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Abstract of Meteorological Observations Taken at Delanasau, Bay of Islands, Bua, FIJI, For the Year ending 31st December, 1877, By R. L. Holmes, F.M.S. Latitude 16° 38′ S. Longitude 178° 37′ E. Height above sea level, 77 feet; distance from sea, one mile. [Communicated to the New Zealand Institute.] 1877. Self-Registering Thermometers. Rainfall. Mean temp. in shade. Max. temp. Min. temp. Mean daily range. Total Amount in Inches. Greatest daily fall. Number of days it fell. Hours of rain. Average previous six years. January 80.0 93.8 69.2 13.3 41.70 12.08 23 118 23.46 February 81.3 93.8 72.2 12.9 13.46 2.20 15 54 17.55 March 81.8 94.7 68.8 16.5 7.22 2.74 13 22 25.05 April 80.5 90.8 71.2 12.0 5.65 1.11 14 33 10.49 May 79.7 91.5 64.0 18.3 0.83 0.63 6 4 5.78 June 76.6 89.2 59.5 15.7 0.86 0.46 5 6 2.75 July 74.7 87.4 59.3 15.3 5.52 3.50 9 36 1.38 August 75.0 88.4 56.8 13.5 2.30 0.50 10 24 5.31 September 75.0 89.8 56.3 19.5 0.41 0.37 2 3 4.45 October 78.7 95.8 60.2 20.0 1.29 1.10 4 6 6.93 November 79.9 93.6 68.0 18.0 0.48 0.41 3 4 6.24 December 84.1 97.6 70.8 18.8 0.81 0.81 2 2 9.30 Year 1877 78.9 97.6 56.3 16.1 80.53 12.08 106 312 118.69 1876 79.3 97.0 60.0 16.3 91.36 5.73 135 388 — 1875 79.1 95.5 58.5 15.8 126.64 7.65 146 553 — 1874 79.3 94.1 61.3 15.6 103.48 4.85 165 405 — 1873 78.9 94.5 60.3 15.8 104.10 2.82 181 470 — 1872 78.9 97.5 59.3 15.7 127.03 5.05 180 502 — 1871 79.4 97.7 63.2 15.0 159.51 14.95 180 — — Seven Years 79.1 97.7 56.3 15.8 113.24 14.95 156 438* Six years mean. — Notes on 1877:— Extreme range of temperature in shade for the year was 41.3, or from 97.6 on 9th December to 56.3 on 14th September. Highest mean temperature for any twenty-four hours, 88.1 on 9th December. Lowest mean temperature for any twenty-four hours, 69.2 on 9th August. Greatest daily range, 30.6 on October 9th. Least daily range, 2.4 on March 31st.

