uncifelia CSI, 1909. horned oxalis Oxalis corniculata LB, 1906. horse daisy Celmisia MLN, 1890. horse-shoe fern Marattia fraxinea FFN, 1890. OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. horseshoe fern M. fraxinea DFN, 1921. Hottentot fig Mesembryanthemum edule KSF, 1899. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. hot-water fern Leptopteris superba BOS, 1900. hound's tongue Polypodium Billardieri DFN, 1921. hound's-tongue P. Bill. DMs., 1921. humble-fern Trichomanes humile DMs., 1921. hybrid ribbonwood Plagianthus cymosus CNZ, 1919. hypericum-leaved rata Metrosiderps Hypericifolia LB, 1906. ice-plant Mesembryanthemum australe Trans. 20, 1888. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. Tetragona trigyna KSF, 1899. incense cedar Libocedrus Bidwillii NZCJ, 1885. Indian salicornia Salicornia australis LB, 1906. ink-berry ? Coriaria sarmentosa BOS, 1900. inland pohutukawa Metrosideros robusta Trans. 4, 1872. intermediate dianella Dianella intermedia LB, 1906. Irishman Discaria toumatou Ver. (abbreviatum of wild irishman) ironbark Metrosideros lucida RDT, 1875.

iron wood Metrosideros hypericifolia Trans. 1, 1869. M. lucida RDT, 1875. Vitex lucens HNZ, 1857. iron-wood Metrosideros lucida Trans. 10, 1878. HRN, 1889. ironwood Metrosideros lucida HHN, 1867. PPO, 1868. Trans, 9, 1877. MSO, 1878. FAA, 1889. KFF, 1889. MLN, 1890. CSI, 1909. Met. robusta Ver. (WB). Myrtus bullata HEC, 1915. M. obcordata Ver. (Stony Bay) Olea apetala KFF, 1889. ivy-like bramble Rubus cissoides LB, 1906. ivy tree Nothopanax Colensoi CCV, 1872. MLN, 1890. Pseudopanax crassifolium Trans. 2, 1870. ivy-tree Nothopanax arboreum Trans. 12, 1880. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. N. Colensoi HHN, 1867. THW, 1909. ixia-like libertia Libertia ixioides LB, 1906. Japanese cudweed Gnaphalium japonicum CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915 Japanese St. John wort Hypericum japonicum CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915 Java fern Hymenophyllum australe POO, 1882. Jersey fern Gymnogramme leptophylla LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. CKB, 1915 Jersey-fern DMs., 1921. Jewe's ear Hirneola auricula-Judae TNN, 1909. Jew's-ear fungus Hirneola auricula-Judae. POO, 1882. jointed angelica Angelica geniculata LB, 1906. jointed rush Juncus lampocarpus CSI, 1909. Leptocarpus simplex CNZ, 1919. jointed twig-rush Cladium articulatum CNZ, 1919. * South Island form of Ngaio. kaio Myoporum laetum ATO, 1897. kaka beak Clianthus puniceus OTR, 1916. Ver. (WB). kaka-bill Clianthus puniceus CCN, 1924. karewan [= kareao] Rhipogonum scandens RSC, 1844. karmai [= kamahi] Weinmannia racemosa HHN, 1867. CCV, 1872. Trans. 9, 1877. kaudi-tree Agathis australis HHN, 1867. kauri fern Schizaea dichotoma POO, 1882. kauri grass Astelia trinervia Trans. 11, 1879. kauri-grass A. trinervia Trans. 4, 1872. CMN, 1906. CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1909. Trans. 43, 1911. CNZ, 1919. † When converted into timber and worked up, several names are applied:—black (= deep brown) k., red k., soft (= pale dun) k., white (= yellowish white) k., waved k., mottled k., and feathered k. KFF, pp. 145-46. These, however, have not been considered to be tree-names, and are not included in this list. kauri pine Agathis australis BRP, 1845. Trans. 1, 1869. HNF, 1888. HRN, 1889. VTN, 1896. LB, 1906. kauri-pine A. australis MSE, 1888. kawaka cedar Libocedrus Bidwillii CCV, 1872. kelp Durvillaea utilis CNZ, 1919. Kermadec koromiko Veronica breviracemosa CNZ, 1919. Kermadec nikau Rhopalostylis Cheesemanii CNZ, 1919.

Kermadec pohutukawa Metrosideros villosa DDD (2), 1925. Kermadec tree-fern Cyathea kermadecensis CNZ, 1919. kidney fern Trichomanes reniforme POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. HFN, 1890. CMN, 1906. CWK, 1908. DDD, 1917. DFN, 1921. DDD (2), 1925. kidney-fern T. reniforme TFF, 1882. FFN, 1890. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. kidney-leaf bristle fern T. reniforme LFN, 1875. kindred coprosma Coprosma propinqua LB, 1906. king fern Marattia fraxinea DDD, 1917. DFN, 1921. DDD (2), 1925. Todea barbara CNZ, 1919. king-fern Marattia fraxinea CCN, 1924. king-pine Agathis australis DRA, 1872. king's fern Leptopteris superba POO, 1882. Kirk's fireweed Erechtites glabrescens CSI, 1909. Kirk's groundsel Senecio Kirkii CNZ, 1910. Kirk's pine Dacrydium Kirkii CWK, 1908. CSI, 1909. Kirk's pittosporum Pittosporum Kirkii LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. Kirk's poa Poa Kirkii CIG, 1880. NZJS, 1923. knee-jointed fox-tail grass Alopecurus geniculatus CIG, 1880. knot-jointed rice grass Microlaena polynoda CIG, 1880. knotted rice-grass Microlaena polynoda NZJS, 1925. kohai Sophora tetraptera HCE, 1844. konini tree Fuchsia excorticata POO, 1882. kopi-tree Corynocarpus laevigata NZCJ, 1888. CNZ, 1919. koradi Phormium tenax MAP, 1838. koudi pine Agathis australis LNZ, 1839. kowai Sophora tetraptera TCS, 1851. Trans. 2, 1870. kowdie pine Agathis australis KFF, 1889. kowhia Sophora tetraptera PPO, 1868. kraka Corynocarpus laevigata HNR, 1842. lace bark Gaya Lyalli NC, 1912. Hoheria populnea SLM, 1902. Plagianthus Lyallii FAA, 1889. HFZ, 1890. lace-bark Gaya Lyallii KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Hoheria populnea FAA, 1889. KFF, 1889. KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906 CNZ, 1910. GHB, 1910. Plagianthus Lyallii Trans. 1, 1869. HNF, 1888. MNZ, 1905. lace bark tree Plagianthus Lyallii HRN, 1889. lacebark Gaya Lyallii KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. Hoheria angustifolia CKB, 1915. Hoheria populnea DCO, 1900. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. Plagianthus betulinus THW, 1909. lace-bark tree P. betulinus Trans. 9, 1877. lace fern Paesia scaberula DDD, 1917. Pteris scaberula DFN, 1921. DDD (2), 1925. lace-fern Paesia scaberula DMs., 1921. lace wood Hoheria populnea FAA, 1889. ladder fern Dryopteris cordifolia POO, 1882. ladies' smock Cardamine depressa Trans. 1, 1869. lady fern Dryopteris thelypteris var. squamulosum DFN, 1921. lady-fern Dryopteris thelypteris var. squamulosum, DMs., 1921

Laing's whipcord veronica Veronica Laingii CSI, 1909. lance-leaved fern Blechnum discolor DMs., 1921. lance-leaved hard fern Blechnum lanceolatum POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. lance-leaved spleenwort Asplenium adiantoides POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. lance-leaved whitewood Melicytus lanceolatus CSI, 1909. lance-wood Pseudopanax crassifolium Trans. 4, 1872. Trans. 9, 1877. MNZ, 1905. DFC, 1916. lancewood Pseudopanax crassifolium Trans. 12, 1880. KFF, 1889. MLN, 1890. DCO, 1900. CMN, 1906. CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. JM, 1909. THW, 1909. Trans. 42, 1910. CKB, 1915 OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. DDD (2), 1925. land-cress Cardamine hirsuta. KSF, 1899. large adder's tongue Ophioglossum lusitanium POO, 1882. large broadleaf Grisilinia lucida CKI, 1907. large bulrush Typha angustifolia Trans. 1, 1869. large-flowered broom Carmichaelia grandiflora CNZ, 1919. large-flowered corysanthes Corysanthes macrantha LB, 1906. large-flowered forstera Forstera sedifolia var. oculata CSI, 1909. large-flowered kowhai Sophora grandiflora MNZ, 1905. CNZ, 1919 large-flowered libertia Libertia grandifolia LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. large-flowered New Zealand broom Carmichaelia grandiflora CNZ, 1919. large flowered poa Poa novae-zealandiae CTP, 1908. large-flowered poa Poa foliosa CIG, 1880. Poa novae-zealandiae CSI, 1909. large-flowered raoulia Raoulia grandiflora CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. large-flowered ribbonwood Gaya Lyallii LB, 1906. large-flowered spiderorchid Corysanthes macrantha CSI, 1909. large-flowered veronica Veronica amabilis var. blanda CSI, 1909. large leafed birch Nothofagus fusca CCV, 1872. large-leaved alseuosmia Alseuosmia macrophylla LB, 1906. large-leaved climbing rata Metrosideros florida CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. large-leaved coprosma Coprosma grandifolia LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. large-leaved doodia Doodia media POO, 1882. large-leaved maidenhair Adiantum affine DMs., 1921. large-leaved milk-tree Paratrophis opaca CKI, 1907. CNZ, 1919. large-leaved ourisia Ourisia macrophylla LB, 1906. CTP, 1908. large-leaved pohuehue Muehlenbeckia australis CNZ, 1919. large-leaved totara Podocarpus Hallii CSI, 1909. large-leaved tree-daisy Olearia Colensoi CNZ, 1919. large-leaved whitewood Melicytus macrophyllus CWK, 1908. large monkey-flower Mimulus repens VN, 1920. large-toothed olearia Olearia macrodonta LB, 1906. large white willowherb Epilobium pallidiflorum CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. lattice fungus Clathrus cibarius NZJS, 1922. laurel Corynocopia laevigata CSJ, 1846. laurel-tree Beilschmiedia taraire DRA, 1872.

Lavaud's veronica Veronica Lavaudiana LB, 1906. lawyer Rubus australis LCN, 1868. Trans. 3, 1871. DCD, 1900. SLM, 1902. TIC, 1906. CKI, 1907. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. EM, 1911. leafless clematis Clematis afoliata LB, 1906. CKB, 1915 CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. leafless common New Zealand broom Carmichaelia subulata CNZ, 1919. leafless lawyer Rubus cissoides CKB, 1915 leafy coprosma Coprosma parviflora CNZ, 1919. leafy uncinia Uncinia riparia CSI, 1909. leather-leaf Senecio rotundifolius MNZ, 1905. leathern leaf Senecio rotundifolius Ver. (A). leather plant Celmisia coriacea TCS, 1851. HHN, 1867. CMN, 1906. leather-plant Celmisia spectabilis Trans. 30, 1898. KSF, 1899. leathery celmisia Celmisia coriacea LB, 1906. lemon matipo Pittosporum eugenioides OTR, 1916. lemon-tree Pittosporum eugenioides LB, 1906. lemon-tree Pittosporum tenuifolium BGN, 1860. lemon wood Pittosporum eugenioides NZCJ, 1878. FAA, 1889. lemon-wood Melicope ternata OTR, 1916. Nothopanax Edgerleyi THW, 1909. Pittosporum eugenioides THW, 1909. lemonwood Pittosporum eugenioides Trans. 12, 1880. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. lesser caladenia Caladenia minor LB, 1906. light-wood Aristotelia racemosa Trans. 31, 1899. lignum vitæ Dodonoea viscosa FAA, 1889. lignumvitae Dodonoea viscosa PNZ, 1838. lily-palm Cordyline australis EM, 1912. lily-wort Cordyline sp. Trans. 4, 1872. lime-spleenwort Asplenium obtusatum CNZ, 1919. lime tree Aristotelia racemosa Trans. 1, 1869. Lindsay's mistletoe Viscum Lindsayi LB, 1906. little adder's tongue Ophioglossum lusitanicum FFH, 1890. DMs., 1921. little adder's-tongue Ophioglossum lusitanicum FFN, 1890. little filmy fern Hymenophyllum minimum POO, 1882. little hard, fern Blechnum penna marinum POO, 1882. little maidenhair Adiantum diaphanum DMs., 1921. little mountain-heath Pentachondra pumila CNZ, 1919. little mountain tutu Coriaria thymifolia NZCJ, 1885. little poa Poa exigua CIG, 1880. little spaniard Aciphylla Monroi CNZ, 1919. little tutu Coriaria thymifolia NZCJ, 1885. locust tree Sophora tetraptera DRA, 1883. locust-tree Sophora tetraptera DRA, 1872. lofty electryon Alectryon excelsum LB, 1906. lofty pepper Macropiper excelsum LB, 1906. long-awned plume grass Dichelachne crinita NZCJ, 1879. long-haired plume grass Dichelachne crinita CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. long-hair plume grass Dichelachne crinita CIG, 1880. long hard fern Blechnum capense POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919.

long hard-fern Blechnum capeuse CNZ, 1919. long leaf matipou Rapanea salicina Ver. (WB). long-leaved celmisia. Celmisia longifolia LB, 1906. long-leaved grass-tree Dracophyllum longifolium LB, 1906. long-leaved heath Dracophyllum longifolium TNN, 1909. long-leaved lacebark Hoheria sexstylosa CNZ, 1919. long-leaved matipo Rapanea salicina CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. long-leaved pimelea Pimelea longifolia LB, 1906. long-leaved thelymitra Thelymitra longifolia LB, 1906. long-stalked sedge Carex longiculmis CSI, 1909. long-stalked shield fern Polystichum oculatum POO, 1882. long-stalked willowherb Epilobium pedunculare CNZ, 1919. long-stemmed marshpennywort Hydrocotyle elongata CKB, 1915. long-stemmed willowherb Epilobium pedunculare CSI, 1909. long-stemmed willowherb Epilobium pedunculare CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. loose-leaved dacrydium Dacrydium laxifolium LB, 1906. loranth Loranthus micranthus POO, 1882. lowland ribbonwood Plagianthus betulinus CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. loxsoma fern Loxsoma Cunninghami POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. luma-luma Coprosma foetidissima HHN, 1867. Lyall's bristle fern Trichomanes Lyallii POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. Lyall's bristle-fern Trichomanes Lyallii CSI, 1909. Lyall's caladenia Caladenia Lyallii CSI, 1909. Lyall's drapetes Drapetes Lyallii CSI, 1909. Lyall's groundsel Senecio Lyallii CSI, 1909. Lyall's pimelea Pimelea Lyallii CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. Lyall's ranunculus Ranunculus Lyallii LB, 1906. Lyall's spleenwort Asplenium Lyallii CSI, 1909. Lyall's stilbocarpa Stilbocarpa Lyallii LB, 1906. lycopodium-like veronica Veronica lycopodioides LB, 1906. Mabel Island lily Arthropodium cirratum CNZ, 1919. Macquarie cabbage Myosotidium nobile CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. Magellan's oxalis Oxalis magellanica LB, 1906. mahogany pine Podocarpus totara HNZ, 1857. PPO, 1868. mahogany-pine Podocarpus totara MSE, 1888. maiden hair Adiantum affine HNF, 1890. maidenhair Adiantum TFF, 1882. Adiantum aethiopicum DFN, 1921. maidenhair' spleenwort Asplenium Hookerianum CTN, 1908. Asplenium trichomanes DFN, 1921 Maling's fern Hymenophyllum Malingii POO, 1882. mangrove Avicennia officinalis CV, 1769. TIM, 1855. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CNZ, 1910. Trans. 44, 1912. manuca (= manuka) Leptospermum scoparium ASC, 1853. manuka broom Leptospermum scoparium LB, 1906. Maori cabbage Brassica oleracea KSF, 1899. manuko See gadoa * So called because used for Maori fire-sticks; the tree is also personified as Hine-kaikomako. Maori fire Pennantia corymbosa Ver. (Stony Bay, Banks Pen.)

