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Contents. Transactions. I.—Miscellaneous. Pages. Art. I. Historical Incidents and Traditions of the Olden Times, pertaining to the Maoris of the North Island (East Coast), New Zealand; highly illustrative of their national character, and containing many peculiar, curious, and little-known customs and circumstances, and matters firmly believed by them; now for the first time faithfully translated from old Maori writings and recitals; with explanatory notes. Part II. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 3–33 II. Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race. Part IV. By W. Colenso 33–48 III. On the fine Perception of Colours possessed by the ancient Maoris. By W. Colenso 49–76 IV. Notes upon the Great Flood of February, 1868. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 76–89 V. Remarks on the Sand Dunes of the West Coast of the Provincial District of Wellington. By W. T. L. Travers 89–94 VI. On the Taieri River Floods and their Prevention. By W. Arthur, C.E. 94–100 VII. On the Reclamation of Waste River Beds. By A. D. Dobson, F.G.S. 100–103 VIII. A few Remarks on the Carved Stone Bird, named Korotangi by the Maoris, now in the possession of Major Wilson. By Professor Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 104–105 IX. On Vertical Triangulation. By C. W. Adams. 105–106 X. Notes on the Height of Mount Cook. By C. W. Adams. 106–107 XI. Remarks on Mr. Frankland's Paper on “Mind Stuff.” By J. Turnbull Thomson, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.S.A. 107–112 XII. On the Production of Inflammatory Action in detached Portions of dead Animal Bodies. By Robert Hall Bakewell, M.D., etc. 113–120 XIII. On a Source of Water Supply for Invercargill. By John R. Cuthbertson. (Abstract) 121–122 XIV. On the Conversion and Civilization of the Maoris in the South of New Zealand. By the Rev. J. F. H. Wohlers 123–134 XV. Fallacies in the Theory of Circular Motion. By T. Wakelin, B.A. 134–142 II.—Zoology. XVI. On the New Zealand Hydrobiinæ. By Professor F. W. Hutton 143–146 XVII. On a new Genus of Rissoinæ. By Professor F. W. Hutton 147 XVIII. On the Fresh-water Lamellibranchs of New Zealand. By Professor F. W. Hutton 148–150 XIX. Notes on some Pulmonate Mollusca. By Professor F. W. Hutton 150–158 XX. Notes on the Anatomy of the Bitentaculate Slugs of New Zealand. By Professor F. W. Hutton 158–161 XXI. Notes on some Branchiate Mollusca. By Professor F. W. Hutton 162–167 XXII. Description of two little-known Species of New Zealand Shells. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 168–169 XXIII. Notes on New Zealand Mollusca. By Mr. Justice Gillies 169–171 XXIV. Additions to the New Zealand Crustacea. By Charles Chilton 171–174