The mean temperature for December, 84.1, exceeds by 2.3 the highest monthly average yet registered at the station, since January, 1871. The temperature in shade in December exceeded 90.0 every day in the month except three. The rainfall in January exceeded the total rainfall during the remaining eleven months of the year by 2.87 inches. In 74 hours ending 8 a.m. January 29, 27.32 inches of rain fell, causing extensive floods, but little destruction of property; this included 12.08 inches which fell in 24 hours on the 27th. The only gale during the year occurred on March 31, from S.E., with light rain, thunder and lightning; it was not severe. There was very little thunder or lightning during the year, particularly during the last nine months. In April thunder was heard on three days, once with lightning; in May on two days; then none till the 26th November, and 30th December. N.B.— These results have been reduced from observations taken daily throughout the year, at 8 a.m. Thermometers by Casella. Rain gauge by Negretti and Zambra, five inch circular, fully exposed. Further particulars of the drought which prevailed from August 11th to the close of the year:— 1877. Direction of Wind. Sunshine and Clouds. No. of days. S. to E. S. to N. (by the East). N. W. All round. Days of sunshine throughout. Three parts sunshine. Two parts sunshine. One part sunshine. Overcast. Ranfall in inches. Days on which it fell. Hours of rain. August 11 to 31 21 18 2 1 0 0 9 2 3 5 2 0.36 3 4 September 30 26 1 0 1 2 14 6 4 6 0 0.41 2 3 October 31 21 5 3 0 2 13 7 7 3 1 1.29 4 6 November 30 21 9 0 0 0 15 8 4 3 0 0.48 3 4 December 31 18 13 0 0 0 14 10 7 0 0 0.81* This includes 0.63 inches which fell on the 30th. 2 2 143 104 30 4 1 4 65 33 25 17 3 3.35 14 19 [Note— January 7, 1878.— During the past week only one shower of rain, equal to 0.10 inch, fell, making the total for the five months (nearly) 3.45 inches. Yesterday, January 6, temperature in shade rose to 98.6, the highest registered here in seven years.] Wind in general blew pretty strong, but never increasing to a gale, or falling to a calm, except occasionally at night or in the early mornings. Sun's rays in December intensely hot on some days; on the 24th, thermometer for sola radiation, by Negretti and Zambra, with blackened bulb, and placed over short grass, registered 172.0, the extreme limits of the instrument, and on the 26th 165.7. On December 24, the salt water in a tidal creek, five feet below the surface, was 97.0; near the surface, in brackish water, 95.0. The hygrometer gave some remarkable readings during November and December, showing, for Fiji, extreme dryness of the atmosphere:— On November 18, at 2.30 p.m., dry bulb 93.6, wet bulb 74.8, difference 18.8, deductions— dew point 63.5, tension of vapour .586, relative humidity 37. (Complete saturation of the atmosphere being represented by 100.

New Zealand Institute.

Auckland Institute. Adams, J., B.A. Aickin, G. Aitken, A., C.E., Grahamstown Aitken, W. Allwright, H., C.E. Anderson, H. F. Anderson, W. Arney, Sir G. A. Atkin, Wm. Atkin, W. Baber, J., C.E., Remuera Ball, T., Mongonui Ball, W. T. Barber, H. P. Barnard, J. O. Barstow, R.C., R.M. Bartley, E., Devonport Bates, Rev. J., Devonport Batger, J. Beere, D. M., C.E. Beere, G. B., Hamilton Beetham, A., Epsom Bennett, T., Rotorua Biss, S. B. Black, G., Grahamstown Boylan, J. F. Brett, H. Brett, W. A., Maketu Brock, A. Broham, T., Christchurch Broun, Captain T., Whangarei Bruce, Rev. D. Buchanan, Jas. Buchanan, Jno. Buchanan, W. Buckland, W. F., Remuera Buddle, Rev. T. Buddle, T. *Burton, Captain, London Cameron, R. Cameron, W. Campbell, J. L., M.D. Carr, H. T., C.E. Carr, R. C., Remuera Cawkwell, W. J. Chamberlin, Hon. H. Chambers, J. Chapman, G. T. Cheeseman, T. F., F.L.S. Clark, A., Remuera Clark, J. M., Remuera Clarke, The Ven. Archdeacon E. B., Waimate Cooke, C. E. Cochrane, W. S., Devonport Colbeck, W. H. Cosgrave, J. Cotton, H. E. Cowie, The Right Rev. W. G., D.D., Bishop of Auckland Cox, A., Hamilton Cranwell, T. Crook, T., Mount Alber Cruickshank, D. B. Cunningham, J., Newmarket Daldy, W. C. Darby, P. Daveney, Captain B. Dawson, F. W. E., M.R.C.S.E. Day, R., M.D. Dickson, R. Dignan, P., M.H.R. Douglas, Sir R., Bart., M.H.R., Whangarei Dowden, W. Dyson, R. W. Earl, W. Edson, J. Elliott, W. Errington, W., C.E. Ewington, F. G. Fairburn, J., Otahuhu Fallon, D. Farmer, J., London Felkin, W., F.R.G.S., Onehunga Fenton, F. D. Fergusson, H. A. C., Cambridge Firth, J. C. Lloyd, W. H., Tauranga Fraser, G. Fraser, Rev. J. M., Napier George, H. R., Epsom George J. George, S. T., Kawau Gibbons, E., Onehunga Gillies, His Honour Mr. Justice Gittos, B. Goldsboro', C. F., M.D. Goodall, J., C.E., Timaru Goodfellow, W., Otara Gordon, W. P., Papakura Gorrie, W. Graham, G. S. Graham, W. K., London Green, Major Grey, J.

