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List of Donors July 1991 - June 1993

20th Association, Abbot Family, Ms Marilyn Abernethy, Ms Julie Adams, Mrs Alice B Addicott, Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Mr I Alderson, Alexandra Nursing Home, Mrs M H Alington, Dr Philip Allen, Dr Rod M Alley, Amalgamated Workers Union of NZ, Ambassador of Belgium, Ms Janet Ambler, Mr Howard P Anderson, Mr Harold J Anderson, Mrs Joan Anderson, Miss Joan Andrew, Mr Andrews, Anglican Pacifist Fellowship, NZ Branch, Anglican Parish of Kelburn, Ms Barbara Angus, APRA Ltd, Mr J W Apted, Mr H Courtney Archer, Archive of Maori & Pacific Music, Mr Arthur W Arculus, Mr Lex Arey, Mrs J Armstrong, Mr Lindsay Joseph Arthur, Arty Bee’s Bookshop, Mr E Asher, Miss Isabelle Ashforth, Mr Astridge, Auckland City Art Gallery, Auckland College of Education Library, Auckland Institute & Museum, Auckland Organists’ Assn Inc, Auckland Public Library, Australian International Development Asst. Bureau, Mr Peter Averi, Mr M J Axcell, Mrs Grace Ayson.

Mr Alain Babadzan, Ms Sylvia Bagnall, Mrs Rona Bailey, Mr W J H Baillie, Miss Olive Baldwin, Mr Murray Ball, I B Barber, Mr G S Barclay, Ms B Barendregt, Miss Margaret Barker, Mr John M Barrington, Mrs Jill Barton, Mr Phil Barton, Basis Publishers, Dr Michael Bassett, Mr Arthur P Bates, Dr F M Bateson, Mr C R Bauld, Mr R G Bauld, Ms Ann Beaglehole, Mrs Noela Beale (estate of), Mr Gary Bedggood, Dr C E Beeby, Dr Neil Begg, Mr Alan Bekhuis, Belfast Library & Society for Promoting Knowledge, Mr Barrie Belk, Mr Frank P Bell, Mr Lester Bell, Bell Gully Buddie Weir, Dr Michael Bellam, Mr Jim Courtney Bennett, Mrs Margaret Bennett, Professor James Bertram, Mrs Jean Bertram, Mr Jonathan Besser, Miss Marjorie Bevan, Ms Claire Bibby, Bible Society in New Zealand, Biblioteque Municipale Manoir, Mr Eric Biddington, Mr Les Bielski, Mr M R Biss, Mr Roger Blackley, Mr P W Blakeley, Miss Juliet E Blomfield, Mrs N I Blomfield, Mrs Colleen Bluett, Mrs R R Boaden, Rt Hon J B Bolger, Ms Jan Bolwell, Mr Lew Bond, Mr Malcolm Bond, Ms Jan Bonnett, Book Publishers Assn of NZ, Bookmakers, Ms Helen Bowie, Mr Nicholas Boyack, Mrs Geraldine M Boyce, BP New Zealand, Public Relations, Mrs Rosemary Brader, Mrs Muriel Agnes Bradshaw (estate of), Mrs Julie Bremner, Reverend David Brewster, Mrs Maureen Brider, Bridget Williams Books, Brierley Investments, British Review of NZ Studies, Dr Bob Brockie, Mr Peter Bromhead, Miss Nancy Bruce, Ms Claire Bruell, Mr Claude Buchanan, Mr John A C Buckland, Mr Geoffrey C Buckley, Buddie Findlay (Barristers & Solicitors), Mr John Budge, Mr B Burgess, Ms Marie Burgess, Mr RIM Burnett, Mr Neil G Burns, Ms V Burr, G F Burrow, Mr W B Burt, Mr Mike Burton, Mr Brian Busby, Bush Press, Ms Irene R Buxton, Mrs M M Byers.