XXV. On some Subterranean Crustacea. By Charles Chilton, B.A. 174–180 XXVI. History of Fish Culture in New Zealand. By W. Arthur, C.E. 180–210 XXVII. On the Occurrence of the Salmon Tro in Nelson Harbour. By James Hector, M.D. 211–213 XXVIII. On two Species of Nudibranchiate Mollusca. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 213–215 XXIX. Further Notes on Coccidæ in New Zealand, with Descriptions of new Species. By W. M. Maskell, Fell. Roy. Micros. Soc. 215–229 XXX. Additions to the Crustacean Fauna of New Zealand. By George M. Thomson, F.L.S. 230–238 XXXI. On the Notornis. By Walter L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., F.R.S. 238–244 XXXII. On the Skeleton of Notornis mantelli. By T. Jeffery Parker, B.Sc. London, Professor of Biology in the University of Otago 245–258 XXXIII. On a new Method of preserving Cartilaginous Skeletons and other soft Animal Structures. By T. Jeffery Parker 258–264 XXXIV. Notice of the Occurrence of the Eastern Golden Plover (Charadrius fulvus) in the Auckland District. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 264–265 XXXV. Notice of the Occurrence of the Australian Roller (Eurystomus pacificus) in New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman 265–266 XXXVI. On some new Marine Planarians. By T. W. Kirk, Assistant in the Colonial Museum 267–268 XXXVII. Additions to the List of New Zealand Shells. By T. W. Kirk. 268–269 XXXVIII. On Pseudo-scab and Lung-worm in Sheep. By John Buchanan, F.L.S. 269–274 XXXIX. Notes on Zoological Researches made on the Chicken Islands, East Coast of the North Island. By Andreas Reischek; communicated by Professor von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 274–277 XL. On some new and undescribed Species of New Zealand Insects, of the Orders Orthoptera and Coleoptera. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 277–282 XLI. Description of new Shells. By T. W. Kirk, Assistant in the Colonial Museum 282–283 XLII. Description of new Cephalopoda. By T. W. Kirk 283–286 III.—Botany. XLIII. On the Fresh-water Algæ of New Zealand. By W. I. Spencer, M.R.C.S. 287–299 XLIV. On some Additions to the Flora of New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 299–301 XLV. Contributions to a Flora of the Nelson Provincial District. By T. F. Cheeseman 301–329 XLVI. A Description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 329–341 XLVII. On the Alpine Flora of New Zealand. By John Buchanan, F.L.S., of the Geological Survey Department 342–356 XLVIII. On some Plants new to New Zealand, and Description of a new Species. By J. Buchanan 356–357 XLIX. On new Species of New Zealand Diatoms. By John Inglis 357–359 L. Description of new Plants. By J. B. Armstrong 359–362 LI. Description of new Plants. By D. Petrie, M.A. 362–364 LII. Notes on Epacris microphylla in New Zealand. By A. T. Urquhart 364–365 LIII. On the Sugar Values of Beetroots grown in the Waikato District. By J. A. Pond 365–372 LIV. Notes on Sorghum Experiment. By Mr. Justice Gillies 373–374 LV. On an Abnormal Growth of New Zealand Flax. By the Rev. Philip Walsh 374

LVI. On the New Zealand Olives. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 375–378 LVII. Notice of the Occurrence of Triodia and Atropis in New Zealand, with Descriptions of new Species. By T. Kirk 378–379 LVIII. A Revision of the New Zealand Lepidia, with Descriptions of new Species. By T. Kirk 379–382 LIX. Notes on recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora. By T. Kirk 382–386 LX. Notes on Plants from Campbell Island. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 387–389 IV.—Chemistry. LXI. On the Preparation of Spontaneously Inflammable Phosphine. By T. A. Mollet 391–392 LXII. On a new Form of Burette. By T. A. Mollet 392–393 LXIII. Notes on Refrigeration. By Professor A. W. Bickerton 394–397 LXIV. On the supposed Paraffin Deposit at Waiapu. By William Skey, Analyst to the Geological Survey Department 397–399 LXV. On a Search for the Poisonous Principle of Brachyglottis repanda and B. rangiora. By W. Skey 400–402 LXVI. On a new Theory of the Mode by which Photographic Effects are produced with Silver Salts. By William Skey 403–404 LXVII. On the Percentage of Citric Acid obtained from Limes grown in Auckland and Tahiti. By J. A. Pond 405–406 V.—Geology. LXVIII. On the Formation of Lake Wakatipu. By William Stuart 407–408 LXIX. Description of new Tertiary Fossils. By T. W. Kirk, Assistant in the Colonial Museùm 409 LXX. On a Deposit of Moa Bones near Motanau, North Canterbury. By Alexander McKay, of the Geological Survey Department 410–414 LXXI. Further Notes on the Thermal Springs in the Hanmer Plains, Provincial District of Nelson. By Julius von Haast, Ph. D., F.R.S. 414–417 LXXII. Notes on the Mineralogy of New Zealand. By S. Herbert Cox, F.C.S., F.G.S., Assistant Geologist 418–450 LXXIII. On Crystalline Rocks. By W. D. Campbell, F.G.S. 450–457 LXXIV. Notes on a Pseudomorphous Form of Gold. By W. D. Campbell 457–458 Miscellaneous—(Continued). LXXV. A Study of the Causes leading to the Extinction of the Maori. By Alfred K. Newman, M.B., M.R.C.P. 459–477 LXXVI. On the fine Perception of Colours possessed by the ancient Maoris (Addendum to Art. III.). By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 477–484 LXXVII. On the Origin of the New Zealand Flora—being a Presidential Address to the Otago Institute. By George M. Thomson, F.L.S. 485–502 LXXVIII. Origin and Early History of the Canterbury Museum; being the Annual Address. By Professor Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S., President of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury 503–516 NEW ZEALAND INSTITUTE. Thirteenth Annual Report of the Board of Governors 519–520 Accounts of the New Zealand Institute, 1880-1 520 Reports on Museum, Geological Survey, Publications, Meteorology, Observatory, Laboratory, and Library 521–527 Proceedings. Wellington Philosophical Society. Address by the President, Dr. Hector (abstract) 531 Description of Additions to the Museum. By Dr. Hector 531–532 Do. do. do. do. 533