Grey, W. Greenway, J. H., Russell Hardie, J. Harding, S., C.E. Harrison, E. M. Hassard, Rev. R. S., M.A. Haultain, Hon. Col. Hay, D. Hay, J. Heale, T. Heather, A. Heslop, A. Henderson, T., junr. Henton, J. S. Herepath, P. Hesketh, E. Hill, W. J. Hobbs, R., Pokeno Holdship, G. Hooper, J. H., M.R.C.S.E. Howard, J. Howden, G. Hughes, S. E. Hunt, R. R., Ngarawahia Hunter, A. J. Hurst, W. J. Ireland, B. James, J., Epsom Johnston, G. Jones, S. Judd, A. Kinder, Rev. J., D.D. *Kirk, T., F.L.S., Wellington Kissling, G. S. Kissling, T. Kissling, W. H. Kitchen, G. Lamb, J., Riverhead Larkins, F., Remuera Larkworthy, F., London Lavers, G.H. *Leaf, C. J., F.L.S., S.A., G.S., London Lee, W., M.D. Lennox, J. M. Lindsay, J., C.E., Ngaruawahia Lodder, W., Remuera Lodge, W. F. Luckie, D. M. Luke, S., Otahuhu Lusk, H. H. MacCormick, J. C. Macdonald, A. V., C.E. Macfarland, R. J., C.E., Grahamstown Macffarlane, T. Mackechnie, E. A. Mackenzie, D. H. MacLaughlin, W., Papatoitoi MacLean, E., Howick Macmillan, C. E. Macrae, F. Mair, Captain G., F.L.S., Rotorua Mair, R., Whangarei Mair, Major W. G., Alexandra Maning, F. E., Hokianga Martin, J. Masefield, T. S. Maunsell, The Ven. Archdeacon W. *Meinertzhagen, F. M., Napier Mitchell, H., Ohinemutu Mitford, G. M. Moat, W., Mahurangi Morton, H. B. Morrin, T. Montgomery, T., Hamilton Monro, H. A. H. Moss, F. H. Mowbray, J. M. Murdoch, D. L. Nathan, L. D. Nation, Colonel Nelson, Rev. C. M., M.A. Newman, J. O'Rorke, G. M., Onehunga O'Sullivan, R. J. Owen, G. B. Palmer, H., Mahurangi Peacock, T. Perkins, E. Philips, C., Wellington Pierce, G. P. Pollen, Hon. D., M.D. Pollen, H. Pond, J. A. Pounds, J. E. Preece, J. W. Purchas, Rev. A. G., M.R.C.S.E., Newton Battray, W. Rayner, G., Coromandel Richmond, J. Roberton, J. Robertson, J., Mangare Rose, R., Newton Rubery, A., Newton Runciman, Jas., Cambridge Russell, Jas. Russell, J. B., Devonport Russell, T., C.M.G.