C R Coleman (Chartered Accountants), Mr Geoffrey Cains, Sister Jean Caldwell, Cambridge Terrace Congregational Church, Dr C Cameron, Mr Ewen Cameron, Mr L A Cameron, Mrs M J Cameron, Mrs Claire Cameron, Ms Anne Fiona Campbell, Mrs I Campbell, Ms Margaret Campbell, Canterbury Museum, Canterbury Public Library, Canterbury Society of Arts, Mr Ross Carey, Mr Robert B Cargill, Ms Nellie Carkeek, Mrs June Carle, Carlsen Forlaget, Mr Edwin Carr, Mr Rex Carter, Mr S G Carter, Ms Valerie Carter, Carter Mayne (Barristers), Mr Stephen Carter-Hamilton, Mr John Casey, Ms Helen Caskie, Ms Jocelyn Cass, Mr A J Cassin, Mrs Judith Caton, Professor Roderick Cave, Cawthron Institute Library, CCANZ, Mr John Cegledy, Celebration of AgeTelethonTrust (1991), Cement & Concrete Assn of NZ, Centre for South Pacific Studies, University of NSW, Mr Tim Chamberlain, Dr Peter Charlesworth, Ms Colleen Charlton, Mr & Mrs Roy Charlton, Chilton Historical Trust, Mrs Jocelyn Chisholm, Church College of NZ Library, Church of the Province of NZ, Parish of Marton, Clan Cameron Society of NZ, Mr D W S Clark, Mr Laurence Clark, Mrs L V Clarke, Ms S Clarke, Ms N B Clayton, Mr R J Cleevely, Mrs Christine

Clement, Mr Clive Cockburn, Ms Patricia Cole (estate of), Mr John Coleman, Dr C M Collins, Mrs MT Colvin, Ministry of Commerce Library, Communicado, Communication & Energy Workers Union, Composers Assn of NZ, Concert FM, Conference of Churches in Aotearoa NZ, Mrs H C Cook, Mr Walter Cook, Cook Islands National Library, Ms Heather Cormack, Cornelsen Verlag, Mr Frank H Corner, Ms Robyn Corpe, Miss Norah Corson, Cosmos Publications, Mr Neil Cox, Crafts Council of NZ, Dr Michael D Crane, Mr Chris Cree Brown, Ms Pat Cressy, Mr R S Cretney, Mr Daryl Crimp, Ms Nancy Croad, Mr Alex Crocket, Mr Doug Crosado, Mr Colin Croskery, Mr Peter Crowe, Ms V Cryer, Mr A Cunningham, Mrs John Cunningham, Curriculum Development Centre, Mr Bob Currie and family, Customs Department, Mr William H Cutts.

Mr John Dacres-Manning, Mr James C Dakin, Mr L J Dangerfield, Daphne Brasell Associates, Mr Murray Darroch, David Bateman Ltd, Mr Gerald Douglas Davidson, Professor S N Davies, Mr D A Dawe, Ms Daphne de Jong, Professor Dennis Deans, Ms Diana B Deans, Defence & Aid for Southern Africa - NZ Branch, Defence Library, Mr John Delany, Dr R K Dell, Mr Jonathon Dennis, Ms Gill Denniston, Mrs Dola Derham, Mr Alan Deverel, Devonport Library, Didier, Diogenes Designs Limited, Distribution Workers Federation of NZ, Mrs Shay Docking, Dominion & Dominion Sunday Times, Mr Cliff Donaldson, Mrs Marsha Donaldson, Mrs Selena Drake, Ms Joan Druett, DSIR Hydrology Centre, Mrs Barbara Duggan, Ms Penelope Dunkley, Ms Celia Dunlop, Professor John Dunmore, Mrs Margaret E Dunne, Mr Ralph Dyer, Mrs M Dysart, Mrs Margaret Dysart.

Mr Stan Eales, Mrs Nola M Easdale, East Sussex County Council, Mrs Sandra Eastham, Mrs Lauris Edmund, Mr Clive Edney, Ministry of Education, Mr Doug Edwards, EFFEM Foods, Mr George Eiby (estate of), Elam School of Fine Arts, Mr Sam Elder, Mr Justice A AT Ellis, Mrs Enid Ellis, Ms M F Enright, Entomological Society of NZ, Environment & Conservation Organisations of NZ, Ms Elizabeth Esteve-Coll, Mr Malcolm Evans, Mrs Norma Evans, Evening Post, Ministry of External Relations & Trade Library.