Maori heads Carex secta Carex virgata ATO, 1897. Maori holly Olearia ilicifolia NZCJ, 1878. Maori onion Chrysobactron Hookeri CTP, 1908. Chrysobactron Rossii LB, 1906. MK, 1908. * “A decoction of the leaves is known as Maori pain-killer, and I have heard the tree itself so called.”—FAA, p. 13. Maori pain-killer Wintera (= Drimys) axillaris FAA, 1889. Maori parsnip Anisotome Lyallii HHN, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. Maori-vine Muehlenbeckia australis CCN, 1924. maple Pittosporum Colensoi Trans. 9, 1877. Pittosporum eugenioides Trans. 9, 1877. LB, 1906. Pittosporum tenuifolium Trans. 9, 1877. Rapanea Urvillei Trans. 9, 1877. mappo Rapanea Urvillei BSL, 1870. mapu Pittosporum eugenioides KFF, 1889. March-flowering gentian Gentiana Griesbachii NZJS, 1921. marginate luzuriaga Enargea parviflora LB, 1906. marie (= maire) Olea Cunninghamii OTR, 1916. mariscus-sedge Mariscus ustulatus CNZ, 1919. marsh buckler-fern Dryopteris thelypteris var. squaumulosa FFN, 1890. marsh-buttercup Ranunculus rivularis CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. marsh cress Nasturtium palustra FAA, 1889. marsh cudweed Guaphalium paludosum CTP, 1908. marsh fern Dryopteris thelypteris var. squamulosa POO, 1882. marsh foxtail Alopecurus geniculatus CMN, 1906. DFC, 1916. marsh haloragis Halorrhagis micrantha CTP, 1908. marsh marygold Caltha novae zelandiae Trans. 1, 1869. marsh reed Typha angustifolia MTN, 1834. marsh-rush Typha angustifolia RHH, 1897. marsh-samphire Salicornia australis Trans. 4, 1872. matagowry Discaria toumatou Ver. mat-raoulia Raoulia tenuicaulis CNZ, 1919. matted club-moss Lycopodium ramulosum CSI, 1909. meadow rice grass Microlaena stipoides NZCJ, 1879. CIG, 1880. CWK, 1908. meadow rice-grass Microlaena stipoides CWK, 1908. CDA, 1911. membrane-leaved fern. Blechnum membranaceum POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. Menzies' beech Nothofagus Menziesii LB, 1906. mermaids' beads Chaetomorpha Darwinii Ver. mikimik Copromsa linarifolia LCN, 1868. milk tree Paratrophis microphylla Trans. 1, 1869 TNN, 1909. DFC, 1916. milk-tree Paratrophis microphylla HHN, 1867. CCV, 1872. Trans. 12, 1880. Trans. 29, 1897. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CKB, 1915. milk wood Paratrophis microphylla Ver. (Stony Bay, B.P.) † So written in communication from WB. milkwood Paratrophis microphylla NZJS, 1924. Ver. (WB.). Milne's tree-fern Cyathea Milnei POO, 1882.

mimic tree-fern Blechnum Fraseri DMs., 1921. miniature tree-fern Blechnum Fraseri CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1919. mint Mentha Cunninghamii Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 2, 1870. TNN, 1909. minute poa Poa foliosa CIG, 1880. mistletoe Loranthus micranthus POO, 1882. moko-mok Aristotelia racemosa LB, 1906. moko moko (= mako-mako) Aristotelia racemosa ATO, 1897. Monro's Spaniard Aciphylla Monroi LB, 1906. moonwort Botrychium TFF, 1882. Botrychium australe CKB, 1915. Botrychium lunaria FFN, 1890. CNZ, 1919 Botrychium ternatum LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. moss fern Leptopteris superba POO, 1882. mother-fern Asplenium bulbiferum DMs., 1921. mountain-akeake Olearia avecinniaefolia CNZ, 1919. mountain-astelia Astelia montana CNZ, 1919. mountain aster Celmisia sp. NZCJ, 1885. NZCJ, 1888. mountain beech Nothofagus cliffortioides KFF, 1889. HMB, 1898. DCO, 1900. CMN, 1906. DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. mountain-beech Nothofagus cliffortioides MNZ, 1905. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. mountain birch Nothofagus cliffortioides CMN, 1906. mountain broad-leaved filmy fern Hymenophyllum atrovirens POO, 1882. mountain-buttercup Ranunculus insignis THW, 1909. mountain cabbage-tree Cordyline indivisa THW, 1909. mountain cassinia Cassinia Vauvilliersii CTP, 1908. mountain cedar Libocedrus Bidwillii Ver. (WB). mountain-cedar Libocedrus Bidwillii THW, 1909. mountain celery pine Phyllocladus alpinus LB, 1906. mountain celery-pine Phyllocladus alpinus MNZ, 1905. mountain club-moss Lycopodium scariosum CNZ, 1919. mountain-cottonwood Cassinia Vauvilliersii CNZ, 1919. mountain-cotula Cotula pyrethrifolia CNZ, 1919. mountain-currant Aristotelia fruticosa CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. mountain daisy Celmisia coriacea LB, 1906. MK, 1908. Helichrysum bellidioides MHG, 1885. CTP, 1908. mountain daisy Olearia insignis HRN, 1889. mountain-daisy Helichrysum bellidioides THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. mountain flax Phormium Colensoi THW, 1909. mountain-flax Phormium Colensoi CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. mountain forget-me-not Myosotis Traversii NZCJ, 1885. mountain-foxglove Ourisia macrophylla CNZ, 1919. mountain-gentian Gentiana bellidifolia CNZ, 1919. Gentiana corymbifera MHG, 1885. mountain-holly Olearia ilicifolia CCN, 1924. mountain ivy-tree Nothopanax Colensoi CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. mountain korokio Corokia Cotoneaster CCN, 1924. mountain-korokio Corokia Cotoneaster CNZ, 1919. mountain lancewood Pseudopanax lineare CCN, 1924. mountain lily Ranunculus Lyallii Trans. 12, 1880. MHG, 1885. HNF, 1888. FAA, 1889. MLN, 1890. Z, 1890. DCO, 1900. MK, 1908. NC, 1912.

mountain-lily Ranunculus Lyallii CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. mountain-loving veronica Veronica monticola LB, 1906. mountain marguerite Senecio scorzoneroides CCO, 1900. mountain musk Celmisia incana CTP, 1908. * “This plant the shepherds call the mountain-musk, and smoke it mingled with tobacco for the fragrance it affords.” CCO, p. 210. mountain-musk Celmisia discolor CCO, 1900. Celmisia incana CNZ, 1919. Celmisia Sinclairii CCO, 1900. mountain neinei Dracophyllum Traversii CNZ, 1924. mountain-neinei Dracophyllum Traversii CNZ, 1919. mountain palm Cordyline indivisa OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. mountain panax Nothopanax Sinclairii DDD, 1917. mountain-panax Nothopanax Colensoi CSI, 1909. mountain pine Dacrydium Bidwillii KFF, 1889. Dacrydium intermedium KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. mountain-pine Dacrydium Bidwillii CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. mountain-piripiri Acaena Sanguisorbae var. pilosa CNZ, 1919. mountain primula Ourisia macrophylla HFZ, 1890. OTR, 1916. DDD (2),1925. mountain rata Metrosideros lucida MNZ, 1905. CMN, 1906. mountain-rata Metrosideros lucida CSI, 1909. mountain ribbon-wood Gaya Lyallii TIC, 1906. CNZ, 1919. mountain ribbonwood Plagianthus Lyallii TNN, 1909. CNZ, 1919. mountain-ribbonwood Gaya Lyallii CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. mountain rimu Dacrydnim laxifolium KFF, 1889. DDD, 1917. mountain-sedge Carex dissita var. monticola CSI, 1909. mountain-snowberry Gaultheria depressa CNZ, 1919. mountain southernbeech Nothofagus Cliffortioides Trans. 48, 1916. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. mountain-tawheowheo Quintinia acutifolia CNZ, 1919. mountain toatoa Phyllocladus alpinus KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. CCN, 1924. mountain-toatoa Phyllocladus alpinus CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. DDD (2), 1925. (mis-spelt totoa) mountain totara Podocarpus nivalis CCV, 1872. LB, 1906. mountain-totara Podocarpus Hallii THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. Podocarpus nivalis CTP, 1908. Trans. 48, 1916. CCN, 1924. mountain totoa Phyllocladus alpinus DDD, 1917. mountain tree-daisy Olearia Colensoi CNZ, 1919. mountain tree-fern Alsophila Colensoi POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. mountain tussock grass Poa Colensoi var. intermedia NSCJ, 1879. mountain-twitch Triodia exigua CNZ, 1919. mountain umbrellafern Gleichenia alpina CNZ, 1919. mountain uncinia Uncinia compacta CSI, 1909. mountain water-willowherb Epilobium macropus CTP, 1908. mountain willow-herb Epilobium chloraefolium CNZ, 1919. mountain wineberry Aristotelia fruticosa CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. mountain-wineberry Aristotelia fruticosa CNZ, 1919. mountain yellow buttercup Ranunculus nivicola DDD (2), 1925.

Mount Cook bent Deyeuxia Youngii NZCJ, 1879. Mount Cook lily Ranunculus Lyallii HFZ, 1890. CMN, 1906. Mount Egmont buttercup Ranunculus nivicola CNZ, 1910. Mount Egmont primula Ourisia macrophylla DDD, 1917. mouse ear Myrtus obcordata Ver. (WB) musk Mimulus repens CNZ, 1910. musk-tree Olearia Colensoi Trans. 12, 1880. musky olearia Olearia moschata LB, 1906. musky tree-daisy Olearia moschata CNZ, 1919. mutton-bird plant Cotula Featherstonii CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. mutton bird scrub Olearia Colensoi Senecio rotundifolius Z. 1889. mutton-bird scrub Olearia Colensoi Trans. 42, 1910. Senecio rotundifolius MNZ, 1905. CNZ, 1919. Senecio sciadophilus LB, 1906. mutton-bird shrub Senecio rotundifolius CCN, 1924. mutton-bird-wood mutton-wood Olearia Colensoi KFF, 1889. myrtle Metrosideros scandens FAA, 1859 Myrtus bullata NC, 1912. Myrtus obcordata Trans. 2, 1870. KFF, 1889. naked oat grass Danthonia nuda CIG, 1880. naked phebalium Phebalium nudum LB, 1906. narrow adder's tongue Ophioglossum lusitanicum DFN, 1921. narrow hard-fern Blechnum alpinum DMs, 1921. narrow-leaved adder's tongue Ophioglossum lusitanicum DFN, 1921. narrow-leaved cassinia Cassinia leptophylla LB, 1906. narrow-leaved celmisia Celmisia linearis CSI, 1909. narrow-leaved coprosma Coprosma linarifolia LB, 1906. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. narrow-leaved hinehine Melicytus lanceolatus MNZ, 1905. narrow-leaved hooded orchid Pterostylis graminea CWK, 1908. narrow-leaved lacebark Hoheria angustifolia CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. narrow-leaved lawyer Rubus subpauperatus CSI, 1909. narrow-leaved lindsaya Lindsaya linearis POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. narrow leaved maire Olea montana DDD, 1917. narrow-leaved maire Olea montana MNZ, 1905. CMN, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. narrow-leaved nothopanax Nothopanax lineare LB, 1906. narrow-leaved oat tussac grass Danthonia Raoulii CIG, 1880. narrow-leaved oreobolus Oreobolus strictus CSI, 1909. narrow-leaved polypody Polypodium Billardieri POO, 1882. Polypodium diversifolium CTP, 1908. narrow-leaved snowberry. Gaultheria perplexa CSI, 1909. narrow-leaved uncinia Uncinia caespitosa CTP, 1908. narrow-leaved willowherb Epilobium cinereum CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. Epilobium junceum CKI, 1907. CWK, 1905. narrow Lindsaya Lindsaya linearis DMs., 1921. native anise Angelica Ginigidium NZJS, 1921. native aniseed Angelica Gingidium LB, 1906. DFC, 1916. DDD, 1917. native arbutilon Rhabdothamnus Solandri DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. (mis-spelt abutilon) native ash Alectryon excelsum DCO, 1900. native bamboo Microlaena polynoda DDD, 1917. native beech Fagus Menziesii DDD, 1917. native begonia Elatostema rugosum DDD, 1917.

native bignonia Rhabdothamnus Solandri DDD, 1917. native blue bell Wahlenbergia albomarginata LCN, 1868. native bramble Rubus australis FAA, 1889. TIC, 1906. native broom Carmichaelia flagelliformis FAA, 1889. DCO, 1900. DFC, 1916. Carmichaelia subulata Trans, 46, 1914. native burr Acaena Sanguisorbae LCN, 1868. FAA, 1889. native carrot Daucus brachiatus TIC, 1906. TNN, 1909. native cedar Dysoxylum spectabile FAA, 1889. Libocedrus Bidwillii MLN, 1890. DFC, 1896. MNZ, 1905. DFC, 1916. native celery Apium prostratum HHN, 1867. native clematis Clematis indivisa CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. native convolvulus Calystegia tuguriorum CKI, 1907. native cork wood Entelea arborescens RDT, 1875. native current Aristotelia racemosa Trans 30, 1898. CTP, 1908. MK, 1908. TNN, 1909. CNZ, 1910. native cypress Libocedrus Bidwillii DDD, 1917. native daisy Brachycome Sinclairii KSF, 1899. Lagenophora Forsteri KSF, 1899. Lagenophora pumila HHN, 1867. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. native everlasting Helichrysum bellidioides TNN, 1909. native fig Scheffiera digitata CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. native flax Linum monogynum HHN, 1867. Phormium tenax TNC, 1856. BOS, 1900. NZJS, 1921. NZJS, 1923. native fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata POO, 1882. HMB, 1898. CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1910. EM, 1911. DDD, 1917. native geranium Geranium microphyllum DCO, 1900. native groundsel Erechtites prenathoides Trans. 31, 1899. native harebell Wahlenbergia gracilis DCO, 1900. native hawthorn Discaria toumatou HHN, 1867. native heath Dracophyllum longifolium HOC, 1865. Epacris pauciflora DDD, 1917. Gaultheria antipoda TIC, 1906. Leucopogon Fraseri HHN, 1867. DCO, 1900. * “The rose and the laburnum intermingle their blossoms with those of the clianthus and the mimosa; the English primrose and the Scottish bluebell nestle amidst lovely New Zealand ferns; the modest gowan mingles with sweet-scented native heather; honey-suckles twine around cottage-porches, in company with the native clematis and the thick-spreading native convulvulus: and fragrant violets bloom beneath the shade of picturesque palm-trees.” PPO, p. 21. Native heather ?Cassinia leptophylla PPO, 1968. native hemp Phormium tenax CVS, 1773. PAS, 1841. native holly Olearia ilicifolia MLN, 1890. MNZ, 1905. CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. DDD, 1917. CNZ, 1919. DDD (2). 1925. Olearia macrodonta MNZ, 1905. native honey-suckle Knightia excelsa DDD, 1917. native honeysuckle Knightia excelsa DDD (2), 1925. native ice-plant Mesembryanthemum australe HHN, 1867. Tetragonia expansa HHN, 1867. native iris Liberta ixioides DCO, 1900.

native laburnum Sophora tetraptera LCN, 1868. native laurel Myoporum laetum PLC, 1857. native lilac Quintinia serrata FAA, 1889. native mimosa Sophora tetraptera LCN, 1868. native mint Mentha Cunninghamii DFC, 1896. DFC, 1916. native mistletoe Loranthus sp. DCO, 1900. native mulberry Entelea arborescens Trans. 3, 1871. native myrtle Myrtus bullata DDD, 1917. Myrtus obcordata TNN, 1909. Native Oat Grass Tristetum antarcticum NZCJ, 1879. native parsley Anisotome sp. OTR, 1916. native passion-flower Tetrapathaea australis DCO, 1900. rative passion-vine Tetrapathaea australis Trans. 43, 1911. native pepper Macropiper excelsum HHN, 1867. native sandalwood Fusanus Cunninghamii Trans. 28, 1896. native sarsaparilla Rhipogonum scandens HHN, 1867. native scabweed Raoulia lutescens NZJS, 1921. native screw-pine Freycinetia Banksii CKI, 1907. native teak Metrosideros lucida PPO, 1868. native thorn Discaria toumatou HHN, 1867. FAA, 1889. native thyme Pimelea laevigata GST, 1921. native violet Viola filicaulis FAA, 1889. Viola Cunninghamii TNN, 1909. Native Water Milfoil Myriophyllum elatinoides FAA, 1889. necklace fern Asplenium flabellifolium DFN, 1921. needle-leaved celmisia Celmisia laricifolia CNZ, 1919. needle-leaved heath Dracophyllum longifolium CCO, 1900. CNZ, 1919. needle-leaved poa Poa acicularifolia CIG, 1880. net fungus Clathrus cibarius Ver. nettle Urtica ferox DFC, 1896. Urtica incisa Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 2, 1870. nettle tree Urtica ferox Trans. 1, 1869. HMB, 1898. New Zealand acacia Sophora grandiflora Trans. 1, 1869 Trans. 9, 1877 New Zealand acaena Acaena novae-zelandiae LB, 1906. New Zealand aniseed Angelica montana CKB, 1915. New Zealand arbor vitae Libocedrus doniana CWK, 1908. New Zealand arborvitae Libocedrus doniana HHW, 1867. Trans. 4, 1872. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. New Zealand ash Alectryon excelsum Trans. 3, 1871. KFF, 1889. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. Metrosideros tomentosa HNP, 1867. New Zealand atropis Atropis novae-zealandiae CSI, 1909. New Zealand bed-straw Galium umbrosum CSI, 1909. New Zealand begonia Elatostema rugosum DDD (2), 1925. New Zealand bent-grass Agrostis Dyeri CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. New Zealand blue bell Wahlenbergia albomarginata MLN, 1890. NC, 1912. New Zealand blue-bell Wahlenbergia albomarginata CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. New Zealand bluebell Wahlenbergia albomarginata CNZ, 1919. Wahlenbergia gracilis CNZ, 1910. New Zealand box Veronica buxifolia TIC, 1906. CTP, 1908. Veronica buxifolia var. odora CSI, 1909.

New Zealand bramble Rubus australis TIM, 1855. BGN, 1860. Trans. 1, 1869. LB, 1906. TIC, 1906. New Zealand broom Carmichaelia australis OTR, 1916. Carmichaelia flagelliformis THW, 1909. New Zealand burr Acaena novae-zelandiae THW, 1909. Acaena Sanguisorbae THW, 1909. New Zealand burr-reed Sparganium subglobosum CNZ, 1919. New Zealand calceolaria Jovellana Sinclairii CNZ, 1919. New Zealand caltha Caltha novae-zealandiae LB, 1906. CSI, 1909. New Zealand cedar Dysoxylum spectabile HNP, 1867. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. Ver. (WB) Libocedrus doniana CWK, 1908. New Zealand celery Apium prostratum CKI, 1907. New Zealand chickweed. Stellaria gracilenta NZCJ, 1885. New Zealand Christmas tree Metrosideros tomentosa OTR, 1916. New Zealand clematis Clematis indivisa CKB, 1915. * See J. C. Crawford on coffee-producing plants. Trans. 9, p, 545, 1877. Good coffee from C. lucida, and C. baueriana suggested as good. New Zealand coffee Coprosma sp. DCO, 1900. New Zealand convolvulus Calystegia tuguriorum CKB, 1915. New Zealand cress Cardamine heterophylla HNP, 1867. New Zealand currant Aristotelia racemosa HMB, 1898. LB, 1906. TIC, 1906. New Zealand cypress Libocedrus Bidwillii OTR, 1916. Libocedrus doniana DDD, 1917. New Zealand daisy Celmisia sp. HGC, 1865. Lagenophora pumila CSI, 1909. Lagenophora petiolata CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. New Zealand dandelion Taraxacum magellanicum CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. New Zealand daphne Pimelia longifolia DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. New Zealand dock Ruṁex flexuosus CKB, 1915. New Zealand donatia Donatia novae-zelandiae CSI, 1909. New Zealand eldelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps. MHG, 1885. HNF, 1888. Trans. 26, 1894. LB, 1906. CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. DDD, 1917. Leucogenes Leontopodium Trans. 30, 1898. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand eyebright Euphrasia zelandica LB, 1906. New Zealand fig Scheffiera digitata CKB, 1915. New Zealand fir Agatha australis NZJ, 1846. † … “so called from the flax-like properties of its fibre; not from any resemblance it bears to the insignificant-looking plant of Europe.” HNZ, p. 88. …. “its chief peculiarity consists in the fibre being obtained in the leaf, and not, as the case with the European flax, from the stem; …” BRP, p. 94. Noted as flowering in France in May, 1813. NNV, vol. 2, p. 135. New Zealand flax Phormium Colensoi CKI, 1907. CNZ, 1919. Phormium tenax NZJ, 1840 PAS, 1841. HNZ, 1857. HHN, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. TNN, 1909. DFC, 1916. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. ‡ New-Zealand is consistently hyphened throughout the book. New-Zealand flax Phormium tenax MAP, 1838.