Rye, Lewis, Otamatea Sandes, R. F., Hamilton Sandes, T. G., Hamilton Scott, W., Peterangi Seccombe, J. C., Newmarket Sheath, A. Sinclair, A., Churchill Slatter, J., Epsom Smales, Rev. G., East Tamaki Smith, S. P. Spencer, T., Grahamstown Spicer, A. Stephens, Ingram, Remuera Stevenson, J. Y., Remuera Stewart, J., C.E. Stewart, T. M., Melbourne. Stockwell, W., M.R.C.S.E. Stone, C. J. Symons, J., Devonport Taylor, Hon. C. J. Taylor, J. Thomas, Captain Thomson, Neil, Mahurangi Thorne, G., junior Tilly, Lieut. T. C., R.N., Remuera *Tinne, H., Tamahere Tinne, T. F. S. Tole, J. L. Tomlinson, Rev. A. R., M.A., Onehunga Tonks, B. Tothill, C. Tunny, J. M. Tyler, E. K. Urquhart, A. T., Karaka Vickers, S. Von der Heyde, G. Waddington, E., M.D., Alexandra Wade, G. Walker, J.P., Sydney Waller, G. Wallis, Rev. J., M.D. Walker, R. Watt, J., Napier Waymouth, J. Wayte, E. Webster, J., Hokianga Weetman, S., Mongonui Weston, T. Epsom Whitaker, A. Whitaker, Hon. F. White, F. A. White, T. L. Whitson, R. W. Whitson, T. Wilcox, E. B. Will, W. Williams, H., Bay of Islands Williams, J. W., Bay of Islands Williams, W. H., Kawakawa Williams, Ven. Archdeacon W. L., Gisborne Williamson, Hon. J. Williamson, C. Wilson, D. C., Maungakaramea Wilson, Major J., Cambridge Winks, J. Wright, F. W., L.M.B., Toronto Worthington, H. Young, W. S., Kaipara. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. Acland, Hon. J., B.A. Anderson, John Anderson, John, junior Armson, W. B. Murray-Aynsley, H. P. Back, Dr. Baines, A. C. Bealey, S. Bickerton, A. W. Blakiston, A. F. N. Blakiston, C. R. Bowen, Hon. C. C. Bray, W. B. Brown, Professor Buckley, Hon. George Buller, Rev. J. Carruthers, W. D. Carrick, A. Clogstoun, Captain Condell, T. D. Coster, J. L. Corfe, C. C. Coward, Dr. Cook, Professor Cotterill, Henry Craig, David Davis, Richard Dixon, M. Douglas, Thomas Duncan, Andrew Duncan, Thomas S. Enys, J. D., F.G.S.

Farr, S. C. Fereday, R. W. Flavell, Rev. T. Foster, Dr. Fraser, Rev. C. Gilbert, Rev. H. J. C. Gould, George Gresson, H. B. Gresson, J. B. Guthrie, J. S. Haast, Professor von, Ph.D., F.R.S. Habens, Rev. W. J. Hall, G. W. Hall, Hon. J. Hall, T. W. Hanmer, Philip Henneh, H. H. Harper, The Right Rev. H. J. C., Primate Harper, Leonard Hart, George Hewlings, S. Hill, J. R. Holloway, J. Inglis, John Inwood, A. R. Jackson, Rev. R. S. Johnstone, H. B. Jollie, Edward Lane, W. H. Marshman, John Maskell, W. M. Maxwell, J. P. Macrae, J. P. Montgomery, William Mountfort, B. W. Ormsby, Arthur Palmer, Joseph Parker, G. B. Parker, Robert Potts, Thomas H. Powell, Dr. L. Prins, Dr. Reade, G. A. Rhodes, R. H. Rolleston, W., B.A. Ross, J. V. Sealey, E. P. Stack, Rev. W. Stafford, Hon. E. W. Strouts, F. Stedman, F. G. Tancred, H. J. Thornton, George Townsend, James Turnbull, J. S., M.D. Veel, J. Colborne Walker, L. Wakefield, C. M. Wason, Cathcart Webb, H. R. Wilkin, Robert Williams, J. S. Wilson, The Ven. Archdeacon Wilson, William Worthy, E. A. Wright, F. E. Wright, Thomas G. Otago Institute. Abel, H. J., Lawrence Adams, C. W., Christchurch Alexander, Dr. E. W. Armstrong, A. Arthur, W., C.E. Ashcroft, J. Banks, R. Bannerman, Rev. W., Clutha Barr, G. M., C.E. Batchelor, Dr. Bathgate, A. Bathgate, J., R.M. Beal, L. O. Bell, G. Beverly, A. Black, Professor J. G. Blair, Dr. D. Blair, W. N., C.E. Booth, B. S., Hamilton Borrows, Dr. Brent, D. Brent, S. Brown, G. F. Brown, J. E., Milton Brown, T. Brown, Dr. W. Brown, Dr. W., Palmerston Buchanan, N. L. Buckland, J. C., Waikouaiti Burn, Mrs. Burt, A. Butterworth, J. L. Campbell, E. Cargill, E. B.