Description of Bird Skins presented to the Museum. By Dr. Buller, C.M.G. 534 Mention of Tin Ore in New Zealand. By Dr. Hector 534 Discussion on Paper by Mr. W. T. L. Travers “On the Great Flood of February, 1868” 535–537 An Account of some of the less-known Islands of Western Polynesia. By Mr. Deputy-Commissioner Romilly 538–539 On the Extinction of the Moa. By H. C. Field. 540 On a Lichen of the genus Leuconora. By W. H. Levin, M.H.R. 540 Suggestions relative to the Rabbit Nuisance. By Henry Tryon (abstract) 540–541 On Solar Heat. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. (abstract) 541 Abstract of Report for 1881 541 Election of Officers for 1882 541 Address by the President, Dr. Hector (abstract) 541–543 On a Fundamental Error in Dynamics, the Theory of Gravitation, and the Nebular Hypothesis. By Victor Falkner (abstract) 543–544 List of Sertularians collected in Wellington. By T. W. Kirk 544 Abnormal Colouring in the Kokako. By T. W. Kirk 544–545 Reported Capture of a Californian Salmon at Riverton. By Dr. Hector 545 Fossil Cetaceans. By Dr. Hector (abstract) 545 New System of Telegraphic Weather Reports. By Dr. Hector 545 Remarks on New Zealand Sponges. By Dr. Hector 545 Auckland Institute. Anniversary Address by the President, T. Peacock (abstract) 546–549 On the New Zealand Carabidæ. By Capt. T. Broun, M.E.S. 549 Remarks on Scale Blight (Icerya purchasi). By E. A. Mackechnie 549 New Species of Coleoptera. By Capt. T. Broun 549 The Shadow of Justice. By E. A. Mackechnie (abstract) 550 The New Zealand Dascyllidæ. By Capt. T. Broun (abstract) 550 New Species of Curculionidæ. By Capt. T. Broun 551 On Evolution considered from its religious side. By the Rev. S. Edgar 551 On the Swiss Lake Dwellings. By Neil Heath (abstract) 551–553 Revision of the New Zealand Cossonidæ. By Capt. T. Broun 554 Recent Advances in Photography. By J. Martin, F.G.S. (abstract) 554 New Species of Cerambycidæ. By Capt. T. Broun 554 Notes on Various Subjects. By James Baber, C.E. 554–555 Translation of the Maori Tradition of Maui. By F. E. Maning 555 On the Shore of the Unknown. By E. A. Mackechnie 555 Abstract of Annual Report 555–556 Election of Officers for 1882 556 Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. Exhibition of a Marine Spider and Vegetable Caterpillar. By Prof. Hutton 557 Election of Vice-president 558 Rock Paintings from South Africa. Exhibited by Professor J. von Haast 558 Scale Insects. Exhibited by W. M. Maskell 559 Abstract of Annual Report 559–560 Election of Officers for 1882 560 Otago Institute. Remarks on Notornis. By rofessor Parker 561 Remarks on Sphenodon güntheri. By Dr. Hector 561