Mr Peter Fabian, Fairlie Museum, Mr Ronald Fama, Mr & Mrs Roger &c Anne Fannin, Professor David Farquhar, Mrs Ivy Faulkner, Mr Sima A Feaki, Federated Mountain Clubs of NZ, Mr Ken Findlay, Mrs Miria Finny, Fin Sec, Ms Charlotte Fitzgerald, Mrs Ruth Flashoff, Lady Fleming, Fletcher Challenge, Mrs E S Flett, Ms Julie Foote & Mr Larry Hibbert, Forest & Bird Protection Society, Forest Research Institute Library, Ms Sue Forester, Mr Steve Forgo, Mrs Colleen Foster, Mr H F Foster, Mr Mike Foster, Ms Florence Fothergill, Mrs Thelma France, Ms Bridget Francois (estate of), Mr lan W Fraser, Mr J D Fraser, Ms Dorothy Freed, Professor Derek Freeman, Friends of Bolton Street Cemetery, Friends of the Nelson Library, Friends of the Turnbull Library, Ms Patricia Fry, Ms Joan Fryer, Mr Frank Fyfe.

Hon George F Gair, Dr D Carleton Gajdusek, Mr Ron Gale, Mrs Margaret Garland, Miss Jean Garner, Ms Theresa Garnett, Mr John Garraway, Ms Sarah Garshook, Gaylene Preston Productions, Gear Meat Company, Mr A Geidelberg, Mr P J Gibbons, Mr Rowan Gibbs, Mr Alistair Gilkison, Mrs Gilmour, Mr H Girschick, Mr W J Glasgow, Mr Mihael Glavan, Mr John Glendining, Mr Brian Glover, Mr G K Glynn, Miss I J Godfrey, Miss I Jane Godfrey, Ms Freda Goodall, Mr R S Gormack, Lady Grace, Ms Patricia Grace, Mr W D Grace, Ms Virginia Graham, Ms Alison Gray, Ms Joy Green, Mr Barrie Greenwood, Ms Belinda Greenwood, Mr R D Greenwood, Mr William M Grier, Mr Derek Griffis, Mr H J Gross, Mrs C M Gully, Mr R Graeme Gummer, Mrs Flora Gunn, Mr Ken Gunn.

Mrs Joyce Haigh, Hakluyt Society, Mr David Hamilton, Mr G S Hamilton, Ms Sandra Hamilton, Ms Win Hamilton, Hamilton Public Library, Mrs Sarah Hamilton-Ely, Dr J Hammond, Mrs J E Hansen, Mr Peter Harcourt, Ms Elsbeth Hardie, Dr Bruce Harding, Mr G D Harding, Mrs R E Harris, Mrs Margaret Harrison, Hart, Mr Alex Hart, Mr & Mrs

Eugene E Hatfield, Mrs Leone Hatherly, Ms Jane Haultain, Mr J W Heal, Department of Health, Mr Eric Heath, Ms Rosemary Helen Jane Heather, Hector Library, National Museum & Art Gallery, MrsJ RHelliwell, Mr Jim Henderson, Henry & William Williams Memorial Trust, Herald Communications Ltd, Ms Fiona Heron, Ms Zeta Hickey, Mrs Shona Highet, Mrs J Hilhorst, Mr Noel Hilliard, Mr Ivan Hilliker, Mr Geoffrey W J Hinds, Historical Branch, Internal Affairs, Mrs Juliet Hobbs, Mrs Iris Hoby, Ms Marian P Hodges, Mr Trace Hodgson, Mrs Beryl Hodren, Mr M H Holcroft, Rt Hon Lord Holderness, Dr H G Holland, Mrs Ellen Holmes, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Mr T J Horner, Mr Neville L Hoy, Mr Douglas George Hoy (estate of), Mr Jim Hubbard, Mr J B Hughes, Mr Jimmy Hume, Rt Hon Jonathan Hunt, Dr Judith Huntsman, Mr Patrick Alfred Hutchings.

ILO Office for South Pacific, Independent Newspapers, Institute of Social & Administrative Studies, USP, Department of Internal Affairs, Invercargill City Libraries, Mr H B H (Bert) Irvine, Professor Tom Isern, Mrs M R Izzett. Jacobs Florentine & Partners, Mr Bob Jefcoate, Mrs Jean Jefferson, Ms Toni Jeffreys, Ms Esmejenkin, Ms Pauline Jenkins, Mrs F Jennings, Mr Owen Jensen, Ms Kathleen Johnson, Mr J W Johnston, Mr Peter Johnstone, Mr Douglas Joines, Mrs Eleanor Jolly, Mr AGE Jones, Dr Edward G Jones, Mr Fred Jones, Mr H Cyril Jones, Mr Hugh T Jones, Mr Kevin Jones, Mrs Helen Jordan, Justice Department Library.