Cargill, J. Chapman, C. R. Chapman, F. R. Chapman, H. S. Chapman, R. Clayton, S. Connell, J. A. Conyera, W. Cook, G., junior Cook, J. A. Coyle, J. E. F., C.E. Coughtrey, Dr. M. Cutten, W. H. Dasent, Rev. A., Patea Davidson, J. Davie, J. Davis, Rev. J. U. Dennison, T. C., C.E. Denniston, J. E. Dick, R. Dick, T. Douglas, J., Palmerston Duncan, G. S. Eliott, G. Eliott Fergus, T. Ferrier, G. Fish, H. S., jun. Fleming, Dr. A., Oamaru Forrester, T., Oamaru Fraser, W. Fulton, F. C. Fulton, J., West Taieri Gibbs, H. J, Gillies, Dr. J. Gillies, J. L. *Gillies, R. Glasgow, W. T. Glendinning, R. Grainger, Rev. E. H., Waikouaiti Grant, A. Grant, A. J. Grant, G. Haggitt, B. C. Hardy, H. F. Harris, J. C., Port Chalmers Harvey, Judge G. W. Hay, P. S. Hepburn, W. Hislop, J. Hislop, J. Hocken, Dr. T. M. Hodgkins, W. M. Holmes, A. Holmes, Hon. M. Hoyte, J. C. Howorth, H. Humphreys, E. W., Rock and Pillar *Hutton, Professor F. W. Jack, A. Hill Jeffcoat, F., Fairfield Jennings, E. *Joachim, G. Joel, M. Johnson, W., Waikari Kempthorne, T. W. Kettle, C. C. Larnach, Hon. W. J. M. Lawson, R. A. Logan, J. Logan, J. K. Logan, Captain P., Port Chalmers Lubecki, A. D. Maccassey, J. Macgregor, Professor D. Mackenzie, T. Mackie, Rev. L. Maitland, J. P. Marshall, J. Martin, W., Green Island Matheson, G. C. Matheson, J. C. May, J. T., Napier May, Mrs., Napier McArthur, J. A. McGregor, J., C.E. McKellar, D., Cromwell McKerras, J. T. McKerrow, J., Wellington McLaren, R. McLean, Hon. G. McLean, H. J. McLeod, W. Menlove, E., Oamaru Miller, G. Miller, J. A., Arrow Mills, James Montgomery, A. Muir, T. M. B. Murison, W. D. Murphy, Dr. Nevill, Right Rev. D.D., Bishop of Dunedin Norrie, W. O'Brien, G. Oliver, R. Oliver, T. O'Meagher, J., Oamaru Orbell, Mc L. C., Waikouaiti