New Zealand flax-plant Phormium tenax BGN, 1860. New Zealand fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata MNZ, 1905. NC, 1912. CKB, 1915. New Zealand gum tree Nothopanax Colensoi TNN, 1909. New Zealand hawthorn Carpodetus serratus CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. New Zealand herpolirion Herpolirion novae-zelandiae LB, 1906. New Zealand hibiscus Hibiscus trionum FAA, 1889. New Zealand hickory Phyllocladus alpinus KFF, 1889. New Zealand holly Olearia ilicifolia MK, 1908. NC, 1912. OTR, 1916. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand honeysuckle Knightia excelsa CKI, 1907. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. OTR, 1916. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand hydrocotyle Hydrocotyle novae zelandiae LB, 1906. New Zealand ice-plant Mesembryanthemum australe CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand jasmine Parsonsia heterophylla CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand Kaikoura buttercup Ranunculus lobulatus CNZ, 1919. New Zealand laburnum Sophora grandiflora Sophora microphylla CNZ, 1910. Sophora tetraptera BGN, 1860. SLM, 1902. LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. New Zealand laurel Corynocarpus laevigata MLN, 1890. KSF, 1899. SLM, 1902. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. NC, 1912. Griselinia littoralis Trans. 9, 1877 New Zealand lignum vitae Dodonoea viscosa Trans. 1, 1869 New Zealand lilac Quintinia serrata KFF, 1889. KSF, 1899. Veronica Hulkeana CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand lily Arthropodium cirratum CSJ, 1846. NZJ, 1848. New Zealand mahogany pine Podocarpus totara HNP, 1867. New Zealand marsh-marigold Caltha novae zealandiae CSI, 1909. New Zealand marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle novae-zealandiae CWK, 1908. New Zealand marsh-pennywort Hydrocotyle novae-zealandiae CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. New Zealand mint Mentha Cunninghamii CSI, 1909. New Zealand mulberry Entelea arborescens LB, 1906. OTR, 1916. New Zealand musk Mimulus repens CNZ, 1919. New Zealand myrtle Myrtus bullata CSJ, 1846. NZJ, 1848. GHB, 1910. OTR, 1916. New Zealand oak Alectryon excelsum MLN, 1890. OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. Pittosporum eugenioides HEC, 1915. Vitex lucens YNZ, 1835. HNP, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869 KFF, 1889. LB, 1906. New Zealand oak-elm Metrosideros robusta HNP, 1867. New Zealand oat grass Danthonia semiannularis CIG, 1880. New Zealand olive Olea CNZ, 1919. Olea apetala HMB, 1898. Trans. 43, 1911. Sideroxylon novo-zelandicum Trans. 43, 1911. New Zealand orache Atriplex Billardieri CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand orange blossom Hoheria populnea FAA, 1889. New Zealand pachycladon Pachycladon novae-zelandiae LB, 1906.

New Zealand palm Rhopalostylis sapida Trans. 1, 1869 New Zealand passion-flower Tetrapathaea australis CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1910. Trans. 44, 1912. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand passionflower Tetrapathaea australis (tetrandra) CCN, 1924. * “It is also called the New Zealand pincushion, and is often used. for that purpose by the shepherds' wives.” T. W. Adams, NZCJ vol. 9, 1885, p. 140. New Zealand pincushion Raoulia mammillaris NZCJ, 1885. New Zealand pink broom Notospartium torulosum NC, 1912. New Zealand pitch pine Phyllocladus trichomanoides HNP, 1867. New Zealand plantain Plantago Raoulii CNZ, 1919. New Zealand privet Geniostoma ligustrifolia CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. New Zealand red pine Dacrydium cupressinum HNP, 1867. New Zealand reed Arundo conspicua CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. New Zealand sandalwood Fusanus Cunninghamii KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Olea Cunninghamii HNP, 1867. New Zealand sandalwood Fusanus Cunninghamii CWK, 1908. New Zealand's bird's nest fern Blechnum discolor DDD, 1917. New Zealand screwpine Freycinetia Banksii CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand's damson Beilschmiedia tawa HNZ, 1857. New Zealand sheep's fescue Festuca ovina var. novae-zelandiae NZJS, 1923. † “This has long been cultivated in Europe as an edible plant, under the name of ‘New Zealand spinach.’” CMN, p. 192. New Zealand spinach Tetragonia expansa CSJ, 1846. NZJ, 1848. HHN, 1867. HNP, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. MSE, 1888. KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CSI, 1909 TNN, 1909. CNZ, 1910. Trans. 43, 1911. CNZ, 1919. New Zealand's pineapple Freycinetia Banksii HNP, 1863. New Zealand spurge Euphorbia glauca CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. New Zealand teak Vitex lucens HNP, 1867. Trans. 3, 1871. RDT, 1875. KFF, 1889. Ver. (WB). New Zealand thorn Discaria toumatou Trans. 1, 1869 New Zealand violet Viola Cunninghamii CNZ, 1910. Trans. 46, 1914 CNZ, 1919. DDD (2), 1925. New Zealand waterpimpernel Samolus repens var. procumbens CKI, 1907. New Zealand willow Veronica salicifolia LCN, 1868. New Zealand wind grass Stipa arundinacea CIG, 1880. New Zealand wine-berry Aristotelia racemosa FAA, 1889. OTR, 1916. New Zealand yellow pine Agathis australis HNP, 1867. New Zealand yew Podocarpus totara STT, 1850. nigger head Carex secta DFC, 1916. nigger-head Carex secta CMN, 1906. Carex virgata POO, 1882. DCO, 1900. niggerhead Carex secta LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CDA, 1911. Trans. 48, 1916. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924.

nightshade Solanum nigrum HHN, 1867. Trans. 2, 1870. nika-palm Rhopalostylis sapida MSE, 1888. nikau palm Rhopalostylis sapida Trans. 1, 1869 Trans 10, 1878. HNF, 1888. MLN, 1890. BOS, 1900. LB, 1906. TIC, 1906. CWK, 1908. TNN, 1909. nikau-palm Rhopalostylis sapida CMN, 1906. CKI, 1907. Trans. 44, 1912. OTR, 1916. CNZ, 1919. nodding club-moss Lycopodium varium CNZ, 1919. nodding club-rush Scirpus filiformis CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. nodding plumed poa Poa anceps CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. Poa anceps var. elata CIG, 1880. northern lancewood Pseudopanax Lessonii OTR, 1916. northern needle-leaved heath Dracophyllum Urvilleanum CNZ, 1919. northern rata Metrosideros lucida DDD, 1917. Metrosideros robusta RDT, 1875. KFF, 1889. MNZ, 1905. CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1910. NC, 1912. CNZ, 1919. North Island edelweiss Leucogenes Leontopodium CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. North Island eyebright Euphrasia tricolor CNZ, 1919. North Island lily Arthopodium cirratum MLN, 1890. NC, 1912. North Island rata Metrosideros robusta LB, 1900. CKI, 1907. nutmeg tree Drimys axillaris Ver. (WB) oak Carpodetus serratus CCV, 1872. oak of the Pacific Virtex lucens PNZ, 1838. PMC, 1840. oak-leaved alseuosmia Alseuosmia quercifolia LB, 1906. oak-leaved goose-foot Chenopodium glaucum var. ambiquum CSI, 1909. oak-leaved goosefoot Chenopodium glaucum var. ambiquum CDA, 1911. oat-like bent grass Deyeuxia avenoides CIG, 1880. oat-like bent-grass Deyeuxia avenoides CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. obcordate-leaved myrtle Myrtus obcordata LB, 1906. obcordatea-leaved pittosporum Pittosporum obcordatum LB, 1906. oblate-berried nertera Nertera depressa LB, 1906. odorous tree-daisy Olearia ordorata CNZ, 1919. Old Man's Eyebrow Drosera binata FAA, 1889. olive-leaved cedar Agathis australis CVT, 1771-72. one-flowered craspedia Craspedia uniflora LB, 1906. one-flowered grass-tree Dracophyllum uniflorum LB, 1906. one-flowered poa Poa uniflora CIG, 1880. one-sided fern Hymenophyllum peltatum CSI, 1909. onion-leaved microtis Microtis porrifolia LB, 1906. onion-leaved orchid Microtis porrifolia CKI, 1907. Microtis unifolia CTP, 1908. CWK, 1908. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. orange berry Tetrapathaea australis Ver. (WB). orange-coloured swamplily Chrysobactron Rossii CNZ, 1919. orange-leaf Coprosma lucida HHN, 1867. LCN, 1868. orange wood Nothopanax Edgerleyi DDD, 1917. orange-wood Nothopanax Edgerleyi DDD, 1917. pale-blue grass-lily Herpolirion novae-zelandiae CNZ, 1919. pale-leaved tree-fern Hemitilia Smithii CTP, 1908. pale-leaved willow-herb Epilobium chionanthum CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909.

pale willow-herb Epilobium novae-zelandiae CNZ, 1919. palm Rhopalostylis sapida HHN, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. palm-leaved fern Blechnum capense DMs, 1921. palm lily Cordyline australis SLM, 1902: MNZ, 1905. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. * “… the most appropriate name, ‘palm-lily,’ for which, we are indebted to the learned Baron von Mueller, is sufficiently elegant and euphonious to be generally adopted.” Kirk, Trans. 28, p. 509, 1896. palm-lily Cordyline australis Trans. 28, 1896. DCO, 1900. Trans. 36, 1904. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. Cordyline Banksii MSE, 1888. palm tree Cordyline australis HLN, 1856. palm-tree Cordyline australis PPO, 1868. pampas grass Arundo conspicua BOS, 1900. paper leaf Brachyglottis repanda Ver. (WB) parasite-myrtle Metrosideros robusta DRA, 1872. parrot-bill Clianthus puniceus DRA, 1872. CNZ, 1919. parrotbill Clianthus puniceus CNZ, 1910. parrot's beak Clianthus puniceus SLM, 1902. NC, 1912. parrot's beak fuchsia Clianthus puniceus RHH, 1893. parrot's Bill, Clianthus puniceus FAA, 1889. parrot's-bill Clianthus puniceus HSL, 1835. MI, 1884. Trans. 18, 1886 parsley fern Botrychium ternatum DDD, 1917. Botrychium flabellifolium DFN, 1921. parsley-fern Botrychium ternatum THW, 1909. passion flower Tetrapathaea australis CSJ, 1846. MLN, 1890. passion-flower Tetrapathaea australis NZJ, 1848. TIC, 1906. patch-plant Raoulia australis and other Raoulia BN, 1867. Paterson's fern Blechnum Patersoni LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. pedunculate myrtle Myrtus pedunculata LB, 1906. pellitory Parietaria debilis HHN, 1867. pendant spleenwort Asplenium flaccidum CSI, 1909. Pendent spleenwort Asplenium flaccidum CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. pendulous club-moss Lycopodium Billardieri CNZ, 1919. pendulous lycopodium Lycopodium, Billardieri DDD, 1917. penny wort Hydrocotyle elongata Trans. 1, 1869. pen-wiper plant Notothlaspi rosulatum KSF, 1899. DCO, 1900. LB, 1906. penwiper plant Notothlaspi rosulatum CMN, 1906. CNZ, 1910. penwiper-plant Notothlaspi rosulatum CNZ, 1919. pepper tree Wintera (= Drimys) axillaris Trans. 2, 1870. Trans. 3, 1871. FAA, 1889 VTN, 1896. LB, 1906. Wintera (= Drimys) colorata Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 2, 1870. Trans. 3, 1871. MLN, 1890. NC, 1912. Macropiper excelsum TIM, 1855. PPO, 1868. Ver. (WB) pepper-tree Wintera (= Drimys) axillaris TNC, 1856. Trans. 13, 1881. KFF, 1889. MNZ, 1905. TIC, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909 CNZ, 1910. DFC, 1916. CNZ, 1919. Wintera (= Drimys) colorata MNZ, 1905. TIC, 1906. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924.

peppertree Wintera (= Drimys) axillaris DFC, 1896. pepper-wood Wintera [Drimys] axillaris NZJS, 1923. pepperwort Lepidium sisymbrioides Trans. 1, 1869 perching-kahakaha Astelia Solandri CNZ, 1919. perching-kohuhu Pittosporum cornifolium CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. perching-kowharawhara Astelia Cunninghamii CNZ, 1919. perching-lilies Astelia sp. CNZ, 1910. perching lily Astelia Solandri CWK, 1908. perennial flax Linum monogynum TNC, 1856. persicaria-leaved pond-weed Potamogeton polygonifolius CSI, 1909. Petrie's coprosma Coprosma Petriei CTP, 1908. Petrie's fireweed Erechtites diversifolia CSI, 1909. Petrie's ourisia Ourisia prorepens CSI, 1909. Petrie's stipa Stipa Petriei CIG, 1880. phylica-leaved pomaderris Pomaderris phylicaefolia LB, 1906. physalis-like colensoa Colensoa physaloides LB, 1906. pigeon wood Hedycarya arborea Ver. (Stony Bay) pigeon-wood Hedycarya arborea EM, 1911. pigeonwood Hedycarya arborea CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. Ver. (WB) pig-face Mesembryanthemum MNZ, 1905. Mesembryanthemum australe VN, 1920. pigmy pine Dacrydium laxifolium CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. pig's face Mesembryanthemum australe CSI, 1909. pig's face Mesembryanthemum australe CNZ, 1910. pigs-face Mesembryanthemum australe TNN, 1909. pigsface Mesembryanthemum australe CDA, 1911. pigs' faces Mesembryanthemum australe KSF, 1899. LB, 1906. pilose bent grass Deyeuxia Forsteri var. pilosa CIG, 1880. pink broom Carmichaelia odorata OTR, 1916. Notospartium Car-michaelia HHN, 1867. FAA, 1889. KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. pink-flowered manuka Leptospermum Chapmanii DDD, 1917. pink-flowered mesem-bryanthemum Mesembryanthemum australe TNC, 1856. pink New Zealand jasmine Parsonsia capsularis var. rosea CKB, 1915. pipe wood Schefflera digitata Ver. (Stony Bay) pitch pine Phyllocladus alpinus NZCJ, 1892. Phyllocladus trichomanoides HNZ, 1857. pitoko (= titoki) Alectryon excelsum RSC, 1844. plantain Plantago lanigera Trans. 1, 1869 plumed maidenhair Adiantum formosum POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. DFN, 1921. plumed maiden hair fern Adiantum formosum LFN, 1875. plumed tussac grass Arundo conspicua CIG, 1880. plume grass Arundo conspicua MLN, 1890. plume-grass Arundo conspicua Trans. 43, 1911 Dichelachne crinita NZJS, 1925. poa-like fescue Poa litorosa CIG, 1880. pointed-leaved beech Nothofagus apiculata KFF, 1889. pointed-leaved earina Earina mucronata CWK, 1908.

polar stilbocarpa Stilbocarpa polaris LB, 1906. pond weed Potamogeton natans Trans. 1, 1869. pond-weed Potamogeton sp. CNZ, 1919. Potamogeton natans TIC, 1906. CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1910. pondweed Potamogeton sp. HHN, 1867. ponja (= ponga) Cyathea Cunninghamii MVC, 1864. HHN, 1867. poplar-like ribbon-wood Hoheria papulnea LB, 1906. Port Hills groundsel Senecio saxifragoides CKB, 1915. potato plant Solanum aviculare HMB, 1898. prenanthes-like erechtites Erechtites prenanthoides LB, 1906. prickly heath Leucopagon Fraseri GST, 1921. prickly saltwort Salsola Kali CNZ, 1919. prickly sedge Carex stellulata var. australis CSI, 1909. prickly shield fern Polystichum vestitum POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. prickly shield-fern Polystichum vestitum CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. prickly styphelia Cyathodes acerosa LB, 1906. * “There are two plants, the karo (prickly thorn) and taramea, (spear grass), which are well worthy of their names, but are almost exclusively confined, that is, the larger varieties, to the hilly regions. There generally grows near these a plant called tikuma (cotton- or leather- plant) from the leaf of which the natives make mats and leggings, which are impervious, to the sharp points of the former …” TCS, par. 51. prickly thorn Discaria toumatou TCS, 1851. primrose Samolus repens var. procumbens Trans. 1, 1869. Prince of Wales feather Leptopteris superba BOS, 1900. DFN, 1921. CCN, 1924. DDD (2), 1925. Ver. (WB) Prince of Wales' feather Leptopteris superba POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. Prince of Wales's feather Leptopteris superba CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. privet-leaved geniostoma Geniostoma ligustrifolium LB, 1906. proliferous club-rush Scirpus sulcatus var. distigmatosa CSI, 1909. proliferous spleenwort Asplenium bulbiferum LFN, 1875. prostrate coprosma Coprosma depressa CTP, 1908. prostrate fuchsia Fuchsia procumbens LB, 1906. prostrate kowhai Sophora prostrata CNZ, 1919. prostrate needle-leaved heath Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium CNZ, 1919. prostrate New Zealand box. Veronica buxifolia var. prostrata CSI, 1909. prostrate parsley Apium prostratum LB, 1906. pumice whipcord koromiko Veronica tetragona CNZ, 1919. pungent heath Leucopogon Fraseri CNZ, 1919. pungent mingimingi Cyathodes acerosa CNZ, 1919 puredi (= puriri) Vitex lucens BGN, 1860. puridi (= puriri) Vitex lucens RSC, 1844. purple-awned oat grass Danthonia pilosa CIG, 1880. purple-awned' oat-grass Danthonia pilosa CTP, 1908. CWK, 19083 CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. NZJS, 1923. purple cudweed Graphalium purpureum KSF, 1899. purple-flowered daisytree Olearia angustifolia CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910.