Kapiti Cooperating Parish (Methodist-Presbyterian), Karori Historical Society, Mr Kauraka Kauraka, Miss A M Kay, Very Reverend Father Thomas Kazich, Mr James Keen, Ms Rose Keith, Kelburn Municipal Croquet Club, Ms Sonia Kellett-Soutern, Ms Bernice Kelly, Mrs Shirley E Kendall, Kenepuru Hospital Board, Mr M R Kennedy, Mr Max Kennedy, Mr R E Kennedy, Mrs E K Kensington, Mr Chris Keyse, Ms Fiona Kidman, Kilbirnie School, Mr & Mrs R O Kimberley, Mr Francis King, Ms Jean A King, Ms June King, Mrs K Patricia King, Mrs P D King, Mrs D J Kingston, Ms A Kirk, Mr John Knox, Mrs Alison Kummer.

Department of Labour, Professor Marshall Laird, Sir George Laking, Lansdowne Presbyterian Church, Ms Iris Latham, Ms Alice Margaret Leaker, Learning Media, Mr W Lee, Ms Marie Leedham, Ms Margaret Leeves, Mr J Lennox-King, Mr Christopher Lethbridge, Ms Val Lewis, Professor Douglas Lilburn, Lilburn Trust, Mr R W Lithgow, Mr J Littlewood, Mr John Livesey, Ms Glenys Lloyd, Mrs J H Loader, Mr Martin Lodge, Mrs Helen Loftus, Mr Bill Logan, Ms Mary Logan, Mr H D London (estate of), Miss Winifred Long, Ms Thelma Lowndes, Mr David M Luke, Mrs P M Lundy, Lutheran Church of New Zealand, Mrs Nola Luxford Dolberg, Mrs Lynch.

Mr Andrew Macdonald, Ms Charlotte Macdonald, Miss B R S A (Allison) Mac Kay (estate of), Mackenzie Fed of Country Womens Institute, Mr Ivan J Mackersey, Miss Willow Macky, Ms Anne Mac Lean, Mr Rod MacLeod-Morrison, Ms Shona Dunlop MacTavish, Mr Paul Madgwick, MAF/Ag Library Info Centre, Ms Imelda Fama Magee (estate of), Mr John Magee (estate of), Magicana, Mr Paul Mahoney, Ms Margaret Mahy, Ms Ann Mallinson, Maniapoto Maori Trust Board, Ms Leigh Mann & Mr Trevor Brewer, Mr John Manoy, Maori Language Board, Ms Anne Marchant, Sister Marita LCM, Marlborough District Law Society, Marlborough Historical Society, Ms Elizabeth Marsden, Mr Brian Marshall, Mr John E Martin, Masterton Public Library, Dr Friedrich Materna, Mr Christopher Matthews, Dr Richard Ellis Ford Matthews, Mrs Judith May, Mrs Margaret Maynard, Mr Dennis Mayor, Mrs Columba Mcßride, Mrs Ann McCallum, Ms Janet McCallum, Mr Keri Tawhio McCleary, Mr Malcolm McCleary, Mr Eric McCormick, Mr Lindsay R McDonald, Mr Munro L B McDonald, Mr John McGee, Mrs Norma McGhie, Mr Lewis McGill, Mr Maurice E McGreal, Mr W K Mcllroy, Mrs Peggy Mclntyre, Mrs Gabrielle McLaughlin, Lee McLean, Mr lan R McLeay, Mrs J H McLeod, Mr G McMahon, Ms V McMullen, Mr Harvey McQueen, Ms Josephine Mead, Methodist Church of NZ-

Lower Hutt/Petone Parish, Methodist Church, Taranaki Street, Ms Julia Millen, Mrs Constance Miller, Mrs J Y Miller, Mr Ross Miller, Ms Marian Minson, Miramar Methodist Church, Ms Christina Mitchell, Mr David Mitchell, Mr Joseph Henry (Harry) Mitchell, Ms Ann Moffat, Mr Kevin Moffat, Mrs P Montrose, Mrs Margaret Moore, Mr Dennis Morgan, Ms Beverley J Morris, Mr Colin Morris, Mrs Jean M Morton, Mrs Angela Moss, Mr E E Moult, Mount Biggs School, Mount Cook School, Ms Mary Mountier, Mr Brian K Mountjoy, Mrs Anne Mulcock, Lady Muldoon, Mr R M D Munro, Mr Nigel Ralph Murphy, Mr Rodney Murphy, Ms Trish Murray, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Museum of NZ Te Papa Tongarewa, Mrs J Myers.