Paulin, R. Penny, Rev. E., Christchurch Petre, F. W. Petrie, D. Prentice, N., Invercargill Prosser, E. Purdie, A. C. Purnell, C. W. Pyke, V., Cromwell Quick, E. E. C. Ramsay, K. Rattray, J. Reid, Hon. D. Reid, J., Elderslie Reith, J. Reynolds, Hon. W. H. Ridley, J. Ritchie, J. Mc F. Roberts, F. C., Clinton Roberts, J. Roberts, W. C. Rolland, A., Blackstone Hill Roseby, Rev. Dr. Ross, A. H. Ross, Rev. C. S., Anderson's Bay Ross, D. Ross, J. Russell, G. G. Sale, Professor G. S. Scott, Professor Shand, Professor J. Shaw, J., Balclutha Shaw, J. L. Shrimpton, J. G., Albert Town Sievwright, B. Simpson, D. L., C.E. Sinclair, J. R. Sise, G. L. Skey, H. Smith, A. W. Smith, J. Smith, W. C. Spence, E. J. Squires, H. L., Lawrence Stanford, Rev. R. L. Stevenson, J., Palmerston Stevenson, T. Stewart, A. Stewart, W. D. Stout, R. Street, C. H. Strode, A. R. C. Strode, C. E. Sutherland, Rev. J. M., North Taieri Tewsley, H. Thomson, Dr. A. T. Thomson, G. M. Thomson, J. C. Thomson, J. T., Wellington Thomson, P. Thoneman, L. Throp, B. Turton, G. K. Ussher, E. R. Wales, N. A. Walter, H. J. Watt, J. N. Webb, H. J. Webb, J. S. Welch, J. S., Akaroa Weldon, T. K. Whitson, T. W. White, J. Wilkie, J. Wilkins, Dr. Wilkinson, T. M. *Williams, His Honour Mr. Justice *Wohlers, Rev. J. F. H., Ruapuke Wilson, A. Wilson, J. Wood, J. Young, G. Young, W. A., Palmerston Nelson Association for the Promotion of Science and Industry Atkinson, A. S. Blundell, F. Bamford, E. Boor, Leonard, M.R.C.S. Broad, Charles Brown, Alexander Brown, C. Hunter Carter, Thomas, Wairau Catley, J. T. Collins, A. S. Cooper, W. M. Curtis, H. E. Dick, S. J. Dobson, A. D., C.E., Westport Farrelle, W. K., L.R.C.S.E. Fell, C. Y. Gabb, C. P. Grant, A.

Greenwood, J. D., M.D., Motueka Giles, Joseph, M.D., Westport Huddleston, F. Harley, Joseph Harley, William Hodgson, W. C. Howlett, W. F. Irvine, F. W., M.D., Kerr, Alexander, F.R.G.S. Lightband, G. W. Lowe, J. T. Mackay, A. Mackay, Joseph Mackay, Thomas, C.E. Maling, C. Moutray, J. C. Renwick, The Hon. T. Richardson, R. Richmond, J. C. Rough, D. Sadd, J. B. Sclanders, James Sealey, W. B., M.D. Shephard, J. Squires, W. W., M.D. Stafford, The Hon. E. W., F.R.G.S. Suter, The Right Rev. A. B., D.D., Bishop of Nelson Tatton, J. W. Thorpe, The Ven. Archdeacon R. J., M.A. Webb, Joseph Wells, William Williams, George, M.D. Westland Institute. Allen, Thomas Anderson, John Applebee, B. Banks, W. D. Barton, Wm. Beit, L. Bignell, Geo. Bonar, Hon. Jas. A. Bramwell, T. Brown, F. Brown, J. Brown, W. H. R. Button, C. E., M.H.R. Campbell, W. D. Campbell, R. Carrick, M. Chapman, G. Chesney, Jas. Christian, Thos. K. Churches, Joseph Clarke, F. E. Clarke, F. J. Clarke, James Clarkson, George Claussen, H. Cleary, W. M. Cole, E. C. Cook, Thomas Craig, James Cran, Peter Crerar, John Croft, T. O. M. Davidson, John Davidson, D. Dermott, Dr. Dixon, E. B. Dixon, John Duncan, Wm. Dyson, B. Easton, L. D. Ecclesfield, Thos. Eckmann, F. Eisfelder, F. Etheridge, A. F. F. Evans, James Featherstonhaugh, Dr. Federli, G. B. Ferguson, Robt. Gale, Thomas George, D. McKay Gibson, Edward Golding, William Gordon, J. Gow, John Grady, R. G. Gregory, George Gribben, H. Hall, John Hankins, J. H. Hansen, J. H. Harker, George Harris, J. P. Harris, Samuel Hawkes, J. H. Hawkins, G. F. Haworth, T. Heinz, W. Henderson, W.