purple-flowered tree-daisy Olearia semidentata CNZ, 1919. purple tree-daisy Olearia semidentata CNZ, 1919. purua-grass Scirpus maritimus Ver. (A). pygmy bolbophyllum Bolbophyllum pygmaea LB, 1906. pygmy drosera Drosera pygmaea LB, 1906. pygmy pine Dacrydium laxifolium CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. Pyrenees sedge Carex pyrenaica CTP, 1908. quillwort Isoetes Kirkii CNZ, 1910. racemed oat grass Danthonia pilosa CIG, 1880. racemose aristotelia Aristotelia racemosa LB, 1906. racemose weinmannia Weinmannia racemosa LB, 1906. Ralph's pittosporum Pittosporum Ralphii LB, 1906. Raoul's plantain Plantago Raoulii CSI, 1909. rare boss fern Dryopteris unitum POO, 1882. raspberry Rubus australis TIM, 1855. rata vine Metrosideros florida EM, 1911. DDD, 1917. Ver. (WB) rata-vine Metrosideros sp. Trans. 43, 1911. rat-tail spleenwort Asplenium flabellifolium VN, 1920. rattar (= rata) Metrosideros robusta RSC, 1844. rattle-snake fern Botrychium ternatum FFN, 1890. rattlesnake fern Botrychium ternatum FFN, 1890. red azolla Azolla rubra CSI, 1909. red beech Nothofagus fusca CNZ, 1910. OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. red-beech Nothofagus fusca JM, 1909. THW, 1909. Trans. 42, 1910. red berry Coprosma robusta Ver. (WB). red biddy-bid Acaena novae-zealandiae CKB, 1915. red birch Nothofagus fusca Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 17, 1885. HRN, 1889. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Ver. (WB). Nothofagus Menziesii HHN, 1867. CCV, 1872. Trans. 17, 1885. CMN, 1906. Nothofagus Solanderi Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. Rapanea Urvillei KFF, 1889. OTR, 1916. Weinmannia racemosa Trans. 9, 1877. KFF, 1889. red-birch Nothofagus fusca MNZ, 1905. Rapanea Urvillei THW, 1909. red-birch Weinmannia racemosa CNZ, 1919. red-blotched horopito Wintera (= Drimys) colorata CKB, 1915. red climbing-rata Metrosideros florida CNZ, 1919. reddish filmy fern Hymenophyllum rufescens CSI, 1909. red fescue Festuca rubra NZJS, 1923. red-flowered manuka Leptospermum chapmanii DDD, 1917. red-fruited coprosma Coprosma rham-noides CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909 CKB, 1915. red-fruited gunnera Gunnera dentata CTP, 1908. red-fruited maire Eugenia maire CWK, 1908. red heath Dracophyllum recurvum CNZ, 1919. red horopito Wintera (= Drimys) colorata THW, 1909. red kamai Nothofagus fusca Trans. 9, 1877. red kowhai Clianthus puniceus CCN, 1924. red manuka Leptospermum scoparium Trans. 9, 1877. red-manuka Leptospermum ericoides MNZ, 1905.

red mapau Rapanea Urvillei CCV, 1872. RDT, 1875. Trans. 9, 1877. TIC, 1906. CSI, 1909. DFC, 1916. red maple Rapanea Urvillei CSI, 1909,. red-maple Rapanea Urvillei CKB, 1915. red matipo Rapanea Urvillei NZCJ, 1878. DCO, 1900. CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. red mistletoe Elytranthe tetrapetata CNZ, 1919. red New Zealand burr Acaena novae-zealandiae CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. red parrot's bill Clianthus puniceus HNZ, 1857. red pine Dacrydium cupressinum NZJ, 1849. STT, 1850. HNZ, 1857. HHN, 1867. PPO, 1868. Trans. 1, 1869. CCV, 1872. MSE, 1888. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. Podocarpus spicatus HCE, 1844. Trans. 1, 1869. KFF, 1889. Podocarpus totara PNZ, 1838. PMC, 1840. red-pine Dacrydium cupressinum MNZ, 1905. TIC, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. NZJS, 1924. red piripiri Acaena novae-zealandiae KSF, 1899. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. red rush Leptocarpus simplex CSI, 1909. red-seeded broom Carmichaelia australis CDA, 1911. red southern-beech Nothofagus fusca CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. red-stemmed willowherb Epilobium billardierianum CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. red tea-tree Leptospermum scoparium CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. red tree rata Metrosideros robusta OTR, 1916. red tussock Danthonia Raoulii CSI, 1909. red-tussock Danthonia Raoulii var. rubra CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. red uncinia Uncinia rubra CTP, 1908. reedmace Typha angustifolia HHN, 1867. remarkable olearia Olearia insignis LB, 1906. renga lily Arthropodium cirratum Trans. 34, 1902. retuse coprosma Coprosma retusca CSI, 1909. ribbon-scrub Plagianthus Lyallii Trans. 3, 1871. ribbon tree Gaya Lyallii NC, 1912. Plagianthus betulinus FAA, 1889. ribbon-tree Plagianthus betulinus HHN, 1867. ribbon wood Hoheria populnea Trans. 2, 1870. SLM, 1902. Plagianthus betulinus DFC, 1896. Plagianthus Lyallii FAA, 1889. ribbon-wood Hoheria populnea HHN, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 9, 1877. FAA, 1889. MLN, 1890. CMN, 1906. Pennantia corymbosa Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 9, 1877. Plagianthus betulinus Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 9, 1877. KSF, 1899. TIC, 1906. TNN, 1909. DFC, 1916. ribbonwood Hoheria populnea NC, 1912. HEC, 1915. Pennantia corymbosa CCV, 1872. Plagianthus betulinus CCV, 1872. Trans. 12, 1880. KFF, 1889. MNZ, 1905. CMN, 1906. TIC, 1906. TNN, 1909. Richards' shield fern Polystichum Richardi POO, 1882. Richard's spleenwort Asplenium Richardi CTP, 1908. Richards' spleenwort Asplenium Richardi POO, 1882. river daisy Graphalium keriense DDD (2), 1925.

river river (= rewa-rewa) Knightia excelsa NNV, 1817. robust coprosma Coprosma robusta LB, 1906. rock-akeake Olearia Forsteri CNZ, 1919. rock-anisotome Anisotome Enysii CNZ, 1919. rock-bluebell Wahlenbergia cartilaginea CNZ, 1919. rock cotton-plant Celmisia Monroi CNZ, 1919. rock-cudweed Gnaphalium Lyallii CNZ, 1919. rock-fern Adiantum aethiopicum VN, 1920. Cheilanthes Sieberi DMs., 1921. rock forget-me-not Myosotis saxatilis CNZ, 1919. rock-koromiko Veronica annulata and others CNZ, 1919. rock lily Arthropodium cirratum OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917. DDD (2), 1925. rock-lily Arthropodium cirratum CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. NZJS, 1924. NZJS, 1925. rock shrub-groundsel Senecio Monroi CNZ, 1919. rock sow-thistle Sonchus littoralis CKI, 1907. rock spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes POO, 1882. rock tree-daisy Olearia insignis CNZ, 1919. * Probably through being found on the Rockwood run in the Malvern Hills, Canterbury. See POO, p. 76. Rockwood lily Ranunculus Lyallii POO, 1882. rolling-grass Spinifex hirsutus CNZ, 1910. rooting selliera Selliera radicans LB, 1906. rose-leaved anise Angelica rosaefolia CNZ, 1919. rose-leaved lawyer Rubus schmidelioides CWK, 1908. rosette-like notothlaspi Notothlaspi rosulatum LB, 1906. rosette plant Notothlaspi rosulatum NZCJ, 1892. Ross's bulbinella Bulbinella Rossii LB, 1906. rosy New Zealand jasmine Parsonsia capsularis CWK, 1908. rough-bearded grass Echinopogon ovatus CIG, 1880. NZJS, 1923. rough bracken Paesia scaberula POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1919. Rough's chickweed Stellaria Roughii LB, 1906. rough Spaniard Aciphylla squarrosa LB, 1906. rough-stalked filmy fern Hymenophyllum scabrum POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. rough tree-fern Dicksonia squarrosa FFN, 1890. DFC, 1916. round-leaved beech Nothofagus Menziesii RDT, 1875. round-leaved climbing rata Metrosideros scandens CWK, 1908. round-leaved coprosma Coprosma rotundifolia LB, 1906. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. round-leaved fern Pellaea rotundifolia POO, 1882. CKB, 1915. round-leaved shrubby groundsel Senecio rotunifolius CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. round-leaved spiderorchid Corysanthes rotundifolia CSI, 1909. round-leaved willowherb Epilobium rotundifolium CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. royal fern Leptopteris superba POO, 1882. rue-leaved fern Gymnogramme rutaefolia POO, 1882. CKB, 1915.

rum-a-rum (= rama-rama) Myrtus bullata Ver. (WB) ruscus-leaved coriaria Coriaria sarmentosa LB, 1906. rush Juncus sp. HHN, 1867. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. rushes (Ra-poo) Typha angustifolia ENZ, 1832. rush fern Schizaea fistulosa POO, 1882. rush-fern Schizaea fistulosa CSI, 1909. rusty filmy fern Hymenophyllum ferrugineum POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. rusty podocarpus Podocarpus ferrugineus LB, 1906. ruva-ruva (= rewa-rewa) Knightia excelsa HNR, 1842. sacred-fern Doodia caudata FFN, 1890. * The name given to the root by the ship-wrecked crew of the Dundonald on Auckland Islands. They ate the root as a vegetable. sacrie Stilbocarpa polaris St. John's wort Hypericum gramineum Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 2, 1870. Selago-like everlasting Helichrysum selago LB, 1906. salicornia-like mistletoe Viscum salicornia LB, 1906. salt-grass Atropis stricta CNZ, 1919. salt-marsh bulrush Scirpus robustus CKI, 1907. salt-marsh ribbonwood Plagianthus divaricatus CSI, 1909. salt-marsh sandspurrey Spergularia media CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. salt-marsh sedge Carex litorosa CSI, 1909. salt-meadow cotula Cotula dioica CDA, 1911. samphire Salicornia australis Trans. 23, 1891. samphire-leaved ranunculus Ranunculus crithmifolius LB, 1906. sandal-wood Fusanus Cunninghamii ? sandalwood Olearia Traversii MLN, 1890. NC, 1912. sand bent-grass Calamagrostis billardieri CSI, 1909. sand bindweed Calystegia Soldanella CKI, 1907. sand-convolvulus Calystegia Soldanella CNZ, 1919. sand-coprosma Coprosma acerosa CNZ, 1910. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. sand-fescue Festuca littoralis CDA, 1911. sand fescue-grass Festuca littoralis CDA, 1911. sand-grass Scirpus frondosus CDA, 1911. sand-gunnera Gunnera arenaria CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. sandhill-fescue Festuca littoralis CSI, 1909. sandhill fescue grass Festuca littoralis CIG, 1880. sand-pimelea Pimelea arenaria CDA, 1911. sand-sedge Carex pumila CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. sand tussock-grass Festuca littoralis CDA, 1911. savage lancewood Pseudopanax ferox LB, 1906. savory palm-tree Rhopalostylis sapida DRA, 1872. saw-edge polypody Polypodium grammitidis POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. saw-leaved Spaniard Aciphylla Lyallii var. crenulata NZCJ, 1879. scabrid fireweed Erechtites scaberula CSI, 1909. scab-weed Raoulia lutescens AJ, scarce bracken Pteris comans POO, 1882. scarlet clianthus, Clianthus puniceus LB, 1906. scarlet climbing-rata Metrosideros florida CNZ, 1919. scarlet-flowered mistletoe Loranthus Colensoi TNN, 1909.

scarlet mistletoe Elyranthe tetrapetala CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. Loranthus Colensoi HNF, 1888. HRN, 1889. THW, 1909. TNN, 1909. scented broom Carmichaelia odorata WDJ, 1850. FAA, 1889. scented doodia Doodia caudata POO, 1882. scented fern Paesia scaberula DFN, 1921. Pteris tremula FFN, 1890. scented-fern Pteris tremula FFN, 1890. scented filmy fern Hymenophyllum sanguinolentum POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. Hymenophyllum polyanthos POO, 1882. scented grass Hierochloe redolens NZCJ, 1879. POO, 1882. GST, 1921. scented polypody Dryopteris pustulatum POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. scented sundew Drosera binata SPR, 1909. Schmidelia-like bramble Rubus schmidelioides LB, 1906. scoop-leaved koromiko ?Veronica haustrata NZCJ, 1879. scoria-koromiko Veronica spathulata CNZ, 1919. scrambling umbrella fern Gleichenia circinata CWK, 1908. scrambling, umbrellafern Gleichenia circinata CSI, 1909. scrub manuka Leptospermum ericoides Ver. (WB) scurvy weed Lepidium oleraceum FAA, 1889. sea-blite Suaeda maritima CNZ, 1919. sea club-rush Scirpus robustus CNZ, 1919. sea-grass Zostera nana CNZ, 1919. Zostera tasmanica CNZ, 1919. sea-rush Juncus maritimus var. australiensis CNZ, 1919. sea-sedge Carex litorosa CNZ, 1919. sea-shore dock Rumex neglectus CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. seashore poa Poa Astoni CSI, 1909. sea-side brome grass Bromus arenarius CIG, 1880. seaside brome-grass Bromus arenarius CDA, 1911. sea-side millet Paspalum distichum CIG, 1880. sea-side samolus Samolus littoralis LB, 1906. sea spleenwort Asplenium obtusatum CKB, 1915. sea-spleenwort Asplenium obtusatum CNZ, 1910. sea-wrack Zostera nana TIC, 1906. DFC, 1916. sedge Carex Darwini var. urolepsis Carex trifida Gahnia xanthocarpa CNZ, 1910. selago-like everlasting Helichrysum Selago LB, 1906. semi leafless lawyer Rubus subpauperatus CNZ, 1919. semi-whipcord koromiko Veronica tetrasticha CNZ, 1919. serrate carpodetus Carpodetus serratus LB, 1906. serrated quintinia Quintinia serrata LB, 1906. sharp-leaved creeping astelia Astelia subulata CSI, 1909. sharp-leaved heath Cyathodes acerosa CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. Leucopogon Fraseri CNZ, 1919. sharp-leaved totara Totara acutifolius CNZ, 1919. sharp-pointed earina Earina mucronata LB, 1906. sharp-toothed filmy fern Hymenophyllum multifidum POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. sharp-toothed marshpennywort Hydrocotyle moschata CKB, 1915. sheep oat grass Danthonia semiannularis CIG, 1880. shepherd's basket fungus Clathrus cibarius GST, 1921.

shepherd's lily Ranunculus Lyallii FAA, 1889. KSF, 1899. MLN, 1890. shield fern Polystichum DFN, 1921. shining broadleaf Griselinia lucida LB, 1906. shining coprosma Coprosma lucida CSI, 1909. shining oat grass Trisetum antarcticum CIG, 1880. shining oat-grass Trisetum antarcticum CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. shining olearia Olearia arborescens LB, 1906. shining rata Metrosideros lucida LB, 1906. shining sedge Carex lucida CKI, 1907. CDA, 1911. shining spleenwort Asplenium lucidum CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. shining-spleenwort Asplenium adiantoides CNZ, 1919. Asplenium lucidum DMs., 1921. * A euphemism; so named on account of the smell of the decaying wood. shittim wood Nothopanax arboreum Ver. (Stony Bay) shore-buttercup Ranunculus acaulis CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. shore convolvulus Calystegia Soldanella CNZ, 1910. Trans. 46, 1914. shore-convolvulus Calystegia Soldanella CDA, 1911. shore-cotula Cotula dioica CNZ, 1919. shore-cress Lepidium tenuicaule CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. shore-dock Rumex neglectus CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. shore-eyebright Euphrasia repens CNZ, 1919. shore forget-me-not Myosotis albida CNZ, 1919. shore-fuchsia Fuchsia procumbens CNZ, 1919. shore-gentian Gentiana saxosa CNZ, 1919. shore-groundsel Senecio lautus CNZ, 1919. shore hard-fern Blechnum Banksii CNZ, 1919. shore-koromiko Veronica elliptica CNZ, 1919. shore-kawharawhara Astelia Banksii CNZ, 1919. shore-lobelia Lobelia anceps CNZ, 1919. shore-panax Pseudopanax Lessonii CNZ, 1919. shore spleenwort Asplenium obtusatum POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. shore-spleenwort Asplenium obtusatum CNZ, 1919. shore stonecrop Crassula moschata CSI, 1909. shore-stonecrop Crassula moschata CNZ, 1919. short-awned wheat grass Agropyron multiflorum CIG, 1880. short-flowered celmisia Celmisia sessiliflora CSI, 1909. short-flowered crane's bill Geranium sessiliflorum var. glabrum CKI, 1907. short-flowered cranesbill Geranium sessiliflorum Var. glabrum CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. short-flowered meadow grass Poa foliosa NZCJ, 1879. short-glumed poa Poa breviglumis CIG, 1880. short-hair plume grass Dichelachne sciurea CIG, 1880. short-stemmed willowherb Epilobium nerterioides var. minimum CSI, 1909. shrubby aristotelia Aristotelia fruticosa LB, 1906. shrubby entelea Entelea arborescens LB, 1906. shrubby forest-groundsel Senecio Kirkii CNZ, 1910. shrubby fuchsia Fuchsia Colensoi CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. shrubby groundsel Senecio perdicioides CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919.