Mr Donald James Henry Nairn, National Archives, National Archives & Public Records Services, Papua New Guinea, National Art Gallery & Museum, National Council ofWomen of NZ, National Dance Archive of NZ, National Film & Sound Archive, National Forestry Library, National Library of Australia, National Museum of Natural History, National Rifle Assn of New Zealand (Inc.), Ms Sheila Natusch, Nelson Evening Mail, Nelson Polytechnic, Mr V C Newcombe, Newlands College, News Media (Auckland) Ltd, Mrs Hazel Sarah Newton, Mrs V A Newton, Dr James Ng, Ngati Koata Trust, Mr I Nicol, Miss Margaret Nielson, Mr A 1 Nisbet, Dr Philip Norman, Normandale Progressive Assn, Ms Margaret Northcroft, Northland Regional Museum, Mr Mizouri Nouari, NZ Breweries, NZ Cartoon Archive Trust, NZ Centre for Photography, NZ Clerical Workers Assn, NZ Clerical Workers Union, NZ Combined Trade Unions, NZ Council for Civil Liberties, NZ Council of Legal Education, NZ Council of Trade Unions, NZ Educational Institute, NZ Federation of Business & Professional Womens Clubs, NZ Federation of University Women, NZ Federation of University Women - Auckland Branch, NZ Film Archive, NZ Harbour Workers Union, NZ Herald, NZ Historic Places Trust, Waikato District Cttee, NZ Korean Veterans Assn, Ex-Malayan & Borneo Veterans Assn, NZ Vietnam Veterans Assn, NZ Labour PartyBlenheim Branch, NZ Library Assn, NZ Listener (1990) Ltd, NZ Locomotive Engineers Assn, NZ Manufacturers Federation (Inc), NZ Medical Womens Assn, NZ National Party, NZ Nurses Assn, NZ Oceanographic Institute, NZ Playcentre Federation, NZ Police Officers Guild, NZ Pork Industry Board, NZ Portrait Gallery, NZ Public Service Assn, NZ Rail Ltd Property, NZ Seafarers Union, NZ Society of Genealogists Inc, NZ Society of Genealogists, Hawera Group, NZ Society of Potters, NZ Trade Development Board, NZ Waterfront Workers Union, NZ WEA, NZ Women Writers Society, NZ Workers’ Educational Assn, NZ-US Arts Foundation, NZLA SUSS, NZLA-SLUGS.

MsTherese O’Connell, Father M O’Meeghan, Mr John S O’Neill, J G O’Shanesy, Mrs D Offenberger, Ms D M Ongley, Dr Brian Opie, Mr M F Orchiston, Dr Wayne Orchiston, Mrs Margaret Orr, Otago Daily Times, Dr Maurice Otley, Outward Bound Trust, Ms Judy Owen, Maya Oxley & Chris Lethbridge.

Paeroa Gazette, Mrs Mary C Paget, Pahiatua Fire Brigade, Ms Yvonne Paine, Ms Jill Palmer, Mr John Palmer, Mrs M D Parker, Ms Minette Parker, Parliamentary Library, Mr J W Parnham, Mrs M V Parton, Ms Mireille Pastoureau, Mr David Paterson, Ms C D Patrick, Ms Margaret G Patrick (estate of), Ms S M Patterson, Pax Forlag, Mr Bill Paynter, Mr Don Paynter, Professor John Pearn, Dr W H Pearson, PEN, Mr Pene, Penguin Books NZ, D V Perrin, Mr M C Perry, Bosco Peters (Vicar of Leeston), Mr Almuth Petersen-Roil, Jean Baptiste Piggin, Plimmer Family Reunion Committee, Mr A L Poole, Mr D R Porter, Post Office Union, Mr Arnott J Potter, Ms Susan Potter, Mr lan Powell, Mr R G Prebble, Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, Ms Ivy Preston, Ms Susan Price, Ms Dinah Priestly, Mr Michael J Pringle, Ms Carol Prockter, Mrs Penny Pruden, Dr Chris Pugsley, Putaruru Press, Qantas Airways Limited, QEII Arts Council of New Zealand, QEII Arts Council Research & Information.

Quantas Airways, Mr John Quilter, Mr J Quinn, Ms Sue Quinn.