Exhibition of Dissecting Microscope. By Professor Parker 561 On the Cause of Error in executing Minor Triangulation with Instruments of small Diameter. By J. Aitken Connell 561 The Birds of Macquarrie Island. By Professor Scott 561 Model of Stylonichia mytilus, exhibited by Prof. Parker 562 On the Development of the Discomedusæ. By Dr. Wilhelm Haacke 562 Remarks on Specimens of Saccharomyces. By Prof. Parker 562 Remarks on Sections of Macrocystis. By Prof. Parker 562 Electric Lighting. By R. Jones 562 Paintings of Notornis, exhibited by Prof. Parker 562 Mounted Skeletons, exhibited by Prof. Parker 562–563 Abstract of Annual Report 563 Election of Officers for 1882 563 Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute. Election of Officers for 1881 564 Abstract of Annual Report 564 Insects, Plants, etc., exhibited by W. Colenso 564–565 Fossils, exhibited by W. Colenso 565 Zoological Specimens and Maori Curiosities, exhibited by W. Colenso 565–566 Fossil Remains, exhibited by W. Colenso 567 Southland Institute. On Recent Advances in Science. By J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S. (abstract) 568 Buddhistic Philosophy. By J. T. Thomson 569 The Habits of Ants. By the Rev. J. Paterson 569 On the Importance of Forestry. By D. McArthur 569 On Co-operation. By J. R. Cuthbertson 569 On Burns. By W. G. Mchaffey 569 Election of Officers for 1882 569 Abstract of Annual Report 569 Appendix. Meteorological Statistics for 1881 xxi. Notes on the Weather during 1881 xxii. Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1881 xxiii. Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute xxiv. Ordinary Members xxiv–xxxvii. List of Public Institutions and Individuals to whom this volume is presented xxxviii–xl. Addenda et Corrigenda iii. Contents v.–ix. List of Plates x. Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xi. Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xi–xiii. List of Incorporated Societies xiv. Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from the Rules xiv–xvii

List of Plates. Plate To Face Page I. Hutton.— Hydrobiinæ and Rissoinæ 146 II. " Fresh-water Lamellibranchs 148 III. " Pulmonate Mollusca 152 IV. " " " 156 V. " Bitentaculate Slug 160 VI. " Branchiate Mollusca 162 VII. " " " 166 VIII. Chilton.–Crustacea 172 IX. " Subterranean Crustacea 178 X. " " " 176 XI. Arthur.— Map of Taieri River Basin 96 XII. " Salmo fario 192 XIII. " Trout-hatching 208 XIV. " Opoho Breeding Ponds 208 XV. Maskell.–Coccidæ 222 XVI. " " 224 XVII. G. M. Thomson.–Crustacea 232 XVIII. " " 236 XIX. Parker.–Notornis mantelli 246 XX. " Notornis mantelli, Tribonyx gouldi, Ocydromus australis, 248 Porphyrio melanotus XXI. " Ocydromus, Notornis, Tribonyx, Porphyrio 250 XXII. Inglis.–Diatomaceæ 358 XXIII. Spencer.–Fresh-water Algæ 296 XXIV. Buchanan.–Alpine Plants 344 XXV. " " 344 XXVI. " " 346 XXVII. " " 346 XXVIII. " " 348 XXIX. " " 348 XXX. " " 350 XXXI. " " 350 XXXII. " " 352 XXXIII. " " 352 XXXIV. " " 354 XXXV. " " 356 XXXVI. T. W. Kirk.–Cephalopoda 284 XXXVII. Mollett.–Fig. 1. Phosphine Generator Fig. 2. A new Form of Buretté 392 XXXIX. Campbell.–Pseudomorphous Form of Gold 458

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 14, 1881, Page v

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Contents. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 14, 1881, Page v

Contents. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 14, 1881, Page v

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