shrubby honeysuckle Alseuosmia macrophylla CNZ, 1919. shrubby nettle Urtica ferox Trans. 37, 1905. CNZ, 1919. shrubby panax Nothopanax anomalum CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. shrubby pittosporum Pittosporum rigidum CTP, 1908. shrubby pohuehue Muehlenbeckia Astoni CNZ, 1919. shrubby ribbonwood Plagianthus divaricatus CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924 shrubby speedwell Veronica diosmaefolia CNZ, 1910. shrub-fuchsia Fuchsia Colensoi CNZ, 1919. shrub-groundsel Senecio CCN, 1924. shrub rata Metrosideros lucida NZCJ, 1888. Sieber's fern Cheilanthes Sieberi POO, 1882. CKB, 1915. silky alpine buttercup Ranunculus sericophyllus CNZ, 1919. silver akeake Olearia Traversii MNZ, 1905. DDD, 1917. DDD (2). 1925. silverback Corysanthes macrantha LB, 1906. silver beech Nothofagus Menziesii Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. CNZ, 1910. silver-beech Nothofagus Menziesii CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. silver birch Nothofagus Menziesii KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Ver. (WB) Pittosporum tenuifolium Ver. (WB) silver-birch Nothofagus Solanderi MNZ, 1905. silver cushion-celmisia Celmisia argentea CNZ, 1919. silver filmy fern Hymenophyllum Malingii THW, 1909. silver-green fern Loxsoma Cunninghamii DMs., 1921. silver king (silver-king in Ms.) Cyathea dealbata DFN, 1921. silver matipo Pittosporum tenuifolium var. variegata DDD, 1917. silver pine Dacrydium Colensoi Trans. 9, 1877. KFF, 1889. MNZ, 1905. CMN, 1906. DFC, 1916. Ver. (WB) Libocedrus Bidwillii HEC, 1915. silver-pine Dacrydium Colensoi CTP, 1908. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. CCN, 1924. silver piripiri ‡ Evidently an error as this plant is not found nearer than Macquarie Island; the name should probably be Acaena saccaticupula. Acaena adcendens DDD (2), 1925. silver ponga Cyathea dealbata DDD (2), 1925. silver southern-beech Nothofagus Menziesii CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. silver tree fern Cyathea dealbata LFN, 1875. HMB, 1898. CMN, 1906. DFC, 1916. OTR, 1916. DDD, 1917, silver tree-fern Cyathea dealbata POO, 1882. TFF, 1882. FFN, 1890. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. silver-tussock Poa caespitosa CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. NZJS, 1923. silver-weed Potentilla anserina KSF, 1899. silverweed Potentilla anserina var. anserinoides DFC, 1896. CSI, 1909. DFC, 1916. silvery celmisia Celmisia argentea CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. silvery cotton-plant Celmisia coriacea CNZ, 1919. silvery cushion-celmisia Celmisia argentea CNZ, 1919. silvery filmy fern Hymenophyllum Malingii CTP, 1908.

silvery raoulia Raoulia australis CTP, 1908. CDA, 1911. silvery sand-grass Spinifex hirsutus CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. silvery tree-fern Cyathea dealbata MSE, 1888. silvery mountain-daisy Celmisia argentea CSI, 1909. simple bur-reed Sparganium subglobosum HHN, 1867. simple-leaved melicope Melicope simplex LB, 1906. simple-leaved nothopanax Nothopanax simplex LB, 1906. simple-leaved panax Nothopanax simplex CTP, 1908. Sinclair's celmisia Celmisia Sinclairii CSI, 1909. Sinclair's brachycome Brachycome Sinclairii LB, 1906. Sinclair's calceolaria Jovellana Sinclairii LB, 1906. Sinclair's panax Nothopanax Sinclairii CTP, 1908. single crape fern Leptopteris hymenophylloides CTP, 1908. CWK, 1908. single crape-fern Leptopteris hymenophylloides CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. single crepe fern Leptopteris hymenophylloides DDD (2), 1925. single Prince of Wales feather Leptopteris hymenophylloides DDD, 1917. six-sepaled clematis. Clematis hexasepata LB, 1906. slender alpine buttercup Ranunculus gracilipes CSI, 1909. slender bent grass Agrostis parviflora CIG, 1880. slender blue-bell Wahlenbergia gracilis CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. slender bluebell Wahlenbergia gracilis CNZ, 1919. slender bracken Paesia scaberula LFN, 1875. slender broom Carmichaelia flagelliformis CNZ, 1919. slender cabbage-tree Cordyline Banksii CWK, 1908. slender celery apium filiforme CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. slender climbing white rata Metrosideros hypericifolia CWK, 1908. slender climbing white-rata Metrosideros hypericifolia CKB, 1915. slender comb fern Schizaea fistulosa POO, 1882. slender comb-fern Schizaea fistulosa CSI, 1909. slender coprosma Coprosma tenuicaulis CWK, 1908. slender cranesbill Geranium microphyllum CKB, 1915. slender daisy-tree Olearia virgata var. lineata CSI, 1909. slender dicksonia Dicksonia squarrosa POO, 1882. slender everlasting Helichrysum filicaule CNZ, 1919. slender-flowered eyebright Siphonidium longiflorum CNZ, 1919. slender fuchsia Fuchsia Colensoi CKB, 1915. slender geranium Geranium microphyllum CWK, 1908. slender glumeless grass Asperella gracilis CIG, 1880. CSI, 1909. slender muehlenbeckia Muehlenbeckia complexa CWK, 1908. slender native broom Carmichaelia flagelliformis CTP, 1908. slender New Zealand broom Carmichaelia flagelliformis CDA, 1911. slender New Zealand celery Apium filiforme CNZ, 1919. slender New Zealand daisy Lagenophora petiolata CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. Lagenophora pumila CNZ, 1919. slender panic-grass Oplismenus undulatifolius CWK, 1908.

slender panick grass Oplismenus undulatifolius CIG, 1880. slender poa Poa anceps var. debilis CIG, 1880. Poa pusilla CSI, 1909. slender rush Juncus pauciflorus CKB, 1915. slender sedge Carex testacea CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. slender spike-rush Eleocharis Cunninghamii CSI, 1909. slender tree-fern Dicksonia squarrosa FFN, 1890. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. slender uncinia Uncinia filiformis CSI, 1909. slender violet Viola filicaulis CTP, 1908. slime-fungi Myxomycetes CNZ, 1919. small bog-grass Microlaena Thomsoni CSI, 1909. small bramble Rubus parvus LB, 1906. small craspedia Craspedia minor CNZ, 1919. smaller bindweed Calystegia tuguriorum LB, 1906. smaller grass-tree Dracophyllum Urvilleanum CSI, 1909. smaller swamp-sedge Carex virgata CKI, 1907. smaller white clematis Clematis hexasepala CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. small eyebright Euphrasia zealandica CNZ, 1919. small-flowered bentgrass Agrostis parviflora NZJS, 1923. small-flowered chick-weed Stellaria parviflora CKI, 1907. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. small-flowered coprosma Coprosma parviflora LB, 1906. CSI, 1909. small-flowered forget-me-not Myosotis pygmaea var. Traillii CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. small-flowered mistletoe Loranthus micranthus LB, 1906. small-flowered New Zealand jasmine Parsonsia capsularis CNZ, 1919. small-flowered oat tussac grass Danthonia Cunninghamii CIG, 1880. small-fruited coprosma Coprosma microcarpa CTP, 1908. small ground tutu Coriaria thymifolia FAA, 1889. small-leafed cress Nasturtium palustre TIM, 1855. small-leafed manuka Leptospermum ericoides ? small-leaved acaena Acaena microphylla LB, 1906. small-leaved climbing rata Metrosideros scan-dens ? small-leaved coprosma Coprosma parviflora CTP, 1908. small-leaved crane's-bill Geranium microphyllum CKI, 1907. small-leaved cranesbill Geranium microphyllum CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1919. small-leaved kohuhu Pittosporum obcordatum CNZ, 1919. small-leaved kowhai Sophora microphylla CNZ, 1910. small-leaved lindsaya * Potts has both Lindsaya microphylla and Lindsay viridis, the latter being called green lindsaya. Lindsaya microphylla POO, 1882. DMs., 1921. small-leaved maidenhair Adiantum aethiopicum POO, 1882. small-leaved marsh-pennywort Hydrocotyle microphylla small-leaved myrtle Myrtus pedunculata CTP, 1908. CNZ, 1919. small-leaved panax Nothopanax parvum CSI, 1909. small-leaved pohutukawa Metrosideros villosa KFF, 1889. small-leaved ramarama Myrtus Ralphii KFF, 1889. small-leaved tarata Pittosporum tenuifolium RDT, 1875.

small-leaved tree-daisy Olearia nummularifolia CNZ, 1919. small mountain club-moss Lycopodium fastigiatum CNZ, 1919. small New Zealand gentian Gentiana Griesbachii CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. small sea-holly Eryngium vesiculosum CNZ, 1919. small sharp-leaved heath Leucopogon Fraseri CNZ, 1919. small swamp-sedge Carex virgata CTP, 1908. small tussac poa Poa Colensoi var. intermedia CIG, 1880. small vegetable-sheep Raoulia bryoides CNZ, 1919. small water-milfoil Myriophyllum Votschii CNZ, 1919. small white clematis Clematis hexasepala CNZ, 1919. Smith's tree-fern Hemitelia Smithii POO, 1882. smooth boss fern Dryopteris glabella POO, 1882. smooth boss-fern Dryopteris glabella CKB, 1915. smooth corynocarpus Corynocarpus laevigata LB, 1906. smooth-leaved koromiko Veronica leiophylla CNZ, 1919. smooth pimelea Pimelea laevigata LB, 1906. smut wood Pennantia corymbosa Ver. (Stony Bay) snotty gob Schefflera digitata Ver. (Otago) snow berry Gaultheria antipoda HNF, 1888. Gaultheria rupestris NC, 1912. snow-berry Gaultheria antipoda LB, 1906. snowberry Enargea parviflora CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. Gaultheria antipoda MHG, 1885. DFC, 1896. TIC, 1906. CTP, 1908. TNN, 1909. THW, 1909. DFC, 1916. CNZ, 1919. Gaultheria rupestris MLN, 1890. snow-celmisia Celmisia viscosa CNZ, 1919. snow-gentian Gentiana corymbifera CNZ, 1919. snow grass Danthonia flavescens HGC, 1865. PPO, 1868. snow-grass Danthonia Raoullii CMN, 1906. CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. NZJS, 1923. snowgrass Danthonia Raoullii THW, 1909. snow-groundsel Senecio scorzoneroides CNZ, 1919. snow shield fern Polystichum cystostegium POO, 1882. * “So-called from the quantities of little white flowers making it appear as if there had been a fall of snow.” snow-tree Carpodetus serratus HNF, 1888. snowy eye-bright Euphrasia repens CSI, 1909. snowy mountain-foxglove Ourisia macrocarpa CNZ, 1919. snowy veronica Veronica spathulata CTP, 1908. soft boss fern Dryopteris molle POO, 1882. soft buckler-fern Dryopteris molle DMs., 1921. soft-leaved coprosma Coprosma tenuifolia THW, 1909. soft-leaved tree-fern Hemitilia Smithii THW, 1909. soft-leaved willow-herb Epilobium pubens CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. soft tree fern Hemitilia Smithii FFN, 1890. OTR, 1916. DDD (2), 1925. soft tree-fern Hemitilia Smithii FFN, 1890. Solander's beech Nothofagus Solanderi LB, 1906. Solander's orthoceras Orthoceras Solandri LB, 1906. Solander's rhabdothamnus Rhabdothamnus Solandri LB, 1906.

Solander's sedge Carex Solandri CSI, 1909. soldanella-like calystegia Calystegia soldanella LB, 1906. solitary gunnera Gunnera monoica LB, 1906. sorrelwood Oxalis magellanica HHN, 1867. southern arrow-grass Triglochin striata var. filifolia CKI, 1907. southern bramble Rubus australis LB, 1906. southern carmichaelia Carmichaelia australis LB, 1906. southern dicksonia Dicksonia antarctica POO, 1882. southern glasswort Salicornia australis CKI, 1907. southern hair-grass Deschampsia Chapmanni CSI, 1909. southern ironback Metrosideros lucida RDT, 1875. Southern Island rata Metrosideros lucida MLN, 1890. Southern Islands poa Poa foliosa CSI, 1909. southern mesembryanthemum Mesembryanthemum australe LB, 1906. southern palm Rhopalostylis sapida Trans. 4, 1872. southern rata Metrosideros lucida FAA, 1889. KFF, 1889. KSF, 1899. SLM, 1902. MNZ, 1905. CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1910. NC, 1912. CNZ, 1919. DDD (2), 1925. southern salsola Salsola australis LB, 1906. southern sicyos Sicyos australis LB, 1906. southern vittadinia Vittadinia australis LB, 1906. southern water-pimpernel Samolus repens var. procumbens CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. southern water star-wort Callitriche Muelleri CSI, 1909. South Island edelweiss Leucogenes grandiceps CCN, 1924. South Island gahnia Gahnia procera CSI, 1909. South Island ribbon wood Plagianthus betulinus HMB, 1898. Southland gunnera Gunnera Hamiltonii CSI, 1909. sow-thistle Sonchus asper KSF, 1899. Sonchus oleraceus KSF, 1899. sowthistle Sonchus CSJ, 1846. † The Spaniard is probably referred to in the following:—“A little alpine vale lay bathed in sun and spray, all one garden of celmisia and lilies and gentians, thorny spikes of yellow, and moss of amber and of emerald. From the rock cliff two trees of lace-bark trailed branches of white blossoms downward to meet the ground flowers below.” GHB, p. 199. Spaniard Aciphylla Colensoi KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. spaniard Aciphylla Colensoi CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. Aciphylla squarrosa PLC, 1857. HGC, 1862. LB, 1906. spathulate-leaved drosera Drosera spathulata LB, 1906. spathulate-leaved myosotis Myosotis spathulata LB, 1906. spear grass Aciphylla squarrosa TCS, 1851. PLC, 1857. HNP, 1867. PPO, 1868. Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 2, 1870. MLN, 1890. DDD, 1917. spear-grass Aciphylla Colensoi HHN, 1867. LCN, 1868. Trans. 14, 1882. Aciphylla squarrosa KSF, 1899. GST, 1921. speargrass ‡ No such name now recognised.Aciphylla Ashcroftii Z, 1889. Aciphylla squarrosa CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. CCN, 1924. DDD (2), 1925. speedwell Veronica elliptica CNZ, 1910. sphagnum moss Sphagnum CNZ, 1919.

* So-called on account of the figure revealed in the cut stem. spider-wood Dracophyllum latifolium EM, 1911. spiderwood Dracophyllum latifolium CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. spiked bent grass Deyeuxia quadriseta CIG, 1880. spiked bent-grass Deyeuxia quadriseta CSI, 1909. spiked oat grass Trisetum subspicatum CIG, 1880. spiked podocarpus Podocarpus spicata LB, 1906. spiked reed grass Deyeuxia quadriseta CIG, 1880. spiked rush Eleocharis Cunninghamii Trans. 1, 1869. spinach Chenopodium triandrum Trans. 2, 1870. Tetragonia expansa TIM, 1855. spineless piripiri Acaena inermis CNZ, 1919. spiny rolling grass Spinifex hirsutus CIG, 1880. spiny rolling-grass Spinifex hirsutus CNZ, 1910. spoon-leaved forget-me-not Myosotis spathulata CSI, 1909. spoon-leaved sun-dew Drosera spathulata CSI, 1909. spoon-leaved sundew Drosera spathulata CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. spotted shield fern Polystichum oculatum POO, 1882. spreading-orache Atriplex patula CNZ, 1919. † So-called from the similarity of its foliage to that of the American spruce. CVS, vol. 1, p. 95. Beer was first brewed from its leaves on 27th March, 1773. CVS, vol. 1, p. 73: details of method of brewing, pp. 99, 100: and see p. 147. spruce tree Dacrydium cupressinum CVS, 1773. spur-grasses Aciphylla sp. HLB, 1865. spurgewort Euphorbia glauca Trans. 2, 1870. square-stemmed twig-rush Claudium Vauthiera CSI, 1909. square-stemmed veronica Veronica tetragona CTP, 1908. star-lily Arthropodium candidum CNZ, 1919. starry hibiscus Hibiscus trionum LB, 1906. stemless tree fern Dicksonia lanata DDD (2), 1925. sterile wood Coprosma foetidissima HHN, 1867. Stewart Island buttercup Ranunculus Kirkii CSI, 1909. Stewart Island celmisia Celmisia rigida CSI, 1909. Stewart Island cotula Cotula Traillii CSI, 1909. Stewart Island shrubby groundsel Senecio Stewartiae CSI, 1909. Stewart Island Spaniard Aciphylla Traillii CNZ, 1919. Stewart Island spear-grass Aciphylla Traillii CSI, 1909. Stewart Island stilbocarpa Stilbocarpa Lyallii CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. Stewart Island tree-groundsel Senecio Stewartiae CNZ, 1919. Stewart Island uncinia Uncinia pedicellata CSI, 1909. Stewart Island vegetable-sheep Raoulia Goyeni CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. sticks (of the shepherds) Corallospartium crassicaule KSF, 1899. sticky-fern Dryopteris punctata DMs., 1921. stiff-branched, daisy-tree Olearia divaricata CSI, 1909. stiff bristle fern Trichomanes elongatum POO, 1882. stiff bristle-fern Trichomanes strictum CSI, 1909. stiff bulrush Scirpus nodosus CKI, 1907. stiff club-rush Scirpus nodosus CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. stiff-stemmed coprosma Coprosma crassifolia CKB, 1915.