R Hannah & Co Ltd, Radio NZ, Wellington, Miss Patricia M Ralph, Mrs A C Ralston, Mr Bruce Ralston, Mr William Ramsay, Mr Jeremy Ramsden, Ms Carol Rankin, Rawene Public Library, Mr Hussein Rawlings, Reed Books, Reed Publishing, Mr H A Reeves (estate of), Mrs Marion Rego, Mrs Brian M Reid, Ms Joan Reid, Religious Society of Friends, Mr Hugh Rennie, Reserve Bank of NZ Library, Mr David Retter, Review Publications Pty Ltd, Mr Gordon G Reynolds, Mrs M J Rhodes, Mr Rhys Richards, Mr Elwyns Richardson, Mr John R Richardson, Ms Joyce Richardson, Mr Fred G Richnow, Ms Hannah Ritchie (estate of), Riverside Community, Robert McDougall Art Gallery, Mr H S Roberts, Professor John Roberts, Mrs C Robertson, Ms Mary Louise Robertson, Mrs Oswalda Robertson, Ms Phyllis Maude Robieson (estate of), Mr P F Robinson, Mrs K Robson, Mrs Katharine E Robson, Mr Mike Robson, Mr Nigel Robson, Mr Norman Nelson Rodley, Miss Sharon Roe, Mr Frank Rogers, Ms Margaret Rogers, Miss Jan Roseneder, Ms Odeda Rosenthal, Mr Malcolm Ross, Miss Muriel Ross, Mrs M Rosser, Mr H Roth, Mrs Carol Rowan, Mr Tim Rowberry, Mrs Shirley Rowe, Mr Charles Royal, Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of NZ Inc, Royal NZ Institute of Horticulture, Royal Society of NZ, Royal Society of NZ, Wellington Branch, Ruapehu Ski Club (Inc), Ms Louise Rummell, Mrs P K Ryan, Mr Paul Ryan, Mr Bill Ryan (estate of).

Ms Margaret Lawrence Salas, Mr Brian Salkeld, Mr Bernard Michael Salmon, Dr Anne Salmond, Ms Rachel Salmond, Salvation Army, Professor Lyman Tower Sargent, Mr Peter L Savage, Mr Sid Scales, Mr Ron J Scarlott, Mr Bob Scates, Schola Polyphonica, Mr Hans Schramm, Mr lan Scott, Mrs Margaret Scott, Mrs P M Scott, Mr Tom Scott, Mrs Jocelyn Scrymgeour, Ms Angela Sears, Mr Athol Seccombe, Miss Mary Seddon, Mr Hadlow Seed, Mr WM Sellar, Mr Harry Seresin, Service Workers Federation, Ms Maisie Shankland, Mrs Claudia Shanks, Mr Peter Sharpe, Rev AT Shaw, Mr Geoffrey C Shaw, Miss Darea Sherratt, Ms Lynette Shum, Ms Judy Siers, Ms Bronwyn Simes, Mr Alan Renfrew Simm, Ms Beverley Simmons, Ms Adrienne Simpson, Miss Miria Simpson, Mr R S V Simpson, Canon Richard Simpson, Professor Keith V Sinclair, Sisters of Compassion, Lady Beryl Smedley, Mr Douglas Alexander Smith, Mrs Elsie Smith, Mrs Gabrielle Smith, Mr L G Smith, Ms Margaret Smith, Ms Janet Snell, Department of Social Welfare Information Centre, Society for Research on Women, South Taranaki District Council, Ms Anna Southern, Mr William D Southgate, Mrs Elizabeth M Spicer, Dr Paul Spoonley, Mrs Eleanor Spragg, St Andrews on the Terrace, Wellington, St Augustines Church, St Peter’s Church (Wellington), Mr L C Stafifan, Mrs E G Stahl, Mrs Elfrida Stallard, Mr Paul Star, Mrs June Starke, Mr R M Startup, State Insurance Limited, State Library of Victoria, State Services Commission Information Centre, Department of Statistics, Ms Kath Stevens, Ms Miriam Stevens, Mrs Phyl M Stewart, Mr Bill Stirrup, Mr B D Stokes, Dr Evelyn Stokes, Mr C K, Dr A R & Prof R G Stone, Stout Research Centre, Ms Catherine Styles, Mr J Sullivan, Mr Jim Sullivan, Mrs J T Swann, Ms Catherine M Syme, Ms Sally Symes.