Hine, F. W. Hiskins, H. Holmes, J. Horgan, C. Hughes, E. Jack, John James, Dr. James, W. H. Johnston, W. G. Jolly, J. Jupp, Edmund Keetwell, S. Keller, W. Kellock, J. Kenny, W. Kerr, W. D. King, A. H. King, Alexander Kirton, Robert Kortegast, W. C. J. Lange, John Learmont, Thomas Learmonth, F. A. Lemming, G. Lindemann, D. Livingstone, W. Lynch, D. Mainwaring, E. G. H. Malfroy, J. Mandl, Jos. Manson, John Martin, Rev. Father Martin, F. Maunders, J. Meyer, H. Morice, Rev. George Müller, G. Mulligan, James McBeth, James McDonald, D. McGowan, D. McGregor, D. McGuire, Thomas McFarlane, James M'Kenzie, W. S. McRae, A. Nicholson, John Northcroft, L. O'Connor, C. Y. Ouimette, George Park, James Pascoe, Rev. W. A. Paterson, G. A. Patterson, Charles Patterson, Thomas Patten, Edward Paul, Robert Paulden, — Peake, John Pearson, James Perry, William Pizzey, S. Plaisted, John Price, Matthew Procter, T. R. Parkiss, W. M. Rae, H. R. Raine, George Ramsay, W. Redgrave, A. H. Reid, Leo G. Reid, Robert C. Reynolds, William Rickard, F. Riley, William Roberts, G. J. Robinson, E. T. Robinson, H. L. Roebeck, C. F. G. Runcie, W. G. Russell, Rev. G. W. Sammons, E. B. Scott, Archibald Smith, John Smith, Henry Somerville, Alexander Soundy, R. South, M. F. South, S. M. Spence, Alexander Spence, W. A. Stenhouse, A. Stennard, — Stonebridge, J. Stringer, W. J. Tabart, F. C. Tait, John Turnbull, Captain Virtue, D. W. Wade, R. W. Walker, Robert West, E. Weston, His Honour Judge Willberg, —, senior Willberg, —, junior Williams, Jos. Williams, W.

Hawke bay Philosophical Institute. Balfour, D. P., Mangawhare Birch, A. S., Patea Birch, W. J., Little Flaxmere Brandon, S. G. Carnell, S. Carter, E., Wairoa Chambers, J., Te Mata Chambers, W., Poverty Bay Colenso, W. Colenso, R. L., England Colenso, W., junr., England Dolbel, P., Springfield Ferris, C. B., Poverty Bay Gannon, M. J., Poverty Bay Gibbes, J. M. Gilpin, T., Havelock Gollan, D. Gollan, K., Tarawera Gosnell, Mrs. L., Wairoa Harding, R., Waipukurau Hardy, S. W., Clive Holder, H. R. Hutchinson, M. Kennedy, A. Kinross, J. G. Lascelles, A. Levy, A., Norsewood Locke, S. Lowry, T., Okawa Luff, A., England MacLeod, A., Hampden McLean, R. D. Douglas Maney, R. D., Omahu May, Mrs. C. May, J. T. Meinertzhagen, F. H., Waimarama Miller, M. R. Nairn, J. C., Pourerere Nairn, H., Pourerere Nairn, J., Pourerere Newman, A. Newton, T. K. Oliver, G. A., Puketapu Ormond, The Hon. J. D. Peacock, G. Rearden, J. A. Rochfort, J. Ross, D., Seventy-Mile Bush Russell, A., England Russell, W. R., Flaxmere Smith, J. A. Spencer, W. I. Stewart, J., Tamumu St. Hill, A., Porangahau Stuart, R. Sturm, F. W. C., Clive Sutton, F., Royston Tanner, T., Riverslea Turley, J. Weber, C. H. Williams, J. N., Frimley Willis, G. Witty, J. W., Wairoa

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 10, 1877, Page xxvi

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Abstract of Meteorological Observations Taken at Delanasau, Bay of Islands, Bua, FIJI, For the Year ending 31st December, 1877, Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 10, 1877, Page xxvi

Abstract of Meteorological Observations Taken at Delanasau, Bay of Islands, Bua, FIJI, For the Year ending 31st December, 1877, Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 10, 1877, Page xxvi

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