stiff uncinia Uncinia rigida CTP, 1908. stinking fern Pteris tremula FFN, 1890. stinking-fern Pteris tremula FFN, 1890. stinkwood Coprosma foetidissima DFC, 1896. TIC, 1906. CTP, 1908. TNN, 1909. THW, 1909. DFC, 1916. NZJS, 1918. stitchwort Stellaria parviflora Trans. 1, 1869. stout dwarf broom Carmichaelia Monroi CNZ, 1919. stout water-milfoil Myriophyllum robusta CNZ, 1919. straggling coprosma Coprosma ramulosa CSI, 1909. straggling pittosporum Pittosporum cornifolium CWK, 1908. strap-leaved sundew Drosera binata FAA, 1889. strathmore weed Pimela ? laevigata Ver. (A). stumpy tree-fern Dicksonia lanata CNZ, 1919. stunted inaka Dracophyllum longifolium CNZ, 1919. stunted southern rata Metrosideros lucida CNZ, 1919. * Hardly a name, but merely a term of disparagement; but it is referred to in CNZ, 1919, p. 88. stupid gentian Gentiana corymbifera BAF, 1863. sturdy tree-fern Dicksonia fibrosa DMs., 1921. subalpine koromiko Veronica subalpina CNZ, 1919. subantarctic nettle Urtica australis CSI, 1909. subantarctic sun-dew Drosera stenopetala CSI, 1909. subantarctic tree-daisy Olearia Lyallii CNZ, 1919. † “Discovered in Cook's first voyage by Sir Joseph Banks, and was boiled and eaten as greens by the crew.” CTN, p. 183. summer spinach Tetragonia expansa CTN, 1830. sun dew Drosera spathulata Trans. 2, 1870. sun-dew Drosera pygmaea Trans. 10, 1878. sun spurge Euphorbia glauca Trans. 1, 1869. supple jack Rhipogonum scandens BGN, 1860. HNF, 1888. supple-jack Rhipogonum scandens TNC, 1856. HHN, 1867. Trans. 2, 1870. HNB, 1890. MLN, 1890. LB, 1906. TIC, 1906. DFC, 1916. CCN, 1924. supplejack Rhipogonum scandens CVS, 1773. NNV, 1817. ENZ, 1832. PNZ, 1838. DNZ, 1843. HCE, 1844. MVC, 1864. HGC, 1863. PPO, 1868. Trans. 2, 1870. DRA, 1872. DFC, 1896. supplejack Rhipogonum scandens DCO, 1900. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. JM, 1909. CNZ, 1910. EM, 1911. DDD, 1917. CNZ, 1919. GST, 1921. NZJS, 1921. CCN, 1924. DDD (2), 1925. supplejack vine Rhipogonum scandens Trans. 34, 1902. EM, 1911. supra-divaricating whauwhaupaku Nothopanax anomalum CNZ, 1919. swamp astelia Astelia nervosa CNZ, 1919. swamp-asteliad Astelia nervosa CNZ, 1919. swamp-broom Carmichaelia paludosa CNZ, 1919, swamp-buttercup Ranunculus macropus CKI, 1907 swamp club-rush Scirpus inundatus CSI, 1909. swamp-coprosma Coprosma tenuicaulis CNZ, 1919. swamp cotula Cotula coronopifolia CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. swamp fern Gleichenia dicarpa FFN, 1890.

swamp-fern Dryopteris Thelypteris var. squamulosa CNZ, 1919. Dryopteris unitum DMs., 1921. swamp-heath Dracophyllum paludosum CNZ, 1919. swamp-lawyer Rubus Schmideloides CNZ, 1919. swamp-lily Chrysobactron Hookeri CNZ, 1919. swamp-matipo Suttoma Coxii CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. swamp moss Sphagnum HGC, 1863. swamp pine Podocarpus dacrydioides Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 9, 1877. swamp tree-daisy Olearia virgata CNZ, 1919. swamp twig-rush Cladium junceum CNZ, 1919. swamp umbrella fern Gleichenia dicarpa DDD (2), 1925. swamp willow-herb Epilobium pallidiflorum CNZ, 1919. sweet grass Atropis stricta CIG, 1880. sweet-scented earina Earina autumnalis CSI, 1909. sweet-scented holy grass Hierochloe redolens THW, 1909. sweet-scented sacred grass Hierochloe redolens CIG, 1880. sweet-scented swamp grass Hierochloe redolens NZCJ, 1883. sweet-scented vernal grass Hierochloe redolens NZCJ, 1880. sweet vernal grass Hierochloe redolens NZCJ, 1885. sword-fern Dryopteris cordifolia DMs., 1921. sword-grass Arundo conspicua DRA, 1872. tailed doodia Doodia caudata LFN, 1875. tailed spleenwort Asplenium caudatum POO, 1882. tall bearded heath Leucopogan fasciculatum CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CDA, 1911. tall eye-bright Euphrasia cuneata CKI, 1907. tall haloragis Halorrhagis erecta CWK, 1908. tall mingimingi Leucopogon fasciculatum CNZ, 1919. tall native broom Carmichaelia australis CWK, 1908. tall New Zealand broom Carmichaelia odorata CNZ, 1919. tall pepper-tree Macropiper excelsum CKI, 1907. tall red southern-beech Nothofagus fusca CNZ, 1919. tall sedge Carex appressa CSI, 1909. tall spike-rush Eleocharis sphacelata CSI, 1909. tall uncinia Uncinia leptostachya CTP, 1908. tall willow-herb Epilobium erectum THW, 1909. tall willowherb Epilobium erectum CTP, 1908. tangle-fern Gleichenia circinata POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. Gleichenia dicarpa DMs., 1921. tar-wood Dacrydium Bidwillii KFF, 1889. Dacrydium biforme KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. CSI, 1909. Dacrydium Colensoi Trans. 9, 1877 tarwood Dacrydium biforme CTP, 1908. Tasmanian hard fern Blechnum lanceolatum LFN, 1875. tassel pondweed Ruppia maritima CKI, 1907. teak Vitex lucens PMC, 1840. Trans. 1, 1869. *The tea of commerce, not manuka, is referred to in NZCJ, 1888, p. 421: “the tea plant also flourishes in this favoured district.”tea plant Leptospermum scoparium CV, 1769–70. CVS, 1773. te tree Cordyline australis HCE, 1844. LT, 1851.

*The name is mis-spelt Ti tree in TSN, vol. 1, p. 19: he says: “The tough Ti tree furnished paddles and spears.”†“Ettay is a Tea tree, quite different to the Tea tree bush, a sort of myrtle.” MTN, pp. 14-5. In the text are two rough drawings, one of a single-stemmed, the other of a bifurcated tree: these make it clear that Cordyline is here referred to. He writes, on his illustration: “Hettay or Ettay or tea tree,” and explains that in Hettay, as in Hippah of Cook, the prefix he is only the article. This and the preceding note show the early confusion of the two words, Maori and English, “ti” and “tea.”tea tree Leptospermum ericoides Trans. 9, 1877. Leptospermum scoparium Trans. 9, 1877. MLN, 1890. HMB, 1898. tea-tree Leptospermum ericoides Trans. 4, 1872. KFF, 1889. KSF, 1899. Leptospermum scoparium MTN, 1834. HNR, 1842. HCE, 1844. HHN, 1867. PPO, 1868. Trans. 1, 1869. FAA, 1889. KFF, 1889. KSF, 1899. DCO, 1900. CMN, 1906. TIC, 1906. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. tea-tree Leptospermum ericoides RDT, 1875. teddywood Ixerbia brexioides Ver. (A). tender polypody Arthropteris tenella POO, 1882. ternate-leaved melicope Melicope ternata LB, 1906. ‡ Passiflora tetrandra when so named by Laing.tetrandrous passion-flower Tetraphaea australis LB, 1906. thick-leaved hard fern Blechnum durum POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. thick-leaved hard-fern Blechnum durum CNZ, 1919. thick-leaved hymenanthera Hymenanthera crassifolia LB, 1906. thick-leaved kohuhu Pittosporum Kirkii CNZ, 1919. thick-leaved lancewood Pseudopanax crassifolium LB, 1906. thick-leaved pittosporum Pseudopanax crassifolium LB, 1906. thick-leaved polypody Cyclophorus serpens CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1919. thick-leaved shield fern Polystichum adiantiforme CWK, 1908. thick-leaved shield-fern Polystichum adiantiforme CSI, 1909. thick-leaved willow-herb Epilobium crassum CNZ, 1919. thin-bark totara Podocarpus Hallii CCN, 1924. thin-barked totara Podocarpus Hallii CTP, 1908. thin bracken Pteris macilenta POO, 1882. thin-leaved cheilanthes Cheilanthes tenuifolia POO, 1882. CKB, 1915. thin-leaved coprosma Coprosma areolata CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. thin-leaved filmy fern Hymenophyllum rarum POO, 1882. CTP, 1908. CKB, 1915. thin-leaved hard fern Blechnum Norfolkiana POO, 1882. thin-leaved hypolepis Hypolepis tenuifolia POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. thin-leaved maidenhair Adiantum diaphanum POO, 1882. thin-leaved oru Colensoa physaloides CNZ, 1919. thin-leaved pittosporum Pittosporum tenuifolium LB, 1906. CTP, 1908. thin-leaved tree-daisy Olearia Hectori CNZ, 1919. Thomson's daisy Lagenophora Thomsoni CSI, 1909. Thomson's naked oat grass Danthonia nuda CIG, 1880. thousand-jacket Hoheria populnea FAA, 1889. KFF, 1889. Trans. 30, 1898. KSF, 1899. Ver. (WB).

thousand jackets Hoheria populnea SLM, 1902. thousand leaves Hypolepis millefolium POO, 1882. thousand-leaves Hypolepis millefolium CSI, 1909. thread-fern Blechnum filiforme DMs., 1921. thread-like violet Viola filicaulis LB, 1906. Three Kings karo Pittosporum Fairchildii CNZ, 1919. Three Kings milk-tree Paratrophis Smithii CNZ, 1919. three-nerved cudweed Guaphalium trinerve CNZ, 1919. three-ribbed arrow-grass Triglochin strictum var. filifolium CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. three-square Scirpus americanus CKI, 1907. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. thyme-leaved tute Cariaria thymifolia CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. * “Among the trees Mr. Traill pointed out [on Stewart Island], was what he called a “Ti Mi” tree, and which he said was only found growing in one place in New Zealand, that being Mokai, on the west coast of the North Island. He stated that the Maori tradition about it was this—that the first Maoris who visited New Zealand came in a large canoe built of “Ti Mi” wood, and they landed at Mokaia, where there is a good harbour. The canoe got broken up, and some of the planks took root and grew.” PWW, pp. 33-4. The canoe referred to was the “Tainui,” and the tree is said to be the karaka or kopi. WAH, vol. 4, p. 38. Ti Mi is probably intended for tainui: this tree is said to have sprung from the skids of the “Tainui” canoe. CMN, p. 100.Ti Mi (? = tainui) Pomaderris apetala PWW, 1889. tiny gentian Gentiana lineata CSI, 1909. tiny ourisia Ourisia modesta CSI, 1909. tiny spear-grass Aciphylla Monroi CNZ, 1919. ti palm Cordyline australis TCS, 1851. POO, 1882. ti-palm Cordyline australis BL, 1851. TNC, 1856. † The part of the plain … [near the foot of the Port Hills, about Christchurch] is uniformly covered with grass of various sorts, mixed with toi toi and flax in the moister parts, and, in some places, thickly dotted over with the ti-ti. The grass, generally speaking, is a tufty wire grass of a very dry nature …” Dr. David Monro in HCE, p. 236; and see p. 245.ti-ti ?Cordyline australis HCE, 1844. ti tree Cordyline australis HNZ, 1857. LCN, 1868. POO, 1882. CRA, 1884. Leptospermum ericoides Trans. 9, 1877. Leptospermum scoparium TSN, 1859. Trans. 9, 1877 ti-tree Cordyline australis RHH, 1893. Leptospermum scoparium FD, 1886. BOS, 1900. CNZ, 1910. HEC, 1915. ‡ In the “Dominion” newspaper, 27th Feby., 1919, p. 4, last col., was reported the death of a Maori whilst catching wild horses on the Hauraki Plains: “… then the horse took to the titree, and was finally pulled up by the man's body catching in the scrub …”titree Cordyline australis WM, 1918. § An evident mistake for tea-tree. See note * to tea tree.Leptospermum scoparium Ver ti-tri Cordyline australis HMB, 1898. toad-rush Juncus bufonius CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. toe-toe grass Arundo conspicua GST, 1921. toetoe grass Arundo conspicua Trans. 20, 1888. toetoe-grass Arundo conspicua CNZ, 1919. tohe-tohe Arundo conspicua POO, 1882. tohi grass Arundo conspicua POO, 1882. toi-grass Arundo conspicua MVC, 1864.

toi-toi grass Arundo conspicua DCO, 1900. EM, 1911. * Speaking of inhospitality occasionally met with at the hands of recently-arrived colonists, Paul says: “Those who came out in the last two or three ships have, I am told (with a few discreditable exceptions), passed with unprecedented rapidity through the crisis of unreasonableness, false pride, and grumbling, which old settlers call ‘eating their tutu.’” A footnote explains: “The tutu (or toot, as it is generally pronounced) is a native shrub, the leaves of which may be eaten with safety by cattle gradually accustomed to its use, but are often fatal to newly-landed animals.” PLC, p. 26. Out of five cows landed from the first four ships, Lyttelton, Canterbury, at the end of 1850, three died soon after landing; one fell over a cliff, and two were poisoned with tutu. LT, 11th Jan., 1851.toot Coriaria sarmentosa TNC, 1856. PLC, 1857. toothed bent grass Deyeuxia Forsteri CIG, 1880. toothed bent-grass Deyeuxia filiformis CTP, 1908. Deyeuxia Forsteri CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. toothed elæocarpus Eleocarpus dentatus LB, 1906. toothed lancewood Pseudopanax ferox KPF, 1889. toothed-leaf bracken Histiopteris incisa DMs., 1921. toothed-leaved lancewood Pseudopanax ferox MNZ, 1905. toothed olearia Olearia semidentata LB, 1906. toothed shore spleenwort Asplenium scleroprium CSI, 1909. tooth-leaved beech Nothofagus fusca RDT, 1875. Trans. 12, 1880. Trans. 17, 1885. tooth-leaved beech Nothofagus fusca KFF, 1889. CTP, 1908. toot plant Coriaria sarmentosa HNP, 1867. LCN, 1868. PPO, 1868. AD, 1908. tortuous dock Rumex flexuosus LB, 1906. totara pine Podocarpus totara DCO, 1900. totarro Podocarpus totara RSC, 1844. trailing-veronica Veronica epacridea CNZ, 1910. Traill's daisy-tree Olearia Traillii CSI, 1909. traveller's joy Clematis hexasepata HHN, 1867. FAA, 1889. Clematis indivisa Trans. 2, 1870. Trans. 17, 1885. Travers' celmisia Celmisia Traversii LB, 1906. Travers's veronica Veronica Traversii LB, 1906. tree club-moss Lycopodium densum CWK, 1908. tree coprosma Coprosma arborea LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. tree-coprosma Coprosma arborea CNZ, 1919. tree-daisy Olearia sp. CNZ, 1919. tree-flax Astelia Solandri Trans. 4, 1872. tree fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata HNR, 1842. LB, 1906. tree-fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata LB, 1906. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. † Tuckett saw a grass, “a very cutting wiry species, very similar to that which in swamps we call tree grass, but without the stem or trunk on which the former is elevated above the water surface; these plumes of grass on this dry land in burning diffuse a fragrant and aromatic odour, but as food for cattle they are valueless.” HCE, p. 220.—Dr. D. Munro called this the grass-tree, speaking of “grass-tree swamps.” HCE, p. 245.tree grass ? Carex secta (Niggerhead) HCE, 1844. tree-heath Dracophyllum arboreum CNZ, 1919. tree karamu Coprosma arborea KFF, 1889. tree-karamu Coprosma chathamica CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. tree-like hedycarya Hedycarya arborea LB, 1906. tree manuka Leptospermum ericoides CKI, 1907.

tree manuka Leptospermum scoparium Ver. (WB) tree-manuka Leptospermum ericoides CNZ, 1910. NZJS, 1921. tree-moss Polytrichum dendroides CNZ, 1919. tree nettle Urtica ferox DFC, 1916. tree-nettle Urtica ferox Trans. 35, 1903. CMN, 1906. THW, 1909. CKB, 1915. Trans. 48, 1916. CNZ, 1919. NZJS, 1921. tree toot Coriaria sarmentosa LCN, 1868. tree tutu Coriaria sarmentosa LCN, 1868. trembling bracken Pteris tremula LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. triandrous chenopodium Clienopodium triandrum LB, 1906. triangular hard fern Blechnum vulcanicum CTP, 1908. triangular hard-fern Blechnum vulcanicum CNZ, 1919. true lancewood Pseudopanax lineare CNZ, 1919. true nettle Urtica ferox CKI, 1907. true New Zealand flax Linum monogynum LB, 1906. true pepper Macropiper excelsum DCO, 1900. tua-tutu Coriaria sarmentosa HHN, 1867. tufted filmy fern Hymenophyllum pulcherrimum CTP, 1908. tufted grass ? Poa caespitosa TCS, 1851. tufted hair-grass Deschampsia caespitosa CSI, 1909. tufted hectorella Hectorella caespitosa LB, 1906. tufted ourisia Ourisia caespitosa LB, 1906. Tunbridge fern Hymenophyllum tunbridgense POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. CWK, 1908. Tunbridge-fern Hymenophyllum tunbridgense FFN, 1890. Tunbridge filmy fern Hymenophyllum tunbridgense CKB, 1915. tupak grass Carex appressa HHN, 1867. turfy coprosma Coprosma Petriei CNZ, 1919. turfy hair grass Deschampsia caespitosa CIG, 1880. turfy raoulia Raoulia subsericea CNZ, 1919. turpentine Pittosporum eugenioides Trans. 9, 1877. turpentine-shrub Dracophyllum uniflorum CCN, 1924. turpentine tree Pittosporum crassifolium FAA, 1889. turpentine tree Pittosporum eugenioides KFF, 1889. MLN, 1890. NC, 1912. Ver. (WB). Pittosporum tenuifolium Trans. 4, 1872. tussac poa Poa caespitosa CIG, 1880. tussock Poa caespitosa THW, 1909. tussock-fescue Festuca novae-zealdiae CKB, 1915. tussock grass Poa caespitosa CMN, 1906. tussock-grass Poa foliosa CNZ, 1919. tussock oat-grass Danthonia Cunninghamii CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. twiggy daisy-tree Olearia virgata CSI, 1909. twiggy olearia Olearia virgata LB, 1906. twiggy pimelea Pimelea virgata LB, 1906. twiggy tree-daisy Olearia lineata CNZ, 1919. twiggy whitewood Melicytus micranthus CWK, 1908. twining fern Lygodium articulatum CWK, 1908. twining polypody Cyclophorus serpens POO, 1882. twining string fern Lygodium articulatum POO, 1882. twin-leaved drosera Drosera binata LB, 1906.