Takapuna Public Library, Taki Rua Depot Theatre, Taranaki Museum, Tauranga Vananga, Ministry of Cultural Development, Rarotonga, Mrs Elizabeth F Taylor, Mrs Janet Taylor, Miss Noeline J Taylor, Te Awamutu District Museum, Te Puni Kokiri (Ministry of Maori Development), Te Wananga o Raukawa (Otaki), Telecom Museum & Archives, Mr Vince Terreni, Thespians (Inc), Mr J U Thiele, Mr A F Thomas, Mr Malcolm Thomas, Miss Sylvia E Thomas, Mme Annette Thompson, Mr F C Thompson, Mr John Thompson, Mr Paul Thompson, Mr J M Thomson, Mr Douglas MThorsen, Mrs Ann Tiffen, Ms Hilda A Timms, Mr Hugh Todd, Ms Jane Tolerton, Ms Rosemarie Tonk, Ms Josephine Towsey, Trade Union History Project, Mr James ETraue, Mr Garrick Tremain, Dr Ronald Tremain, MrT ATrevelyan, Mr lan Trotman, Trustees of Central Power (Tararua Trustees), Ms Shirley Tunnicliff, Turakina Maori Girls College, Turnbull House Council, Mr Fred Turnovsky, Mr T G L Twiss.

University of Auckland Library, University of Canterbury, University of Canterbury Library, University of Canterbury School of Music, University of Guam, University of Hawaii at Manoa, University of Otago Science Librarian, University of the South Pacific, University of the South Pacific - Nauru Centre, University of Waikato Library, Ms Diana Unwin. Mrs Alison I Vallance, Mr Terry Vaughan, Mrs M Vereker-Bindon, Ms Margaret & Elspeth Vernon & Clark, Ms Jane Vial, Leslie Vinsen (estate of).

Wainuiomata Historical Society, Mr Robert Walker, Mr David Walter, Mr Basil Ward, Mr C G R Ward, Ms Marilyn Waring, Mr Hugh Warnes, Mrs Carolyn Wasley, Mr Roger Watkins, Ms Pam Watson, Mr Robin Watts & Ms Sue Stover, Mr Murray Webb, Mr John P Webster, Mr Paul Webster, Mr Jim Weir, Miss Keitha Weir, Ms Joan Welch, Wellington Chamber Music Society, Wellington City Council, Wellington City Transport, Wellington Dictrict Law Society, Wellington Free Kindergarten Graduates Assn, Wellington High School, Wellington Historical & Early Settlers Association, Wellington Regional Orchestra, Wellington Speaking Union, Wellington Technical College, Wellington Workers’ Educational Assn, Mrs Joan Wellman, Mr Robert E Wells, Mr R S Welly, Wesley Methodist Church, Western Bay of Plenty District Council, Western Province, Cultural Affairs Office, Westpac Banking Corporation Archives, Ans Westra, Whakatane District Museum & Gallery, Whakatane Historical Society, Mr David White, Miss Freda White, Sir John White, Miss Judith White, Ms Mary White, Mr Michael White, Mrs Joan Whiteley Rawson (estate of), Mr H W Wickham, Mr Ross Wilkes, William Georgetti Scholarship Board, Ms Bridget Williams, Dale Williams, Mr Haare Williams, Ms K S Williams, Mr George Wilson, Mr J G Wilson, Mrs Ruth Wilson, Mr David Wilton, Ms Elizabeth Winter, Mr Mark Winter, Ms Megan Wishart, Women Against Rugby, Women with Benefits Network, Womens Division Federated Farmers, Ms Kitty Wood, Miss Melva Wood, Mr John Woodcock, Mrs Carol Woodward, Workbridge, Works Consultancy Services Ltd, World Wide Fund for Nature, Mr Bill Wrathall, Mrs Katherine Wright (estate of).

Mrs Barbara Yaldwyn, Dr J C Yaldwyn, Mr David Yerex, Mr Ken Young, Mr Peter Yu, Yugoslav Genealogical and Historical Society. Mrs Chris Zalewski.

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Turnbull Library Record, Volume 26, Issue 1, 1 January 1993, Page 101

Word Count

List of Donors July 1991 – June 1993 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 26, Issue 1, 1 January 1993, Page 101

List of Donors July 1991 – June 1993 Turnbull Library Record, Volume 26, Issue 1, 1 January 1993, Page 101