two-leaved caladenia Caladenia bifolia CSI, 1909. two-valved filmy fern Hymenophyllum bivalve POO, 1882. umbrella fern Gleichenia Cunningnamii NZCJ, 1877. POO, 1882. FFN, 1890. CMN, 1906. CTP, 1908. DFN, 1921. DDD (2), 1925. umbrella-fern Gleichenia Cunninghamii TFF, 1882. DDD, 1917. DMs., 1921. umbrella tree Pseudopanax crassifolium TNC, 1856. Ver. (WB). upright calceolaria Jovellana Sinclairii CNZ, 1919. varied-leaved parsonsia Parsonsia heterophylla LB, 1906. variegated willow-herb Epilobium pictum CSI, 1909. varnished celmisia Celmisia vernicosa LB, 1906. Vauvillier's cassinia Cassinia Vauvilliersii LB, 1906. vegetable boaconstrictor Metrosideros florida HNZ, 1857. vegetable sheep Haastia pulvinaris KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. Raoulia eximia HHN, 1867. Trans. 3, 1871. HRN, 1889. KSF, 1899. DCO, 1900. LB, 1906. CNZ, 1910. vegetable sheep Raoulia mammillaris NZCJ, 1885. KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. CNZ, 1910. vegetable-sheep Raoulia eximia HHN, 1867. CCN, 1924. Haastia pulvinaris CCN, 1924. veined bristle fern Trichomanes venosum LFN, 1875. POO, 1882. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. veined bristle-fern Trichomanes venosum CSI, 1909. veined filmy-fern Trichomanes venosum DMs., 1921. velvet boss fern Dryopteris velutina POO, 1882. velvet fern Dryopteris velutina DMs., 1921. Leptopteris superba POO, 1882. vesiculate eryngium Eryngium vesiculosum LB, 1906. violet Viola Cunninghamii Trans. 2, 1870. Viola filicaulis Trans. 1, 1869. Virgin's Bower Clematis sp. HNZ, 1857. viscid dodonea Doaonea viscosa LB, 1906. wait-a-bit Rubus australis Z, 1890. wall spleenwort Asplenium trichomanes LFN, 1875. water blink Montia fontana FAA, 1889. water-buttercup. Ranunculus rivularis CKI, 1907. water-buttons Cotula coronopifolia SPR, 1909. water chickweed Montia fontana FAA, 1889. CTP, 1908. water-chickweed Montia fontana CSI, 1909. CNZ, 1919. water club-rush Scirpus inundatus CKI, 1907. waterfall veronica Veronica catarractae LB, 1906. DDD, 1917. water fern Histiopteris incisa Ver. (A). water-fern Histiopteris incisa CKB, 1915. CNZ, 1919. water lily Ranunculus Lyallii HHN, 1867. Trans. 4, 1872. FAA, 1889. water-lily Ranunculus Lyallii HHN, 1867. water milfoil Myriophyllum elatinoides Trans. 1, 1869. water-milfoil Myriophyllum sp. CNZ, 1919. Myriophyllum elatinoides KSF, 1899. water-penny violet Viola filicaulis var. hydrocotyloides Trans. 14, 1882. CSI, 1909. water persicaria Polygonum serrulatum CKI, 1907. water-starwort Callitriche sp. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919.

water-wort Elatine americana var. australiensis CSI, 1909. wavy-leaved rangiora Brachyglottis repanda LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. waxy gentian Gentiana cerina LB, 1906. weak poa Poa imbecilla CSI, 1909. CKB, 1915. NZJS, 1923. weak-stemmed parietaria Parietaria debilis LB, 1906. weak-stemmed poa Poa imbecilla CIG, 1880. wedge-leaved coprosma Coprosma cuneata CTP, 1908. weeping matipo Suttonia divaricata CTP, 1908. weeping-matipo Pittosporum rigidum CNZ, 1910. Suttonia divaricata CSI, 1909. * “There is, I consider, a second species, which I have called the weeping pine, Dacrydium pendulum.” STT. p. 227.weeping pine Dacrydium pendulum STT. 1850. weeping tree Rapanea montana Trans. 17, 1885. West Coast ribbonwood Plagianthus Lyallii MNZ, 1905. Westland pine Dacrydium Colensoi KFF, 1889. MNZ, 1905. CNZ, 1910. Trans. 43, 1911. Ver. (WB). Westland silver-pine Dacrydium Colensoi CWK, 1908. weta (= contr. of putaputaweta) Carpodetus serratus OTR, 1916. wet-rock koromiko Veronica linifolia CNZ, 1919. whip-cord Asplenium flabellifolium HFN, 1890. whipcord koromiko Veronica tetragona CNZ, 1919. whipcord veronica Veronica lycopodioides and ors. LB, 1906. whip-like carmichaelia Carmichaelia flagelliformis LB, 1906. white arthropodium Arthropodium candidum LB, 1906. white beech Nothofagus Solanderi MLN, 1890. white birch Carpodetus serratus RDT, 1875. KFF, 1889. Nothofagus cliffortioides HGC, 1862. HHN, 1867. CCV, 1872. Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. Nothofagus Menizesii Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. Ver. (WB). Nothofagus Solanderi HHN, 1867. Trans. 17, 1885. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Quintinia serrata KFF, 1889. Weinmannia racemosa Ver. (WB). white-birch Nothofagus cliffortioides MNZ, 1905. Nothofagus Menziesii MNZ, 1905. white bog-gentian Gentiana Townsoni CNZ, 1919. white buttercup Ranunculus Lyallii DCO, 1900. white carrot ? Geranium dissectum TIM, 1855. white clematis Clematis indivisa CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. white climbing rata Metrosideros albiflora CWK, 1908. Metrosideros hypericifolia CKI, 1907. white climbing-rata Metrosideros albiflora CNZ, 1919. white cudweed Gnaphalium luteo-album CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CKB, 1915. white cushion-celmisia Celmisia sessiliflora CNZ, 1919. white cut-leaved alpine buttercup Ranunculus Buchanani CNZ, 1919. white fireweed Erechtites quadridentata CSI, 1909. white flax Linum monogynum HNF, 1888. CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. Trans. 46, 1914. CKB, 1915.

white-flowered flax Linum monogynum TNN, 1909. white-flowered poa Poa sclerophylla CIG, 1880. white-flowered rata Metrosideros albiflora LB, 1906. white-flowering rata Metrosideros albiflora FAA, 1889. white-fruited gunnera Gunnera albocarpa CSI, 1909. white gentian Gentiana saxosa NZCJ, 1888. white hinau Elaeocarpus Hookerianus THW, 1909. Ver. (WB). white kamai Nothofagus Menziesii Trans. 9, 1877. white-leaved lawyer Rubus schmidelioides var. coloratus CSI, 1909 CNZ, 1919. white maire Olea Cunninghamii Ver. (WB). Olea lanceolata KFF, 1889. CMN; 1906. LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. DDD, 1917. CCN, 1924. white-maire Olea lanceolata MNZ, 1905. white mangrove Avicennia officinalis Trans. 1, 1869. KFF, 1889. white manuka Leptospermum ericoides Trans. 9, 1877. white mapau Carpodetus serratus RDT, 1875. Trans. 9, 1877. KFF, 1889. white mapau Pittosporum eugenioides CCV, 1872. KFF, 1889. LB, 1906. TNN, 1909. white maple Carpodetus serratus KFF, 1889. Ver. (WB). Pittosporum eugenioides Ver. (A). white marigold Senecio Lyallii NZCJ, 1885. white matipo Carpodetus serratus CCV, 1872. white mountain daisy Celmisia coriacea KSF, 1899. white mountain-musk Celmisia incana CNZ, 1919. white oxalis Oxalis magellanica CNZ, 1919. white pine Podocarpus dacrydioides PNZ, 1838. PMC, 1840. STT, 1850. PPO, 1868. Trans. 1, 1869. KFF, 1889. VTN, 1896. CMN, 1906. LB, 1906. OTR, 1916. white-pine Podocarpus dacrydioides Trans. 31, 1899. MNZ, 1905. TIC, 1906. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. Trans. 44, 1912. NZJS, 1921. CCN, 1924. white poroporo Solanum aviculare var. albiflora Trans. 52, 1920. white rata Metrosideros albiflora HNF, 1888. DDD, 1917. white rata Metrosideros hypericifolia OTR, 1916. Metrosideros scandens HMB, 1898. white shore forget-me-not Myosotis albida CNZ, 1919. white shore-gentian Gentiana saxosa CNZ, 1919. white silver pine Dacrydium Colensoi Trans. 10, 1878. KFF, 1889. white sorrel Oxalis magellanica TIM, 1855. white tea-tree Leptospermum ericoides KFF, 1889. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. CDA, 1911. CNZ, 1919. white tree fern Cyatliea dealbata Ver. (WB). white violet Viola Lyallii TIM, 1855. white wood Scheffera digitata Trans. 2, 1870. white-wood Melicytus ramiflorus EM, 1911. whitewood Melicytus ramiflorus CCV, 1872. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. THW, 1909. HEC, 1915. Ver. (WB). whiteywood Mehcytus ramiflorus Ver. (Stony Bay) wide-branched ribbon-wood Plagianthus divaricatus LB, 1906.

wiggybush Muehlenbeckia sp. Ver. (A). wild calceolaria Jovellana Sinclairii GST, 1921. wild carrot Daucus brachiatus Trans. 2, 1871. CKB, 1915. * “Among other plants that were useful to us, may be reckoned wild celery, which grows plentifully in almost every cove; especially if the natives have ever resided there before; and one that we used to call scurvy-grass.” CVN, vol. 2, p. 148.wild celery Apium prostratum CVN, 1777. Trans. 20, 1888. KSF, 1899. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. Trans. 43, 1911. CNZ, 1919. wild cherry Plagianthus Lyallii FAA, 1889. wild heliotrope Ageratum conyzioides Trans. 20, 1888. CMN, 1906. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. †The name Irishman is not mentioned in SSD, though the writer traversed South Canterbury and writes of the plant itself.‡“Little or no wood but gigantic ‘Wild Irishmen’ here as large as hawthorns …” WDJ, in LT, 8th March, 1851, p. 7, col. 1.wild Irishman Discaria toumatou WDJ, 1850. TNC, 1856. HHN, 1867. HNP, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. Trans. 3, 1871. DFC, 1896. HMB, 1898. DCO, 1900. LB, 1906. CKI, 1907. DFC, 1916. Rubus australis LCN, 1868. Ver. (WB). wild-irishman Discaria toumatou CNZ, 1910. CDA, 1911. Trans 46, 1914. CNZ, 1919. NZJS, 1921. wild mangrove Myoporum laetum Trans. 42, 1910. wild pine-apple Freycinetia Banksii HNZ, 1857. wild Spaniard Aciphylla sp. HNP, 1867. Aciphylla Colensoi HHN, 1867. Trans. 1, 1869. Aciphylla squarrosa TNC, 1856. HHN, 1867. LCN, 1868. DCO, 1900. LB, 1906. DFC, 1916. wild thyme Samolus repens var. procumbens HHN, 1867. willow-herb Epilobium sp. TIC, 1906. CNZ, 1910. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. willow-leaved rapanea Rapanea salicina LB, 1906. willow-leaved veronica Veronica salicifolia LB, 1906. willow plant Muehlenbeckia australis TIM, 1855. wine berry Aristotelia racemosa Trans. 2, 1870. wine-berry Aristotelia racemosa KFF, 1889. VTN, 1896. HMB, 1898. LB, 1906. EM, 1911. wineberry Aristotelia racemosa VTN, 1896. KSF, 1899. CMN, 1906. CKI, 1907. CWK, 1908. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. CNZ, 1910. EM, 1911. Trans. 44, 1912. CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924. wine-berry shrub Coriaria sarmentosa BGN, 1860. LCN, 1868. wire-rush Hypolaena lateriflora CNZ, 1919. wiry corokia Corokia cotoneaster CKB, 1915. wiry dichelachne Dichelachne stipoides CIG, 1880. wiry-leaved oat grass Danthonia australis CIG, 1880. wiry matipo Sutionia divaricata CNZ, 1919. wiry snowberry Gaultheria perplexa CNZ, 1919. witches-broom Aecidium kowhai Aecidium myopori Trans. 55, 1924. woodroof Asperula perpusilla Trans. 1, 1869. wood-rush Luzula campestris CKI, 1907. CNZ, 1919. Luzula racemosa TIC, 1906. CNZ, 1910.

woodrush Luzula campestris CTP, 1908. wood-sorrel Oxalis magellanica CNZ, 1910. DFC, 1916. woolly cloak fern Nothochlaena distans POO, 1882. DFN, 1921. woolly cloak-fern Nothochlaena distans CKB, 1915. woolly dicksonia Dicksonia lanata POO, 1882. woolly fireweed Erechtites arguta CSI, 1909. woolly tangle-fern Gleichenia dicarpa POO, 1882. CSI, 1909. woolly tree fern Dicksonia fibrosa FFN, 1890. woolly tree-fern Dicksonia lanata CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. wrinkled elatostema Elastostema rugosum LB, 1906. wrinkled willow-herb Epilobium neterioides CKI, 1907. CSI, 1909. CDA, 1911. CKB, 1915. yam-creeper Rhipogonum scandens Trans. 47, 1915. yellow akeake Olearia Forsteri Ver. (WB). yellow alpine buttercup Ranunculus Godleyanus CNZ, 1919. yellow birch Nothofagus Solanderi Trans. 17, 1885. yellow-button Cotula coronopifolia KSF, 1899. LB, 1906. yellow cassinia Cassinia fulvida LB, 1906. yellow clematis Clematis Colensoi CKI, 1907. CNZ, 1919. yellow clianthus Sophora microphylla TNC, 1856. yellow eyebright Euphrasia Cockayniana CNZ, 1919. yellow-flowered leafless clematis Clematis afoliata CNZ, 1919. yellow forget-me-not Myosotis australis DCO, 1900. CNZ, 1919. yellowish-white gnaphalium Gnaphalium luteo album LB, 1906. yellow karamu Coprosma linarifolia KFF, 1889. yellow kowhai Sophora tetraptera FAA, 1889. SLM, 1902. LB, 1906. CWK, 1908. Ver. (WB). yellow-leaved mountain-cottonwood Cassinia Vauvilliersii CNZ, 1919. yellow mistletoe Loranthus flavidus LB, 1906. CTP, 1908. THW, 1909. yellow mountain lily Ranunculus Godleyanus NZCJ, 1885. FAA, 1889. yellow oxalis Oxalis corniculata TNC, 1856. CWK, 1908. CNZ, 1919. yellow parrot's bill Sophora tetraptera HNZ, 1857. * “After Cook made this valuable timber known, no attempt was made to secure a cargo till 1820, when the store ships ‘Dromedary and Coromandel’ were sent expressly from England, and a small vessel, the ‘Prince Rupert,’ from Sydney. Few kauri spars were secured, their lading consisting principally of the inferior white pine kahikatea, and this injured the name of the kauri.” PNZ, vol. 2, pp. 388–89.yellow pin Agathis australis PNZ, 1838. PMC, 1840. HNZ, 1857. Dacrydium biforme CCV, 1872. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. Dacrydium Colensoi Trans. 9, 1877. GCN, 1888. HRN, 1889. Podocarpus dacrydioides Ver. (WB). yellow-pine Dacrydium biforme CTP, 1908. CSI, 1909. THW, 1909. † Matthews in MNZ is quoting Blair, Trans. 9, 1877, but inserts the hyphen—yellow-pine instead of yellow pine: he has also inserted the hyphen in red-birch, silver-pine and white-birch.Dacrydium Colensoi MNZ, 1905. Dacrydium intermedium CSI, 1909. CNZ, 191 CNZ, 1919. CCN, 1924.

yellow-prickled lawyer Rubus crissoides CNZ, 1919. yellow rock-daisy Senecio saxifragoides DCO, 1900. yellow rush Leptocarpus simplex CDA, 1911. yellow sand-sedge Scirpus frondosus CSI, 1909. yellow sedge Carex Oederi var. cataractae CSI, 1909. yellow shrub Cassinia fulvida OTR, 1916. yellow silver pine Dacrydium intermedium Trans. 10, 1878. KFF, 1889. CMN, 1906. yellow silver-pine Dacrydium intermedium MNZ, 1905. CSI, 1909. yellow tainui Pomaderris elliptica OTR, 1916. yellow tussock Poa caespitosa GST, 1921. yellow wood Coprosma grandifolia Ver. (WB). Coprosma linarifolia LCN, 1868. DFC, 1896. yellow-wood Coprosma linarifolia KFF, 1889. CKB, 1915. CCN, 1924. Coprosma lucida THW, 1909. yellow wood-sorrel Oxalis corniculata SPR, 1909. Young's bent grass Deyeuxia Youngii CIG, 1880. Young's oat grass Trisetum Youngii CIG, 1880. Young's oat-grass Trisetum Youngii CTP, 1908. List Of Authorities Quoted. AD New Zealand Department of Agriculture. Annual Report AJ Journal of Department of Agriculture (one entry, under scabweed) ASC Adams, C. W., A Spring in the Canterbury Settlement L. 1853 ATD Adams, Robert Noble, The Counterfeit Seal. A tale of Otago's first settlers 1897 B The Botanist, containing accurately coloured figures, of tender and hardy ornamental plants…conducted by B. Maund, F.L.S., assisted by the Rev. J. S. Henslow, M.A., F.L.S., etc., (4 vols.) L. 1837–46 BAF Butler, Samuel, A first year in the Canterbury Settlement L. 1863 BGN Bennett, George, M.D., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Gatherings of a naturalist in Australasia L. 1860 BJ Journal of the Right Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, Bart., K B., F.R.S., during Captain Cook's first voyages in H.M.S. Endeavour in 1768–71 to Terra del Fuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Australia, the Dutch East Indies, etc. Edited by Sir Joseph D. Hooker L. 1896 BL Barker, Dr. Alfred C. Letter about the new Canterbury settlement, dated 18th June, 1851 BN Buchanan, John D. Notes on the botany of Mount Egmont and neighbourhood, New Zealand, February, 1867. (In Linnean Society's Journal, Botany, vol. 10.) BNZ Buller, Rev. James. Forty years in New Zealand L. 1878 BOS Boyd, Mary Stuart, Our stolen summer: the record of a roundabout tour L. 1900 BRP Brodie, Walter, Remarks on the present state of New Zealand, its government, capabilities, and prospects L. 1845 BSL Barker, Lady Mary Ann. Station life in New Zealand [Canterbury, 1865–68] L. 1870

BWM Bell, James Mackintosh. The wilds of Maoriland L. 1914 CCN Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst., F.R.S. The Cultivation of New Zealand Plants. We. 1924 CCO Cockayne, Leonard. In Canterbury old and new Chch. 1900 CCV Catalogue of the Colonial and Vienna Exhibition 1872–3 CDA Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D., F.L.S. Report on the duneareas of New Zealand, their geology, botany, and reclamation. In Appendices to House of Representatives, N.Z., Paper C-13, 1911. CIG Colonial Museum of New Zealand. The indigenous grasses of New Zealand. Illustrated by John Buchanan We. 1880 CJT Cruise, Richard A., Journal of a ten months residence in New Zealand L. 1823 [Cruise was in the “Dromedary” sent out from England in 1820 for a cargo of kauri spars.] CKB Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S. Notes on the plant covering of Kennedy's Bush and other scenic reserves of the Port Hills (Canterbury). In Appendices to House of Representatives, N.Z., Paper C-6., 1915 CMN Cheeseman, Thomas Frederic, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Manual of the New Zealand Flora* We. 1906 CNZ Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S., New Zealand plants and their story We. 1910 Ed. 2 We. 1919 CRA Cox, Alfred. Recollections: Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand Chch. 1884 CSC Clark, Kate McCosh. A Southern Cross Fairy tale. L. 1891 [At the end are notes on the fauna and flora of New Zealand so far as these are referred to in the story.] CSI Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D. Report on a botanical survey of Stewart Island. In Appendices, House of Representatives, N.Z. Paper C-12 1909. CSJ The Calendar of St. John's College, New Zealand, 1846. [The New Zealand Church Almanac.] CTN Craik, George Lillie. The New Zealanders. L. 1830 [Library of entertaining knowldege.] CTP Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D. Report on a botanical survey of the Tongariro National Park. In Appendices, House of Representatives N.Z. Paper C-11, 1908. CV Hawkesworth, John. An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of His present Majesty for making discoveries in the Southern Hemisphere and successively performed by Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carterat, and Captain Cook—in three volumes L. 1773 [Cook's voyages were during 1768-71, and comprise Vols. 2 and 3.] CVN A voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Undertaken by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern Hemisphere…. Performed under the direction of Captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's Ships the “Resolution” and “Discovery” in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780—in 3 vols. L. 1784 CVS Cook, James. A voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world. Performed in His Majesty's Ships the “Resolution” and “Adventure” in the years 1772, 1773, 1774 and 1775. L. 1779

CVT Crozet, James. Crozet's voyages to Tasmania, New Zealand, the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines, in the years 1771–1772. Translated by H. Ling Roth L. 1891 CWK Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D. Report on a botanical survey of the Waipoua kauri forest. In Appendices, House of Representativse, N.Z. Paper C-14, 1908 DCO Dendy, Arthur, D.Sc, F.L.S. In Canterbury old and new Chch. 1900 DDD Duncan and Davies. Descriptive catalogue of New Zealand's native trees, shrubs, plants, ferns, and seeds: Grown and collected by Duncan and Davies Limited, native tree specialists, New Plymouth, N.Z. N.P. 1917 DDD (2) Duncan and Davies Ltd. New Zealand Native Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Ferns and Seeds N.P. 1925 DFC Dunedin Field Club. Catalogues of the indigenous and introduced flowering plants, ferns and seaweeds, occurring in the Dunedin district Dun. 1896 Dun. 1916 DFN Dobbie, H. B., New Zealand ferns Auck. &c. 1921 DMs. Names in list with letters from H. B. Dobbie, Auckland, 21st Nov., 1921. DNZ Dieffenbach, Ernst. Travels in New Zealand—2 vols. L. 1843 DRA Domett, Alfred. Ranolf and Amohia: A south-sea day-dream L. 1872 Domett, Alfred. Ranolf and Amohia: A dream of two lives (2 vols.) L. 1883 EM M'Lean, J. C., M.B.O.U. In “The Emu,” Vol. XI., 1911–12 ENZ Earle, Augustus. Narrative of a nine months' residence in New Zealand in 1827 L. 1832 [Earle was draughtsman on H.M.S. “Beagle.”] FAA Featon, E. H. and S. Featon. Art album of New Zealand Flora, vol. 1 We. 1889 [No more published.] FFN Field, H. C. The ferns of New Zealand and its immediate dependencies Wang. 1890 FO Froude, James Anthony. Oceana: or England and her Colonies L. 1886 GCN Gisborne, Williams, The Colony of New Zealand: its history, vicissitudes and progress L. 1888 [A report, on p. 295, &c., by Thomas Laslett, late Timber Inspector and Surveyor of Forests to the Admiralty, on exhibit of N.Z. timbers at the Colonial and Indian Exhibition, 1886.] GHB Grossman, Mrs. Edith Searle. The heart of the bush L. 1910 [A novel. Excellent descriptions of scenery.] GST Guthrie-Smith, H., Tutira Ed. and Lond. 1921 HCE Hocken, Thomas Morland. Contributions to the early history of New Zealand. [Settlement of Otago.] L. 1898 [Included as Appendices are: Frederick Tuckett's diary, 28th March to 1st June, 1844, of a journey from Port Cooper to the Bluff, pp. 203–225; and Notes by Dr. David Monro of a journey through a part of the Middle Island of New Zealand (he was one of the same party as Tuckett), pp. 230–263. The Notes were published in the Nelson Examiner, 1844, and copied in the New Zealand Journal, 1845.] HEC Hay, James. Reminiscences of earliest Canterbury (principally Banks Peninsula) and its settlers Chch. 1915

HFN Harris, E. C. New Zealand ferns [Illustrations only] Nel. 1890 HFZ Harris, E. C. New Zealand flowers. [Illustrations only] Nel. 1890 HGC von Haast, Julius, Ph.D., F.R.S. Geology of the Provinces of Canterbury and Westland, New Zealand: a report comprising the results of official explorations [from 1861 to 1876] Chch. 1879 HHN Hooker, Joseph D., M.D. &c., Handbook of the New Zealand flora L. 1867 HLB Haast, Julius. Lake basins and glaciers of New Zealand. [A pamphlet, reprint from Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for May, 1865.] HLN Harper, Archdeacon Henry William. Letters from New Zealand, 1857 to 1911 L. 1914 HMB Hudson, G. V., F.E.S. New Zealand moths and butterflies L. 1898 HNB Harris, E. C. New Zealand berries. [Illustrations only.] Nel. 1890 HNF Hetley, Mrs. Charles. The native flowers of New Zealand illustrated in colours L. 1888 HNP von Hochstetter, Ferdinand. New Zealand: its physical geography, geology, and natural history Stutt. 1867 [The original, in German, Stutt. 1863, is part of the publication detailing the results of the Novara expedition.] [Note.—The Appendix with list of trees, etc., pp. 167–169, is extracted from “a leaf from the natural history of New Zealand” by Richard Taylor of Wellington, 1848.] HNR Heaphy, Charles. Narrative of a residence in various parts of New Zealand L. 1842 [Heaphy was draughtsman of the New Zealand company.] HNZ Hursthouse, Charles Flinders, New Zealand, or Zealandia, the Britain of the South. (2 vols.) L. 1857 HRN Hetley, Mme. Ch. et M. E. Raoul, Fleurs sauvages et bois précièuæ de la Nouvelle-zélande Londres-Paris 1889 HSL Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London quoted by Colenso in Trans. N.Z. Inst., 1885, pp. 297(8). JM Jourdain, W. R. Report on the Mokau River, by W. R. Jourdain, Secretary to the Scenery Preservation Board. In Appendices, House of Representatives, N.Z. Paper C-6, Appendix D, 1909. KC Kennaway, Laurence J. Crusts: a settler's fare due South L. 1874 [Pastoral life in Canterbury, about 1851–60.] KFF Kirk, Thomas. The forest flora of New Zealand We. 1889 KSF Kirk, Thomas. The Students' Flora of New Zealand We. 1899 LB Laing, Robert M. and Miss E. W. Blackwell. Plants of New Zealand Chch. 1906 LCN Lindsay, W. Lauder, M.D. Contributions to New Zealand botany L. 1868 LFN Logan, H. E. S. Ferns which grow in New Zealand and adjacent islands, plainly described Auck. 1875 LNZ Laing, John Dunmore. New Zealand in 1839: or four letters to the Right Hon. Earl Durham L. 1839 LT Lyttelton Times. The first newspaper published in Canterbury: first number 11th January, 1851: then issued weekly, now daily

MAP Murray, John, F.S.A., F.L.S., etc. An account of the phormium tenax; or New-Zealand flax. Printed on paper made from its leaves (bleached). With a postscript on paper L. 1838 MHG Murphy, M., F.L.S. Handbook of New Zealand gardening. Ed. 1. [1885] [List of New Zealand alpine plants furnished by Messrs. Adams and Son, pp. 161–2.] MI Maoriland: an illustrated handbook to New Zealand. Issued by the Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand Melb. 1884 MK Marriner, George, F.R.M.S. The Kea: a New Zealand problem Chch. 1908 MLN Matthews, George. Descriptive and priced list of New Zealand native ferns, plants, trees, shrubs, seeds, etc., on sale by George Matthews, Nurseryman and Seed-merchant, Moray Place, Dunedin Dun. [c. 1890] MMR Melanesian Mission Reports, 1873–1881. First voyage of the new “Southern Cross,” 1874. MNZ Matthews, Henry J. Tree-culture in New Zealand We. 1905 [Chief Forester of the New Zealand Government.] MOA Mundy, Lt.-Col. Godfrey Charles. Our antipodes; or residence and rambles in the Australasian colonies (3 vols.) L. 1852 MSE von Mueller, Baron Ferdinand, K.C.M.G., etc. Select extra-tropical plants, readily eligible for industrial culture or naturalisation, with indications of their native countries and some of their uses. Ed. 7 Melb. 1888 MSO McIndoe, James. A sketch of Otago, from the initiation of the settlement Dun.1878 MTN Markham, Edward. A transcript of New Zealand, or recollections of it. By Edward Markham 1834 [The transcript is from the manuscript of Markham, who spent nine months in New Zealand, Feb.-Oct., 1834, having been a passenger by the brig “Brazil Packet.” It is roughly illustrated by the author, and the illustrations assist in the identification of trees, etc., mentioned.] MVC Mueller, Ferdinand, Ph.D., M.D., etc. The vegetation of the Chatham Islands. Melb. 1864 NC Nairn and Son. Catalogue, 1912. NNV Nicholas, John Liddiard. Narrative of a voyage to New Zealand, performed in the years 1814 and 1815, in company with the Rev. Samuel Marsden. (2 vols.) L. 1817 NZCJ New Zealand County Journal. A record of information connected with agriculture…published by…the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association. Yearly volumes. Vol. 1, 1877–Vol. 22, 1898 NZJ New Zealand Journal [Published in London every two weeks, and containing information regarding New Zealand. Vol. 1, 1840–11, 1850–then for a time incorporated with the Australian and New Zealand Gazette.] NZJS New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 1, 1918–Vol. 8, 1925. OTR New Zealand Association of Nurserymen. Official Trade Register for 1916.

PAS Petre, Hon. Henry William. An account of the settlements of the New Zealand Company L. 1841 PLC Paul, Robert Bateman, Archdeacon of Waimea. Letters from Canterbury, New Zealand L. 1857 PMC Polack, Joel Samuel. Manners and customs of the New uealanders. (2 Vols.) L. 1840 PNZ Polack, Joel Samuel. New Zealand: being a narrative of travels and adventures in that country between the years 1831 and 1837. (2 Vols.) L. 1838 POO Potts, Thomas Henry. Out in the open: a budget of scraps of natural history gathered in New Zealand Chch. 1882 PPO Pyke, Vincent. The Province of Otago, in New Zealand, its progress, present condition, resources, and prospects. Published [anonymously] by authority of the Provincial Government Dun. 1868 PRNZ Papers relative to the affairs of New Zealand. Minutes of evidence, etc. Vol. 1 L. 1838 PWW Paulin, Robert. The wild West Coast of New Zealand. A summer cruise in the “Rosa.” L. 1889 RCP Raoul, M. E. Choix de plantes de la Nouvelle-Zélande Paris 1846 [There are several corrupt Maori names in the volume, but these have not been noted, with the exception of cohou-cohou, which is in Hooker.] RDT Reports on the durability of New Zealand timber in constructive works We. 1875 [Contains three reports, by T. Kirk, J. M. Balfour, and E. W. Ward.] RHH “Roslyn” [pseud. of Margaret Sinclair.] The Huia's homeland, and other verses L. 1897 RSC Report from the select committee on New Zealand together with the minutes of evidence, appendix and index. Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 29th July, 1844. SAN Savage, John, Surgeon. Some account of New Zealand; particularly the Bay of Islands, and surrounding country; with a description of the religion and government, language, arts, manufactures, manners, and customs of the natives, etc. L. 1807 SLM My New Zealand Garden. By a Suffolk lady Wang. 1902 SPR Sutton, C. S. Progress report of the Plant Records Sub-Committee, Victorian Naturalist, vol. 26, 1909. SSD Shortland, Edward. The Southern Districts of New Zealand. A journal [of a journey during 1843-44] with passing notices of the customs of the Aborigines L. 1851 STT Collinson, Capt. T. B., RE. On timber trees of New Zealand. By Capt. Collinson, R.E., with notes by Wm. Swainson, Esq., F.R.S., etc. [This is Paper 18, in Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Van Diemen's Land, 1849–51. Dated Feb., 1850, and read 10th July, 1850.] TCS Torlesse, C. O. The Canterbury Settlement topographically described in a Report to J. R. Godley, Chief Agent of the Canterbury Association, by C. O. Torlesse, Esq., 10th June, 1851. Published by D. M. Aird, 340 Strand, London, from the Lyttelton Times of 14th, 21st, 28th June, and 5th July, 1851. TFF Thomson, George Malcolm, F.L.S Ferns and fern allies of New Zealand, with instructions for their collection and hints on their cultivation Melb. 1882

THW Turner, E. Phillips. A botanical examination of the Higher Waimarino District. In Appendices, House of Representatives, N.Z. Paper C-11, 1909. TIC Thomson, George Malcolm, F.L.S. Introductory classbook of botany for use in New Zealand Schools We. 1906 TIM Taylor, Rev. Richard. Te Ika a Maui: or, New Zealand and its inhabitants L. 1855 TNC Tancred, Sir Thomas. Notes on the natural history of the province of Canterbury in the Middle Island of New Zealand Ed. 1856 [Reprinted from Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, New Series, for January, 1856.] TNN Thomson, George Malcolm, F.L.S., F.C.S. A New Zealand Naturalist's Calendar and notes by the wayside Dun. 1909 Trans. Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Vols. 1–56, 1869–1926. TSN Thomson, Arthur S. The story of New Zealand: past and present—savage and civilised. (2 vols.) L. 1859 [Surgeon-Major, 58th Regiment.] Ver. (A) Vernacular names, supplied by B. C. Aston, Chief Chemist, Department of Agriculture, collected in various parts of New Zealand. Ver. (C) Vernacular names, supplied by L. Cockayne. Ver. (D) Vernacular names, supplied by H. B. Dobbie of Auckland, on 20th November, 1921. Ver. (WB) Vernacular names, used by early settlers, supplied by W. Best of Otaki, on 29th July, 1919. Ver. Vernacular names heard by author among settlers, sawyers, etc. VN Victorian Naturalist, July, 1920. VTN Veitch, James Herbert, F.L.S., F.R.H.S. A traveller's notes, or notes of a tour through India,….the Australian Colonies and New Zealand during the years 1891–93 Chelsea 1896 WAH White, John. The ancient history of the Maori, his mythology and traditions. (6 vols.)—vol. 6 quoted We. 1890 WDS Weld, Frederick A. Description of a journey between Lyttelton and Cape Campbell. [From 4th Dec., 1850 till end of year.] Printed in Lyttelton Times, 8th March, 1851. WM Westerwood, Elan. Maoriana Dun. [1918] [Mispronunciations and mis-spellings such as manúka, pah, etc.] WML Wohlers, Johann Friedrich Heinrich. Memories of the life of J. F. H. Wohlers, Missionary at Ruapuke, New Zealand [1844–1885.]. An autobiography. Translated from the German by John Houghton Dun. 1895 WNZ Wakefield, Edward Jerningham. Adventure in New Zealand, from 1839 to 1844. (2 vols.) L. 1845 [Reprint in one volume by Whitcombe and Tombs, Chch., 1908] YNZ Yate, William. An account of New Zealand, and of the formation and progress of the Church Missionary Society's mission in the Northern Island L. 1835 Z “Zealandia.” A monthly magazine of New Zealand literature, by New Zealand authors Dun. 1889–90 [Only one volume published, July, 1899—June 1890.]

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 57, 1927, Page 905

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Popular Names of New Zealand Plants. Part 2. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 57, 1927, Page 905

Popular Names of New Zealand Plants. Part 2. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 57, 1927, Page 905

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